The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11559
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[The Editor(s)] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * …And One for the Minotaur, (ar) Lilliput May 1946
- * Andrew Lang and X, a Working Man, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine November 1912 [Ref. Andrew Lang]
- * And So to Camp, (ed) Collier’s November 2 1940
- * And They Call Themselves Sportsmen, (ed) Blue Ribbon Sports October 1940
- * And We’re Back, (ed) Bull Spec (online) #10, October 2015
- * Angels in Art, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1907
- * Anna Zinkeisen: A Modern Artist, (ar) Lilliput December 1938
- * The Annexation of Canada—and Why It Won’t Happen, (ed) Liberty December 4 1926
- * An Anniversary Retrospect: 1900-1910, (ar) Harper’s Monthly Magazine June 1910
- * Announcement, (ed) Mystery Magazine #95, October 15 1921
- * Announcement, (ed) Clever Truths Jun, Aug 1925, Jan 1926
- * Announcement, (ed) Sex November 1926
- * Announcement, (ed) Clues All Star Detective Stories July 1932
- * Announcement, (ed) All-Story Love Tales December 18 1937
- * Announcement, (ms) People’s Favorite Magazine April 1921
- * Announcement, (ms) Mystery Magazine January 15 1926
- * Announcement, (ms) The Argosy (UK) July 1926
- * Announcement, (ms) Big Story Magazine October 1929
- * Announcement, (ms) Story #39, October 1935
- * Announcement, (ms) Helios March/April 1938
- * Announcement, (ms) Argosy March 8 1941
- * Announcement, (ms) The Science Fantasy Fan June 1941
- * An Announcement, (ed) The London Magazine January 1904
- * Announcement: 1898-1930, (ed) The London Magazine October 1930
- * Announcement: April 2016, (ed) Interfictions Online #6, November 2015
- * Announcement by the Editor, (ed) Clues 2nd March 1928
- * An Announcement by the Editor, (ms) Ace-High Magazine 1st July 1926
- * An Announcement by the Editor, (ms) John Bull November 27 1954
- * Announcement: Hawaii—A World Experiement Station, (ms) The American Magazine October 1911
- * Announcement—Important!, (ed) All-Story Love January 1 1941
- * Announcement—Prize Contest, (cn) The Illustrated Detective Magazine January 1931
- * “Announcing a revolutionary new policy”, (ar) The Fanscient September 1947
- * Announcing the new Book Digest Combined with Books in Brief, (ed) Book Digest Combined with Books in Brief #17, June 1938
- * Announcing the Quest for the Typical American Girl, (cn) Smart Set December 1928
- * Another Big Surprise!, (ed) Mystery Magazine #143, November 1 1923
- * Another Christmas, (ed) Collier’s December 27 1930
- * Another Editorial Announcement, (ms) Fact Spy Stories April 1939
- * Another Great Number Coming, (ed) Mystery Magazine #144, November 15 1923
- * Another Great Number Coming!, (ed) Mystery Magazine #166, October 15 1924
- * Another Man’s Poison, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine February 15 1934
- * Another Note on Spicy Art, (ms) Spicy Armadillo Stories January 1991
- * Another Problem, (ed) The Novel Magazine April 1907
- * Another Quality Issue, (ed) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #10, November 2012
- * Another Round-Up: An Announcement, (ms) Ranch Romances 1st May 1927
- * Another Super-Champion, (ed) Liberty October 8 1927
- * Another Year, Another Submission Window, (ed) Mysterion January 7 2019
- * Answers to Correspondents, (cl) The Captain #61 Apr, #62 May, #63 Jun, #64 Jul, #65 Aug, #66 Sep 1904, #121 Apr, #122 May, #123 Jun, #124 Jul, #125 Aug,
#126 Sep 1909
- * The Answer to Strikes, (ed) Collier’s March 22 1941
- * Anticipating the Agon, (ed) Collier’s August 16 1941
- * Antiques, (ed) Liberty May 21 1927
- * Antiseptics, Birth Control, and War, (ed) Liberty December 15 1928
- * Anybody’s Race, (ed) Black Mask July 1935
- * Any Complaints?, (ed) John Bull May 8 1954
- * Any Hope?, (ed) New Purposes #9, May 1 1949
- * Apology, (ed) The Butterfly May 1893
- * Apology, (ms) Weird Tales August 1938
- * An Apology, (ed) The Novel Magazine November 1907
- * An Apology, (ms) The London Magazine December 1913
- * Apology and Regret, (ms) Lilliput July/August 1951
- * Appalling Ignorance of Food Values, (ed) Liberty January 23 1932
- * April Fool, (ed) Liberty March 31 1928
- * April Interlude, (ed) College Life April 1931
- * April Preview, (ms) Romance March 1946
- * An April Shower, (ms) Love Romances March 1928
- * April’s Mental Menu, (ed) World Man Hunters March 1934
- * April Swords & Sorcery, (ed) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #3, April 2012
- * The Arcanist Is Turning One!, (ed) The Arcanist July 23 2018
- * Are Editors Human?, (ed) The Novel Magazine February 1910
- * Are Fairies Out of Fashion?, (ed) The Novel Magazine February 1907
- * Are Husbands Necessary?, (ed) Husbands January 1936
- * Are Men or Women Writers More Popular?, (ed) The Novel Magazine December 1906
- * Are They Open?, (ed) John Bull April 11 1953
- * Are We a Defenseless Nation?, (ed) Liberty February 13 1932
- * Are We for Prohibition?, (ed) Liberty May 23 1931
- * Are We Going to Have a Miracle?, (ed) Liberty October 4 1941
- * Are We Our Brothers’ Keepers?, (ed) Liberty October 9 1926
- * Are You a Patron?, (ed) Pulp Literature #8, Autumn 2015
- * Are You in Love?, (ed) Liberty October 10 1931
- * Are You Interested?, (ed) Clues Aug, Sep 1934
- * Are You Ready for Good Luck?, (ed) Short Stories March 10 1923
- * Are You Too Patient?, (ed) Love Story Magazine September 12 1925
- * Argonotes, (ed) Argosy Jul, Aug 1943, Fll 2016
- * Argosy Calendar of August Hits, (ms) Argosy July 29 1939
- * The Argosy Poetry Competition, (ms) The Argosy (UK) October 1935
- * The Argosy Poetry Competition: The Committee Poets and Their Work, (ms) The Argosy (UK) November 1935
- * Argosy’s Editorial, (ed) Argosy for a Greater America Aug, Sep, Oct 1979
- * The Argosy’s Log-Book, (cl) The Argosy Feb 1908, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1911,
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1912
- * Argumentative?, (lc) The Futurian Wtr, Spr 1940
- * Arisia 2020 Schedules (And More!), (ed) Mysterion January 6 2020
- * Armchair Adventurer, (ed) True Adventure Tales v1 #2, 1937
- * The Armchair Detective: The Past, Present and Hopeful Future of This Journal, (ed) The Armchair Detective October 1967
- * Arms and Men in Picture, (pi) The Blue Book Magazine May 1943
- * The Army and Space Flight, (ed) Fantastic Universe April 1958
- * Arnold’s Patent Medicine, (ed) Collier’s September 5 1942
- * Around the Branding Fire, (ed) Thrilling Ranch Stories Nov 1933, Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1934, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1935
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1936
Jan, Mar, Apr, Jun, Sep, Oct, Dec 1937, Jan, Mar, Jun, Dec 1938
Apr, Aug, Oct, Dec 1939, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1940, Feb, Aug, Oct,
Dec 1941
Feb, Aug 1942, Feb, Apr, Aug, Oct 1943, Aug 1944, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug,
Oct, Dec 1945
Apr, Aug, Nov 1946, Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep 1947, Jan, Mar, May, Jul,
Sep, Nov 1948
Mar, May, Jul, Nov 1949, Jan, Mar, Sum, Fll 1950, Wtr 1951
- * Around the Corner, (cl) Mystery Magazine Feb 1, Feb 15, Mar 1, Mar 15, Apr 1, Apr 15, May 1, May 15, Jun 1, Oct,
Nov, Dec 1926
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep 1927
- * Arrest/Anger/Avenge/Assault/And, (ed)
- * The Arthur Machen Society Appeal, (ar) Aklo Spring 1988
- * Artificial! Artificial!! Artificial!!!, (ed) Liberty April 9 1932
- * “Art Is Long”, (ar) The Ludgate March 1896 [Ref. Frederick Leighton]
- * Artists of “The Strand Magazine”, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1895 [Ref. Sidney Paget, Paul Hardy, Harold Robert Millar, J. A. Shepherd, Joseph Finnemore, W. B. Wollen, Alf J. Johnson, F. C. Gould, James F. Sullivan, Alfred Pearse & Gordon Browne]
- * An Artist’s Reminiscences: Some Whistler Anecdotes, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine May 1908
- * Artless in Edinburgh, (ed) Blackwood’s Magazine August 1976
- * Art-Needlework Competiton, (cn) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1881
- * The Art of Living, (ed) Short Stories January 10 1927
- * The Art of the Short Story, (ed) The London Magazine July 1906
- * Artwork, (ed) Amra v2 #15, 1961
- * As Holidays Begin, Remember the Schoolteachers, (ed) John Bull July 22 1950
- * Asinine Old Laws, (ed) John Bull May 14 1955
- * As I Was Saying…, (ed) Science Fiction Quarterly February 1953
- * Asked and Answered, (cl) The Schoolgirls’ Pictorial #8, December 22 1924
- * Assault Formation, (ia) Battle Stories #17, January 1929
- * “As Sure as…”, (ed) John Bull March 21 1953
- * As the Critics See Us, (ed) Black Mask September 1931
- * As the World Goes Round, (ed) 10 Story Book Aug, May 1912
- * Astounding Stories, (ed) Fantasy Magazine October/November 1934
- * Astronomy a Practical Art, (ar) National Magazine May 1913
- * As We See It, (ed) This Week (UK) Jul 28, Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18, Aug 25 1939
- * “As Young as Your Hope”, (ed) The American Magazine July 1955
- * The Atalanta Fine Art Scholarship, (ms) Atalanta #28, January 1890
- * Atheism Is a Religion, (ed) Liberty April 5 1930
- * Athletes of the Year, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1894 [Ref. F. E. Bacon, E. C. Bredin, C. A. Bradley, C. B. Fry, George Martin, F. T. Bidlake, Frank W. Shorland, Arthur Augustus Zimmerman, A. W. Harris, J. Taylor, William Brockwell & Tom Sullivan]
- * Athletics and Life, (ed) Liberty October 31 1925
- * At Home with the Dictator, (ar) Rob Wagner’s Script #554, May 11 1940
- * At Home with the Editor, (ed) The Ladies’ Home Journal Mar 1891, Aug, Oct, Nov 1892, Dec 1893
- * Atom Hopes, (ed) John Bull October 4 1952
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