The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11560
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
* ___ Cecil John Rhodes, Capt. John Smith and Others, (ia) Thrilling Adventures February 1933
* ___ François L’Olonois, (ar) Pulp Adventures #18, Summer 2015
* ___ François L’Olonois, (ia) Thrilling Adventures July 1932
* ___ General William Walker, (ia) Thrilling Adventures December 1932
* ___ John Boyes, (ia) Thrilling Adventures September 1932
* ___ Lord Robert Clive, (ia) Thrilling Adventures November 1932
* ___ Major General MacIver, (ia) Thrilling Adventures August 1932
* ___ Sir John Hawkwood, (ia) Thrilling Adventures October 1932
* ___ Stanley, Rescuer of Livingston, (ia) Thrilling Adventures January 1933
- * Famous Songs of Praise, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1885
- * Famous Sons of Bishops, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly February 17 1923
- * Famous Squadron’s Amazing Stunt, (ms) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1937, 1936
- * A Famous Steamboat Sold for Junk, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 20 1923
- * Famous Stories Retold by the Talkies, No. 4: Moby Dick, (mr) Pictorial Weekly #1638, May 23 1931
- * The Famous Sun Frock by Bruyère, (ms) McCall’s Magazine April 1931
- * Famous Swords of General Grant, (ar) The Scrap Book August 1908
- * Famous Swords of the Middle Ages, (ar) Chums September 28 1892
- * Famous Test Matches of the Past, (cl) Chums July 4 1926
- * Famous Transvaal Hotel, Pretoria, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1900
- * Famous Trees in Britain, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #378, April 12 1969
- * Famous War Horses, (pi) The Blue Book Magazine March 1949
- * Famous War Pictures, (ia) Munsey’s Magazine July 1898
- * A Famous Warrior, (ar) Atalanta #122, November 1897
- * Famous Western Badmen, (qz) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine July 1947
- * Famous Women, (qz) Thrilling Love August 1952
- * Famous Women: Actresses, (ar) The Ludgate Monthly May 1893
- * Famous Women Artists, (bg) The Windsor Magazine August 1897 [Ref. Rosa Bonheur & Lady Butler]
- * Famous Women-Katharine Parr: How Queen Kate Beat the Executioner, (ar) Look and Learn #134, August 8 1964
- * Famous Women: Novelists, (ar) The Ludgate Monthly April 1893
- * Famous Women of the Past: Lone Struggle to Save Her Husband, (ar) Look and Learn #165, March 13 1965
- * Famous Women of the Past: Penelope: The Queen Who Waited 20 Years, (ar) Look and Learn #174, May 15 1965
- * Famous Women of the Past: Sarah Bernhardt: Legend Before the Footlights, (ar) Look and Learn #166, March 20 1965
- * Famous Women: Philanthropists, (ar) The Ludgate Monthly March 1893
- * Famous Women: Spain’s ’Joan of Arc’, (ar) Look and Learn #140, September 19 1964
- * Famous Women:
* ___ Madame Curie: Discoverer of Radium, (ar) The Australian Women’s Weekly November 12 1949 [Ref. Madame Curie]
- * Famous Works of Famous Writers, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 22 1898
- * Famous Writer for South Hills, (ar) The Van Nuys News March 7 1919 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- * Famous Yellowstone Geyser Slowing Up, (ms) Western Story Magazine October 31 1925
- * Fanac, (cl) Surprising Stories #49, January 2019
- * Fan Art Portfolio, (pi) Fantasy Crossroads #1, November 1974
- * Fanchette’s Lover, (ss) The Australian Journal #253, June 1886
- * Fanchon Fleeps ’er Wig, (pi) French Frills v2 #3, 1962
- * Fancies and Furbelows of Frou Frou, (ms) The Longbow #1, February 2 1898
- * Fancies and Goodnights, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #10 Aug 4, #11 Oct 8/Oct 9 1970 [Ref. John Collier]
- * The Fancies of Authors, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1881
- * Fancies of Old Travelers, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1878
- * A Fanciful Fragment from the Classics, (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper January 24 1880
- * Fancy, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 1 1884
- * Fancy, (pm) (by Harriet Prescott Spofford) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1868
- * A Fancy, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly May 1879
- * Fancy Bazaars and Sales of Work, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1877
- * Fancy Darning, (ms) The Lady’s Realm March 1901
- * Fancy Free, (ss) Capper’s Farmer
- * Fancy Hat Pins, (ms) Canadian Home Journal June 1910
- * Fancy Mice: how to keep and care for them, (ar) Chums Annual 1941, 1940
- * Fancy Pets: The Squirrel, White Mouse, Dormouse, and Guinea-Pig, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal July 13 1867
- * Fancy’s Fetish, (pi) Dapper December 1975
- * Fancy Work Department, (cl) McCall’s Magazine Jul 1910, Jan 1911
- * Fandom, (ar) (by Colin J. Lester) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977
- * Fan Fare, (cl) Scientifiction Jan, Apr, Jun 1937
- * Fan Fare, (ms) Love Short Stories November 1954
- * Fanfile 3: Lee Hoffman, (bg) Slant #6, Winter 1951/1952 [Ref. Lee Hoffman]
- * Fan Flashes (a few plugs returned), (cl) Giallar October 1966
- * Fangoria Editor Michael Gingold & Make-up Artist Brian Spears, (iv) Blood Moon Rising #26, Spring 2005 [Ref. Michael Gingold & Brian Spears]
- * Fangs, (ss) Paree v1 #1, 1940
- * Fangs, (ts) Smart Set Jul, Aug 1925
- * Fangs, Claws & Marginalia, (bg) Outer Darkness #29 Spr, #30 2004, #31 2005, #32, #33, #34 2006, #35 2007
- * Fangs, Claws & Miscellanea, (bg) Outer Darkness #22 Spr 2001, #25, #26 2002, #27, #28 Win 2003
- * Fangs for Coming! A Visit with the Real Dracula, (ar) Thrills & Chills #3, 1994
- * Fangs of Death, (ts) True Western Stories July 1926
- * The Fangs of Doctor X [Invisible Speedman], (ss) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Buzzer #36, June 18 1938
- * Fangs of Fate, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #496, June 15 1929; adapted from the movie (Klondike, the dog).
- * Fangs of Steel [Nelson Lee], (na) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Nelson Lee Library #98, April 21 1917
- * Fangs of the Wild, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #481, March 2 1929; adapted from the movie (Ranger, the famous police dog).
- * The Fan Guide, (bi) Stardust September 1940
- * Fan Interview: Gina Goddard, (iv) The Rhizome Factor April 1998 [Ref. Gina Goddard]
- * Fan Magazine Review, (ar) Sun Spots v2 #2, 1940
- * Fan Magazine Review, (lr) The New Science Fiction Collector Jul, Sep/Oct 1937, Jan/Feb, Jun/Jul, Aug 1938, Mar/Apr 1939
- * Fan Mag Digest, (cl) Future Fiction Jul, Nov 1940
- * Fan Mag Review, (lr) Science Fiction Collector Nov/Dec 1937, Mar/Apr, May 1938, Jan/Feb, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1939, Jan/Feb 1940, Win 1941
- * Fan Mail Faces, (ia) The Strand Magazine February 1946
- * Fanny and Myself; Being the Recollections of an Elderly Gentleman, (ss) (by Joseph Holt Ingraham) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1856
- * Fanny Get Your Gun, (pi) Mistress April 1966
- * Fanny Hill—The Book and the Woman, (sl) Men’s Digest April 1969
- * Fanny Janauschek, (pi) McClure’s Magazine September 1894
- * Fanny Moon, (??) 10 Story Book July 1935
- * Fan Parade No. 1: William F. Temple, (ar) The Futurian September 1938
- * Fan Parade No. 2: Donald Raymond Smith, (ar) The Futurian January 1939
- * Fan Parade No. 3: Bert Lewis, (ar) The Futurian Spring 1939
- * Fan Parade No 5 (Charles Roland Forster), (ar) The Futurian Winter 1940 [Ref. Charles Roland Forster]
- * Fan Parade No 7 (Eric Moss), (ar) The Futurian Spring 1940 [Ref. Eric Moss]
- * Fan Personalities (Beak Taylor), (bg) Canadian Fandom #10, May 1946 [Ref. Beak Taylor]
- * Fan Personalities (John Hollis Mason), (bg) Canadian Fandom #9, July 1945 [Ref. John Hollis Mason]
- * Fans Got Money’s Worth, (ms) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine October 10 1931
- * The Fanshawe Ghost, (ss) (by Gelett Burgess) The Master of Mysteries, Bobbs, 1912
- * Fans of Lin Carter Unite! Both of You!, (ar) Sword & Fantasy #12, September 2016 [Ref. Lin Carter]
- * Fantaisies Malades, (pm) Pix November 1975
- * Fanta-Notes, (ms) Fantasite Aug/Sep, Nov/Dec 1942
- * Fantasiac, (cl) (by Sam Moskowitz) Helios May/June 1938
- * Fantasies, (ms) Metropolitan Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1906, Jan 1907, Jan, Feb, Mar 1908, Jun 1910
- * Fantasies, (pm) Metropolitan Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1907
- * Fantastic Adventures, (ar) Science Fiction Collector January/February 1939
- * Fantastic but True, (ia) Strange Detective Mysteries Sep/Oct 1939, Jul 1940
- * A Fantastic Castle, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1900
- * The Fantastic Fate of the Fraternity Felons [Green Lantern], (cs) (by Alfred Bester) Comic Cavalcade (comic) Summer 1944
- * “The Fantastic Ferryboat” [Dig Bailey], (cs) Calling All Boys #5, June 1946
- * Fantastic Gardening, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1889
- * Fantastic Hoaxes, (ms) Fantastic Adventures; May 39.
- * Fantastic Murder, (ts) Mystery March 1934
- * The Fantastic Swindlers, (ms) Mystery January 1935
- * The Fantastic Tale of the Arabian Knight, (ex) Reveille #1242, January 16 1964 [Ref. Richard F. Burton]
- * Fantastic Terrors Never Felt Before, (ms) Once Upon a Midnight ed. Thomas E. Fuller, Michael N. Langford & Jame A. Riley, Unnameable Press, 1995
- * Fantastic Visions, (pi) Edgar Rice Burroughs 1975
- * A Fantasy, (pm) Punch June 7 1916
- * The Fantasy and Science Fiction of the Early Years, (bi) Early del Rey by Lester del Rey, Doubleday, 1975 [Ref. Lester del Rey]
- * The Fantasy Art of Boris Vallejo, (ar) The Book of the Sixth World Fantasy Convention ed. Tim Underwood & Chuck Miller, Underwood-Miller, 1980
- * Fantasy Book Artist Profiles: Corey Wolfe and Walter Lee, (bg) Fantasy Book December 1983
- * Fantasy Book Index, Volume 3, (ix) Fantasy Book March 1985
- * Fantasy Book Reviews, (rc) Scientifiction Aug, Oct 1937
- * Fantasy Books Are Booming!, (ms) Scientifiction January 1937
- * Fantasy Fiction Ratings, (ms) Fantasy Magazine October/November 1934
- * Fantasy Films ’83: The Year of Living Languorously, (mr) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine January/February 1984
- * Fantasy in Blue, (pi) Knight July 1976
- * Fantasy in Fingers, (ms) Manhunt July 1956
- * Fantasy Loses Lovecraft, (ms) Scientifiction June 1937
- * Fantasy Quiz, (qz) A. Merritt’s Fantasy Magazine December 1949
- * The Fantasy Record, (pm) Golden Atom Winter 1943
- * The Fantasy Report (Continuing the Annotated Index of Weird Tales), (ix) Golden Atom March 1940
- * Fantasy & Spec Fic Conventions, (ms) Conjurings #1, June 2013
- * Fantasy Veterans’ Association, (ms) Famous Fantastic Mysteries December 1948
- * Fantasy Világkongresszus: Több pénz, mint sárkány, (ms) Fantasy Magazin 1989
- * Fanzine Feature, (ms) Black Tears #6, 1994
- * Fanzines, (fr) Science Fiction Monthly #11 Jul 15, #12 Aug 15 1951, #17 Jan 15, #18 Feb 15, #19 Mar 15, #27 Nov 15 1952, #35 Jul 15, #37 Sep 15 1953,
#42 Feb 15, #45, #43 Mar 15, #51 Nov 15, #52 Dec 15 1954
#53 Jan 15, #54 Feb 15 1955
- * Fanzines, (fr) Straight Up February 1952
- * Fanzines, (fr) Tangent #6, Winter 1977
- * Fanzines, (fr) Imagine #4, July 1983
- * Fanzines from All Over, (fr) Riverside Quarterly June 1966
- * Fanzines in Focus: Jim Goddard and Cypher, (ar) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #1, 1975 [Ref. James Goddard]
- * Fanzines in Focus: Lisa Conesa and Zimri, (iv) Science Fiction Monthly v1 #12, 1974 [Ref. Lisa Conesa]
- * Fanzines—What Are They?, (cs) L.A. Con III Programme Book, L.A. Con, 1996
- * Michael Faraday, (bg) If January 1953 [Ref. Michael Faraday]
- * Faraday’s Lost Cup, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper May 3 1879
- * Far Away, (pm) St. Nicholas November 1876
- * Far-Away Stornoway, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine June 1888
- * Farce and Tragedy at the Bar, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1884
- * Far Corners and Back Rooms, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2013 [Ref. T. Jefferson Parker]
- * The Far Ends of the Earth, (ts) Smart Set November 1925
- * A Farewell, (pm) The European Magazine April 1826
- * A Farewell, (pm) (by Harriet Waters Preston) Beadle’s Monthly #8, August 1866
- * Farewell and Defiance to Love, (pm) (by John Clare) The European Magazine March 1826
- * Farewell, Arcadia & Betsy River!, (ar) Railroad Stories July 1936
- * A Farewell Feast, (??) The Boy’s Own Paper Christmas 1894
- * The Farewells of Seven Women, (ms) The Smart Set May 1915
- * The Farewell Supper, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #142, March 29 1851; translated from the German.
- * A Farewell to Agassiz, (pm) (by Oliver Wendell Holmes) The Atlantic Monthly November 1865
- * Farewell to Arkham, (bg) Lovecraft’s Mystery Magazine v1 #1, 1998 [Ref. Carl Jacobi]
- * Farewell to May, (pm) (by Annie D. Green) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1870
- * Farewell to Morris S. Dollens, Former Editor, (ia) The New Science Fiction Collector July 1937
- * Farewell to the Old Tivoli Opera House, (ar) Sunset December 1903
- * Farewell to the Pewter!, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1910
- * Far from Steam Heat, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine 1st September 1929
- * Far from the Madding Crowd:
* ___ Chapter I. Description of Farmer Oak: An Incident, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine January 1874
* ___ Chapter II. Night: The Flock: An Interior: Another Interior, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine January 1874
* ___ Chapter III. A Girl on Horseback: Conversation, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine January 1874
* ___ Chapter IV. Gabriel’s Resolve—The Visit—The Mistake, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine January 1874
* ___ Chapter V. Departure of Bathsheba: A Pastoral Tragedy, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine January 1874
* ___ Chapter VI. The Fair: The Journey: The Fire, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine February 1874
* ___ Chapter VII. Recognition: A Timid Girl, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine February 1874
* ___ Chapter VIII. The Malthouse: The Chat: News, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine February 1874
* ___ Chapter IX. The Homestead: A Visitor: Half-Confidences, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine March 1874
* ___ Chapter X. Mistress and Men, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine March 1874
* ___ Chapter XI. Melchester Moor: Snow: A Meeting, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine March 1874
* ___ Chapter XII. Farmers: A Rule: An Exception, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine March 1874
* ___ Chapter XIII. Sortes Sanctorum: The Valentine, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine March 1874
* ___ Chapter XIV. Effect of the Letter: Sunrise, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine March 1874
* ___ Chapter XV. A Morning Meeting: The Letter Again, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine April 1874
* ___ Chapter XVI. All Saints’ and All Souls’, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine April 1874
* ___ Chapter XVII. In the Market-Place, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine April 1874
* ___ Chapter XVIII. Boldwood in Meditation: A Visit, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine April 1874
* ___ Chapter XIX. The Sheep-Washing: The Offer, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine April 1874
* ___ Chapter XX. Perplexity: Grinding the Shears: A Quarrel, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine April 1874
* ___ Chapter XXI. Troubles in the Fold: A Message, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine May 1874
* ___ Chapter XXII. The Great Barn and the Sheep-Shearers, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine May 1874
* ___ Chapter XXIII. Eventide: A Second Declaration, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine May 1874
* ___ Chapter XXIV. The Same Night: The Fir Plantation, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine May 1874
* ___ Chapter XXV. The New Acquaintance Described, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine June 1874
* ___ Chapter XXVI. Scene on the Verge of the Hay-mead, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine June 1874
* ___ Chapter XXVII. Hiving the Bees, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine June 1874
* ___ Chapter XXVIII. The Hollow Amid the Ferns, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine June 1874
* ___ Chapter XXIX. Particulars of a Twilight Walk, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine June 1874
* ___ Chapter XXX. Hot Cheeks and Tearful Eyes, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine July 1874
* ___ Chapter XXXI. Blame: Fury, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine July 1874
* ___ Chapter XXXII. Night: Horses Tramping, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine July 1874
* ___ Chapter XXXIII. In the Sun: A Harbinger, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine July 1874
* ___ Chapter XXXIV. Home Again: A Juggler, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine August 1874
* ___ Chapter XXXV. At an Upper Window, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine August 1874
* ___ Chapter XXXVI. Wealth in Jeopardy: The Revel, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine August 1874
* ___ Chapter XXXVII. The Storm: The Two Together, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine August 1874
* ___ Chapter XXXVIII. Rain: One Solitary Meets Another, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine August 1874
* ___ Chapter XXXIX. Coming Home: A Cry, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine September 1874
* ___ Chapter XL. On Casterbridge Highway, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine September 1874
* ___ Chapter XLI. Suspicion: Fanny Is Sent For, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine September 1874
* ___ Chapter XLII. Joseph and His Burden: “Buck’s Head”, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine September 1874
* ___ Chapter XLIII. Fanny’s Revenge, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine October 1874
* ___ Chapter XLIV. Under a Tree: Reaction, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine October 1874
* ___ Chapter XLV. Troy’s Romanticism, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine October 1874
* ___ Chapter XLVI. The Gurgoyle: Its Doings, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine October 1874
* ___ Chapter XLVII. Adventures by the Shore, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine October 1874
* ___ Chapter XLVIII. Doubts Arise: Doubts Vanish, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine November 1874
* ___ Chapter XLIX. Oak’s Advancement: A Great Hope, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine November 1874
* ___ Chapter L. The Sheep Fair; Troy Touches His Wife’s Hand, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine November 1874
* ___ Chapter LI. Bathsheba Talks with Her Outrider, (sl) (by Thomas Hardy) The Cornhill Magazine November 1874
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