The FictionMags Index
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[]Torrey, Roger (Denzel) (1901-1946); used pseudonyms Sam Drake & John Ryan (books) (chron.)
- * Account Closed, (ss) Double Detective March 1938
- * Always a Lady, (ss) Black Mask March 1937
- * Angel Without Wings [Joe Kent], (nv) Private Detective Stories September 1940
- * Appointment with Murder, (na) Private Detective Stories February 1940
- * Arson Angle, (ss) Speed Mystery September 1944, as by John Ryan
- * Back Alley, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 5 1936
- * Bad Samaritan, (ss) Private Detective Stories April 1940
- * The Barefaced Murder [Terry Hannigan], (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 1946
- * Bear Killing, (ss) Private Detective Stories May 1946
- * Beginner’s Luck [Mike O’Dell], (ss) Black Mask January 1935
- * Beginning with Murder, (na) Romantic Detective February 1939
- * Black and White, (nv) Black Mask March 1940
- * Blackmail, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly November 6 1937
- * Blackmail Blast, (nv) Private Detective Stories February 1939
- * Blackmail Is an Ugly Word [Dal Prentice], (nv) Black Mask October 1933
- * Black Mask Mystery:
* ___ No. 6 Dal Prentice Thinks It Out [Dal Prentice], (pz) Black Mask October 1933
- * Black Murder, (nv) Private Detective Stories August 1944
- * Blind Death, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories August 1941, as by Sam Drake
- * Blind Man’s Bluff, (ss) Black Mask April 1940, as by Sam Drake
- * Blood of the Beast, (ss) Detective Short Stories April 1938
- * Bodyguard, (nv) Private Detective Stories December 1938
- * A Bodyguard for Beano [Mike Hanigan; Irving Kowalski], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly August 26 1939
- * The Bookie Bets on Murder, (na) Super-Detective July 1945
- * Border Blockade [George Killeen], (nv) Black Mask August 1936
- * The Boy and the Butcher, (ss) Knockout Magazine January/February 1937
- * The Breaks [Dal Prentice], (ss) Black Mask September 1934
- * Bullets Backstage, (ss) Hollywood Detective January 1947, as by John Ryan
- * Bury the Dead [John Ryan], (nv) Private Detective Stories November 1944, as by John Ryan
- * Cabana Killing, (na) Speed Detective November 1943, as by John Ryan
- * Candidate for a Killing, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine October 1940
- * Case for a Killer [Mike Hanigan; Irving Kowalski], (na) Detective Fiction Weekly July 17 1937
- * The Case-Hardened Samaritan [Dal Prentice], (co) Black Mask, August 2023
- * The Case-Hardened Samaritan [Dal Prentice], (ss) Black Mask April 1933
- * Case of the Doomed Debutante, (ss) Detective Short Stories February 1941
- * The Cemetery Slaying, (ss) G-Men Detective April 1946
- * Charnel House, (nv) Super-Detective March 1945
- * Clay Pigeon, (nv) Private Detective Stories September 1938
- * Clean Sweep [Dal Prentice], (ss) Black Mask February 1934
- * Clean-Up Kill, (ss) Super-Detective December 1943
- * Coast Guard Capture [Sam Drake], (ss) Private Detective Stories April 1942, as by Sam Drake
- * The Complete Cases of Johnny Cass [Johnny Cass], (co) Popular Publications, November 2022
- * The Comtesse and the Killer, (ss) Speed Detective May 1946, as by Sam Drake
- * Concealed Weapon [Pat McCarthy], (ss) Black Mask December 1938
- * Contact Man, (nv) Private Detective Stories May 1938
- * Cook to Order, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories October 1939, as by John Ryan
- * Cop Killer, (ss) Private Detective Stories December 1943, as by John Ryan
- * A Corpse Came Calling, (ss) Detective and Murder Mysteries November 1937
- * A Corpse Will Call for You, (ss) Detective Short Stories January 1942
- * The Countess and the Killer, (na) Private Detective Stories July 1942
- * Country Kill [Mike Hanigan; Irving Kowalski], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly May 27 1939
- * Crooked Wheels, (ss) Detective and Murder Mysteries February 1937
- * Curtains for Five, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine July 1 1934
- * Dal Prentice Thinks It Out [Dal Prentice], (pz) Black Mask October 1933
- * Dame in Dutch [John Ryan], (ss) Speed Detective February 1943, as by John Ryan
- * Dance Act, (nv) Private Detective Stories January 1939
- * Dangerous Crossing [George Killeen], (ss) Black Mask August 1935
- * Dark Corners, (ss) Pocket Detective Magazine August 1937
- * Dead Girls Can’t Talk, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories November 1942, as by John Ryan
- * Dead Man Can Talk [Dal Prentice], (ss) Black Mask June 1935
- * A Dead Man Forgets, (ss) Private Detective Stories October 1938, as by John Ryan
- * Dead Man’s Knock, (nv) Private Detective Stories March 1941
- * Death Calls the Hand [Pat McCarthy], (nv) Black Mask January 1940
- * Death Child [Sam Drake], (ss) Private Detective Stories December 1944, as by Sam Drake
- * Death Comes Double, (na) Private Detective Stories May 1943
- * Death Dice, (ss) Speed Mystery September 1943
- * Death Does the Jitterbug, (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 1944
- * Death Has an Escort [John Boyle], (nv) Private Detective Stories October 1942
- * Death-House Double-Cross, (ss) Super-Detective May 1946, as by John Ryan
- * A Death in the Family [Johnny Cass], (na) Dime Detective Magazine June 1 1934
- * Death in the Hallway, (ss) The Whisperer July 1937
- * Death in the Pool, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 1943
- * Death Is a Rebel, (nv) Super-Detective December 1944
- * Death Is Elected, (na) Super-Detective September 1944
- * Death Joins the Strike, (nv) Super-Detective October 1944
- * Death on Duty, (ss) Detective Short Stories April 1941
- * Death on River Road, (ss) Hollywood Detective January 1945
- * Death Picks the Unknown Blonde, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 1942
- * Death Plays Tag [Pat McCarthy], (ss) Black Mask August 1938
- * Death’s Hand Is Black, (ss) Hollywood Detective August 1945
- * Death Takes the Pot, (na) Private Detective Stories July 1946
- * Death Wears a Ring [Terry Hannigan], (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1943
- * Death Wins the Lottery, (na) Speed Mystery September 1944
- * Delayed Death, (na) Private Detective Stories February 1945
- * Dice and No Dice [Johnny Cass], (ss) Dime Detective Magazine September 15 1934
- * Dog Eat Dog [John Ryan], (na) Speed Detective February 1946
- * Double-Cross Marks the Spot, (ss) Super-Detective February 1944, as by John Ryan
- * Double, Double—Here Comes Trouble, (nv) Super-Detective September 1946
- * Double Gamble, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly March 20 1937
- * Double Trouble, (na) Private Detective Stories December 1942
- * Earrings of Agony, (ss) Ten Detective Aces November 1936
- * Easy-Money Charlie, (nv) Private Detective Stories December 1944
- * Excursion to Murder, (na) Super-Detective November 1945
- * Family Affair, (na) Romantic Detective October 1938
- * Fire Test, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine November 1939
- * Fishing for Death, (ss) Hollywood Detective January 1945, as by John Ryan
- * A Fool for Publicity [Terry Hannigan], (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 1944
- * Fools Die First, (nv) Private Detective Stories January 1945
- * Foreign Affair, (ss) Private Detective Stories May 1941
- * Forest Blockade, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories September 1940, as by Sam Drake
- * For Fifty Grand, (ss) Speed Detective February 1945
- * Frame for a Killer [Mike Hanigan; Irving Kowalski], (ss) Detective Fiction November 1 1941
- * The Frankie and Johnny Murders [Sam Drake], (ss) Private Detective Stories September 1942
- * Gambler’s Payoff [Shean Connell], (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 1946
- * Gardenia Kill [Pat McCarthy], (nv) Black Mask October 1938
- * Girl in Trouble, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories March 1939, as by John Ryan
- * Girl Trouble, (nv) Private Detective Stories March 1940
- * Goal for a Gunman, (nv) Super-Detective May 1947, as by John Ryan
- * Grudge Grappler, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine August 1937
- * Gun in Hand, (nv) Super-Detective March 1947, as by John Ryan
- * Gun Trap for a Money-Killer, (ss) Star Detective Magazine July 1938
- * Hanging Evidence [Sam Drake], (ss) Private Detective Stories October 1942, as by Sam Drake
- * The Hard Way [John Carey, Jr.], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly September 4 1937
- * Hay Ride [Pat McCarthy], (nv) Black Mask September 1937
- * Hay Time [Pat McCarthy], (ss) Black Mask August 1939
- * Hell and High Water [Bryant], (ss) Black Mask April 1942
- * Her Name Was Murder, (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1944
- * He Whispered of Murder [John Ryan], (ss) Private Detective Stories January 1942, as by John Ryan
- * High Homicide, (ss) Ten Detective Aces January 1937
- * Hillbilly Stuff [Shean Connell], (nv) Black Mask June 1937
- * Hit and Smash, (ss) Pocket Detective Magazine January 1937
- * Hole Card, (nv) Double Detective October 1938
- * Hospital Case [Dal Prentice], (ss) Black Mask August 1933
- * Hotel Help, (ss) Private Detective Stories January 1940
- * Hot Money [Johnny Cass], (ss) Dime Detective Magazine May 1 1934
- * Hot Wires, (ss) Private Detective Stories January 1944, as by John Ryan
- * House Cop, (nv) Private Detective Stories July 1939
- * House Party, (ss) Romantic Detective December 1938
- * A Hunch for Hanigan [Mike Hanigan; Irving Kowalski], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly November 12 1938
- * I Find Murder, (na) Speed Detective June 1945
- * The Irish Have it [Pat McCarthy], (nv) Black Mask December 1936
- * Island Strangler, (nv) Popular Detective March 1947
- * It Pays to Be Blind, (ss) True Gang Life January 1937
- * The Jade Beast [Johnny Cass], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine December 1 1934
- * Jail Bait [Pat McCarthy], (nv) Black Mask October 1936
- * Joker in the Deck, (ss) Candid Detective March 1939
- * Just a Nice Girl [Shean Connell], (nv) Black Mask August 1937
- * Justice Borrows Bullets, (ss) Secret Agent X February 1937
- * Justifiable Homicide, (nv) Private Detective Stories December 1945
- * The Kill, (ss) Double Detective February 1940
- * Kill That Witness [Pat McCarthy], (ss) Black Mask October 1939
- * Labor Trouble [Mike Hanigan; Irving Kowalski], (na) Detective Fiction Weekly September 17 1938
- * Lady Killer, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1942
- * The Lady or the Lug [John Boyle], (na) Private Detective Stories November 1938
- * Law and Disorder [Dal Prentice], (nv) Black Mask November 1934; not the same as the story of the same name in the April 1941 issue.
- * Law and Disorder, (ss) Black Mask April 1941; not the same as the story of the same name in the November 1934 issue.
- * Leave—for Murder [John Ryan], (ss) Speed Detective June 1943
- * License for Murder, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly November 1937
- * Life—or Death?, (ss) Double Detective April 1940
- * Little Miss Fortune, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories February 1941, as by John Ryan
- * Live Wire, (ss) The Phantom Detective June 1946
- * Lock, Stock and Barrel, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine February 1940
- * Lost and Found, (ss) Private Detective Stories October 1939, as by John Ryan
- * Maid for Trouble, (ss) Private Detective Stories June 1939
- * Mail Racket [George Killeen], (nv) Black Mask November 1936
- * Mansion of Death, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 25 1940
- * Marriage Means Murder [John Ryan], (nv) Private Detective Stories October 1943
- * Maybe It’s Murder, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 20 1937
- * The Meter Says Murder [Mike Hanigan; Irving Kowalski], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 11 1937
- * The Mill Pond Murders, (ss) Private Detective Stories December 1940
- * The Missing Mr. Link [John Ryan], (na) Speed Detective July 1944
- * Money Makes Trouble, (ss) Detective Short Stories July 1938
- * M Stands for Murder, (nv) Super-Detective April 1944
- * Murder at Chantilly, (nv) Super-Detective December 1943, as by John Ryan
- * Murder Backstage, (ss) Private Detective Stories August 1940
- * Murder Bars No Holds, (nv) Private Detective Stories July 1943
- * Murder Before Breakfast, (nv) Speed Detective February 1943
- * Murder by Accident [John Ryan], (nv) Private Detective Stories November 1943
- * Murder by Mail, (nv) Private Detective Stories October 1941
- * Murder Camp [John Ryan], (nv) Speed Detective January 1944
- * Murder Follows Suicide, (ss) Speed Detective November 1943
- * Murder Fools Nobody [John Ryan], (ss) Speed Mystery January 1945, as by John Ryan
- * Murder—for No Reason [Bryant], (nv) Black Mask August 1940
- * Murder for Rent, (nv) Private Detective Stories February 1941
- * A Murder for Teacher, (na) Speed Detective May 1944
- * Murder for Your Money [Pat McCarthy], (nv) Black Mask February 1940
- * Murder Frame, (ss) Black Mask January 1937
- * Murder in a Motel, (ss) Speed Detective January 1944, as by John Ryan
- * Murder in Jail [Dal Prentice], (ss) Black Mask September 1933
- * Murder in the Backwoods, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories February 1941, as by Sam Drake
- * Murder Link [Pat McCarthy], (ss) Black Mask May 1938
- * Murder Made in Reno, (na) Detective Book Magazine Spring 1938
- * Murder Money [John Ryan], (ss) Private Detective Stories February 1943, as by John Ryan
- * Murder on the Highway, (ss) Private Detective Stories April 1939
- * Murder on the Third Floor, (nv) Private Detective Stories November 1940
- * Murder Runs in the Family, (nv) Private Detective Stories December 1946, as by John Ryan
- * Murder School, (nv) Private Detective Stories March 1938
- * Murder’s Never Easy [Sam Drake], (nv) Private Detective Stories March 1942
- * Murder’s Never Funny [Pat McCarthy], (nv) Black Mask February 1937
- * Murder—The Hard Way, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories January 1941, as by John Ryan
- * Murder Tips the Scales [Mike Hanigan; Irving Kowalski], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly February 24 1940
- * Murder Troupe [Shean Connell], (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 1944
- * Murder Was My Business, (nv) Super-Detective April 1945
- * Murder with a Backfire, (nv) Private Detective Stories October 1939
- * Murder with a Song [John Ryan], (ss) Private Detective Stories May 1941, as by John Ryan
- * Murder with Music, (na) Private Detective Stories January 1942
- * Night Club, (ss) Private Detective Stories March 1938, as by John Ryan
- * A Night in Menlo, (ss) Black Mask March 1933
- * No Blackout for Murder, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 1942
- * No Gashes Were Deep [Bryant], (nv) Black Mask February 1941
- * Nominated for Murder, (na) Private Detective Stories October 1940
- * No Money Payoff [Mike Hanigan; Irving Kowalski], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 16 1939
- * No Pockets in a Shroud, (na) Private Detective Stories July 1938
- * No Sale, (ss) Romantic Detective June 1938
- * Nose Trouble [Mike O’Dell], (ss) Black Mask July 1935
- * Numbered Death, (nv) Hollywood Detective August 1944
- * Off-Stage [George Killeen], (ss) Black Mask March 1934
- * Old Lady in the Lake, (nv) Private Detective Stories November 1944
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