The FictionMags Index
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ROSS, WARD; pseudonym of John Russell Fearn, (1908-1960); other pseudonyms Geoffrey Armstrong, Thornton Ayre, Morton Boyce, Dennis Clive, John Cotton, Polton Cross, Mark Denholm, Douglas Dodd, Sheridan Drew, Max Elton, Malcolm Hartley, Frank Jones, Marvin Kayne, Diana Kenyon, Clem Larson, Herbert Lloyd, Dom Passante, Francis Rose, Frank Rose, Frank Russell, Vargo Statten, K. Thomas, John Wernheim & Ephriam Winiki (stories)
ROSSETTI, GABRIEL (Charles Dante) (1828-1882) (stories)
- Saint Agnes of Intercession (ss) The Germ 1849
- Hand and Soul (ss) The Germ Jan 1850
- Ballad of Dead Ladies, by François Villon (pm) Poems, Roberts Brothers 1870; translated from the French (Ballade des Dames du Temps Jadis, Le Testament, 1461).
- Beauty and the Bird (pm) Poems, Roberts Brothers 1870
- Loves Bawbles (pm) Poems, Roberts Brothers 1870
- Sudden Light (pm) Poems, Roberts Brothers 1870
- To Death, of His Lady, by François Villon (pm) Poems, Roberts Brothers 1870
- A Venetian Pastoral. By Giorgiona (pm) Poems, Roberts Brothers 1870
- The Woodspurge (pm) Poems, Roberts Brothers 1870
- Down Stream (pm) The Dark Blue Oct 1871
- Place de la Bastille, Paris (pm) The Atlantic Monthly Oct 1881
- Autumn Idleness (pm) Ballads and Sonnets, F. S. Ellis 1881
- A Superscription (pm) Ballads and Sonnets, F. S. Ellis 1881
- Three Shadows (pm) Ballads and Sonnets, F. S. Ellis 1881
- Infinite Love (music by Maude Valérie White) (sg) The Strand Magazine Oct 1892
- He Jests Concerning His Poverty, by Bartolomeo di SantAngelo (pm)
- The Language of Flowers (pm)
- Lost Days (pm), uncredited.
- My Fathers Close (pm)
- Of Caution, by Francesco da Barberino (pm)
- Sonnet, by Guido Cavalcanti (pm)
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