The FictionMags Index
Chronological List
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LUPOFF, RICHARD A(llen) (1935- ); see pseudonyms Ova Hamlet & Addison Steele, II (stories)
- Valuable Suggestion? (lt) Amazing Stories Aug 1952
- Fanoclasts (ar) Bastion Spr 1962
- Burroughs and His Fans (ar) Antiquarian Bookman Nov 25 1963
- Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) (ar) Antiquarian Bookman Nov 25 1963
- A Further Note on Edwin Edgar Lester Rice Arnold Burroughs (ar) Amra v2 #42 1966
- Technological Extrapolation in the Era of Enlightened Rigor (ar) Lighthouse Aug 1967
- [letter] (lt) Riverside Quarterly Aug 1967
- Leibers Three Challenges (br) Amra v2 #44 1967; review of Tarzan and the Valley of Gold, by Fritz Leiber.
- At the Esquire (ss) The Dude Nov 1968
- Stream of Consciousness (ss) Crawdaddy Jun 1969
- Man Swings SF (ss) Fantastic Oct 1969
- The Case of the Doctor Who Had No Business (ss) Startling Mystery Stories Win 1969
- The Wizard of Atala (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Apr 1970
- Dave van Arnam Starmind (br) Amazing Stories May 1970
- William A. Darity, Jr. The Shades of Time (br) Amazing Stories May 1970
- The Future in Books [with Ted White] (rc) Amazing Stories Nov 1970
- Robert M. Philmus Into the Unknown (br) Amazing Stories Nov 1970
- Sam Moskowitz, ed. Under the Moons of Mars (br) Amazing Stories Nov 1970
- Time Dog (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Nov 1970
- The Heyworth Fragment (ss) Amazing Stories Jan 1972
- Lupoffs Book Week (br) Algol #21 1973, etc.
- Review: A Wizard of Earthsea, by Ursula K. Le Guin (br) Algol #21 1973
- Review: From Elfland to Poughkeepsie, by Ursula K. Le Guin (br) Algol #21 1973
- Review: The Farthest Shore, by Ursula K. Le Guin (br) Algol #21 1973
- Review: The Tombs of Atuan, by Ursula K. Le Guin (br) Algol #21 1973
- 12:01 P.M. (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Dec 1973 [Myron Castleman]
- The Whole Truth: Richard Lupoff Interviews Roger Elwood (iv) Algol #22 1974
- Whatever Happened to Nick Neptune? (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jun 1974
- With the Evening News (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Feb 1975
- You Cant Say That! The Wandering Review (ar) Science Fiction Review #12 1975
- [comment on Ben Bova letter] (ms) Science Fiction Review #14 1975
- 2000 A.D.: Illustrations from the Golden Age of Science Fiction Pulps, by Jacques Sadoul (br) Science Fiction Review #16 1976
- Alternate Worlds: The Illustrated History of Science Fiction, by James E. Gunn (br) Science Fiction Review #16 1976
- Fantastic Science-Fiction Art, 1926-1954, by Lester del Rey (br) Science Fiction Review #16 1976
- The Literary Masochist (cl) Science Fiction Review #16 1976
- One Hundred Years of Science Fiction Illustration, by Anthony Frewin (br) Science Fiction Review #16 1976
- Say, Didnt I See You at Last Years Midwestcon? (br) Science Fiction Review #16 1976; review of Now You See It/Him/Them..., by Gene DeWeese & Robert Coulson.
- Science Fiction Art, by Brian W. Aldiss (br) Science Fiction Review #16 1976
- The Science Fiction Book, by Franz Rottensteiner (br) Science Fiction Review #16 1976
- Algols People (bg) Algol #26 1976
- Richard Lupoffs Book Week (br) Algol #26 1976, etc.
- The Square Root of Dead [with Michael J. Kurland] (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine Sep 1976
- The Bentfin Boomer Girl Comes Thru (nv) Amazing Stories Mar 1977 [Bentfin Boomers]
- The Childs Story (ss) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine Sep 1977
- The Whisperers (ss) Fantastic Sep 1977
- Discovery of the Ghooric ZoneMarch 15, 2337 (nv) Chrysalis, ed. Roy Torgeson, Zebra 1977
- Nebogipfel at the End of Time (ss) Heavy Metal Sep 1978
- Avec le Journal du Soir (nv) Fiction (France) Oct 1978; translated from the English (With the Evening News, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1975).; translated by Claudine Arcilla Borraz.
- The NEW New Picture of the Solar System (ar) Arena SF #8 1978
- Alicia Austins Age of Dreams (br) Starship #35 1979
- Another Fine Myth..., by Robert Lynn Asprin (br) Starship #35 1979
- Bazaar of the Bizarre, by Fritz Leiber (br) Starship #35 1979
- Beauty and the Beasts: The Art of Hannes Bok (br) Starship #35 1979
- Beloved Son, by George Turner (br) Starship #35 1979
- The Book of Merlyn, by T.H. White (br) Starship #35 1979
- Earth Magic, by Alexei Panshin & Cory Panshin (br) Starship #35 1979
- Heroes and Horrors, by Fritz Leiber (br) Starship #35 1979
- The King of Terrors, by Robert Bloch (br) Starship #35 1979
- The Magic Goes Away, by Larry Niven (br) Starship #35 1979
- The Martian Inca, by Ian Watson (br) Starship #35 1979
- Out of the Mouths of Graves, by Robert Bloch (br) Starship #35 1979
- Strange Eons, by Robert Bloch (br) Starship #35 1979
- Such Stuff As Screams Are Made Of, by Robert Bloch (br) Starship #35 1979
- Watchtower, by Elizabeth A. Lynn (br) Starship #35 1979
- The Realities of Philip K. Dick (ar) Starship #35 1979; originally appeared in slightly different form as the introduction to the Gregg Press edition of A Handful of Darkness by Philip K. Dick, 1978.
- Very Near to My Heart (ar) Starship #38 1980
- Forty-Five Years and Five Months - Autobiographical Essay (bg) Questar Oct 1980
- Lux Was Dead Right (ss) Rigel Science Fiction #1 1981 [Starrett]
- Transtemporal Creatures Unlimited (ss) Rigel Science Fiction #2 1981 [Starrett]
- Documents in the Case of Elizabeth Akeley (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Mar 1982
- Mort in Bed (ss) Whispers Aug 1982
- Stomping Down Stroka Prospekt (nv) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine mid-Dec 1982
- Joe Niemans Knees (ss) Rigel Science Fiction #6 1982 [Starrett]
- Rigel Interviews Michael Moorcock (iv) Rigel Science Fiction #7 1983
- Acraea and Phorcys (vi) Fantasy Book Dec 1985
- Acraea and the Tooth (vi) Fantasy Book Dec 1985
- Cronus and Philyra (vi) Fantasy Book Dec 1985
- Etchings of Her Memories (ss) Amazing Stories Mar 1987 [Daniel Kitajima]
- A Conversation with Philip K. Dick (iv) Science Fiction Eye #2 1987
- Hyperprism 21.5 (nv) Science Fiction Eye #3 1988
- Eye to Eye: An Interview with Clive Barker [with Richard Wolinsky & Lawrence Davidson] (iv) Science Fiction Eye #4 1988
- Was Startling Stories the First Interactive Magazine? (ar) Marion Zimmer Bradleys Fantasy Magazine Aut 1988
- Mr. Tindle (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Apr 1989
- Reading Woolrich (ar) Detective Story Magazine #4 1989
- Statue of Elvis Found on Mars (ar) Science Fiction Eye #5 1989
- Triptych (nv) Detective Story Magazine #7 1990
- At Vegas Taqueria (ss) Amazing Stories Sep 1990
- The House on Rue Chartres (ss) Walls of Fear, ed. Kathryn Cramer, Morrow 1990
- Mr. Tindle Returns (ss) Other Worlds #4 1991
- You Dont Know Me, Charlie (nv) Constable New Crimes 2, ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Constable 1993
- The Crash Club Killer (ss) Murderous Intent Spr 1996 [Marvia Plum; Hobart Lindsey]
- Dogwalker (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Apr 1996
- The Poison Pez® Killer (ss) Murderous Intent Fll 1996 [Marvia Plum; Hobart Lindsey]
- Briefing Room (ar) Murderous Intent Win 1997
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