The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Slipstream, (ms) Aces January 1929
- * Slipstream, (ms) Flying Aces Feb, Jun, Jul, Aug 1943
- * Slipstream, Jr., (cl) War Aces #2 May, #4 Jul, #8 Nov, #9 Dec 1930
- * Slit-Ear Stole the Sage King, (ss) Wild West Weekly (UK) #15, June 18 1938
- * Slither Director James Gunn, (ar) Penthouse April 2006
- * Slobs Send Her, (pi) Rapture v1 #4, 1959
- * Slogans and War Cries, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 30 1884
- * Slojd, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1887
- * Sloped for Texas—A Tale of the West, (vi) (by Whitelock) Household Words #33, November 9 1850
- * Slosher Sam’s O.K. [Slosher Sam], (ss) The Skipper #358 Jul 10, #359 Jul 17, #360 Jul 24 1937
- * Slosh, Scrape, Paddle and Burn, (pi) John Bull Everybody’s Weekly May 30 1959
- * Slosh the Snowball, (ss) The Buzzer #2, October 23 1937
- * Sloth & Forgiveness, (ss) (by Geoff Lowe) Nemonymous #9, 2009
- * Slot-Machine Education [St. Jim’s], (ms) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1941, 1940
- * Slot Machines Make Felons in Illinois, (ms) Clues Detective Stories December 1938
- * Slot Machine Wins, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 10 1933
- * Slovar’, (ms) Science Fiction ed. A. A. Veize, Vysshaya Shkola, 1964
- * Slow but Sure, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd December 1929
- * A Slow but Sure Business Revival, (ar) McClure’s Magazine September 1925
- * Slow Death, (ms) Detective Tales April 1951
- * The Slow-Match [Willy Harcourt], (ss) (by G. P. R. James) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1853
- * The Slow-Motion Wizard! [Lightnin’], (ss) The Triumph December 24 1927
- * Slow Pay, (ms) Clues Detective Stories November 1938
- * Slow Poison, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd May 1930
- * Slow, the Weaver, (vi)
- * A Slow Way to Riches, (ms) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet Winter 1999
- * Sludge, (cs) The Scout September 9 1961
- * Sludge Removal, (ar) Railroad Magazine June 1947
- * Slug Racket, (ms) Best Detective Magazine July 1935
- * Slumber, (pm) Fraser’s Magazine October 1830
- * Slumber Party for Models, (pi) Snap v1 #2, 1958
- * Slumber Song, (pm)
- * A Slumber-Song, (pm) The Argosy (UK) February 1900
- * A Slur on a Great Name, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 15 1913
- * A Sly Old Rat, (pm) Harper’s Magazine
- * Smacks for Red Max [Slick the Sleuth], (ss) The Buzzer #6, November 20 1937
- * Small and Great, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 26 1887
- * Small Arms, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 4 1882
- * Small Arms of the B.E.F., (ia) Modern Wonders December 23 1939
- * Small-Beer Chronicle, (ar) (by William Makepeace Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine July 1861
- * Small Beginnings of Big New York, (ms) The Scrap Book March 1909
- * Small Boat Directory, (ms) Argosy Feb 1957, Feb 1958, Feb 1959
- * Small Bosom—Big Haul, (ms) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 1956
- * The Small Boy Again, (hu) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1897
- * The Small Boy’s Explanation, (ss) The Wave January 6 1894
- * A Small Cafe Ma’mselle, (pi) Ace June 1959
- * Small Change, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 19 1929
- * Small Coins Made in Big Mint, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly November 10 1915
- * A Small Colonial House Costing $7200, (ar) Good Housekeeping March 1933
- * Small Craft of the Royal Navy, (ia) Modern World May 18 1940
- * Small Dogs Used in Coyote Hunts, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 4 1937
- * Small Economies, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine October 1875
- * Smaller Dust Crop This Year, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 17 1937
- * The Smallest Amphibian Plane, (ms) Air Trails November 1929
- * The Smallest Bird Lives in Cuba, (ms) Short Stories December 10 1921
- * The Smallest Boy Scout, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly March 10 1915
- * Smallest Electric Motor, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly September 10 1915
- * The Smallest Engine, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper October 15 1881
- * The Smallest Engine, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1910
- * The Smallest Kingdom, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1887
- * The Smallest Navy in the World, (ar) The Royal Magazine August 1900
- * Small Expenses of Big Businesses, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine September 1906
- * The Small Farm, (ar) Sunset March 1904
- * Small-Fry Zoo, (pi) This Week August 12 1951
- * The Small Girl’s View of It, (pm) The All-Story Magazine November 1907
- * Smallhead and the King’s Sons, (ss) More Celtic Fairy Tales ed. Joseph Jacobs, David Nutt, 1894
- * The Small House at Allington, (n.) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine September 1862 (+19)
- Harper’s New Monthly Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1862, Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec 1863
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1864
* ___ Chapter I. The Squire of Allington, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine September 1862
* ___ Chapter II. The Two Pearls of Allington, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine September 1862
* ___ Chapter III. The Widow Dale of Allington, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine September 1862
* ___ Chapter IV. Mrs. Roper’s Boarding-House, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine October 1862
* ___ Chapter V. About L. D., (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine October 1862
* ___ Chapter VI. Beautiful Days, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine October 1862
* ___ Chapter VII. The Beginning of Troubles, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine November 1862
* ___ Chapter VIII. It Cannot Be, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine November 1862
* ___ Chapter IX. Mrs. Dale’s Little Party, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine November 1862
* ___ Chapter X. Mrs. Lupex and Amelia Roper, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine December 1862
* ___ Chapter XI. Social Life, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine December 1862
* ___ Chapter XII. Lilian Dale Becomes a Butterfly, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine December 1862
* ___ Chapter XIII. A Visit to Guestwick, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine January 1863
* ___ Chapter XIV. John Eames Takes a Walk, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine January 1863
* ___ Chapter XV. The Last Day, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine January 1863
* ___ Chapter XVI. Mr. Crosbie Meets an Old Clergyman on His Way to Courcy Castle, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine February 1863
* ___ Chapter XVII. Courcy Castle, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine February 1863
* ___ Chapter XVIII. Lily Dale’s First Love-Letter, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine February 1863
* ___ Chapter XIX. The Squire Makes a Visit to the Small House, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine March 1863
* ___ Chapter XX. Dr. Crofts, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine March 1863
* ___ Chapter XXI. John Eames Encounters Two Adventures and Displays Great Courage in Both, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine March 1863
* ___ Chapter XXII. Lord De Guest at Home, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine April 1863
* ___ Chapter XXIII. Mr. Plantagenet Palliser, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine April 1863
* ___ Chapter XXIV. A Mother-in-Law and a Father-in-Law, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine April 1863
* ___ Chapter XXV. Adolphus Crosbie Spends an Evening at His Club, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine May 1863
* ___ Chapter XXVI. Lord de Courcy in the Bosom of His Family, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine May 1863
* ___ Chapter XXVII. “On My Honour, I Do Not Understand It”, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine May 1863
* ___ Chapter XXVIII. The Board, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine June 1863
* ___ Chapter XXIX. John Eames Returns to Burton Crescent, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine June 1863
* ___ Chapter XXX. Is It from Him?, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine June 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXI. The Wounded Fawn, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine July 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXII. Pawkins’s in Jermyn Street, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine July 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXIII. “The Time Will Come”, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine July 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXIV. The Combat, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXV. Væ Victis, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXVI. “See, the Conquering Hero Comes”, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine August 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXVII. An Old Man’s Complaint, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine September 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXVIII. Dr. Crofts Is Called In, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine September 1863
* ___ Chapter XXXIX. Dr. Crofts Is Turned Out, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine September 1863
* ___ Chapter XL. Preparations for the Wedding, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine October 1863
* ___ Chapter XLI. Domestic Troubles, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine October 1863
* ___ Chapter XLII. Lily’s Bedside, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine October 1863
* ___ Chapter XLIII. Fie, Fie!, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine November 1863
* ___ Chapter XLIV. Valentine’s Day at Allington, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine November 1863
* ___ Chapter XLV. Valentine’s Day in London, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine November 1863
* ___ Chapter XLVI. John Eames at His Office, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine December 1863
* ___ Chapter XLVII. The New Private Secretary, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine December 1863
* ___ Chapter XLVIII. Nemesis, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine December 1863
* ___ Chapter XLIX. Preparations for Going, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine January 1864
* ___ Chapter L. Mrs. Dale Is Thankful for a Good Thing, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine January 1864
* ___ Chapter LI. John Eames Does Things Which He Ought Not to Have Done, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine January 1864
* ___ Chapter LII. The First Visit to the Guestwick Bridge, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine February 1864
* ___ Chapter LIII. Loquitur Hopkins, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine February 1864
* ___ Chapter LIV. The Second Visit to the Guestwick Bridge, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine February 1864
* ___ Chapter LV. Not Very Fie Fie After All, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine March 1864
* ___ Chapter LVI. Showing How Mr. Crosbie Became Again a Happy Man, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine March 1864
* ___ Chapter LVII. Lilian Dale Vanquishes Her Mother, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine March 1864
* ___ Chapter LVIII. The Fate of the Small House, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine April 1864
* ___ Chapter LIX. John Eames Becomes a Man, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine April 1864
* ___ Chapter LX. Conclusion, (sl) (by Anthony Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine April 1864
- * Small Items, (pi) Collier’s October 15 1927
- * The Small Miracle, (ss) (by Rhys H. Hughes) Nemonymous #3, 2003
- * Small Press, (ms) Fiction Writer’s Market ed. John Brady & Jean M. Fredette, Writer's Digest Books, 1981
- * The Small Press, (ms) Focus #34, November/December 1998
- * Small Problem with Cafe Press Store, (ms) Grantville Gazette v27, 2010
- * Small Publisher Spotlight:
* ___ Busted Flush, (cl) Crimespree Magazine #23, March/April 2008
- * Small Screen Conversions, (ms) A Shot in the Dark #0, June 1994
- * Small Stills, (ar) Men’s Digest January 1966
- * Small Superstitions, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine January 28 1871
- * Smalltaculars, (??) Nugget October 1958
- * Small Talk, (hu) Snappy May 1938
- * Small Talk: An Insider’s Perspective, (iv) Spectra Pulse Spring/Summer 2008 [Ref. Anne Groell, Juliet Ulman & Joshua Pasternak]
- * Small Talk of an Interesting World, (ar) The Scrap Book March 1911
- * Small Theft Was Not Ignored, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 28 1921
- * Small Things, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 20 1884
- * Small Things Are Best, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 17 1883
- * A Small-Town Girl in the Big City, (pi) Gallery June 1973
- * Small Town Girl with “Big Town” Ideas, (ss) My Confession 1948
- * Small Town Malice, (ts) “I Confess” August 21 1925
- * Small Town Morals, (ts) Dream World September 1924
- * Small Trike—Big Tyke, (pi) Cloud-9 v1 #6, 1961
- * Small Wonders, (ms) Collier’s May 9 1953
- * The Small World and the War (A Fact), (te) Canada in Khaki #1, 1917
- * Smart Afternoon and House Frocks, (ms) Everywoman’s World January 1918
- * A Smart and a Serviceable Coat Suit, (ar) McCall’s Magazine January 1911
- * Smart and Summery, (ms) The Illustrated Love Magazine August 1933
- * Smart and Thrifty, (cl) Variety Love Stories October 1940
- * A Smart Bit of Roping, (ms) Far West Illustrated Magazine September 1926
- * A Smart Boy, (pm) St. Nicholas September 1884
- * Smart Detective Work, (ms) Clues 1st October 1928
- * Smart Embroidered Waists, (ms) Canadian Home Journal June 1910
- * The Smartest Dog in the World, (ar) Bluebook November 1953
- * “The Smartest Play I Ever Saw!”, (ms) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy October 1933
- * The Smartest Thing in Town!, (cl) Love Fiction Monthly July 1942
- * The Smartest Things in Town, (cl) Love Fiction Monthly June 1941
- * Smart Fall Styles, (ms) The Farmer’s Wife October 1932
- * Smart Fashions See the Daylight, (ms) The Illustrated Love Magazine January 1933
- * Smart Feats of Clever Boys, (ar) Chums June 14 1899
- * Smart for Spring, (ms) Love Fiction Monthly May 1943
- * Smart for Spring, (ms) Variety Love Stories May 1945
- * Smart Frocks That Can Be Made in a Jiffy, (ar) Liberty May 24 1924
- * Smart Frocks That Suggest the Approach of Vacation, (ar) Liberty May 17 1924
- * Smart Girls Are Wearing—, (ms) Love Fiction Monthly March 1941
- * “Smart” Knitting Page, (ms) Smart Novels #2421 Feb 17, #2438 Jun 16 1941
- * The Smart Little Girl Plays It the Coolest, (pi) Escapade September 1956
- * Smart Love Stories and North West Romances, (ar) Spicy Armadillo Stories April 1990
- * Smartness on a Shoestring, (ms) Complete Love Magazine February 1942
- * A Smart Nightgown, (ms) The Royal Pictorial December 1933
- * Smart One Valvers!, (ar) The Modern Boy December 8 1928
- * Smart Phone, Beeping Watches, (ar) Omni June 1980
- * Smarts, (qz) Knight March 1978
- * The Smart-Set Detective, (na) Tip-Top Detective Tales #35, 191?
- * Smart Sex, (cl) Penthouse Oct, Dec 1991, Sep, Nov, Dec 1992, Jan, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1993
Jan, Sep 1994, Sep 1995, Apr 1996, Jun, Oct 1997, Apr 1999, Sep 2000, Dec 2001, Mar,
Apr, Jun 2002
Sep 2003, Jun, Nov 2004, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 2005
* ___ The Results of Our Exclusive Sex Survey, (cl) Penthouse September 1996
- * Smart Styles Adapted for Various Occasions, (ms) Pictorial Review March 1913
- * The Smart Taffeta Model and How to Make It, (ar) The American Needlewoman April 1926
- * Smart Tips for Motor Campers, (ar) Your Car: A Magazine of Romance, Fact and Fiction June 1925
- * Smart Women Sponsor Checks and Plaids, (ar) Good Housekeeping March 1933
- * Smarty Aleck, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 10 1935
- * Smash and Grab, (ts) The Passing Show November 10 1934
- * Smash Crime Syndicate, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1938
- * Smashes Door; Saves Pup, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction February 11 1928
- * Smashing Atoms, (ss) (by D. G. Turner) Scoops March 3 1934
- * Smashing a World’s Record, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1933, 1932
- * The Smashing of the Opal Tong [Dixon Hawke], (nv) Dixon Hawke Library #572, 1941
- * A Smashing September Issue, (ms) Black Mask August 1935
- * Smashing the Hindenburg Line, (ms) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #45, May 1931
- * Smashing Through, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly April 19 1924; adapted from the movie (Johnny Hines), likely originally released in the USA as Sure-Fire Flint.
- * Smashing Through, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #498, June 29 1929; adapted from the movie (John Stuart and Eve Gray).
- * Smashing-Up Roads for a Living!, (ia) The Modern Boy July 28 1934
- * Smashing, What?, (pi) Best for Men June 1966
- * Smelling Essays, (ms)
- * Smelling Out the Crook, (ms) Flynn’s July 11 1925
- * Smelling Solutions, (ms) Manhunt September 1957
- * Smile, (pi) The Dude March 1962
- * Smile, (pm) The (Philadelphia) Evening Bulletin March 29 1901, as "Smiles", by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- * A Smile, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1882
- * A Smile, (pm)
- * “Smile!”, (th) The London Magazine September 1917
- * A Smile in a Million, (ss) The Wave May 19 1894
- * A Smile in the Lords, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1884
- * A Smile in the Sky, (vi) (by Gary Couzens) Nemonymous #1, November 2001
- * Smile, Lady, Smile!, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1885
- * A Smile or Two, (hu) Stolen Sweets Oct, Nov 1933
- * Smiler Blunt’s Two-Ton Pet, (ss) Wild West (UK) #38, November 26 1938
- * Smiler’s Dog-Gone Dynamo, (ss) Wild West (UK) #47, January 28 1939
- * Smiler’s Treacle Mine, (ss) Wild West Weekly (UK) #19, July 16 1938
- * The Smiler with the Knife, (qz) Argosy (UK) December 1947
- * Smiles, (hu) The Woman at Home Oct, Nov, Dec 1896, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1897
- * Smiles, (hu) Chums April 14 1923
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