Magazines Published in the USA

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In an attempt to avoid over-lengthy page load times, the list of magazines has been split into a number of sections as follows:

A: A Journal of Contemporary Literature -- The Alien Critic
Alien Culture -- The American Thresherman
The American Union -- Astounding Stories/Science-Fiction
Astounding Stories Yearbook -- Behind the Mask
Behind the Scene -- Blood Roses
Blood Samples -- The Brookfield Series
Brooklyn Review -- Century Series
Cerberus -- College Humor
College Life -- Crack-Shot Western
The Craftsman -- The Deadlands
Dead Letters -- Discovery
Distant Worlds -- Ellery Queen's Anthology
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine -- Family Library
The Family Magazine Section -- Federal Crimes Detective
Federal Detective Bureau -- Forum [1978]
Forward Series -- GateWay S-F Magazine
Gathering Darkness -- GQ
The Grabinski Reader -- Heart Attack
Hearth and Home [1868] -- The House Beautiful
House Carfax -- International Observer
International Paper Novels -- Kingsize
Kiosk -- The Literary Emporium
The Literary Hatchet -- Magic Love
Magic Realism -- Men Today
The Mentor [1913] -- Moonglow
Moonlight Romance -- National Series
National Storytelling Journal -- The New (Story) Magazine [1910]
The New Success -- Nova Albion
Nova Express -- Outlaws of the West
The Outlook [1870] -- Pequod
Perdition Press -- Popular Novels
Popular Romances -- The Quill
Quinapalus -- Redstone Science Fiction
Red Sun Magazine -- Salina Evening Journal
Salmagundi -- Screen Western Stories
Scribner's Magazine -- Shroud
Shudder Stories -- Spacewarper
Space Wars -- Startling Mystery Magazine
Startling Mystery Stories -- Sure-Fire Detective Stories
Sure-Fire Screen Stories -- 32 Pages
34 Orchard -- Tri-Quarterly
Tri-State Fantasist -- Underbelly Magazine
Undercover Detective -- War Birds
War Criminals -- While You Were Sleeping
Whiskey Island Magazine -- Writers' Journal
Writer's Voice -- ZYZZYVA, The Last Word

The magazine indexes themselves are listed on a separate page, cross-referenced from the above pages as appropriate.