The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11902
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Publisher’s Note, (pr) The Best Short Stories of Fredric Brown by Fredric Brown, NEL, 1982
- * Publisher’s Note Update, (ms) Prize Stories 2002: The O. Henry Awards ed. Larry Dark, Anchor Books, 2002
- * Publisher’s Notice, (ms) The Bostonian October 1894
- * Publisher’s Page, (ms) Over My Dead Body! #1, Summer 1993
- * Publisher Spotlight: Coffin Hop Press, (ar) Unnerving Magazine #5, January 2018
- * The Publisher’s Table, (cl) Ainslee’s Magazine June 1898
- * The Publisher’s Traveler, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 31 1903
- * The Publisher’s Word, (ed) Smith’s Magazine April 1905
- * Publishers’ Word, (ed) Gunter’s Magazine August 1905
- * Publishing History, (bi) The Best Short Stories of Garry Kilworth by Garry Kilworth, infinity plus, 2016
- * Publishing History, (bi) “We Know You’re Busy Writing…” by Edmund Crispin, Collins Crime Club, 2023
- * Publishing News, (ms) Fear #37, August 2016
- * Publishing Schedule, Submissions, Etc., (ms) SteamPunk Magazine #4, 2008
- * Publishing Statistics, 1966, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #10, January 1967
- * Pub Talk, (ms) Night Dreams #6, November 1996
- * Puck, (pi) Mayfair v11 #7, 1976
- * The Pueblo Indian, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 2 1925
- * Pueblo Indians Broadcast, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 23 1925
- * The Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1883
- * Pueblo, Prominent Southern Colorado Metropolis, Is Noted as Agricultural and Commercial Center, (ms) Cowboy Stories August 1927
- * Puerto Bueno, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1900
- * Puerto Bueno (Head-piece), (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1900
- * Puffer and the Flying Donkey, (cs) Children’s Digest September 1957
- * Pufferfish & Zombies: A Deadly Mix, (ar) The Golden Gazette v3 #1, 2010
- * Puffing Billies, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1937, 1936
- * A Puff of Thought, and Afterthought, (il) Beeton’s Christmas Annual #8, 1867
- * Pugilism and the Drama, (ar) The Sun
- * Pugilism’s Invasion of the Drama, (sr) The Scrap Book March 1906
- * Pugilistic Paragraphs, (cl) Fight Stories Oct 1930, Feb 1931
- * A Pugilistic Voice from the Past, (ar) The Half-Century Magazine May 1919
- * Pugnacity of the Quail, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1884
- * Pug’s Confession, (ss) American Homes March 1874
- * The Puia, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1890
- * A Pull All Together, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper March 29 1879
- * A Pull for Life, (ss) Colonial Monthly August 1868
- * Pulling Jones’s Teeth, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 25 1931
- * Pulling Their Weight, (ia) Chums January 1935
- * Pullman Porters May Really Brush Clothes Now, (ms)
- * Pulp Ads from Asia Magazine, (ms) Sword & Fantasy #7, July 2006
- * Pulp and Degenerate Crossword, (pz) Out of the Gutter #4, February 2008
- * Pulp Art Covers, (ar) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2003
- * A Pulp Chronicle, (ar) (by Bernard A. Drew) Attic Revivals #2, 1980
- * Pulp Confidential:
* ___ Ryerson Johnson, 1902-1995, (ob) Pulp Adventures #6, Spring 1996 [Ref. Ryerson Johnson]
- * Pulpdom & Fantastic Collector Index, (ms) Pulpdom #50, February 2008
- * Pulp Editor, (iv) The Pulpster #11, 2001 [Ref. John L. Nanovic]
- * Pulp Facts, (cl) The Pulp Collector Summer 1987
- * The Pulp-Hero Quiz, (qz) Pulp Spr 1971, Wtr 1973, Sum 1974
- * Pulp Information Center, (cl) Echoes #24 Apr, #27 Oct 1986, #42 Apr 1989
- * Pulp Information, Please!, (cl) The Pulp Collector Spr, Sum, Fll 1987, Wtr, Fll 1988, Wtr, Sum 1989, Wtr 1990
- * The Pulpit and Its Critics, (ar) (by Orlando Thomas Dobbin) Dublin University Magazine January 1864
- * Pulpit Flowers, (pm) (by William C. Richards) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1873
- * Pulpit on Wheels, (ms) The Sunday Strand July 1906
- * Pulpland!: The Board Game, (ms) Strange Worlds #9, October 2001
- * Pulp News and Notes, (cl) Windy City Pulp Stories #1, 2001
- * Pulp Notes, (ms) Pulp Sum 1971, Spr 1972, Wtr 1973, Sum 1974
- * Pulp Portfolio, (iv) Astonishing Adventures! #8, December 2009 [Ref. Larry Nadolsky]
- * Pulp Profile: Albert Roberts, Artist Extraordinary, (ar) Echoes #91, February 1997 [Ref. Albert Roberts]
- * Pulp Profile: Bill Severn, (ar) (by Bernard A. Drew) Attic Revivals #4/5, 1982 [Ref. Bill Severn]
- * Pulp Profile: Henry Steeger, (ar) (by Bernard A. Drew) Attic Revivals #4/5, 1982 [Ref. Henry Steeger]
- * Pulp Profile: Kenneth A. Fowler, (ar) (by Bernard A. Drew) Attic Revivals #4/5, 1982 [Ref. Kenneth A. Fowler]
- * Pulp Profile: Robert Weinberg, (bg) Echoes #11, February 1984 [Ref. Robert Weinberg]
- * Pulp Profile: The Syndicate Option, (ar) (by Bernard A. Drew) Attic Revivals #4/5, 1982
- * Pulp Profile: William R. Cox, (ar) (by Bernard A. Drew) Attic Revivals #4/5, 1982 [Ref. William R. Cox]
- * The Pulp Quiz, (qz) Pulp Sum 1971, Spr 1972, Fll 1981
- * Pulps of the 1920’s and 30’s, (ar) The Armchair Detective Spring 1979
- * The Pulse of the Pacific, (cl) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1918
- * Pulse Play, (pz) Spectra Pulse Spring/Summer 2008
- * Pulse Points, (ms) Spectra Pulse Spring/Summer 2008
- * The Pulse-Pounding Prose of David Bell Continues as “Layover” Hits the Shelves, (iv) Suspense Magazine April/May/June 2019 [Ref. David Bell]
- * Pumping Station of the Human Body, (ar) Modern Wonder June 17 1939
- * The Pumpkin-Heads, (vi) Chicago Ledger August 6 1910
- * Punch and Moody, (cl) Penthouse (UK) December 1971
- * Punch and Variety in November, (ms) Black Mask October 1936
- * “The Punch Bowl”, (pi) The Smart Set (UK) January 1925
- * The “Punch-Bowl”, (th) The London Magazine May 1925
- * The Punched Kopek (A Story of the Russian Police), (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal November 22 1890
- * The ’Puncher Film Stars! [High, Low and Nippy], (ss) The Magnet October 9 1931
- * Punchers Capture Wild Stallion, (ms)
- * Punchinello Pastels, (vi) Blue Pencil Magazine November 1900
- * Punching Prisoners, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 26 1932
- * Punching the Hun, (ar) Battle Stories #14, October 1928
- * “Punch”-Makers of To-Day, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1906
- * Punch Me, Spank Me, Kick Me, (ar) Penthouse April 1977
- * Punch’s Paen to the Princelet, (pm) The Chartist Circular #116, December 11 1841
- * Punch’s Prototypes, (ar) (by Emily Morse Symonds) The Cornhill Magazine March 1895
- * Punctilious Economy, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1877
- * The Punctual Phantom, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #204, June 5 1852
- * Punctuation in Style, (hu) Peppy Tales v1 #1, 1939
- * Punctuation Puzzle, (pz) Snappy Oct, Nov, Dec 1933
- * Punished Boy Dies in Classroom, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1918
- * Punished Enough, (nv) (by Mrs. R. B. Latimer) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1878; adapted from an old French feuilleton.
- * Punished for a Lie, (vi) Chicago Ledger July 26 1919
- * Punished for Bribery, (ss) Truth January 19 1882
- * The Punished Onion-Thief, (ss)
- * Punishing Riotous Suffragettes, (ar) The Scrap Book February 1909
- * Punishing the Recalcitrants, (ar) The Popular Magazine March 7 1926
- * Punishing the Turk, (ms) Navy Stories February 1929
- * Punishment, (ms) Detective Tales June 1951
- * Punishment for Abductors, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 10 1934
- * The Punishment for Certain Crimes, (ms) Best Detective Magazine January 1931
- * Punishment for Crime Is Too Lenient, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 18 1920
- * A Punishment for Rudeness, (ar) Sunday October 1914
- * Punishment in East Africa, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 10 1934
- * Punishment in Republic’s Early Days, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 22 1919
- * Punishment in the Days of Old, (ar) (by John Rutherford) The Cornhill Magazine May 1868
- * Punishment of a Wife Beater, (ms) Best Detective Magazine December 1931
- * The Punishment of Convicts, (ar) (by J. Fitzjames Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine February 1863
- * Punishment of the Knout in Russia, (ms) The Terrific Register, Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1825
- * Punishment or Protection?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 7 1929
- * Punishment to Fit the Crime, (ts) True Story November 1923
- * Punks of the Trade, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 25 1933
- * Punning Run Mad, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1910
- * Punnygraphs, (hu) The Owl July 1897
- * Pup and Alarm Foil Holdup, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 26 1925
- * Pup Has Seat at Opera, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 13 1935
- * A Pup Hero, (ar) Boys’ Life March 1926
- * A Pupil of the Hôtel Rambouillet, (ar) (by Frances Eleanor Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine May 1870
- * The Puppet Masters, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #19, March 15 1952 [Ref. Robert Heinlein]
- * The Puppet Masters, (br) Weird Tales January 1952
- * Puppets from Odds and Ends, (ar) Collins’ for Boys and Girls #24, December 1949
- * Puppet Show, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct 1931
- * The Puppet Show, (ss) Good Housekeeping January 1908translated by Sui Sin Far
- * A Puppet Show for Adults Only, (pi) Escapade June 1962
- * The Puppy’s Amazement, (ts) The Strand Magazine February 1899
- * The Puppy’s Lament, (pm) The Grand Magazine March/April 1910
- * Purchase and Subscription, (ms) Orb Speculative Fiction #5, 2003
- * The Purchase Price, (ts) Mystery December 1934
- * Purchasing a Farm, (ss) The Emerald July 18 1868
- * Purchasing Information, (ms) Leading Edge #54, November 2007
- * Pure Brilliance, (ar) Daktari Annual 1969, World Distributors, 1969
- * A Pure Coincidence, (cn) Yes or No May 6 1911
- * Pure Food Comments and Questions, (ar) McClure’s Magazine May 1916
- * Pure Food Question in Fruit Jams, (ar) Canadian Home Journal June 1910
- * Pure Gold, (ar) (by Grant Allen) The Cornhill Magazine July 1887
- * Pure Gold, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st October 1930
- * Purely Coincidence, No Doubt, (ms) Astounding Science Fiction February 1955
- * The Pure Pearl of Diver’s Bay, (nv) (by Caroline Chesebro’) The Atlantic Monthly Apr, May 1858
- * Pure Poetry, (pi) Dude July 1963
- * Pure Silk Lingerie Offer, (ms) Mayfair v19 #4, v19 #8, v19 #9 1984, v20 #3 1985
- * The Purist Gets a Soaking, (hu) The Popular Magazine June 1906
- * The Puritan Blossom, (pm) (by Nelly M. Hutchinson) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1874
- * The Puritan Captain, (ss) (by Jane G. Austin) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1869
- * The Puritan Lovers, (pm) (by Marian Douglas) The Atlantic Monthly May 1869
- * The Puritan Maid, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine November 1900
- * The Purple Armchair, (br) Analog Science Fact & Fiction (UK) February 1962 [Ref. Olga Hesky]
- * The Purple Avenger [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #530, 1940
- * The Purple Doom [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #364, 1933
- * The Purple Doom of Doctor Krantz [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #549, 1940
- * The Purple Finch, (ar) Western Story Magazine November 3 1928
- * The Purple Idol! [Ferrers Locke], (ss) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1932, 1931
- * The Purple Orchids [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #77, 1922
- * The Purple Passion, (ar) Rogue December 1965
- * Purple Peanut [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) 1930
- * The Purple Warning [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #181, 1926
- * Purpose, (pm)
- * Purpose Ballot and Info Return, (ms) Star*Line September 1978
- * Purpose of Explorer IV, (ms) Fantastic Universe November 1958
- * A Purse of Gold, (ss) The Argosy (UK) May 1884
- * The Purse Pocket-Book, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine July 1893
- * Pursue Man Under River, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 23 1921
- * Pursues Man Who Got His Life Savings, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 10 1922
- * Pursuit, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #830, November 9 1935; adapted from the movie (Chester Morris, Sally Eilers).
- * The Pursuit of a Heritage, (ss) (by Mrs. Frank M’Carthy) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1876
- * Pursuit of a Wife, (nv) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1857
- * Pursuit of Knowledge, (pm) Gaiety December 1922
- * The Pursuit of Knowledge Under Difficulties; and What Came of It, (nv) (by Gail Hamilton) The Atlantic Monthly Mar, Apr 1860
- * Pursuit Plane Development, (ms) Bill Barnes Air Trails November 1936
- * Pursuit Through Time, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #68, April 15 1956 [Ref. Jonathan Burke]
- * Push Ball as Played in the Army, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper November 19 1904
- * The Pushbutton Cornucopia, (ar) Time March 9 1959
- * Push-Button Mining, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #303, November 4 1967
- * Pusher Fighter, (ms) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer July 1934
- * The Pushful Planner, (bg) John Bull July 13 1946 [Ref. Lewis Silkin]
- * Pushing Backwards, (fa) (by Robert G. Meadley) New Worlds #214, Winter 1978
- * Pushing the Boundaries…, (iv) Suspense Magazine May 2013 [Ref. M. J. Rose]
- * Puss and the Parrot, (ts) The Strand Magazine July 1900
- * Puss in Boots, (ss) (by Charles Perrault), as "The Master Cat or, Puss in Boots"
- * “Puss in Boots”, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1888
- * “Puss! Puss!”, (rv) The London Magazine September 1921
- * Pussy and the Cat-Nip Ball, (il) St. Nicholas February 1885
- * Pussy and the Turtle, (vi) St. Nicholas May 1891
- * Pussy Katz, (cs) Duke Dec 1967, Jun 1969
- * Pussy’s Reply, (pm) Wide Awake January 1890
- * Pussy’s Walk, (pm) The Novel Magazine November 1905
- * “La Putain Respecteuse” with model Jeanne Francois, (pi) Escapade August 1958
- * Put It in Print, (ms) McCall’s January 1954
- * The Putitoffs, (pm)
- * Put It Together and Save, (ar) Argosy March 1953
- * Put Them Up, Soldier!, (ms) Five-Novels Monthly September 1942
- * Put This Down in Your Log!, (ms) Navy Stories #7, August 1929
- * Put This in Your Week-End Bag, (pz) Snappy Stories 2nd March 1925
- * Putting a River to Work, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1937, 1936
- * Putting Crimps in English, (hu) The Scrap Book November 1910
- * Putting Frills on Frenzied Finance, (ms) The Popular Magazine December 15 1913
- * Putting in the Postscript, (ms) Art Lovers’ Magazine Aug, Sep 1925
- * Putting It on the Map, (pi) Look and Learn #94, November 2 1963
- * Putting Magic Into Axes, (ar) Boys’ Life August 1928
- * Putting Oceans Wealth to Work, (ia) Modern World June 15 1940
- * Putting Power Behind the Crystal, (ar) The Modern Boy February 2 1929
- * Putting the Cart Before the Mules, (ms) The Harmsworth Magazine July 1901
- * Putting the Hammer on Hollywood, (vi) Follies Winter 1933
- * Putting the Milk in the Bottle, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1932, 1931
- * Putting the Move in the Movies, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 13 1916
- * Putting the Sex Back Into Unisex, (ar) Man September 1971
- * Putting the Stars in Your Rockets, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1935, 1934
- * Putting Things Over, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 7 1922
- * Putting Volcanoes to Work, (ar) Modern World June 8 1940; condensed from the Adelaide Chronicle, 1940.
- * Putting Your Game Right, (ar) Jack’s Paper #5, November 28 1922
- * Puttin’ on the Shoes, (ar) Triple-X Magazine #56, January 1929
- * The Putty Man, (ss) The Wave June 23 1894
- * A Put-Up Game, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 18 1909
- * Put Yourself in His Place:
* ___ Chapter I, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine March 1869
* ___ Chapter II, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine March 1869
* ___ Chapter III, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine March 1869
* ___ Chapter IV, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine April 1869
* ___ Chapter V, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine April 1869
* ___ Chapter VI, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine May 1869
* ___ Chapter VII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine May 1869
* ___ Chapter VIII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine June 1869
* ___ Chapter IX, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine June 1869
* ___ Chapter X, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine July 1869
* ___ Chapter XI, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine August 1869
* ___ Chapter XII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine September 1869
* ___ Chapter XIII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine October 1869
* ___ Chapter XIV, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine October 1869
* ___ Chapter XV, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine October 1869
* ___ Chapter XVI, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine October 1869
* ___ Chapter XVII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine October 1869
* ___ Chapter XVIII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine October 1869
* ___ Chapter XIX, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine October 1869
* ___ Chapter XX, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine November 1869
* ___ Chapter XXI, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine November 1869
* ___ Chapter XXII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine November 1869
* ___ Chapter XXIII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine December 1869
* ___ Chapter XXIV, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine December 1869
* ___ Chapter XXV, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine December 1869
* ___ Chapter XXVI, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine December 1869
* ___ Chapter XXVII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine December 1869
* ___ Chapter XXVIII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine January 1870
* ___ Chapter XXIX, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine January 1870
* ___ Chapter XXX, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine February 1870
* ___ Chapter XXXI, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine February 1870
* ___ Chapter XXXII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine February 1870
* ___ Chapter XXXIII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine March 1870
* ___ Chapter XXXIV, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine March 1870
* ___ Chapter XXXV, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine March 1870
* ___ Chapter XXXVI, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine March 1870
* ___ Chapter XXXVII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine March 1870
* ___ Chapter XXXVIII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine April 1870
* ___ Chapter XXXIX, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine April 1870
* ___ Chapter XL, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine May 1870
* ___ Chapter XLI, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine May 1870
* ___ Chapter XLII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine June 1870
* ___ Chapter XLIII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine June 1870
* ___ Chapter XLIV, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine June 1870
* ___ Chapter XLV, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine July 1870
* ___ Chapter XLVI, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine July 1870
* ___ Chapter XLVII, (sl) (by Charles Reade) The Cornhill Magazine July 1870
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