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Chronological List
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MOORCOCK, MICHAEL (John) (1939- ); see pseudonyms Bill Barclay, William Barclay, Michael Barrington, Oswald Bastable, James Colvin, Warwick Colvin, Jr., Renegade & John Wisdom (stories)
- The Sword of Life [with John Wisdom] (ss) Tarzan Adventures Oct 5 1957 [Dek of Noothar]
- The Strange Ones [with John Wisdom] (ss) Tarzan Adventures Oct 12 1957 [Dek of Noothar]
- Mathews and Mars (vi) Tarzan Adventures Jan 18 1958
- The Siege of Noothar [with John Wisdom] (ss) Tarzan Adventures Jun 28 1958 [Dek of Noothar]
- [letter] (lt) New Worlds Science Fiction Dec 1958, etc.
- The Dark Rider (ss) Eldritch Dreamquest Nov 1960
- Putting a Tag on It (ar) Amra v2 #15 1961
- The Dreaming City (nv) Science Fantasy #47 1961 [Elric]
- While the Gods Laugh (nv) Science Fantasy #49 1961 [Elric]
- The Stealer of Souls (nv) Science Fantasy #51 1962 [Elric]
- Roland and Oliver, the Warrior Friends (ar) Look and Learn Mar 24 1962, uncredited.
- Going Home (ss) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #25 1962
- The Cabin Boy Genius (ar) Look and Learn May 12 1962, uncredited.
- Alexander the Great Tyrant [with Barrington J. Bayley] (ar) Look and Learn Jun 9 1962, uncredited.
- He Made a Kingdom with His Pen (ar) Look and Learn Jun 16 1962, uncredited.
- The Eternal Champion (na) Science Fantasy #53 1962 [Eternal Champion]
- Shall we Sail Through Space (ar) Look and Learn Jul 28 1962, uncredited.
- Kings in Darkness (nv) Science Fantasy #54 1962 [Elric]
- The Ball (ss) Ergo Ego Sep 1962
- The Failure (vi) Ergo Ego Sep 1962
- Fragment, 1956 (vi) Ergo Ego Sep 1962
- John Greaseys Old Stand: A Chat with the Editor (vi) Ergo Ego Sep 1962
- Moorcocks Advice to the Young (ms) Ergo Ego Sep 1962
- The Prodigy (vi) Ergo Ego Sep 1962
- 3 Men of Affairs (vi) Ergo Ego Sep 1962
- The Flame Bringers (nv) Science Fantasy #55 1962 [Elric]
- The Sundered Worlds (na) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #29 1962 [Asquiol]
- To Rescue Tanelorn... (nv) Science Fantasy #56 1962 [Elric]
- Jingle Cap (pm) 1962
- The Greater Conqueror (nv) Science Fantasy #58 1963
- Play with Feeling (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Apr 1963
- The Blood Red Game (na) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #32 1963 [Asquiol]
- Dead Gods Homecoming (na) Science Fantasy #59 1963 [Elric]
- On Barsoom (lt) Amra v2 #25 1963
- Flux (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction Jul 1963
- Mervyn Peake: An Appreciation (ar) Science Fantasy #60 1963
- Islands (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction Sep 1963, as Not by Mind Alone.
- Not by Mind Alone (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction Sep 1963; also as Islands.
- Black Swords Brothers (na) Science Fantasy #61 1963 [Elric]
- Introduction (ar) Science Fantasy #61 1963
- Six Scenes in Search of an Illustration [with John Pocsik, L. Sprague de Camp, Richard Harris Eney, Fritz Leiber & Katherine MacLean] (ss) Amra v2 #27 1963
- Remember the Alamo! (ar) Look and Learn Dec 7 1963, uncredited.
- The Floodgates of the Unconscious (ar) Science Fantasy #62 1963
- Figures of Faust (ar) Science Fantasy #63 1964
- Sad Giants Shield (na) Science Fantasy #63 1964 [Elric]
- The Time Dweller (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction Feb 1964 [Time Dweller]
- Conclusion (ar) Science Fantasy #64 1964
- Doomed Lords Passing (na) Science Fantasy #64 1964 [Elric]
- Durham (ar) The Bible Story May 16 1964, uncredited.
- Worcester (ar) The Bible Story May 23 1964, uncredited.
- Master of Chaos (ss) Fantastic May 1964 [Earl Aubec]
- A New Literature for the Space Age (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction May/Jun 1964
- Ely (ar) The Bible Story Jul 18 1964
- Salisbury (ar) The Bible Story Jul 25 1964, uncredited.
- British Science Fiction Convention1964 (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Jul/Aug 1964
- Goodbye, Miranda (vi) New Worlds Science Fiction Jul/Aug 1964
- Exeter (ar) The Bible Story Aug 22 1964
- Lincoln (ar) The Bible Story Aug 29 1964, uncredited.
- To School on Sunday (ar) The Bible Story Sep 5 1964, uncredited.
- Bury St. Edmunds (ar) The Bible Story Sep 12 1964
- The Shores of Death (na) New Worlds Science Fiction Sep/Oct 1964, etc.
- Whats the Argument? (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Sep/Oct 1964
- Greybeard, by Brian W. Aldiss (br) New Worlds Science Fiction Nov/Dec 1964
- We Live in Hope (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Nov/Dec 1964
- Elric (ar) Niekas #8 1964, as Letter.
- Letter (ar) Niekas #8 1964; also as Elric.
- Escape from Evening (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction Mar 1965 [Time Dweller]
- Introduction to Dune Limbo (is) New Worlds Science Fiction Mar 1965
- Broadening the Scope (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Apr 1965
- Process of Elimination (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Jun 1965
- Does Space Still Come Naturally? (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Jul 1965
- An Effective Use of Space (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Aug 1965
- Preliminary Data (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction Aug 1965 [Jerry Cornelius]
- God in a Battle-Suit (ar) Tangent #2 1965
- A Welcome Choice (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Sep 1965
- Making the Transition (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Oct 1965
- The Santa Claus of the Atomic Age (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Nov 1965
- Conventions and Conventions (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Dec 1965
- Further Information (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction Dec 1965 [Jerry Cornelius]
- The New Prism (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Jan 1966
- Onward, Ever Onward... (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Feb 1966
- Making It Better (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Mar 1966
- Phase Three (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction Mar 1966 [Jerry Cornelius]
- Consuming Passion (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction Apr 1966
- The Image and the Actuality (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Apr 1966
- In Reply... (ar) Zenith Speculation #12 1966
- Man and His Mind (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction May 1966
- Heres Your Chance... (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction Jun 1966
- Behold the Man (na) New Worlds Science Fiction #166 1966 [Karl Glogauer]
- Why So Conservative? (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #166 1966
- Ballard: The Voice (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #167 1966
- The Ice Schooner (n.) sf Impulse Nov 1966, etc.
- Too Many Bad Books (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #168 1966
- Death of Cordwainer Smith [with Langdon Jones] (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #169 1966
- The Girl Who Killed Sultry Caine (ss) Golden Nugget v1 #9 1966, as by Hank Janson. [Hank Janson]
- Changes Coming (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #171 1967
- The Lessons of the Future (ar) New Worlds Science Fiction Jul 1967
- Barbarella and the Anxious Frenchman [with Charles Platt] (ms) New Worlds Science Fiction Feb 1968
- Into the Media Web (ar) New Worlds Science Fiction Oct 1968
- The Delhi Division (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction Dec 1968 [Jerry Cornelius]
- The Tank Trapeze (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction Jan 1969 [Jerry Cornelius]
- A Cure for Cancer (n.) New Worlds Science Fiction Mar 1969, etc. [Jerry Cornelius]
- That Moon Plaque (ms) Men on the Moon, ed. Donald A. Wollheim, Ace 1969
- The Nature of the Catastrophe (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction Jan 1970 [Jerry Cornelius]
- The Dying Castles [with James Sallis & Samuel R. Delany] (vi) New Worlds Science Fiction Apr 1970
- Last Vigil (ss) Vision of Tomorrow Aug 1970
- Pride of Empire (ss) Corridor #1 1971
- Introduction (in) New Worlds Quarterly, ed. Michael Moorcock, Sphere 1971
- Editorial (ed) Frendz #4 1971, uncredited.
- Keeping Perspective (in) New Worlds Quarterly 2, ed. Michael Moorcock, Sphere 1971
- The Sleeping Sorceress (nv) Warlocks and Warriors, ed. Douglas Hill, Mayflower 1971 [Elric]
- To Snare the Pale Prince (ss) Sleeping Sorceress, NEL 1971 [Elric]
- Michael Moorcock on Carnell (ob) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #41/42 1972 [John Carnell]
- The Swastika Set-Up (nv) Corridor #4 1972 [Jerry Cornelius]
- Count Brass (n.) Mayflower 1973 [Dorian Hawkmoon]
- Afterword (aw) New Worlds #5, ed. Michael Moorcock & Charles Platt, Avon Equinox 1974
- The Stone Thing (ss) Triode Oct 1974
- Pale Roses (nv) New Worlds 7, ed. Hilary Bailey & Charles Platt, Sphere 1974 [End of Time]
- Mal Dean (bg) New Worlds 8, ed. Hilary Bailey, Sphere 1975 [Malcolm Dean]
- White Stars (nv) New Worlds 8, ed. Hilary Bailey, Sphere 1975 [End of Time]
- Ancient Shadows (na) New Worlds 9, ed. Hilary Bailey, Corgi 1975 [End of Time]
- Behold the Man (cs) Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction Dec 1975; adapted by Doug Moench.
- Behold the Man [with Doug Moench] (cs) Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction Dec 1975
- Dudes Dream (pm) The New Worlds Fair, United Artists UAG 29732 1975
- Some Episodes in the Great War (ss) Other Times v1 #2 1976 [Una Persson]
- The Kassandra Peninsula (nv) Vortex Jun 1976 [Jerry Cornelius]
- Constant Fire (na) New Worlds 10, ed. Hilary Bailey, Corgi 1976 [End of Time]
- The End of All Songs (n.) Harper & Row 1976 [End of Time]
- Club Together: A Review of Science Fiction at Large, by Peter Nicholls (br) The New Statesman Apr 15 1977
- The Comic Spirit (ar) Dark Horizons #17 1977
- Nemedians (rr) Fantasy Crossroads #12 1977
- The Mirror; or, Harlequin Everywhere (ex) Allison & Busby 1977
- Epic Pooh (ar) BFS Booklet #4 1978
- Late Letter from England (lt) Thrust Spr 1978
- The Last Enchantment (ss) Ariel v3 1978 [Elric]
- The Rise of the Musician-Assassin (cs) New Worlds Science Fiction Sum 1978
- The Daily Telegraph, April 20, 1948 (fa) New Worlds Science Fiction Sum 1978, uncredited; a spoof newspaper front page.
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