The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11864
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Laurie’s Space Annual, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #38, October 15 1953
- * Laurie Tayler’s Cross-word Puzzle, (pz) The Smart Set (UK) April 1925
- * The Lauson Tragedy, (nv) (by J. W. De Forest) The Atlantic Monthly Apr, May 1870
- * Laus Philistiæ, (ar) (by Francis Warre Warre-Cornish) The Cornhill Magazine July 1877
- * Lauterbach of the China Sea, (ms) Saga June 1934
- * Lauterbach of the China Sea: Book One: Away to Sea, (ms) Saga June 1934
- * Lauterbach of the China Sea: Book Three: Home Again, (ms) Saga June 1934
- * Lauterbach of the China Sea: Book Two: Escape, (ms) Saga June 1934
- * Lauzun, (bg) (by John Rutherford) The Cornhill Magazine August 1872
- * LA Vamp, (pi) Dapper February 1976
- * Lavender Cones and How to Make Them, (ar) The Lady’s Realm February 1904
- * Lavender Drops [Queer Stories], (ss) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray ,[?]) Truth January 2 1879
- * The Lavender Roadster, (ss) 10 Story Book September 1925
- * Laving a Rock-Hewn God, (pi) Asia October 1927
- * Lavish Lady at Large, (pi) Showcase v2 #5, 1963
- * Lavish Lisa, (pi) Showpiece January/February/March 1973
- * The Law, (cl) Penthouse January 1985
- * Law and Disorder, (ms) Western Story Magazine December 1952
- * Law and Disorder, (ms) Fifteen Detective Stories June 1955
- * Law and Order, (ar) Imagine #19, October 1984
- * Law and Order, (sg) Boys’ Life February 1920
- * Law and Order in the Wilds, (ms) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories September 1 1932
- * The Law and the Ad, (ar) Pictorial Magazine #1274, October 27 1923
- * The Law and the Man, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #490, May 4 1929; adapted from the movie (Tom Santschi).
- * The Law and the Wild Fowl, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 5 1914
- * Law Beyond the Range, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #810, June 22 1935; adapted from the movie (Tim McCoy).
- * Lawbreakers Hitched to Chain, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 4 1925
- * The Law Considers Manners, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction October 1 1927
- * A Law-Court Illustration, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1889
- * Law Fails to Hold Escaper, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 21 1928
- * Law for the Editor, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction January 21 1928
- * The Law Goes Into Action, (ar) Look and Learn #48, December 15 1962
- * The Law in Her Hands—Margaret Lindsay, Warren Hull, Glenda Farrell, (sa) Romantic Movie Stories #26, June 1936
- * Law in Latin America, (ms) Clues Detective Stories March 1938
- * Law in Latin-America, (ar) Chambers’s Journal April 4 1908
- * Lawless Justice [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Alfred Edgar) The Sexton Blake Library #232, 1922
- * Lawless Riders, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #936, November 20 1937; adapted from the movie (Ken Maynard).
- * The Law Never Forgets, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 3 1931
- * Lawn Larceny, (ms) Manhunt November 1956
- * Lawn Tennis, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 20, Jun 3, Jun 10, Jun 17 1882
- * Lawn Tennis, (ar) The Golden Argosy May 28 1887
- * Lawn Tennis, (cl) Fry’s Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1913
- * Lawn Tennis, (ms) Black & White #21, June 27 1891
- * Lawn Tennis, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1882
- * Lawn Tennis Championship, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper September 5 1885
- * The Lawn-Tennis Championship, (ms) Black & White #23, July 11 1891
- * Lawn Tennis Quiz, (qz) Argosy (UK) July 1966
- * A Lawn Tennis Tale, (pm) The Violet Magazine #46, May 30 1924
- * Lawn Tennis:
* ___ Special Announcement. Retirement of Anthony Wilding, (cl) Fry’s Magazine August 1912
- * The Law of Coincidence, (ms) Associated Sunday Magazine October 21 1906
- * The Law of Diminishing Sensations, (ar) Mayfair v3 #4, 1968
- * The Law of Horse Hire, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1877
- * The Law of Libel, (ar) (by J. Fitzjames Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine January 1867
- * The Law of Liberty: A Tract of Therion, (nf) (by Aleister Crowley) The International January 1918
- * The Law of the Sawdust, (ts) Smart Set June 1926
- * Law of the West! [High, Low and Nippy], (ss) The Magnet August 15 1931
- * Law of the Wild, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #391, July 12 1969
- * Law of the Wild: Be Our Guests!, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #400, September 13 1969
- * Law of the Wild: David and Goliath-Animal Style!, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #399, September 6 1969
- * Law of the Wild: Hive of Industry, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #402, September 27 1969
- * Law of the Wild: Hunter in the Night, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #395, August 9 1969
- * Law of the Wild: Sky Diver!, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #392, July 19 1969
- * Law of the Wild: Snake Killer!, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #398, August 30 1969
- * Law of the Wild: Still Waters…, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #396, August 16 1969
- * Law of the Wild: The Rat and the Rattler, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #393, July 26 1969
- * Law of the Wild: The Silent Enemy, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #401, September 20 1969
- * Law of the Wild: The Stinging Sword, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #394, August 2 1969
- * Law of the Wild: The Ten Minute Miracle, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #397, August 23 1969
- * Lawrence Alma Tadema, R. A., (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1891
- * Lawrence Ferlinghetti, (iv) Penthouse (UK) August 1965 [Ref. Lawrence Ferlinghetti]
- * Lawrence of Arabia, (ar) Chums Annual 1937, 1936
- * Lawrence of Arabia, (ar) Look and Learn #12, April 7 1962
- * The Lawrence Portfolio, (ms) Famous Fantastic Mysteries December 1948
- * Lawrence the Lionhearted, (sl) (by Lowell Thomas) The Modern Boy July 21 1928
- * Laws of 3000 B.C., (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 17 1920
- * The Laws of Cricket, as Specially Revised by the M.C.C., (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 23 1884
- * The Laws of Dream-Fancy, (ar) (by James Sully) The Cornhill Magazine November 1876
- * The Laws of Nature, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #63, November 15 1955 [Ref. Professor R. E. Peierls, C.B.E., F.R.S.]
- * Laws of Old Mississippi, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 26 1921
- * Laws of the Ancient Irish, (ar) Dublin University Magazine January 1866
- * Laws of the Football Association, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 28 1885
- * Laws of the Rugby Union, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper November 14 1885
- * Lawson and His Critics, (ar) Everybody’s Magazine December 1905
- * Lawson Robertson—A Pen Portrait, (il) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine July 25 1931 [Ref. Lawson Robertson]
- * Lawson’s Elephants, (ms) McBride’s Magazine February 1916
- * Law Succumbs to Woman’s Tongue, (ms) The Scrap Book March 1906
- * A Lawsuit Extraordinary, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1881
- * Law Takes a Holiday, (ms) Manhunt May 1957
- * A Law that’s Not a Law, (ms) Clues 1st December 1929
- * Law versus Alienists, (ms) Best Detective Magazine August 1931
- * Law Versus Wealth, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 10 1918
- * Law West of the Pecos, (ms) Speed Western Stories June 1944
- * The Law Will Not Let Him Shave!, (ms) The Strand Magazine April 1920
- * Law with Spurs, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 10 1933
- * The Lawyer and Client, (pm) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #49, July 25 1885
- * The Lawyer and the Witness, (ms) The Novel Magazine March 1906
- * Lawyer Criminals, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1937
- * Lawyers’ Fees, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 20 1926
- * A Lawyer’s First Address, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1879
- * Lawyer’s Services for One Guinea, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 3/February 17 1920
- * A Lawyer’s Story, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1876
- * The Lawyer’s Stratagem, (pm) The Boston Post
- * Law:
* ___ Are You a Solomon?, (cl) The Strand Magazine October 1949
- * Laya Raki, (pi) Nugget December 1959
- * A Lay Confessional, (pl) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #777, July 1880
- * Lay Down, Dogies, (pm) Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads ed. John A. Lomax, Macmillan, 1910, as "Night-Herding Song"
- * Lay Down Your Arms, (pi) Ace August 1959
- * The Lay Figure, (ss) The Gray Goose October 1907
- * The Lay Figure, (ss) (by Miss Macleod) The Cornhill Magazine July 1883
- * The Layin’est Hen, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 28 1937
- * Laying a Right Foundation, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper November 27 1880
- * Laying a Smoke Screen, (ms) Flying Aces December 1944
- * Laying Deep Sea Eggs, (ms) Navy Stories February 1929
- * Laying Out Corners, (cl) The Captain #223, October 1917
- * Laying the Ghost, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1877
- * Laying Your Cards on the Table, (iv) The Leading Edge #23, Winter 1991 [Ref. Orson Scott Card]
- * A Layman’s Guide to Dicing?, (ar) Lilliput August 1954
- * The Lay of a Liner, (pm) The Red Magazine May 15 1911
- * The Lay of Hildebrand, (vi) Historic Survey of German Poetry ed. William Taylor, Treuttel and Wurtz, 1830
- * The Lay of Macaroni, (pm) (by Bayard Taylor) The Atlantic Monthly February 1872
- * Lay of Sir Launfal, (ex) (by James Russell Lowell)
- * A Lay of the Danube, (pm) (by Mrs. George P. Marsh) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1860
- * The Lay of the Dolorous Knight, (pm)
- * The Lay of the Lobster, (ms) The Parisienne July 1915
- * Lay on “Plustost Rondeau”, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine October 1877
- * Layout Feedback Poll, (ms) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #7, June/July 2003
- * Lays Down a “Smokescreen”, (iv) Suspense Magazine July/August/September 2019 [Ref. Iris Johansen]
- * The Lazy Ant, (pm)
- * Lazy Day with Lynn, (pi) Rage February 1957
- * The Lazy Review: Serious Sam, (ms) The Spook #8, March 2002
- * The Lazy Review: The Sims: Hot Date, (ms) The Spook #7, February 2002
- * The Lazy Review: Ultimate Ride, (ms) The Spook #6, January 2002
- * The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices, (ar) (by Wilkie Collins & Charles Dickens) Household Words #393 Oct 3, #394 Oct 10, #395 Oct 17, #396 Oct 24, #397 Oct 31 1857
- * The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices, (ex) (by Wilkie Collins) Household Words October 3 1857 (+4), uncredited.
- Told in the Dark ed. Herbert van Thal, Pan, 1950, as "The Dead Hand", by Wilkie Collins
- Told in the Dark (var. 1) ed. Herbert van Thal, Pan, 1952, as "The Dead Hand", by Wilkie Collins
- Tales of Terror ed. Charles Higham, Horwitz, 1961, as "The Dead Hand", by Wilkie Collins
- Tales of the Dark 2 ed. Lincoln Child, St. Martin's, 1987, as "The Dead Hand", by Wilkie Collins
- Ghost and Horror Stories, Tynron Press, 1990, as "The Dead Hand", by Wilkie Collins
- The Best Supernatural Stories of Wilkie Collins by Wilkie Collins, Robert Hale, 1990, as "The Dead Hand", by Wilkie Collins
- Mad Monkton and Other Stories by Wilkie Collins, World's Classics, 1994, as "The Dead Hand", by Wilkie Collins
- The Complete Shorter Fiction by Wilkie Collins, Carroll & Graf, 1995, as "The Dead Hand", by Wilkie Collins
- * The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices, (ex) (by Wilkie Collins & Charles Dickens) Household Words October 3 1857 (+4), uncredited.
- The Complete Ghost Stories of Charles Dickens by Charles Dickens, Michael Joseph, 1982, as "Ghost Chamber", by Charles Dickens & Wilkie Collins
- Great Tales of Suspense, Watermill Press, 1988, as "Ghost Chamber", by Charles Dickens & Wilkie Collins
- The Open Door and Other Ghost Stories ed. Philip Gooden, Phoenix, 1999, as "The Hanged Man’s Bride", by Charles Dickens & Wilkie Collins
- A Christmas Carol, The Signalman and Other Ghostly Tales by Charles Dickens, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2018, as "The Hanged Man’s Bride", by Charles Dickens & Wilkie Collins
- * The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices, (ex) (by Charles Dickens) Household Words October 3 1857 (+4), uncredited.
- The Grand Magazine January 1908, as "The Double-Bedded Room", by Charles Dickens
- The Grand Magazine (US) February 1908, as "The Double-Bedded Room", by Charles Dickens
- A Treasury of Victorian Ghost Stories ed. Everett F. Bleiler, Scribner's, 1981, as "The Ghost in the Bride’s Chamber", by Charles Dickens
- Ghost Stories, Octopus Books, 1982, as "The Ghost in the Bride’s Chamber", by Charles Dickens
- The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 4 ed. Alastair Gunn, Wimbourne Books, 2019, as "The Ghost in the Bride’s Chamber", by Charles Dickens
- * L.C.C. School of Engineering and Navigation, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper January 29 1910
- * The Leadbeater Papers, (ar) (by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu) Dublin University Magazine August 1862
- * Leader in Jail Break Is Back in Old Cell, (ms) Mystery Magazine #169, December 1 1924
- * Leader of Boy Bandits Is Retaken, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 13 1920
- * Leader of the Go-Go’s, (pi) Adam March 1967
- * Leader of the Scarlet Gang [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #23, 1920
- * The Leader of the Team, (ss) Young Englishman’s Journal January 2 1869
- * Leaders in the World’s Work, (pi) Collier’s Weekly May 10 1902
- * Leaders of the New Democracy, (pi) McClure’s Magazine February 1912
- * Leaders of the Royal Air Force, (pi) RAF Aces Spring 1942
- * Lead Field Camp Boom, (ms) North•West Stories 1st July 1926
- * Lead-In, (ed) New Worlds #186, January 1969
- * The Leading American Humorists, (ar) The Golden Argosy October 6 1883
- * Leading Art Achievement in 1917, (ms) Everywoman’s World January 1918
- * The Leading Article, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1899
- * Leading Cricketers of 1888, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 27 1888
- * A Leading Irish-Canadian. Edward Murphy, Patriot, Merchant, and Banker, (ar) Young Ireland: An Irish Magazine of Entertainment and Instruction October 2 1880
- * Leading Ladies, (ms) Life Story Magazine #68, June 1945
- * “Leading Lights” at Greyfriars School, (il) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1930, 1929
- * “Leading Lights” at Rookwood School, (il) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1930, 1929
- * “Leading Lights” at St. Jim’s School, (il) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1930, 1929
- * A Leading Scientist, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1890
- * Leading the Fashion at Last, (ar) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine August 1917
- * Leading Traits of the Common Animals, (ms) The Scrap Book March 1911
- * Leading Types of Yachts, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 2 1881
- * Leading World’s Records of Athletic Contests, (ar) The Argosy #465, October 31 1891
- * Lead Kindly Light, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 5 1924
- * The Lead Line, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 28 1880
- * The Lead Pencil, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1884
- * The Leadsman’s Song, (pm) (by James F. Fitz) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1864
- * Leads Nation in U.S. Forests, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 24 1935
- * Leaf by Leaf, and Tear by Tear, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1882
- * A Leaf from a Life, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine September 5 1874
- * A Leaf from Bettie Page, (pi) Rogue August 1956
- * A Leaf from My Imposition Book, (??) The Boy’s Own Paper Christmas 1894
- * A Leaf from the Berlin Chronicles, (ss) (by E. T. A. Hoffmann) Dublin University Magazine November 1843; translated by Henry Ferris
- * A Leaf from the Parish Register, (ss) (by W. Moy Thomas) Household Words #198, January 7 1854
- * The Leaf Insect, or Walking Leaf, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1876
- * A Leaf Is a Leaf, (??) 10 Story Book July 1935
- * Leafless Trees, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1877
- * The Leaflet War, (pi) Air Stories (UK) December 1939
- * A Leaf Out of a Young Mother’s Journal, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1889
- * Leaf Peeper, (cn) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2019
- * Leaf-Propagation, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1885
- * The Leaf-Rolling Weevil, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine October 1913
- * The League Behind Bars [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #479, 1938
- * A League Message, (ar) Arcturus January 1937
- * The League of Dam-Nations, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) October 1919
- * League of Kind Words, (cl) Christian Novels #2592 Dec 13 1954, #2597 Jan 17, #2605 Mar 14, #2606 Mar 21, #2609 Apr 11, #2611 Apr 25, #2614 May 16, #2617 Jun 6, #2624 Jul 25,
#2638 Oct 31, #2639 Nov 7 1955
- * The League of Loving Hearts, (cl) The Quiver Feb, Apr, Dec 1909
- * “The League of Notions”, (rv) The London Magazine May 1921
- * The League of Seven [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #31, 1920
- * The League of the Crimson Diamond [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #113, 1923
- * The League of the Crimson Dominoes [League of Crimson Dominoes], (ss) The Buzzer #26, April 9 1938
- * The League of the Forgotten Crooks [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #460, 1937
- * The League of the Green Triangle [Nelson Lee], (na) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Nelson Lee Library #23, November 13 1915
- * The League of the Purple Dragon [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #54, 1921
- * The League of the Silver Horseshoe [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #97, 1923
- * The League of the Skull [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #409, 1935
- * The League of the Twisted Horseshoe, (na) Chums Aug 19, Aug 26, Sep 2, Sep 9 1922
- * Leah & Jaws, (pi) Penthouse May 2001
- * Leanan, (ms) Razar #2, 2007
- * Leander Doolittle, (ss) (by Alice Cary) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1869
- * The Leaning Tower of Saragossa, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1897
- * Leap and Creep, (ss)
- * The Leap-Frog Race, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1897
- * A Leap-Frog Railway, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1905
- * A Leap from the Darkness, (ss) Chums February 15 1899
- * Leaping Fish, (ms) Far West Stories March 1930
- * Leap Year, (il) St. Nicholas November 1876
- * Leap Year, (ms) Mayfair v3 #2, 1968
- * Leap Year Amenities, (pm) The Grand Magazine February 1908
- * Leap Year Proposals—Men Were Fined for Not Accepting Them, (ar) Tit-Bits #2836, March 7 1936
- * Learn and Like It, (pi) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #61, September 15 1955
- * Learn Baby Learn, (iv) The Running Man July/August 1968 [Ref. Leslie Fiedler]
- * The Learned Blacksmith, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1886
- * A Learned Greek, (vi) from Novelle Antiche,
- * A Learned Infant, (ar) (by James Sully) The Cornhill Magazine January 1887
- * A Learned Quiz, (qz) The Spectator September 17 1887
- * Learned to Make Spurious Bills in Public Library, (ms) Mystery Magazine #68 Sep 1 1920, #146 Dec 15 1923
- * Learn Esperanto! (includes loose pamphlet from B.E.A., Inc.), (ms) Gargoyle #2, April 1941
- * Learning About the Wild West, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly November 13 1920
- * Learning and Cognition, (si) Introductory Psychology Through Science Fiction: Second Edition ed. Harvey A. Katz, Martin H. Greenberg & Patricia S. Warrick, Rand, McNally, 1977
- * Learning and Thinking, (si) The Future of Being Human ed. Jackie & Dave Estrada, Canfield Press, 1977
- * Learning How to Manipulate Her Craft, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2010 [Ref. Elena Dudina]
- * Learning Just How!, (pi) The Royal Pictorial July 1933
- * Learning Life Lessons, (iv) Suspense Magazine June 2015 [Ref. Angeles Ruiz]
- * Learning Magic, (vi)
- * The Learning Process, (si) Introductory Psychology Through Science Fiction ed. Harvey A. Katz, Patricia S. Warrick & Martin H. Greenberg, Rand McNally, 1974
- * Learning the Game, (ms) The Popular Magazine November 15 1913
- * Learning to Be a Sailor, (ar) Modern Wonder June 10 1939
- * Learning to Count, (ss) Wide Awake Dec 1876, Sep 1877
- * Learning to Fly, (cl) Sky Devils June 1939
- * Learning to Fly!, (ar) The Magnet Oct 5, Oct 12, Oct 19, Oct 26, Nov 2, Nov 9 1929
- * Learning to Fly: the Observations of a Military Aviator, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 5 1916
- * Learning to Live—and Love—Again, (ss) Red Letter April 25 1970
- * Learning to Shoot, (ar) Jack’s Paper #9, December 26 1922
- * Learning to Use Oxen at El Reno, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 6 1935
- * Learn Rugby with Kershaw and Davies, (ia) Chums February 1935
- * Learn Thoroughly, (ms) The Busy Man’s Magazine April 1909
- * Learn to Dance, (ms) New Love Magazine September 1947
- * Learn to Fly, (cl) War Birds #6 Aug, #7 Sep, #8 Oct 1928
- * Learn to Life-Save!, (cl) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #320 Mar 2, #321 Mar 9, #322 Mar 16, #324 Mar 30, #325 Apr 6, #326 Apr 13, #327 Apr 20, #328 Apr 27, #329 May 4,
#330 May 11, #331 May 18, #332 May 25, #333 Jun 1, #334 Jun 8 1968
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