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My Self

see under Mind Magic

Mysterious Suspense Stories

Country: UK
Total Issues: 6

Issues & Index Sources:  Sep-2016 – Oct-2020: Crime Fiction Index
Publishers:   Rainfall Books
Editors:   John B. Ford & Steve Lines
Formats:   A5
Prices:   £4.00

Issue Checklist

The Mysterious Traveler Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 5

A mixed-genre magazine, inspired by the weekly radio show.

Issues & Index Sources:  #1, 1951 – #5, 1952: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Grace Publishing, NY
Editors:   Robert Arthur
Formats:   digest
Prices:   35c
Pagecounts:   160pp
Frequency:   bimonthly
Related Sites:   Science Fiction Encyclopedia
Mentioned in:   Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

The Mysterious Wu Fang

Country: US
Total Issues: 7

A character pulp. The lead novels are usually SF in nature, but the back up stories almost never are.

Issues & Index Sources:  Sep-1935 – Mar-1936: Adventure Fiction Index
Pulp Magazine Index 1
Publishers:   Popular Publications, NY
Editors:   Edith Seims
Formats:   standard pulp
Prices:   10c
Pagecounts:   128pp
Frequency:   monthly
Related Sites:   Science Fiction Encyclopedia
Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

The Mysterious Wu Fang (Canada)

Country: Canada

Canadian reprint edition of The Mysterious Wu Fang.

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1936: Adventure Fiction Index (Missing: all issues)
Formats:   standard pulp
Issue Checklist

Mystery [1979]

Country: US
Total Issues: 11

Mystery started in 1979 as a limited-distribution title, shifting to a nationally-distributed, slick, quarto-sized, magazine in January 1981. After 9 issues it converted to a digest, closing after a further two issues.

Issues & Index Sources:  Nov/Dec-1979 – Jul-1982: Crime Fiction Index
Publishers:   Mystery Magazine Inc., Glendale
Editors:   Stephen L. Smoke to #4, then Thomas Godfrey
Formats:   slick (last two issues digest)
Prices:   $2.00 (last two issues $1.95)
Pagecounts:   64pp (last two issues 96pp)
Frequency:   bimonthly then quarterly
Mentioned in:   Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Mystery [1932]

see also under The Illustrated Detective Magazine

Mystery Adventure(s) (Magazine)

see under New Mystery Adventures

Mystery and Detection

Country: UK
Total Issues: 9

One of several pulp reprint magazines issued by World's Work as a spin-off from the Master Thriller series where the first Tales of Mystery and Detection had appeared in March 1934.

Issues & Index Sources:  #1, 1934 – Oct-1935: Crime Fiction Index
Publishers:   The World's Work (1913), Ltd., Kingswood, Surrey, England.
Editors:   probably H. Norman Evans
Formats:   pulp
Prices:   1/-
Pagecounts:   128pp
Frequency:   may have started quarterly, but monthly from Apr-1935
Mentioned in:   The Age of the Storytellers
Issue Checklist

Mystery Book Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 32+2=34

Mystery Book Magazine started life as a high quality digest magazine that achieved very positive reviews, but disappointing sales. It started as a monthly in 1945, dropped back to a bimonthly in schedule in 1947 and then in August 1947 dropped to a quarterly schedule and changed to a pulp format. After three years, with its fortunes failing, it changed its name dramatically to Giant Detective but folded after a mere two issues under that name.

Issues & Index Sources

  Jul-1945 – Summer 1950: Crime Fiction Index
  Fall 1950 – Winter 1951, as Giant Detective: Crime Fiction Index
Pulp Magazine Index 2


  Jul-1945 – Jan-1946: William H. Wise & Co., Inc. (Standard Magazines), 50 West 47th Street, New York, NY
  Feb-1946 – May-1947: Mystery Club, Inc. (Standard Magazines), 4600 Diversey Avenue, Chicago, IL
  Fall 1947 – Spring 1949: Best Publications, Inc. (Standard Magazines), 4600 Diversey Avenue, Chicago, IL
  Summer 1949 – Summer 1950: Best Publications, Inc. (Standard Magazines), 29 Worthing Street, Springfield, MA; and later at 1125 E. Vaile Street, Kokomo, IN


  Leo Margulies


  Jul-1945 – May-1947: digest
  Aug-1947 – Winter 1951: pulp




  Jul-1945 – Nov-1946: monthly
  Jan-1947 – May-1947: bimonthly
  Aug-1947 – Winter 1951: quarterly

Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Mystery Book Magazine (Canada)

Country: Canada

Canadian reprint edition of Mystery Book Magazine.

Issues & Index Sources

  in 1940s: Crime Fiction Index (Missing: all issues)
  Fall 1950 – Winter 1951, as Giant Detective (Canada): Crime Fiction Index (Missing: all issues)


  standard pulp

Mentioned in:   The Pulpster #11, 2001
Issue Checklist

Mystery Buff Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 2?

Short-lived magazine featuring fiction, non-fiction, contests, news, gossip. Published in the late 1990s, but number and dates of issues not known.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1990s?: Crime Fiction Index (Missing: all issues)
Publishers:   Felita Daniels, Publisher, 304 Lover's Lane, Townsend, TN 37882
Issue Checklist

Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem

Country: US
Total Issues: 20 (as at Jan-2025)

A quarterly mystery magazine featuring a closed Syndicate of over a dozen mystery authors, writing stories inspired by a single theme.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jul-2020 – present: Crime Fiction Index (Missing: any after #20, Nov-2024)
Publishers:   Knotted Road Press
Frequency:   monthly; quarterly
Issue Checklist

Mystery Crime Cases

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1?

One of the many undated "one shot" magazines published in the UK in the years after the Second World War. Third in a loose series with Crime Confessions, Phantom Detective Cases and Dynamic Detective Cases.

Issues & Index Sources:  Nov-1948: Crime Fiction Index
Publishers:   John Spencer & Co.
Prices:   1/-
Pagecounts:   32pp
Issue Checklist

Mystery Detective (UK)

see under Street & Smith's Shadow Mystery Magazine (UK)

Mystery Detective (Stories) (Canada)

Country: Canada
Total Issues: 6?

Original Canadian magazine that seems to have run for at least six issues in the 1940s, possibly in a variety of formats. The title also seems to drift between Mystery Detective, Mystery Detective Magazine, and Mystery Detective Stories.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1940s?: Crime Fiction Index (Missing: all except #3 & #6)
Publishers:   Super Publications
Editors:   Lou W. Ruby
Formats:   pulp
Prices:   10c
Pagecounts:   32pp
Issue Checklist

Mystery Digest

Country: US
Total Issues: 41

Mystery Digest was one of the more successful digest magazines, publishing an impressive array of stories and authors.

Issues & Index Sources

  May-1957 – May/Jun-1963: Crime Fiction Index


  Filosa Publications, NY, first 2 issues; then Shelton Publishing, NY.


  May-1957 – Jul-1957: Rolfe Passer
  Sep-1957 – Mar-1958: Joseph Commings
  May-1958 – Feb-1959: William MacFarlane
  Mar-1959 – Dec-1959: Donald E. Westlake
  Jan/Feb-1960: Jon A. Tetra
  Mar/Apr-1960 – May/Jun-1963: Rolfe Passer






  128pp (reduced to 96pp)


  bimonthly, except monthly Nov-1958 - Jun-1959

Mentioned in:   Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Mystery Island Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 5

Small-press print magazine focussing on a different theme each issue, containing art, articles, essays, poems, and short stories. Known issues include:

#1, Summer 2004: Walking the Plank (Johnny Cash tribute) #2, Autumn 2004: Bottled at the Source (the "All Blues" issue) #3, Winter 2004: Rocket Party (Star Trek tribute) #4, Spring 2005: Pinheads from Mars (the "Punk Rock" issue) #5, Summer 2005: Love & Sadistic Dharma (Hunter S. Thompson tribute)

Issues & Index Sources:  Summer 2004 – Summer 2005
Publishers:   Mystery Island, 384 Windward Way, Sacramento CA 95831
Editors:   Nicky Clifton
Formats:   8.5" x 11"
Prices:   $4.99
Frequency:   quarterly

Mystery League

Country: US
Total Issues: 4

Created by "Ellery Queen" (Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee) just three years after their first successful book , Mystery League was an attempt to produce a magazine that would publish only quality fiction. While the quality was indeed high, so was the price and with the state of the economy at the time it was doomed from the start and folded after only four issues.

A fifth issue was assembled, but not printed.

Issues & Index Sources:  Oct-1933 – Jan-1934: Crime Fiction Index
Publishers:   Mystery League Publishers, Inc., 4600 Diversey Avenue, Chicago, IL
Editors:   Ellery Queen
Formats:   large pulp
Prices:   25c
Pagecounts:   160pp
Frequency:   monthly
Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Mystery Magazine [1917]

Country: US
Total Issues: 195+21=216

Mystery Magazine was one of the earliest crime pulps, first appearing in November 1917, a mere two years after Street & Smith's Detective Story Magazine. It ran for seven years on a twice-monthly schedule, featuring undistinguished stories by undistinguished authors. It then vanished for a year, returning in 1926 for a further 12 twice-monthly issues.

There was then a further hiatus before it restarted, under a new publisher, on a monthly schedule, publishing a much wider range of detective and mystery-suspense stories (including some science fiction). After only ten issues, it changed its name to Mystery Stories, but only lasted a further two years before folding.

The title was then acquired by Street & Smith and merged into Best Detective Magazine.

Issues & Index Sources

  15-Nov-1917 – Aug-1927: Crime Fiction Index
  Sep-1927 – May-1929, as Mystery Stories: Crime Fiction Index


  15-Nov-1917 – 1-Mar-1922: Frank Tousey, Publisher
  15-Mar-1922 – 15-Jan-1925: Harry E. Wolff, Publisher
  15-Jan-1926 – 1-Jul-1926: Mystery Magazine Company
  Oct-1926 – May-1929: The Priscilla Company


  Luis P. Senarens to 1924, then Robert Simpson


  1917 – 1925: dime novel format
  1925 – 1929: pulp


  1917 – 1925: 10c


  1917 – 1925: 64pp


  twice monthly to 1-Jul-1926, though no issues appeared between 15-Jan-1925 and 15-Jan-1926; monthly from Oct-1926

Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines

Online Sources

  Villanova University
Issue Checklist

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