Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

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    Scientific Detective Monthly:
    A detective magazine with emphasis on the use of science to solve crimes. About half the stories contain sufficiently exaggerated science to be classed as SF. Title was changed to Amazing Detective Tales after the fifth issue.

    Scientific Detective Monthly

    • Publishers:
      • Gernsback Publications; New York: Scientific Detective Monthly, Nov 1929.
      • Techni-Craft Publishing Corp.; Mt. Morris, IL: Scientific Detective Monthly, Jan 1930 – May 1930.

    • Editors:
      • Hugo Gernsback - Editorial Chief: Scientific Detective Monthly
      • Arthur B. Reeve - Editorial Commissioner: Scientific Detective Monthly
      • Hector Gavin Grey - Editorial Deputy: Scientific Detective Monthly
      • A. L. Fierst - Editorial Inspector: Scientific Detective Monthly, Jan 1930 – Mar 1930.
      • M. E. Dame - Editorial Inspector: Scientific Detective Monthly, Apr 1930 – May 1930.

    Amazing Detective Tales
    Title changed from Scientific Detective Monthly.

    • Publishers:
      • Techni-Craft Publishing Corp.; Mt. Morris, IL: Amazing Detective Tales

    • Editors:
      • Hugo Gernsback - Editorial Chief: Amazing Detective Tales, Jun 1930 – Oct 1930.
      • Arthur B. Reeve - Editorial Commissioner: Amazing Detective Tales, Jun 1930 – Oct 1930.
      • Hector Gavin Grey - Editorial Deputy: Amazing Detective Tales, Jun 1930 – Jun 1930.
      • T. D. Pentz - Editorial Inspector: Amazing Detective Tales, Jun 1930 – Oct 1930.
      • David Lasser - Managing Editor: Amazing Detective Tales, Jul 1930 – Oct 1930.

    Amazing Detective Stories
    Title changed from Amazing Detective Tales.

    • Publishers:
      • Fiction Publishers, Inc.; 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY: Amazing Detective Stories

    Scotland Yard    (about)
    Stories in earliest issues are not credited to an author, and most others to a title rather than a name. Publisher bought English pulp stories cheaply and had them rewritten. These were claimed to be true, but are obviously fiction. The title on the cover was occasionally Scotland Yard Detective Stories or Scotland Yard International Detective, but the title on the masthead was consistently just Scotland Yard.

    • Publishers:
      • Dell Publishing Co., Inc.; 100 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY: Scotland Yard

    • Editors:

    Scotland Yard [v1 #1, March 1930] (20¢, pulp)
    • 7 · A Modern Robin Hood · Anon. · na
    • 35 · The Rat Killer · Anon. · ss
    • 44 · Color Blind · Anon. · ss
    • 52 · Country Y · Anon. · nv
    • 72 · The Shake Down · Anon. · ss
    • 80 · Tales of a Prison Doctor: 1 · H. H. Matteson · ss
    • 87 · Charity Sheen, Gentleman [Part 1 of 6] · Anon. · sl
    • 111 · State vs. Bracker · Anon. · ss
    • The Laboratory · Anon. · cl

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