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Lion Adventures

Country: US
Total Issues: 2

Sleaze, featuring pin-ups and occasional fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  May-1960 – Jul-1960
Issue Checklist

Lion Library

Country: UK
Total Issues: 28

Published detective and adventure stories; possibly started monthly , but was advertised (in Lot-o-Fun for November 27, 1909) with four numbers that month. The Maxwell Kean adventures are reprints of American dime novels featuring Nick Carter.

Issues & Index Sources

  27-Apr-1909 – Nov-1909: Story Paper Index (incomplete)

#incorporated into Nugget Library (UK)


  James Henderson



Lion's Roar

see under Shambhala Sun

Lippincott's Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 580

High-quality fiction, one of the first to adopt the "complete novel" approach. Authors include Gertrude Atherton, Stephen Crane, Rebecca Harding Davis, Bret Harte, Julian Hawthorne, Lafcadio Hearn, Henry James, Frank R. Stockton. Also first publication of Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray," Kipling's "The Light That Failed" and Doyle's "The Sign of the Four."

Issues & Index Sources

  Jan-1868 – Dec-1899: Index to Periodical Literature
FictionMags Index
  Jan-1900 – Aug-1915: The Standard Index of Short Stories (FicMags sample issues only)
FictionMags Index
  Sep-1915 – Apr-1916, as McBride's Magazine: FictionMags Index

#merges with Scribner's Magazine


  1868 – 1914: Lippincott, Philadelphia
  1914 – 1916: McBride, Nast, New York


  1868 – 1884: John Foster Kirk
  1885: J. Bird
  1885 – 1889: William S. Walsh
  1889 – 1896: Henry Studdart
  1898: Frederic M. Bird
  1898 – 1905: Harrison S. Morris
  1905 – 1914: J. Berg Esenwein
  1914: Louise Bull
  1914 – 1916: Edward Frank Allen





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Lippincott's Magazine Series of American Copyright Novels

Country: US
Total Issues: 264

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1880s – 1890
Publishers:   Lippincott
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Lippincott's Monthly Magazine (UK)

Country: UK

British edition of Lippincott's Magazine.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1890s: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)

Lippincott's Series of Select Novels

Country: US
Total Issues: 248

Issues & Index Sources:  1885 – 1902
Publishers:   Lippincott
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Liquid Imagination

Country: US
Total Issues: 52

"Our mission is to publish high-quality, stimulating speculative and literary fiction and poetry."

Issues & Index Sources:  Fall 2008 – Oct-2022: Science Fiction Index
Editors:   Sue Babcock
Issue Checklist

Liquid Ohio

Country: US

Fannish publication with considerable short fiction and a number of poems from any genre.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 2000s
Publishers:   Amber Goddard, Bakersfield, California
Editors:   Amber Goddard

The Listener

Country: UK

Frequently ran a story or two per issue, either a transcript of a story broadcast on radio or a new one by a featured author related to a radio broadcast.

Issues & Index Sources

  16-Jan-1929 – 198?


  BBC, London


  1934: R.S. Lambert
  1948: A.E.W. Thomas



Literal Chaos

Country: US

Features poems, some very short stories, and photography.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 2000s: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   Landlocked Media LLC, PO Box 270611, St. Louis, MO 63127
Editors:   Amanda Wells
Formats:   5.5" by 8.5"
Prices:   $7
Pagecounts:   26pp

Literal Latté

Country: US

Distributed free in art centres and bookstores in NY. Circulation estimated at 25,000.

Issues & Index Sources:  1994 – present
Email Address:
Publishers:   Literal Latte, Suite 240, 61 East 8th Street, New York, NY 10003 (in 1998 - 2002)
Editors:   Jenine Gordon Bockman & Jeff Bockman (in 1998 - 2002)
Formats:   tabloid
Pagecounts:   24pp
Frequency:   bimonthly
Mentioned in:   O. Henry Awards Website (in 2002)

Literary Album

Country: US
Total Issues: 225

Issues & Index Sources:  23-Dec-1865 – 9-Apr-1870: Bibliographic Listing: Literary Album
Publishers:   Street & Smith
Formats:   15½" x 11"
Prices:   10c
Pagecounts:   16pp
Frequency:   weekly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Literary Cavalcade

Country: US

"Features contemporary and modern classic literature: dramatic scripts, stories, essays, poetry and writing lessons for high-school students, grades 9-12."

Issues & Index Sources:  Oct-1948 – May-2005: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   Scholastic
Frequency:   monthly (during term time)
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The Literary Digest

Country: US

Issues & Index Sources

  1890 – 1938: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)

#merges with Time


  Funk & Wagnalls



Online Sources

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The Literary Emporium

Country: US

Subtitled "A Compendium of Religious, Literary, and Philosophical Knowledge" contained mainly non-fiction and poetry with the occasional short story.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan-1845 – ?: FictionMags Index (Missing: all after Dec-1845)
Publishers:   J.K. Wellman, No. 118 Nassau Street, New York, NY

The Literary Gazette

Country: UK

Mostly non-fiction. Calls itself 'Journal of Belles Lettres, Arts, Sciences, etc.' as per Drabble;Oxf; BL states 1823-1874

Issues & Index Sources:  1817 – 1862
Publishers:   Henry Colburn
Editors:   William Jerdan, S. Phillips, L. Reeve, J.M. Jephson
Mentioned in:   British Literary Magazines Vol. 2

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