The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11560
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[The Editor(s)] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Atom Race We Want to Win, (ed) John Bull October 22 1949
- * Atoms Outweight Politics, (ed) Collier’s July 3 1948
- * At Random, (ed) Best-Story Magazine #1, August 1926
- * At Random, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine October 15 1934
- * Attention U.S.A., (cl) Easy Money Jul, Oct 1936
- * At the Boundaries of SF, (ed) Constellary Tales #3, May 2019
- * At the Docks, (ms) Longman’s Magazine December 1883
- * At the Docks: an appeal, (ms) Longman’s Magazine November 1883
- * At the Editor’s Desk, (ed) Modern Stories Nov, Dec 1934
- * At the Sign of the Midpoint Tavern, (in) The Best of Heroic Fantasy Quarterly: Volume 3, 2013-2015, Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, 2019
- * Augerin’, (ed) Short Stories March 25 1928
- * August Update, (ed) Mysterion August 6 2018
- * Au Revoir-But Not Goodbye, (ed) Collier’s April 4 1942
- * Australian and New Zealand Fantasy & Horror Awards, (bi) The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy & Horror 2014 ed. Liz Grzyb & Talie Helene, Ticonderoga Publications, 2015
- * Australia & New Zealand Fantasy & Horror Awards, (ms) The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2015 ed. Liz Grzyb & Talie Helene, Ticonderoga Publications, 2017
- * Australia’s Effort, (ed) Maclean’s November 15 1940
- * Author! Author!, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1940
- * Authors—and a Call for Help, (ed) Liberty June 8 1929
- * Authors at Christmas, (ms) Ranch Romances 2nd December 1946
- * The Author’s Corner, (ms) Amazing Detective Stories February 1931
- * Author’s Correction, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine December 1935
- * Authors Edited, (bg) The London Magazine June 1912
- * Author’s Lineup, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine November 1 1934
- * Authors Who Are Men, (ed) The Blue Book Magazine June 1929
- * Autographs of the Principal Conspirators in the Gunpowder Plot, (ms) The Strand Magazine November 1892
- * Autumn Harvest, (ms) Love Romances December 1928
- * Autumn Storytelling, (ed) Pulp Literature #16, Autumn 2017
- * Aviation after the War, (ed) Collier’s April 19 1941
- * Aviation at Home, (ar) Chums February 19 1916
- * The Awakening of Subject Peoples, (ed) Liberty August 29 1925
- * Award-Eligible 2019 Stories from Mysterion, (ed) Mysterion February 3 2020
- * Award of Merit, (ed) Authentic Science Fiction #24, August 15 1952
- * Award Well Merited, (ed) Collier’s December 29 1951
- * Away with Worries!, (ed) The Blue Book Magazine November 1926
- * Azimuth:
* ___ Call for Volunteer First Readers, (cl) Strange Horizons July 4 2022
- * Aztecs on Mars, (ed) Interzone #213, December 2007
- * “The Baby’s Opera” and Walter Crane, (ar) St. Nicholas November 1877
- * Back at You, Mr. Hashimura Toga!, (ed) Black Mask June 1933
- * Backbone, (ed) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine June 1931
- * Back from the Wars, (ed) Short Stories January 1919
- * Back Issues, (ms) Science Fiction (Australia) v6 #1, 1984
- * Back of the Bus, Right Now!, (ed) The Back Alley Webzine November 2007
- * Back to the Farm—Is It the Remedy?, (ed) Liberty May 21 1932
- * Back to the Glory Years, (ed) Dime Western Magazine January 1938
- * Back to the Old Problems, (ed) John Bull October 5 1946
- * A Badge for Chris Defever, (ed) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1945 [Ref. Tom W. Blackburn]
- * Bad Handwriting, (ed) The Novel Magazine September 1909
- * Bad Manners, (ed) John Bull June 13 1953
- * The Bad Old Days, (ed) Liberty February 28 1931
- * Bad Practice, (ed) Science Fiction Fortnightly #6, March 15 1951
- * “Baffles” Contest Winners!, (ms) Clues 1st May 1930
- * Baffling Mystery, (ed) The Thriller #145, November 14 1931
- * Balanced in Blood, (ed) Ace-High Western Stories November 1940
- * Baldies Aren’t Neccessarily Bright, (ed) Collier’s July 3 1948
- * Ballots and Bullets, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine August 1936
- * Banana-Skin Jokes, (ed) The Strand Magazine May 1945
- * Bang Again, (ed) The Fantast April 1941
- * Banker for Britain, (ed) Collier’s September 20 1941
- * The Bank of Happiness, (ed) Britannia and Eve December 1932
- * Banks to Bet On, (ed) Collier’s February 10 1934
- * A Banner Scoop!, (ed) Max Brand’s Western Magazine October 1950
- * Barbarous Mexico, (is) The American Magazine October 1910
- * “Barbarous Mexico”: A New Series of Articles to Begin Next Month, (ms) The American Magazine September 1909
- * Barbarous Mexico: Editorial Introduction, (ms) The American Magazine October 1909
- * The Bareknuckles Pulp Dept. Editor’s Note, (si) Out of the Gutter #8, December 2012
- * A Bargain and a Guarantee, (ed) Pictorial Review March 1913
- * The “Barracks” The Studio Home of Howard Chandler Christy, (ar) National Magazine July 1911
- * Barrage, (ed) World War Stories Mar, Apr, May 1929
- * Barry Perowne Writes Another Winner!, (ed) The Thriller #140, October 10 1931
- * Barsoom, (ed) Amra v2 #12, 1960
- * The Bashful Bludgeoners, (ms) Double Detective December 1938
- * The Battle Cry Still Rings, (ed) Collier’s July 9 1938
- * Battle Flags of Empire, (ed) Star Western September 1938
- * The Battle of the Atlantic, (ed) Collier’s May 10 1941
- * The Battle of the War Plants, (ed) Collier’s July 11 1942
- * The Battle of Washington, (ed) Collier’s September 14 1940
- * Beach Pajamas!, (ms) Pep Stories June 1930
- * Beach Perils, (ed) John Bull February 28 1953
- * Bean-Ball Influence, (ed) Collier’s April 19 1941
- * The Bear and the Basket, (qa) The Lone Hand: The Australian Monthly #8 Dec 1907, #9 Jan, #10 Feb, #11 Mar, #12 Apr 1908
- * Beasts, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st July 1930
- * Beating the Drum, (ed) All-American Fiction Dec 1937, Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun 1938
- * Beat the Game!, (ed) The Blue Book Magazine April 1932
- * Beauties, (pi) The Strand Magazine Apr, Jun 1894, Jun, Oct 1893, Feb 1894, Aug, Dec, Mar 1893
- * Beauties:- Children, (pi) The Strand Magazine Feb, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1893, Jan, Mar, May, Jul 1894
- * Beautiful and Deadly, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1937
- * The Beautiful and the Dumb, (ed) Saucy Stories January 15 1923
- * Beautiful Clouds, (ed) The Strand Magazine June 1945
- * Beauty Competition, (cn) The Royal Magazine June 1922
- * Beauty Conquers the Beast, (ed) Collier’s September 14 1929
- * The Beauty Quest: Further Contestants, (pi) The Lone Hand: The Australian Monthly #11 Mar, #12 Apr 1908
- * “Because He Kissed His Baby”, (ed) Liberty February 18 1928
- * Before Capone, (ed) Black Mask September 1936
- * Before the Curtain, (ed) Pan: The Fiction Magazine Sep, Dec 1922, Jan, Jul 1923, Apr, May 1924
- * Before the Deluge, (ed) Collier’s December 13 1930
- * Before the Horse Is Stolen, (ed)
- * Before We Forget, (ed) Collier’s May 24 1930
- * Beginning of Advent, (ed) Mysterion December 2 2019
- * Behind Prison Walls, (ed) Clues 1st June 1929
- * Behind the Action of the Executioner Book Bonus, (si) Men’s Adventure Quarterly September 2021
- * Behind the Black Mask, (bg) [Ref. Erle Stanley Gardner]
- * Behind the Black Mask, (ed) Black Mask Dec 1941, Jan 1942
- * Behind the Criminal Mask, (ed) Collier’s November 22 1930
- * Behind the Gunsmoke, (ed) Big-Book Western Magazine February/March 1938
- * Behind the Mask, (ed) Black Mask Fll 2016, Spr, Fll 2017, Spr 2018, v37 #3 2019
- * Behind the Scenes, (ed) Romantic Story Magazine February 1941
- * Behind the Scenes at London Theatres, I, (ar) The Lady’s Realm January 1908
- * Behind the Scenes at London Theatres, II, (ar) The Lady’s Realm February 1908
- * Behind the Sputniks, (ed) Fantastic Universe March 1958
- * Behold Our Masters, (ed) Collier’s June 28 1930
- * Bellman Contributors, (ms) The Bellman #520, July 1 1916
- * Bess and the Batwings, (ed) Rangeland Romances November 1947
- * Best Fuck: The Rest We Know, (ed) Meng & Ecker Number 9 by David Britton, Savoy, 1995
- * The Best in Fiction, (ed) Speed Western Stories February 1946
- * The Best in Music, (ed) Collier’s January 24 1942
- * The Best New Fiction of Colonial Writers, (ed) The London Magazine February 1907
- * The Best of the West, (ed) Top Western Fiction Annual v2 #1 1953, v2 #2 1954, v2 #3 1955, v3 #1 1956, v3 #2 1957, v3 #3 1958
- * The Best Selling Book of the Month, (cl) MacLean’s Magazine Dec 1912, Jan 1913
- * The Best Soldier Material, (ed) Collier’s September 26 1942
- * The Best Western Mystery Story of the Year, (ms) Mystery Stories April 1928
- * Better Back Up Henderson, (ed) Collier’s August 22 1942
- * Better Buy Some Bonds, (ed) Collier’s May 3 1941
- * Better Luck This Time, (ed) Collier’s February 7 1942
- * Better Not Weaken the Army, (ed) Collier’s August 23 1941
- * Better Take Your Wives Along, Boys, and Make Sure, (ed) Liberty January 1 1927
- * Between Friends, (ed) Secrets and Flame #549 Oct 14 1944, Jun 27 1953
- * Between Me and You, (ed) Helios March/April 1938
- * Between My Readers and Myself, (ed) The Novel Magazine February 1906
- * Between Ourselves, (ed) The Novel Magazine March 1909
- * Between Ourselves, (ed) Lloyd’s Magazine May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1921, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May,
Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1922
- * Between Ourselves, (ed) The New Royal Magazine Dec 1930, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov,
Dec 1931
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1932
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1933
Jan, Feb, Mar 1934
- * Between Ourselves, (ed) The Blue Book Magazine October 1935
- * Between Ourselves, (ed) The Wide World Magazine Apr 1951, May 1955, Jul 1957, Nov 1959
- * Between Ourselves, (ms) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine Jan, Mar 1933
- * Between Stories, (cl) Pan: The Fiction Magazine Mar, Apr, Jul, Nov 1922
- * Between the Lines, (cl) Redbook Nov 1954, Aug 1964
- * Between the Lines, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine April 1 1934
- * Between the Lines with Your Editors, (ed) Scientifantasy Spr, Sum 1949
- * Between Us, (cl) All-Story Love Oct, Nov, Dec 1942
- * Between Us, (ed) Love Revelations combined with Secret Confessions Jun, Sep 1941
- * Between You and Me, (ed) The Pocket Magazine August 22 1922
- * Between You and Me, (ed) Woman’s Own May 25 1945
- * Between You and Me, (ed) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1945
- * Between You and Us and the Gatepost, (ms) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1932
- * Beware Crockery Rates, (ed) Liberty April 14 1934
- * Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts, (ed) Clues Detective Stories July 1939
- * Beware of Water Sprites, (ed) Rangeland Romances March 1949
- * Beware the Honkatonk Man, (ed) Rangeland Romances August 1948
- * Bewitched, (ed) Rangeland Romances May 1948
- * Be Your Own Dry Agent, (ed) Collier’s February 2 1929
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