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KAYE, MARVIN (stories) (continued)
- Immortalism: The Long-Range View: VI: The Gospel According to GBS (ar) Thrust Win 1988
- Thanatopsis (pm) Weird Tales Sum 1988
- Immortalism: The Long-Range View: VII: Meaning Beyond Meaning (ar) Thrust Sum 1988
- Lovedeath (vi) Fantasy Macabre #11 1988
- Weird Tales, the Magazine That Never Dies (ms) Weird Tales Spr 1991
- Happy Hour (ss) Fantasy Tales, #6, ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson 1991
- Through the Lens (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Spr 1999, etc.
- (mr) Aboriginal Science Fiction Sum 2000, etc.
- The Best Is Yet to Come: Facing Mars (ar) Absolute Magnitude & Aboriginal Science Fiction Spr 2002
- The Outsiders Desk (ed) H.P. Lovecrafts Magazine of Horror Spr 2004, etc.
- The Outsider (ed) H.P. Lovecrafts Magazine of Horror Fll 2006, etc.
- Transcription of the Ask the Editors Panel at LunaCon 2007 [with Hildy Silverman, John Joseph Adams, Douglas Cohen & Wendy S. Delmater] (ed) Abyss & Apex #22 2007
- From Watsons Scrapbook [with John H. Watson] (ed) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Win 2008, etc.
- From Watsons Scrapbook (ed) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Spr 2012
- The Eyrie [with John Harlacher] (ed) Weird Tales Fll 2012
- From Watsons Scrapbook [with John H. Watson] (ed) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Fll 2012
- Personal Memories of Ray Bradbury (ar) Weird Tales Fll 2012
- From Watsons Scrapbook [with John H. Watson] (ed) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Mar/Apr 2014, etc.
- I Never Called Him Pete (ar) Weird Tales Spr 2014
- Lovecrafts Lasting Legacy (sy) The Pulpster #24 2015
- From Watsons Notebooks [with John H. Watson] (ed) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #21 2016, etc.
- A Tight Fit (ss) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #21 2016 [Nero Wolfe & Archie Goodwin]
- The Purloined Platypus (ss) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #22 2017 [Nero Wolfe & Archie Goodwin]
- The Babies in the Blizzard (ss) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #23 2017 [Nero Wolfe & Archie Goodwin]
- Nero Wolfe, Pro Bono (ss) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #24 2018 [Nero Wolfe & Archie Goodwin]
- Post No Bulls (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Jul/Aug 2018 [Nero Wolfe & Archie Goodwin]
- Murder at a Military Funeral (ss) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #26 2018 [Nero Wolfe & Archie Goodwin]
- Games (gr) Galileo; #9, 11/12-17.
- 2020 (mr) Galileo; #15.
KAYNE, MARVIN; pseudonym of John Russell Fearn, (1908-1960); other pseudonyms Geoffrey Armstrong, Thornton Ayre, Morton Boyce, Dennis Clive, John Cotton, Polton Cross, Mark Denholm, Douglas Dodd, Sheridan Drew, Max Elton, Malcolm Hartley, Frank Jones, Diana Kenyon, Clem Larson, Herbert Lloyd, Dom Passante, Francis Rose, Frank Rose, Ward Ross, Frank Russell, Vargo Statten, K. Thomas, John Wernheim & Ephriam Winiki (stories)
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