The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 2028
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Warren, Bill; [i.e., William Bond Warren] (1943-2016) (about) (chron.)
- * The Beast of Beachwood: Film Reviews and News, (mr) Science Fiction Review #29 Jan/Feb, #30 Mar/Apr, #31 May 1979
- * The Conan Film—A Status Report, (ar) Amra v2 #69, 1981
- * Death Is a Lonely Place, (ss) Worlds of Fantasy v1 #1, 1968
- * Futurefilm, (cl) Science Fiction Digest; Jan 82 - Oct 82.
- * In the Dark, (mr) Iniquities 0000, Aut 1990
- * It’s Okay to Like the Star Trek Movie, (ar) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine August 1980
- * John Boorman’s Excalibur, (mr) Amra v2 #71, 1982
- * Mick Garris: Story Editor of Amazing Stories, (iv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1986 [Ref. Mick Garris]
- * Moving Visions: SF, Fantasy and Horror Film News, (cl) Science Fiction Review #28, November/December 1978
- * On Near-Future SF Films, (ar) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine March 16 1981
- * Saturday’s Child, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1970
- * Science Fiction Hotline (with Elton Elliott), (ar) Galaxy Science Fiction; Jun-Jul, Sep-Oct 79.
- * Slaughter, (ar) Iniquities Spring 1991 [Ref. Tod Slaughter]
- * Sprocket to Me!!! SF, Fantasy and Horror Film News, (cl) Science Fiction Review #25 May, #26 Jul, #27 Sep/Oct 1978
- * The Televisualizer, (ar) Thrilling Wonder Stories Summer 2007
- * The Twilight Zone Review: 1986—TV, (mr) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine February 1987
- * Video, (mr) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine April 1989
- * Weird Tales Talks with David J. Schow, (iv) Weird Tales Spring 1990 [Ref. David J. Schow]
- * [correction of Sam Moskowitz about Children of the Damned credit to John Wyndham], (lt) Amazing Stories September 1964
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #24, February 1978
- * [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact December 1987
_____, [ref.]
Warren, David Richard (fl. 1970s-1980s) (chron.)
- * The Battle of Evermist (with Marjorie Warren), (na) Evermist Dec 1974, Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 1975, Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 1976
- * Battle of the Wizards, (pm) Evermist Spring 1975
- * The City in the Sky, (pm) Evermist Fall 1975
- * Debut from Olympus, (ss) Evermist Fall 1975
- * The Flight of the Toad, (pm) Evermist Fall 1976
- * The Golden Glow, (ss) Evermist Spring 1978
- * The Grey Steppes, (vi) Evermist Summer 1977
- * Helios, (pm) Evermist Spring 1975
- * Moonmist, (pm) Evermist December 1974
- * Remembering, (pm) Evermist Spring 1976
- * The Ruin, (ss) Evermist Spring 1976
- * Seagulls, (ss) Evermist Winter 1976/1977
- * The Star, (ss) Evermist Summer 1975
- * Think of Your Dreams, (pm) Evermist December 1974
- * The Vision Pool, (pm) Evermist Summer 1976
- * Voices, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #1, 1980
- * The Watcher, (pm) Evermist Fall 1977
- * The Wizard’s Castle, (pm) Evermist Summer 1975
- * [letter], (lt) Astral Dimensions #6, August 1977
_____, ed.
Warren, George (Milton, Jr.) (1934-2009) (about) (chron.)
- * The George Warren View, (mr) Science Fiction Review #25, May 1978 [Ref. Steven Spielberg]
- * Plugged In, (br) Science Fiction Review #16, February 1976 [Ref. Alfred Bester]
- * Robert, (ar) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * Slices of George Warren, (lt) Science Fiction Review #15, November 1975
- * Speaking Out, (ar) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990 [Ref. Piers Anthony]
- * [letter], (lt) The Alien Critic #11 Nov 1974, #12 Feb 1975, #18 Aug 1976, #22 Aug, #23 Nov 1977, #24 Feb, #25 May, #26 Jul 1978, #29 Jan/Feb, #30 Mar/Apr, #31 May,
#33 Nov 1979
#40 Fll, #41 Win 1981, #44 Fll 1982
- * [letter from Van Nuys, CA, 91406], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1975
- * [response to Charles Platt], (lt) Science Fiction Review #17, May 1976
- * [response to Patricia Mathews], (ms) Science Fiction Review #26, July 1978
Warren, Kaaron (1965- ) (about) (chron.)
- * All You Can Do Is Breathe, (ss) Blood and Other Cravings ed. Ellen Datlow, Tor, 2011
- * A Positive, (ss) Bloodsongs #10, 1998
- * The Blue Stream, (ss) Aurealis #14, 1994
- * The Body Finder, (ss) Blurring the Line ed. Marty Young, Cohesion Press, 2015
- * The Book of Nature’s Marvels, (ss) Midnight Echo #18, October 2023
- * Bridge of Sighs, (ss) Fearful Symmetries ed. Ellen Datlow, ChiZine Publications, 2014
- * Coalescence, (ss) Aurealis #37, March 2007
- * Corners, (ss) The Weird Fiction Review #11, Fall 2020
- * Crossing the Monster, (ar) Grimdark Magazine #27, 2021
- * Dead Sea Fruit, (ss) Fantasy Magazine #4, Fall 2006
- * Death’s Door Café, (ss) Shadows & Tall Trees #6, Spring 2014
- * Doll Money, (ss) Fables and Reflections #7, April 2005
- * Eleanor Atkins Is Dead and Her House Is Boarded Up, (ss) SQ Mag #14, May 2014
- * Finding the Path, (ss) Unnerving Magazine #14, 2020; previously available in the audio book Thirteen ed. Scott Harrison (Spokenworld Audio, 2013).
- * Furtherest, (nv) Dark Screams: Volume Seven ed. Richard Chizmar & Brian James Freeman, Hydra, 2017
- * The Gibbet Bell, (ss) Borderlands #8, October 2006
- * The Glass Woman, (ss) Aurealis #22, 1998
- * The Hanging People, (ss) Bloodsongs #7, 1996
- * The H Word:
* ___ Proof of Afterlife, (cl) Nightmare #82, July 2019
- * The Left Behind, (ss) Orb Speculative Fiction #1, Autumn/Winter 2000
- * The Lighthouse Keepers’ Club, (ss) Exotic Gothic 4 ed. Danel Olson, PS Publishing, 2012
- * Mountain, (ss) Through Splintered Walls by Kaaron Warren, Twelfth Planet Press, 2012
- * Polish, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #28, 2007
- * Proof of Afterlife, (ar) Nightmare #82, July 2019
- * The Rude Little Girl, (vi) Black Static #17, June/July 2010
- * The Speaker of Heaven, (ss) Orb Speculative Fiction #2, 2001
- * State of Oblivion, (ss) Elsewhere ed. Michael Barry, CSFG Publishing, 2003
- * Survival of the Last, (ss) Aurealis #27/28, 2001
- * Telling the Wasps, (ss) The Weird Fiction Review #10, Fall 2019
- * Tiger Kill, (ss) Earwig Flesh Factory #3/4, Fall/Winter 2000
- * Why Sinister?, (ed) Midnight Echo #11, April 2015
- * Winter Sweet, Winter Grieve, (ss) Grimdark Magazine #25, 2020
- * Working for the God of the Love of Money, (ss) Dark Regions #16, Fall 2001
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_____, [ref.]
Warren, Karin C. (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
- * Binary Star, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 1990
- * Celestial Circus, (pm) Amazing Stories March 1988
- * Coming to Visit, (pm) The Leading Edge #25, January 1992
- * For Voyager II, (pm) Pandora #27, 1992
- * Night of Fallen Light, (pm) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact February 1989
- * Veins of Gold, (pm) Pandora #26, 1990
- * Wavering, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1985
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