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Magazine Issues  
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Country: US
Total Issues: 10

Low-paying online magazine. Releases full issues twice a year on the equinoxes with half-issues in between plus other updates.

Issues & Index Sources:  Sep-2006 – Mar-2011
Editors:   Richard S. Crawford, Sacramento, California


Country: UK
Total Issues: 1?

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1953
Publishers:   Paget Publications, 106 Glenthorne Road, Hammersmith, London
Prices:   2/6d

The Daily Gazette

see under The Charleston Gazette

Daily Mail

Country: UK

Newspaper which, for many years, regularly published short stories and novels, the latter in serial form.

Issues & Index Sources:  4-May-1896 – present: The Daily Mail Fiction Index: 1896 - 1950 (FicMags sample issues only)
FictionMags Index
Frequency:   daily
Related Sites:   Wikipedia

Daily Mail (Overseas Ed.)

see under Weekend (Magazine)

Daily Sketch

Country: UK

A British national tabloid newspaper, founded in Manchester by Sir Edward Hulton.

Publishers:   Associated Newspapers (in 1971)
Related Sites:   Wikipedia

The Daily Telegraph (UK)

Country: UK

Newspaper which occasionally published fiction, sometimes in the Sunday supplement Seven.

Issues & Index Sources:  29-Jun-1855 – present: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Frequency:   daily
Related Sites:   Wikipedia

The Daily Telegraph (Australia)

Country: Australia

Newspaper which occasionally published fiction in its Sunday "Complete Novel" supplement.

Issues & Index Sources:  1879 – present
Frequency:   daily
Related Sites:   Wikipedia


Country: UK
Total Issues: 1?

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1953
Publishers:   Paget Publications, 106 Glenthorne Road, Hammersmith, London

Dainty Novels

see under The Empress Novelette

The Daisy

Country: UK

Issues & Index Sources

  1877 – 1888
  1888 – Aug-1892, as The Family Story Paper
  Sep-1892 – Apr-1896, as Monthly Home Journal


  J. Lobb (vols. 5-9)


  tabloid (quarto)


  weekly? at outset, monthly at end

Daisy Library

Country: US
Total Issues: 33

Issues & Index Sources:  17-Dec-1897 – 5-Aug-1898: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   Street & Smith, 232-238 William St. New York
Formats:   7 x 5"
Prices:   5c
Pagecounts:   85 to 125
Frequency:   Weekly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Dale Boxing Novels

Country: UK
Total Issues: 12

Reprints from Aldine Boxing Novels.

Issues & Index Sources:  1940: Story Paper Index
Publishers:   Gerald G. Swan

Dalhousie Review

Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  Apr-1921 – present: Short Story Index (Missing: all before 1974 at least)
Publishers:   Dalhousie University Press, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Frequency:   quarterly to 1993, now thrice-yearly
Online Sources:   Online Books

The Dallas Morning News

Country: US

Daily newspaper serving the Dallas–Fort Worth area of Texas.

Issues & Index Sources:  1-Oct-1885 – present: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)
Publishers:   A. H. Belo Corporation (in 2018)
Editors:   Mike Wilson (in 2018)
Related Sites:   Wikipedia


Country: UK

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1950
Publishers:   Burmont Books Ltd.

Damned Thing

Country: US
Total Issues: 5+1=6 (as at Aug-2015)

A quarterly publication devoted to the weird, exotic and bizarre.

Issues & Index Sources

  Spring 1991 – Winter 1993
  Summer 2013 – present



  Spring 1991 – Winter 1993: Hobgoblin Press, Bristol, Rhode Island
  Summer 2013 – present: Ulthar Press


  Sam Gafford


Country: Ireland
Total Issues: 12

Subtitled "An Irish Magazine of Independent Thought". Published the occasional story. Authors include Jane Barlow and W. Buckley.

Issues & Index Sources:  May-1904 – Apr-1905: Index to English-Language Little Magazines, 1890-1970
Publishers:   Hodges, Figgis, Dublin
Frequency:   monthly
Mentioned in:   British Literary Magazines Vol. 3

Dance Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 98?

Seemingly called Dance Lover's Magazine in the early 1920s, and possibly just The Dance in Dec-1930.

Issues & Index Sources

  1923? – Sep-1930: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
  Oct-1930 – May-1931, as Dance Magazine of Stage and Screen: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
  Jun-1931 – Dec-1931, as Dance Magazine: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)


  Macfadden to 1930; then Good Story (Harold Hersey) from Sep-1930.


  standard pulp
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Dan Dunn Detective Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 2

Dan Dunn Detective Magazine was an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of comic-strip characters by placing them in pulp stories. It lasted a mere two issues.

Issues & Index Sources:  Sep-1936 – Nov-1936: Crime Fiction Index
Pulp Magazine Index 1
Publishers:   C.J.H. Publications, NY
Editors:   W.M. Clayton
Formats:   standard pulp
Prices:   10c
Pagecounts:   96pp
Frequency:   bimonthly
Mentioned in:   The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps, Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

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