The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11621
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[Misc.] (chron.) (continued)
- * Sidelights on Our Industries, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post October 21 1911
- * Significant Books Reviewed by Their Own Authors, (br) McClure’s Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1928
- * Six Changes for One Dress, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1917
- * Six Good Apple Recipes, (ar) Woman’s Day October 1938
- * Six-Man Football Rolls On, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy December 1939
- * Six-Man Football Teams Point for National Honors, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy October 1939
- * Six-Man Rule Book, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy October 1940
- * Six-Man Rules, (ms) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy September 1940
- * 16th Annual L. Ron Hubbard Achievement Awards, (nf) ASI Magazine v4 #1, 2001
- * A Sixth Grade Dress, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion August 1921
- * Six Ways of Making the Everyday Dress for Less Than Fifteen Dollars, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion March 1915
- * A Sketch of the Life of Professor Agassiz, (ar) Our Young Folks January 1870
- * Skyscrapers for Motor Cars, (il) The Modern Boy April 27 1929
- * Slender Line, (ms) Woman’s Journal March 1949
- * Sludge, (ms) Pulpsmith Spring 1985
- * Small Economies, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion September 1909
- * The Smartest of the Spring Hats, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion March 1915
- * Smart Hats for Small Purses, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1921
- * Smile Awhile, (hu) The Rexall Magazine August 1924
- * Snakes and Ladders, (gm) The Ranger #101, January 14 1933
- * Snappy Fits, (ms) The Pocket Magazine August 22 1922
- * Snifter, (cl) Man Junior Sep, Dec 1969
- * Snowball Opens Doors!, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy May 1936
- * Snug Harbor, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 15 1940
- * Social Gathering, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post June 27 1959
- * Society News, (ms) Avallaunius Winter 1989
- * The Soldiers’ Comforts Guild, (ms) Smart Novels #1144, August 28 1916
- * Some Facts Not Mentioned Elsewhere, (ms) Pearson’s Magazine (US) June 1915
- * Some Interesting Dates, (cl) Everyland November 1916
- * Some Peeps at the Outside World, (ms) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #13, September 2 1899
- * Some Practical Patterns, (pi) Woman’s Home Companion May 1909
- * Some Press Opinions of Recent Numbers of Penguin New Writing, (ms) The Penguin New Writing #28, July 1946
- * Something About Storms, (ms) Happy Days September 30 1899
- * Some Things You Have Not Heard, (ms) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #8, July 29 1899
- * Some Unusual American Women, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion February 1908
- * Some Very Freakish Railways, (ms) The Modern Boy September 15 1928
- * Songs Grave and Gay, (pm) The Delineator (UK) November 1914
- * Songs of Couch and Consulation, (ms) Eve April 1958
- * Sounding Brass and Tinkling Cymbals, (ms) The New McClure’s Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1928, Jan, Feb, Mar 1929
- * Sous le Signe des Bulles, (br) Bifrost #30, April 2003
- * Sous le signe des bulles: Les Critiques BD, (br) Bifrost #14, Summer 1999
- * The Southern Most City on Earth, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post March 19 1949
- * A Southern Star, (ar) National Magazine May 1914
- * The Southwest Society, Archæological Institute of America, (ms) Out West Magazine November 1904
- * So You Can’t Sleep, (ar) Liberty (Canada) July 6 1946
- * So You Want to Write, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 15 1933
- * Space Fleets of Tomorrow!, (il) The Silver Jacket #30, 1956
- * Special Christmas Prizes, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion December 1911
- * A Special Steamer Direct to Mackinac Island, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1911
- * A Speed King’s Many Cups, (il) The Modern Boy November 24 1928
- * Spiders, (ms) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #11, November 1 1884
- * Spring Fashions for Little People, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion March 1915
- * A Spring Madrigal, (pm) National Magazine May 1901
- * A Spring Outfit for the Young Girl, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion March 1915
- * Spring Song in Suits, (ms) Woman’s Journal April 1949
- * Stage Talk, (ms) The Sunday Magazine of Intelligence and Entertainment Nov 6, Nov 20 1898
- * The Stamp Collector, (cl) The American Boy March 1914
- * Stamps, (cl) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy March 1935
- * Stamps, Coins and Curios, (cl) The American Boy Mar 1904, Jan, Apr 1906, Dec 1907
- * Stamps, Coins, and Curios, (cl) The American Boy May, Jun, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1906, May 1907
- * A Star of the Cinder Track, (il) The Modern Boy August 4 1928
- * Statement of Ownership, (ms) The Dance Magazine June 1931
- * Stateroom Diagrams of All Steamers, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * Stateroom Digrams of All Steamers, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1911
- * Steamship Speech: Common Nautical Terms Used by Great Lakes Sailors, (ar) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1911, 1921
- * Stepping Out, (ms) Rob Wagner’s Script #525 Oct 14, #535 Dec 23 1939, #541 Feb 10, #542 Feb 17, #554 May 11, #563 Aug 3 1940, #581 Jan 4 1941, #623 Feb 28 1942,
#675 Mar 18 1944, #707 Jun 23 1945, #720 Jan 5 1946
- * Still Burning Bright (interview with Sy Safransky of “The Sun”), (iv) The Village Rambler Magazine January/February 2005 [Ref. Sy Safransky]
- * Stop Press, (ms) Avallaunius Spr/Sum 1992, Spr, Aut 1993, Spr, Win 1995
- * Stories in Pictures, (pi) Woman’s Home Companion January 1910
- * Stories of Some Famous Folk, (ms) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #8, July 29 1899
- * The Story of Grace Darling, (ar) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1911
- * The Story of the “Donna” from 1883 to 1897, (ms) Longman’s Magazine January 1898
- * Strafing a Motor-Boat, (il) The Modern Boy October 4 1930
- * Strike Force, (il) Adventure 1987
- * Studies of Books and Their Makers, (ar) National Magazine September 1901
- * Studies of Books and Their Makers, (cl) National Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1901, Jan, Feb, Mar 1902, Mar, Apr 1903
- * Study in Four Colours, (ms) Woman’s Journal April 1949
- * The Subscriber’s Bureau, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion March 1909
- * The Subscribers’ Bureau, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion Nov, Dec 1907, Feb 1908, May, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1909, Jul 1910
- * The Subscribers’ Bureau, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion January 1910
- * Sub Scrub to Star, (ar) The American Boy June 1923
- * The Success Club, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion Sep, Nov 1909
- * Suggestions for Christmas Gifts, (ar) New Idea Woman’s Magazine Christmas 1904
- * Summoned by Goddess Bapugha, (nf) Fate August 1958
- * The Sunny Charm of Lola Fisher, (ar) National Magazine March 1914
- * Supreme Court: Evolution Teaching OK?, (ar) Censorship Today August/September 1968
- * Supreme Court: Public School War Protest, (ar) Censorship Today August/September 1968
- * Sweets and Bitters, (ms) Fiction #9, April 1 1903
- * Swift Work at the Racing Pit!, (il) The Modern Boy November 14 1931
- * Swimsuits for Summer Maneuvers, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post July 13/July 20 1963
- * Swops, (ms) The Scout May 13, May 27, Sep 16, Sep 30, Oct 21, Nov 11 1961
- * Symbols, (il) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1921
- * Take a Cruise Vacation!, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy May 1936
- * Take an Alaska Vacation with the American Boy, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy December 1937
- * Taken Unawares, (cl) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #1 Jun 10, #2 Jun 17, #4 Jul 1, #5 Jul 8, #7 Jul 22, #11 Aug 19, #13 Sep 2 1899
- * Taken Unawares, (ms) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #9, August 5 1899
- * Take Your Choice, (ms) The Modern Boy December 14 1929
- * A Tale of Two Publishers, (pi) Purple Prose #16, July 2002
- * Tales and Their Tellers, (cl) Tales Dec 1905, Jun 1906
- * Tales That Are Told, (ms) The Weekly Telegraph #3811, May 4 1935
- * A Talk About the Fashions, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion September 1909
- * The Talk of Hollywood, (cl) Motion Picture November 1940
- * The Talk of the Town (news snippets about the Royal Silver Jubilee), (ms) London Life April 27 1935
- * Tangles, (cl) The American Boy July 1911
- * Tangles, (hu) The American Boy February 1910
- * Tangles, (pz) The American Boy Sep 1902, Mar 1904, Apr, May 1906, Dec 1907
- * Target Practice, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post January 9 1960
- * Tariq Ali in a Virtual Dialogue with American Students, (iv) Catamaran v4, 2006 [Ref. Tariq Ali]
- * A Taste of the Holidays, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post November/December 2007
- * Teachers’ HELP ONE ANOTHER Club, (cl) Normal Instructor and Primary Plans April 1922
- * Telephone Co-Operation in Cincinnati, (ar) National Magazine March 1913
- * Television: CBS Okays Pete Seeger, (ar) Censorship Today August/September 1968
- * The Temple Parliament, (ms) The Temple Magazine October 1896
- * Ten Dresses for One Pattern, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1921
- * Ten Questions About Italy, (ms) Everyland November 1917
- * Ten Thousand for Everybody, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 15 1924
- * Ten TV Events to Stay Tuned For, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post September 1976
- * Test Your Own Sanity, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 1976
- * A Thank-you Note, (ms) Everyland August 1917
- * Their Youthful Affairs of the Heart, (ms) McClure’s February 1927
- * They All Go Crazy in Tupelo Time, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 3 1949
- * They Called It the Card Craze, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 16 1946
- * They Come, The Merry Summer Months, (ia) White Star Magazine 1918
- * They Couldn’t Draw a Straight Line, (ar) Woman’s Day September 1945
- * They’re Champion Marksmen, (ar) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy May 1936
- * They Won Cash Prizes, (ms) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy March 1935
- * Things We Will Buy from the Shops, (cl) Good Housekeeping January 1917
- * Think-in-Ink Club, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1917
- * Think-in-Ink Club, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion November 1917
- * This Season’s Best Comedies—With Music and Without, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion March 1915
- * Threading the Needle, (ms) True Experiences February 1947
- * Three New Practical Costumes, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion September 1909
- * Three Showers for the Bride-to-Be, (ms) Woman’s World May 1929
- * Three Years Old, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) March 1902
- * Thrift, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post Nov 14, Nov 28, Dec 12 1908, Apr 3, Apr 24, May 22, Jun 12, Jul 24, Aug 14, Sep 4,
Sep 25 1909
- * Thrift, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post Jan 2, Jan 23, Feb 6, Mar 13, Mar 20, Oct 2, Oct 23, Nov 13, Dec 18, Dec 25 1909,
Feb 26, Mar 5, Mar 12, May 7, May 14, Jun 4, Jun 18, Jun 25, Jul 2, Jul 23, Sep 3,
Sep 10, Sep 24, Oct 8, Oct 22, Oct 29, Nov 5, Nov 19, Nov 26, Dec 3, Dec 10 1910
- * Thrift: Taking Toll of the Income, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 12 1910
- * Thrillers, (br) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #1, January/February 1991
- * Thrills, (br) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #3 May/Jun, #4 Jul/Aug 1991
- * Thumbnail Editorials by Well-Known Women, (ed) Woman’s Home Companion March 1902
- * Tighten Your Belt: New Ways to Serve Potatoes, Cooking with Cottage Cheese, Fall Hats from Old Hat Brims, (ar) Woman’s Day October 1945
- * Tighten Your Belt: Wartime Macaroni, Spaghetti and Noodle Recipes, (ar) Woman’s Day September 1945
- * Timely Tips for Readers of Farm Mechanics, (ar) Farm Mechanics October 1931
- * A Toboggan of the Air, (il) The Modern Boy October 3 1931
- * To Drink or Not to Drink, (ms) Pearson’s Magazine (US) March 1919
- * To Drive Dull Care Away, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion Aug 1906, Apr 1907
- * To Drive Dull Care Away; Witticisms and Verses, (ms) Woman’s Home Companion December 1906
- * To Improve the Stout Figure, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1917
- * Tokyo Street Scene, (pi) The Saturday Evening Post February 23 1946
- * Told of Some Famous Authors, (ms) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #5, July 8 1899
- * Toledo, Ohio: The Maumee City, (ia) Water Way Tales: The Magazine of the Great Lakes 1911
- * To Paint for Summer Wear, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1917
- * A Torpedo from the Skies, (il) The Modern Boy November 23 1929
- * To the Pueblo—a game, (ms) Story Parade April 1936
- * To Wear in Vacation Time, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1917
- * The Tower Room, (cl) Woman’s Home Companion Jul, Aug 1921
- * Trading Post, (ms) The Silver Jacket #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #15 1954, #16, #17, #18, #19,
#20, #21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27 1955
#29, #30, #31, #32, #37 1956
- * Training to Be a sailor…, (il) The Modern Boy October 11 1930
- * Transition Bibliography (Nos. I to XXII), (bi) Transition #22, February 1933
- * Transitions Revolution-of-the-Word-Dictionary: James Joyce, Eugene Jolas, Marius Lyle, William Van Wyck, Sidney Hunt, Hans Arp, Georges Pelorso, (ar) Transition #22, February 1933
- * Trans World Portfolio, (ms) TWA Ambassador October 1976
- * Treasure and Trinket Fund, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1917
- * Trying It on the Dog!, (il) The Modern Boy December 27 1930
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