The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11899
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Honor Roll, (bi) Masters’ Choice ed. Laurence M. Janifer, Simon & Schuster, 1966
- * Honor’s Bond, (ts) Marriage Confessions November 1930
- * Honors from Italy, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1899
- * The Honor System, (mr) Film Fun #335, February 1917
- * The Honor System at New Castle, Delaware, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 23 1925
- * Honor to Whom Honor Is Due: Tom Watson Is Entitled to Honor for the R.F.D. System, (ar) Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine January 1908 [Ref. Thomas E. Watson]
- * Honor Victis, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine September 1889
- * The Honourable Artillery Company, (ar) The Ludgate Monthly November 1893
- * The Honourable Company of Master Mariners, (ms) Blue Peter #117 Dec 1931, #133 Apr 1933
- * The Honourable Jimmy’s Yacht [Stormcove College], (ss) (by H. Clarke Hook) Boys’ Magazine April 8 1922
- * “Honourable Mention Or—”, (ss) Chums January 11 1899
- * Honourable Mentions, (ms) The Lost Club Journal #3, Spring 2004
- * Honourable Strip-Tease, (ar) Lilliput June/July 1951
- * Honour at School, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper September 16 1882
- * Honour Bright! A tale of Tim Larrigan, (sl) (by Harold J. Garrish) Pluck January 19 1907
- * Honour Bright! Or, Tim Larrigan, (sl) (by Harold J. Garrish) Pluck January 12 1907
- * Honour—Fatalism—Romanticism, (iv) Arena SF #12, Summer 1981 [Ref. Richard Cowper]
- * Honour for a B.O.P. Artist (G. H. Edwards), (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper September 28 1907
- * The Honour of St. Frank’s [St. Frank’s], (sl) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Nugget Weekly #3 Jul 31, #4 Aug 7, #5 Aug 14 1920
- * Honour Roll, (bg) 50 Science Fiction Tales ed. Gail Jamieson & Gail Kuyper, Science Fiction and Fantasy South Africa, 2022
- * Honque! Honque!, (ms) Collier’s May 17 1952
- * The Hon. Stephen B. Elkins, (bg) The Golden Argosy October 31 1885
- * The Hon. Vesey’s Last Hope, (ss) Truth July 20 1882
- * The Hon. Violet Vivian, (ar) The Woman at Home June 1901
- * The Hon. Walter Rothschild at Tring Park, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1896
- * Hon. Whitlaw Reid: Minister to France, (bg) The Argosy #484, March 12 1892
- * Hoobastank Frontman Doug Robb, (ar) Penthouse (US) February 2006
- * The Hooded Accuser [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #402, 1935
- * Hooded Night-Riders’ Reign of Terror—Back to the Days of Ku Klux Klan, (ar) Tit-Bits #2859, August 15 1936
- * The Hooded Peril [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #80, 1922
- * The Hooded Riders [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by John William Bobin) The Sexton Blake Library #228, 1922
- * Hooded Terrors of the Air [Dixon Hawke], (nv) Dixon Hawke Library #573, 1941
- * The Hooded Tyrant of the Ring, (sl) The Skipper #295 Apr 25, #298 May 16, #299 May 23 1936
- * Hoodoo Hero, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #388, June 21 1969
- * Hoodoo Hulk, (ts) Seven Magazine of People’s Writing July/August/September 1942
- * The Hoodoo on Houdini, (ar) Man August 1960
- * Hoodoo on the Rangers, (sl) (by Wilfred McNeilly) Boys’ World Dec 28 1963, Jan 4, Jan 11, Jan 18, Jan 25, Feb 1, Feb 8, Feb 15, Feb 22, Feb 29,
Mar 7, Mar 14, Mar 21, Mar 28 1964
- * Hoodoo Open Source Religion, (ar) Obsolete! #3, 2011
- * The Hoods of Musical Graduates, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper August 3 1889
- * Hoods of the Academical Degrees of the Universities of Great Britain and Ireland: 1249-1900, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper March 26 1904
- * Hoofbeats of Vengeance, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #491, May 11 1929; adapted from the movie (Jack Perrin).
- * Hoof Branding, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 2 1940
- * Hook, (ar) Samhain #35, November/December 1992
- * Hooked Rug Pattern, (ms) Romance June/July 1937
- * Hooker’s House at Hartford, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1901
- * Hooking Her Up, (ar) Railroad Magazine August 1944
- * Hook, Line & Sinker, (pi) The Blue Book Magazine November 1949
- * The Hook on a Lash Cinch, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story July 19 1941
- * Hook on Punning, (pm) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #31, March 21 1885
- * Hooks-And-Eyes, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1884
- * Hooks the Reader at the Beginning, (iv) Suspense Magazine November 2012 [Ref. John Connolly]
- * Hooligans, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 1 1918
- * Hoop-La and Lots o’ Luck, (pi) Nightcap v1 #1, 1960
- * Hoops My Dear, (pi) Look December 28 1954
- * Hoo-Ray, (pi) Real Men June 1966
- * Hooray!, (hu) Chums May 20 1922, Mar 3 1923
- * Hoosier Hottie: Hanna Hilton, (pi) Penthouse (US) December 2006
- * Hoot Gibson, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly July 24 1920
- * Hoot Gibson, (pi) Movie Monthly November 1925 [Ref. Hoot Gibson]
- * Hoot Gibson at Home, (pi) Movie Monthly September 1925 [Ref. Hoot Gibson]
- * The Hoot Owl Trail [Six-Gun Sandy], (cs) Thrilling Western May 1935
- * The Hoover Dam, (ms) Street & Smith’s Far West Stories May 1931
- * Hoover Dam, Arizona, (ar) Collier’s March 12 1949
- * Hoover Honors Brotherhood Official, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1931
- * Hoover of the F.B.I., (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 1975
- * Hopalong Cassidy Crossword, (pz) Hopalong Cassidy’s Western Magazine Winter 1951
- * Hopalong Cassidy Filmography, (ms) The New Captain George’s Whizzbang #9, 1970
- * Hopalong Cassidy’s Cryptogram, (pz) Hopalong Cassidy’s Western Magazine Fall 1950
- * Hopalong’s New Year’s Resolutions, (ms) Ranch Romances 1st Jan, 2nd Jan 1951
- * Hope, (pm)
- * Hope, (pm) (by Kate Hillard) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1872
- * Hope, (pm) (by Carl Spencer) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1874
- * Hope!, (pi) Fling Festival Fall 1961
- * Hope and Faith, (pm) The Golden Argosy March 20 1886
- * Hope and Trust, (pm)
- * Hope Deferred, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1881
- * Hope for the Forests, (ed) The Century Magazine September 1895
- * Hopeful, (pm) Town Topics
- * Hopeful in the Midst of Tragedy, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 1 1912
- * Hope (“Hope never dies, but up and onward looks…”), (pm) The Ladies’ National Magazine November 1846
- * Hopeless Hunt, (ms) Manhunt June 1958
- * The Hopeless Quest, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 1 1914
- * Hope: Life’s Inspiration—The Thoughts of a Modern Spiritualist: From the Light of Truth, (ar) The Paragon Monthly October 1907
- * Hope of His Side, (ms) Frank Clune’s Adventure Magazine April 1948
- * The Hope of Stageland, (ar) The London Magazine September 1907
- * Hope On, (pm) The Argosy (UK) February 1872
- * A Hoper Named See, (pi) Mermaid v1 #3, 1958
- * Hopes of Rich Gold Strike Fade, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 30 1935
- * Hop Fields Turned Into Vineyards, (ms) Western Story Magazine October 3 1925
- * Hop Hi, (ms) The Magnet Library March 16 1918
- * The Hopi Boy and the Sun, (ss) American Indian Myth and Legends ed. Richard Erdoes & Alfonso Ortiz, Pantheon Books, 1984
- * Hop It!, (gm) Premier Book for Children 1961
- * Hopkinson’s Temporary Madness, (ss) Chums September 28 1898
- * Hoppy New Year!, (hu) Cricket January 2016
- * Hoppy’s Hoarhound, (sl) The Skipper #141, May 13 1933
- * Hoppy the Hobo, (cs) The Hotspur #1034, September 1 1956
- * Hops and Hop Cultivation, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1879
- * Hops and Hop-Picking, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1886
- * Hop, Step and Jump, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper March 15 1879
- * Hop-Talk’s Rodeo Rag! [Hop-Talk], (ss) Wild West (UK) #48, February 4 1939
- * Horace Austin Warner Tabor, (ia) The Rio Kid Western February 1943
- * Horace - Book 1, Ode 9, (pm) Centennial Magazine December 1888translated by A. Hammond Marshall
- * Horace Coker, (ia) The Magnet Library December 9 1922
- * Horace for Boys: Book I, Carmen 37; Book I, Carmen 38, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper June 23 1883
- * Horace for Boys: Book III, Car. 28, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper June 9 1883
- * Horace for Boys: Book III, Carmen 13, O Fons Banduciæ, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper June 2 1883
- * Horace Greeley, (ia) The Rio Kid Western February 1943
- * Horace H. Herr, Who Has Turned His Railroad Knowledge Into Successful Fiction, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1912 [Ref. Horace H. Herr]
- * Horace in Australia, (br) The Lone Hand: The Australian Monthly May 1907
- * Horace James Coker, (il) The Magnet Library October 10 1925
- * Horace James Coker, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Magnet February 15 1930
- * Horace McLean: A Story of a Search in Strange Places, (n.) (by Alice O’Hanlon) Cassell’s Family Magazine Dec 1879, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct,
Nov 1880
- * Horace, Odes - I,5, (pm) Centennial Magazine May 1889translated by E. Hamilton Irving
- * Horace Saltoun: Part 1.—Early Days with Grind and Grinders, (sl) (by Coke Richardson) The Cornhill Magazine February 1861
- * Horace Saltoun: Part 2.—De Profundis, (sl) (by Coke Richardson) The Cornhill Magazine March 1861
- * Horace Saltoun: Part 3.—Vae Victis, (sl) (by Coke Richardson) The Cornhill Magazine April 1861
- * Horace’s Art of Conduct, (ar) (by William Cyples) The Cornhill Magazine July 1876
- * Horace’s Two Philosophies, (ar) (by William Cyples) The Cornhill Magazine July 1875
- * Horace Vernet, the Artist, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine July 1860
- * Horace Walpole, (ar) (by Leslie Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine June 1872 [Ref. Horace Walpole]
- * Horatio Alger, Jr., (bg) The Golden Argosy October 17 1885
- * Horatio Alger, Jr., (il) The Argosy December 22 1888
- * “Horatio” at the Station House, (ms) Flynn’s September 26 1925
- * The Hordes of Midas [Superman], (n.) Superman World Adventure Library #4, April 1967
- * Horizon, (ms) (by Walter Bosley) Lost Continent Library Magazine v1 #4, v1 #8, v1 #10 2008
- * Horn, (ar) The Strand Magazine July 1945
- * Hornblower Imitations, (ar) Presenting Moonshine #25, September 1972
- * Hornblowerlikeiana, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #29, March 1973
- * Hornblower “Takeoffs”, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #36, November 1973
- * Hornblow’s Duel, (ss) Young Englishman’s Journal October 24 1868
- * A Hornbook for Witches, (br) Weird Tales May 1951 [Ref. Leah Bodine Drake]
- * Horned Fences, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 4 1937
- * The Horned Lark, (ar) Western Story Magazine March 9 1929
- * Horned Owls on the Rampage, (ms) Western Story Magazine November 10 1928
- * The Horned Toad’s Southern Rival, (ms) Western Story Magazine July 27 1929
- * The Horned Women, (ss) Magic Realism #4, Fall 1991
- * The Horned Women, (vi)
- * Hornets’ Nest of the Mediterranean, (ia) Modern World March 29 1941
- * Hornets of the Skies, (pi) Air Stories (UK) July 1939
- * The Horn Girl, (pi) Broadside December 1972/January/February 1973
- * The Horniman Museum, (ms) Black & White #4, February 28 1891
- * The Horn of Oldenborg, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1876
- * Horn of Trouble [Daktari], (ss) Daktari Annual 1969, World Distributors, 1969
- * Horns and Antlers, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly September 10 1915
- * Horns to Spare, (ms) Far West Stories June 1930
- * Horns Used by Traffic Police, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1921
- * The Horny Goloch, (pm)
- * Horny Is the Night, (pi) Dapper Annual v1, 1977
- * Horoscopes, (hu) Kaleidotrope #1 Oct 2006, #2 Apr 2007, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Aut 2012, Spr, Sum, Aut 2013, Wtr,
Sum, Aut 2014
Spr, Aut 2015, Wtr 2016, Wtr, Aut 2017, Wtr 2018, Wtr 2021
- * Horrible Cannibalism, (ms)
- * A Horrible Discovery, (ms)
- * Horrible Love Charm of the Ancient Irish, (ms) Mystery Stories April 1928
- * Horrible Murder and Human Pie-Makers, (ar) The Tell Tale 1825
- * The Horrible Murder of a Child by Starvation, (ar)
- * Horrible Murders and Human Pie-Makers, (ar) The Tell Tale 1825
- * A Horrible Predicament, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Christmas 1905
- * Horror Actor Jeff Dylan Graham, (iv) Blood Moon Rising #10, March/April 2002 [Ref. Jeff Dylan Graham]
- * Horror Artist, (iv) DeadLights Horror Fiction Magazine February 1 2017 [Ref. Shawn Langley]
- * Horror at Dusk, (ar) Ghosts, Ghouls and Other Horrors by Bernardt J. Hurwood, 1971, as "The Ghost of the Were-wolf"
- * Horror: A True Tale, (nv) The Lock and Key Library: American ed. Julian Hawthorne, The Review of Reviews Co., 1909
- * Horror: A True Tale, (nv) (by John Berwick Harwood) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine January 1861
- Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1861
- American Mystery Stories ed. Carolyn Wells, Oxford University Press US, 1927
- The Classics of Mystery Volume VIII: An Omnibus of Continental Mysteries, Part I ed. George Bisserov, Juniper, 1960
- Reign of Terror: 2nd Corgi Book of Great Victorian Horror Stories ed. Michel Parry, Corgi, 1977, as by John Berwick Harwood
- Chillers for Christmas ed. Richard Dalby, Michael O'Mara, 1989
- The Valancourt Book of Victorian Christmas Ghost Stories ed. Tara Moore, Valancourt Books, 2016, as by John Berwick Harwood
- The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 12 ed. Alastair Gunn, Wimbourne Books, 2022, as by John Berwick Harwood
- * Horror Author Michael Laimo, (iv) Blood Moon Rising #26, Spring 2005 [Ref. Michael Laimo]
- * Horror Clichés from Hell, (hu) Midnight Graffiti #4, Fall 1989
- * Horror-Comedy Movie Essentials, (ar) Grotesque Quarterly v1 #1, 2017
- * Horror Film Production Guide, (ms) Supernatural #1, #2 1969
- * Horror from the Outback: An Interview with Rick Kennett, (iv) Studies in Australian Weird Fiction #1, February 2008 [Ref. Rick Kennett]
- * “Horror Haiku”: The Contest and Winners, (ms) Black Petals #35, Spring 2006
- * Horror Homework, (cl) Shiver #4, Winter 1998
- * Horror Hotel Convention 2006, (ms) Razar #2, 2007
- * Horror in Africa: Spot the Difference, (ar) Book of Dark Wisdom #7, Fall 2005
- * Horror in a Hundred Stories, (ms) Dark Discoveries #30 Wtr, #31 Spr 2015
- * The Horror in Red Hook, (ss) (by Tani Jantsang) Cthulhu Cultus #6, 1997
- * Horror in the Upstairs Flat, (ts) Fact Detective Stories March 1939
- * Horror Is Her Hobby, (ar) Man’s Adventure September 1957
- * Horror Masters: Interview with John Saul, (iv) Surreal #1, Winter 2005 [Ref. John Saul]
- * The Horror of the Supernatural, (ms) Razar #2, 2007
- * The Horror on Darknight Hill, (cs) Thrills & Chills #1, #2, #3, #4 1994
- * Horror on the Newsstands, (ed) Detective Fiction Weekly Apr 6, Apr 20 1940
- * Horror on the Web, (ar) Dead Things Magazine #1, July/September 1999
- * Horror Poll #1, (ms) Dark Moon Digest #1, October 2010
- * Horror Poll #2, (ms) Dark Moon Digest #1, October 2010
- * Horror Poll #3, (ms) Dark Moon Digest #1, October 2010
- * Horror Poll #4, (ms) Dark Moon Digest #1, October 2010
- * Horror Publisher, Eve Blaack of “Hacker’s Source”, (iv) Blood Moon Rising #9, January/February 2002 [Ref. Eve Blaack]
- * Horrors Beyond 2, (br) Shroud #2, March/April 2008 [Ref. William Jones]
- * Horror Scope, (hu) Mayfair v18 #8, 1983
- * The Horror-Scope, (cl) The Octopus February/March 1939
- * Horrors of History, (ia) The Octopus February/March 1939
- * The Horrors of Impressment, (ss) The Chartist Circular #15, January 4 1840
- * The Horrors of the Guillotine, (ss) The Young Englishman June 16 1877
- * Horror’s Renaissance Man: An Interview with Joseph Nassie, (iv) Surreal #1, Winter 2005 [Ref. Joseph Nassie]
- * Horrors Which Haunt Some Famous Stars, (ar) Home Notes August 4 1934
- * The Horror Writers Association: The Bram Stoker Award Winners, (ms) 13 Horrors ed. Brian A. Hopkins, KaCSFFS Press, 2003
- * The Horror Writer’s Guide to Minimalist Haunted Housekeeping, (hu) The Vampire’s Crypt #5, Spring 1992
- * Hors-d’Oeuvres, (ms) The Happy Mag. May 1939
- * Horse and Carts, (pz) Favourite Annual for Girls 1956
- * The Horse and His Equipments, (ar) (by Frank Howard) Peterson’s Magazine January 1852
- * Horse and Oysters, (vi)
- * Horse as Bloodhound Solves Theft, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1917
- * A Horse at Sea, (vi) St. Nicholas March 1878
- * Horse Becomes Pickpocket, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 5 1916
- * A Horse-Car in O-Gage, (ar) Railroad Magazine June 1943
- * Horse Caught by Tree, (ms) Far West Stories January 1929
- * The Horse Comes Back, (ar) Pete Rice Magazine January 1934
- * A Horse Deal for Bronc Evans [Bronc Evans], (cs) (by Warren Elliot Carleton) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 28 1939
- * Horse Doctor, (ms) True Experience December 1947
- * Horse Goes “On a Tare”, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 16 1922
- * Horse-Hunting in Texas, (sl) The Boy’s Own Paper Aug 30, Sep 6 1879
- * A Horse in Miniature, (ar) The Royal Magazine August 1901
- * The Horse in the Snowland, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd September 1926
- * Horse-Keeping and Horse-Dealing, (ar) (by Matthew J. Higgins) The Cornhill Magazine May 1861
- * The Horseless Carriage, (ar) Atalanta #121, October 1897
- * Horseless Carriage Contest, (ar) The Cosmopolitan September 1896
- * Horsemen, Watch Your Thinking, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 11 1937
- * Horse Owned Thrice in One Day, (ms) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 10 1931
- * A Horse Playing Detective, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1879
- * Horse-Power and Electricity, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1912
- * Horse Power Versus Mule Power, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 24 1930
- * The Horse Ranch, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 9 1938
- * Horses, (hu) American Humorist March 1935
- * Horses - and Horse Power, (ar) Modern Wonder March 4 1939
- * Horses and Saddles, (qz) Giant Western October 1953
- * Horses and Wheat Lead Exports, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly April 10 1915
- * The Horse’s Day Waning, (ms) Mystery Magazine #13, May 15 1918
- * Horse Sense, (ms) Far West Illustrated August 1928
- * Horse Sense, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story June 22 1940
- * Horse Sense, (ms) Manhunt January 1957
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