The FictionMags Index
Chronological List
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ELLISON, HARLAN (stories) (continued)
- Eggsucker (nv) Ariel v2 1977 [Vic & Blood]
- Writing: Telltale Tics and Tremors (ar) Unearth Fll 1977
- Harlan Ellisons Watching (mr) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine Nov 1977
- The Other Eye of Polyphemus (ss) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine Nov 1977
- [response to Alan R. Bechtold] (ms) Science Fiction Review #23 1977
- A Statement of Ethical Position (ms) Locus Dec 1977, as Statement of Ethical Position by the Worldcon Guest of Honor.
- Statement of Ethical Position by the Worldcon Guest of Honor (ms) Locus Dec 1977; also as A Statement of Ethical Position; also as Walk the Walk.
- Walk the Walk (ms) Locus Dec 1977, as Statement of Ethical Position by the Worldcon Guest of Honor.
- Writing: How Do We Get Into This Mess? (ar) Unearth Win 1978
- Django (ss) Galileo #6 1978
- An Open Letter to Charles Sheffield (lt) Thrust Spr 1978
- How You Stupidly Blew Fifteen Million Dollars a Week, Avoided Having an Adenoid-Shaped Swimming Pool in Your Back Yard, Missed the Opportunity to Have a Mutually Destructive Love Affair with Clint Eastwood and/or Raquel Welch, and Otherwise Pissed Me Off: Specially Expanded and Corrected from the Original Transcript (ar) Algol #31 1978
- The Whimper of Whipped Dogs: 3 Films Variations (ar) Algol #31 1978
- The Man Who Was Heavily Into Revenge (ss) Analog Aug 1978
- One Year Past Doomsday (ar) 1985 Aug 1978
- Count the Clock That Tells the Time (ss) Omni Dec 1978
- Along the Scenic Route (cs) Ariel v3 1978; adapted from Dogfight on 101 by Harlan Ellison, Adam Aug 69.; adapted by Al Williamson.
- Opium (ss) Shayol #2 1978; originally as television reading by Ellison on 20 Nov 1977 as a segment of At One With... programme originating from KNBC-TV Channel 4, Los Angeles.
- Unwinding [with Rachel Susan Canon] (ss) Unearth Win 1979
- All the Birds Come Home to Roost (ss) Playboy Mar 1979
- Flop Sweat (ss) Heavy Metal Mar 1979; initially presented as a radio reading by Ellison on 21 Dec 1977 over KABC-AM Talk Radio, The Carole Hemingway Show.
- Contents of The Last Dangerous Visions as of May, 1979 (ms) Locus Jun 1979
- In the Fourth Year of the War (ss) Midnight Sun #5 1979
- Memoir: I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (ar) Starship #39 1980
- Introduction to A Special Dreamer (is) Starship #40 1980
- Run, Spot, Run (ss) Mediascene Preview Sep/Oct 1980 [Vic & Blood]
- A Special Dreamer (ar) Starship #40 1980
- Mortal Dreads (ar) Foundation Oct 1980
- All the Lies That Are My Life (na) Underwood-Miller 1980
- [card] (lt) Science Fiction Review #38 1981
- Grail (nv) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Apr 1981
- The Orycon 80 Convention Four-Way Telephone Conversation [with Fritz Leiber, Mark Wells & Arthur C. Clarke] (iv) Science Fiction Review #40 1981
- Night of Black Glass (ss) Beyond Fll 1981; originally published as a broadside for the Clarion Writers Workshop, 29 April 1981.
- On the Slab (ss) Omni Oct 1981 [Cthulhu]
- The Outpost Undiscovered by Tourists (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jan 1982
- The Cheese Stands Alone (ss) Amazing Stories Mar 1982
- Djinn, No Chaser (nv) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Apr 1982
- When Aulds Acquaintance Is Forgot (ss) Omni Apr 1982
- The Hour That Stretches (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Oct 1982
- Commentary (ms) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Dec 1982
- Prince Myshkin, and Hold the Relish (ss) Shayol #6 1982
- Reply to Peter Nichollss Philip K. Dick: A Cowardly Memoir (lt) Foundation Feb 1983
- Escapegoat (vi) Omni Nov 1983
- Chained to the Fast Lane in the Red Queens Race (ss) The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 6, ed. Don Myrus, Omni 1983
- Robert Silverberg, an Appreciation (ms) The Best of Omni Science Fiction, No. 5, ed. Don Myrus, Omni 1983
- Laugh Track (ss) Weird Tales Fll 1984
- With Virgil Oddum at the East Pole (ss) Omni Jan 1985 [Medea]
- Quicktime (ss) Omni Oct 1985
- Paladin of the Lost Hour (nv) Universe 15, ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday 1985
- Part One: In Which We Scuffle Through the Embers (ar) Castle Rock Feb 1986
- Part Two: In Which We Discover Why the Children Dont Look Like Their Parents (ar) Castle Rock Mar 1986
- Installment 19: In Which We Long for the Stillness of the Lake, the Smooth Swell of the Sea (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Oct 1986
- The Deadly Nackles Affair (ar) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Feb 1987
- Nackles (pl) Rod Serlings The Twilight Zone Magazine Feb 1987; based on the story by Donald E. Westlake.
- I, Robot: The Movie (pl) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Nov 1987, etc. [Robots; Susan Calvin]
- Me n Isaac at the Movies (ar) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Nov 1987; from the Introduction to I, Robot: The Illustrated Screenplay.
- Soft Monkey (ss) Mystery Scene Reader, ed. Edward Gorman, Fedora 1987
- The Avenger of Death (ss) Omni Jan 1988
- The Sixties: A Reappraisal Part Two: Hail the Light (es) Playboy Jan 1988
- The Function of Dream Sleep (nv) Midnight Graffiti Jun 1988
- Eidolons (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jul 1988
- Shes a Young Thing and Cannot Leave Her Mother (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine: Issue One, ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Pulphouse 1988
- Wave (ar) Aboriginal Science Fiction Nov/Dec 1988
- The Few, the Proud (ss) Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine Mar 1989
- Ask Uncle Harlan (cl) Short Form Aug 1989
- Crazy as a Soup Sandwich (pl) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine: Issue 3, ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Pulphouse 1989; first telecast as an episode of The Twilight Zone on April 2, 1989.
- Xenogenesis (ar) Midnight Graffiti Spr 1990
- Jane Doe #112 (ss) Ellery Queens Mystery Magazine Dec 1990
- Darkness Upon the Face of the Deep (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/Jun 1991
- An Accomplice of Liars & Forgers (ar) Pulphouse Oct 25 1991
- The Man Who Rowed Christopher Columbus Ashore (ss) World Fantasy Convention Program Book 1991
- One Small Anecdote Starring R. Bloch and H. Ellison (ar) Cemetery Dance #10 1991; expanded and rewritten from The Harlan Ellison Hornbook, Mirage, 1990.
- Where I Shall Dwell in the Next World (ss) Eidolon Aut 1992
- Isaac (bg) Asimovs Science Fiction Nov 1992
- Lenny Bruce Is Dead (ar) Gauntlet #3 1992
- Shattered Like a Glass Goblin (cs) Weird Tales Illustrated #1 1992; adapted by Faye Perovich.
- Toiling in the Dreamtime (ar) Science Fiction Age Mar 1993
- Mefisto in Onyx (na) Omni Oct 1993
- Eruption (vi) Science Fiction Age Nov 1993
- Susan (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Dec 1993
- Sensible City (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Oct/Nov 1994
- Attack at Dawn (vi) Mind Fields, Morpheus International 1994
- Can We Talk? (iv) Midnight Graffiti Special #1 1994 [Clive Barker]
- Keyboard (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jan 1995
- Anywhere but Here, with Anybody but You (ss) Harlan Ellisons Dream Corridor (comic) Apr 1995
- Pulling Hard Time (ss) Harlan Ellisons Dream Corridor (comic) May 1995
- Chatting with Anubis (ss) Harlan Ellisons Dream Corridor (comic) Jun 1995
- Midnight in the Sunken Cathedral (ss) Harlan Ellisons Dream Corridor Special Edition, Dark Horse Comics 1995
- Go Toward the Light (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jan 1996; revised, first broadcast on National Public Radio, December 1994.
- An Introductory Note (si) Eidolon Sum 1996
- Trimalchio in West Egg (pi) Realms of Fantasy Aug 1996
- Introduction to Burn My Killers (is) Hardboiled #22 1996
- Worlds Without End, O! Man! (Vincent Di Fate, et al) (pi) Science Fiction Age Sep 1998
- Objects of Desire in the Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Oct/Nov 1999
- The Bulletin Showcase: Special F&SF Anniversary Tribute: Dostoevsky Never Wrote for Tony, Either, So Get On with Your Life (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #144 1999
- The Toad Prince or, Sex Queen of the Martian Pleasure-Domes (nv) Amazing Stories #600 2000
- Incognita, Inc. (ss) Hemispheres Jan 2001
- From A to Z in the Sarsaparilla Alphabet (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Feb 2001
- Never Send to Know for Whom the Lettuce Wilts (ss) Troublemakers, ibooks 2001
- Loose Cannon, or Rubber Duckies from Space (vi) Amazing Stories Sep 2004
- Prologue to the Endeavor: Luck Be a Lady Tonight (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Sep 2006
- Abiding with Sturgeon: Mistral in the Bijou (ar) Interzone Jun 2007
- Birthday Wishes and Greetings (ms) Farmerphile Jan 2008
- The Short, Sad Miracle of Jessie Thompson (is) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Aug/Sep 2009
- How Interesting: a Tiny Man (ss) Realms of Fantasy Feb 2010
- I Had a Thought Today... (cl) Jamais Vu Win 2014, etc.
- He Who Grew Up Reading Sherlock Holmes (ss) Subterranean (online) Sum 2014
- [on Al Tonik] (ob) The Pulpster #27 2018
- Books (rc) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction; Jun 71, Jan, May 74.
- An Ill-Begotten Enterprise (ar); from introduction to White Wolf edition of The City on the Edge of Forever.
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