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Nugget Library (UK)

Country: UK
Total Issues: 108+330+70=508

The third series was taken over by Amalgamated Press after some 20 issues. The bulk of the Henderson period yarns were written by Stephen H. Agnew and Lucas Reed, but later issues starred Harmsworth stalwarts like Arthur S. Hardy, Henry T. Johnson, Reginald Wray and John G. Rowe.

Incorporates: Lion Library & The Prairie Library

Issues & Index Sources

  Oct-1905 – Dec-1907: Story Paper Index (sample issues only)
  7-Jan-1908 – May-1916?
  May-1919 – Mar-1922


  James Henderson, Red Lion House, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, London; Amalgamated Press


  John W. Wheway






  4 per month; weekly; 3 per month; 2 per month


Country: UK
Total Issues: 29+636+25=690

Became Nuggets with issue 30 (26-Nov-1892); the first 29 issues were entitled Comic Pictorial Nuggets, a ½d, 16-page comic paper; the size of the title was doubled and the contents split into two - 16 pages each of "story Nuggets" and "pictorial Nuggets" until #638.

Incorporates: Garland from 5-Aug-1900 Becomes Nuggets (comic).

Issues & Index Sources

  7-May-1892 – 19-Nov-1892, as Comic Pictorial Nuggets
  26-Nov-1892 – 28-Jan-1905, as Nuggets
  4-Feb-1905 – 22-Jul-1905, as Nuggets


  James Henderson


  Alfred W. Barratt






  16pp; 32pp from #30; 24pp for final series


  weekly (every Friday)

Nugget Weekly

Country: UK
Total Issues: 34

A combination of the former Prairie, Detective and Robin Hood libraries which retained their best features; characters included Sexton Blake, Robin Hood, Buffalo Bill and Nelson Lee amongst others, mostly reprints artists included Arthur Jones, Harry Lane, Fred Bennett and Leonard Shields. Named after the Nugget Library which the A.P. had then recently taken over from James Henderson & Son.

Issues & Index Sources

  17-Jul-1920 – 5-Mar-1921: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)

#incorporated into The Marvel


  Amalgamated Press


  H.W. Twyman; John W. Wheway (Sub-editor)


  small; switches to larger format from #15


  32pp; 16pp from #15

Nuits d'Amour

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1?

Probably a one-shot - it announces a forthcoming "new number" called Piccadilly Playtime. The only price listed anywhere is 100Fr.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1950s: FictionMags Index
Publishers:   Julian Press, 174 Great Suffolk Street, LONDON SE1
Formats:   7" x 9.5" saddle-stapled
Pagecounts:   32pp


Country: US
Total Issues: 58

Online small press magazine which ceased to run fiction after June 2002.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jun-1996 – Jun-2002
Editors:   Ken Newquist, Easton, Pennsylvania

Nu Ormenel Collected

Country: US
Total Issues: 5

Star Trek fanzine focussing on Klingon stories.

Issues & Index Sources:  1979 – 1985
Publishers:   Mazeltough Press, Seattle, Washington
Editors:   Fern Marder & Carol Walske
Related Sites:   Fanlore

The Nursery (UK)

Country: UK
Total Issues: 12

Nursery-age magazine written, as Gifford notes, "in words of one and two syllables."

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan-1880 – Dec-1880
Frequency:   monthly

The Nursery (US)

Country: US

Full title is "The Nursery, A Monthly Magazine for Youngest Readers".

Issues & Index Sources:  1867 – ?: FictionMags Index (sample copy only)
Publishers:   John L. Shorey, 36 Bromfield Street, Boston
Editors:   Fanny P. Seaverns
Prices:   15c
Frequency:   monthly
Online Sources:   Online Books

Nursery World

Country: UK

Contains "Authoritative articles on all aspects of child- and parenthood, short stories and nature articles for children, poems."

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1934 – 1947
Publishers:   Benn Bros. Ltd., Bouverie House, 154 Fleet Street, London E.C.4
Editors:   Joan Viner
Prices:   3d; 6d
Frequency:   weekly


Country: US
Total Issues: 6?


Issues & Index Sources:  Jun-1965 – Sep-1968?
Publishers:   Ben Solon, 3915 North Southport Street, Chicago, IL 60613
Editors:   Ben Solon


Country: US
Total Issues: 18

Amateur magazine.

Issues & Index Sources:  May-1970 – Apr-1991: Science Fiction Index
Issue Checklist


Country: US

Edgy monthly women's magazine with occasional fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  1999 – present
Email Address:
Publishers:   394 West Broadway, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10012
Editors:   Gloria M. Wong
Frequency:   monthly
Related Sites:   Wikipedia
Mentioned in:   O. Henry Awards Website (not in 2000 or 2002)

The Nylon Jungle

Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  1962 – 1969?: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   American Art Agency, Inc., 7311 Fulton Avenue, North Hollywood, CA.
Editors:   Robert E. Watson

Issue Checklist

Nylon Party

see under Satan's Scrapbook

Nylon Queens

Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  1966? – ?: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   American Art Agency, Inc., 7311 Fulton Avenue, North Hollywood, CA.
Editors:   Joseph T. Sherwood

Issue Checklist


Country: US

Issues & Index Sources

  Fall 1971 – Nov-1977: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
  Jan-1978 – Jan-1979, as Casino
  Mar-1979 – Jan-1980?, as Casino Bustouts


  in 1971: Magnum-Royal
  Sep-1975 – Jan-1980?: Sunway Periodicals Inc.
Issue Checklist

Oak Leaves

Country: US
Total Issues: 16

Fanzine dedicated to the writings of Otis Adelbert Kline. It did not normally publish fiction but one issue (#8) was all fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  Fall 1970 – Summer 1982: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Modern Limited Publications
Editors:   David Anthony Kraft
Frequency:   Quarterly
Issue Checklist

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