The FictionMags Index
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[]Triggs, Flloyd W(illding) (1872-1919) (chron.)
- * Disappearance of Katoffelschaitz, (ss) Metropolitan Magazine December 1902
- * Great Landscape Trust, (ss) Metropolitan Magazine June 1902
- * Two Legs, a Sword, and an Actor, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine December 1901
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Four O’Clock #10 Nov 1897, #12 Jan, #1 Feb 1898
- * [illustration(s)] (with Charles David Williams), (il) Four O’Clock #1, February 1898
[]Triggs, James (Martin) (1924- ) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Argosy Sep 1956, Mar, May 1957, Jan, Sep, Dec 1958, May 1959
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Adventure Dec 1954, Dec 1955, Mar, Jul 1956, Feb, Mar, Aug, Oct 1957
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Argosy Jan 1957, Aug 1958, Sep 1960, Nov 1962
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[]Trillin, Calvin (Marshall) (1935- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Adventures of a Litigious Law Buff, (ar) Playboy January 1973
- * Barnett Frummer Accepts with Pleasure, (ss) The New Yorker December 18 1965
- * Barnett Frummer in Urban Crisis, (ss) Esquire November 1969
- * Barnett Frummer Is an Unbloomed Flower, (ss) The New Yorker February 5 1966
- * Barnett Frummer Learns to Distinguish Packaged Paprika from the Real Article, (ex) The New Yorker March 31 1967
- * Corrections, (ss) The New Yorker February 5 1990
- * Deadline Poet: Wars, (sg) The Nation May 12 2003
- * Dinner’s in the Freezer, (ex) The New Yorker March 31 1967, as "Barnett Frummer Learns to Distinguish Packaged Paprika from the Real Article"
- * Do You Think the Administration Will Be Able to Stop the Constant Increase in the Cost of Food? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker May 27 1974
- * The Eighty-Seventh(Nearly) Annual Tournament of Roses, (ss) The New Yorker March 31 1975
- * For Spacious Skies and Ample Waves of Green, (ss) The New Yorker January 4 1964
- * For Worse Is Better and Sickness Is in Health, (ss) The New Yorker November 22 1969
- * Has the Upheaval in Cyprus, World-Wide Inflation & the Resignation of the President Spoiled Your Summer Vacation? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker August 26 1974
- * Have You Been Doing Any Gardening This Summer? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker August 25 1975
- * How Do You Think Watergate Will Affect the Energy Crisis? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker December 17 1973
- * How Has New York’s Financial Emergency Affected You? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker December 22 1975
- * The Inquiring Demographer:
* ___ Do You Think the Administration Will Be Able to Stop the Constant Increase in the Cost of Food? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker May 27 1974
* ___ Has the Upheaval in Cyprus, World-Wide Inflation & the Resignation of the President Spoiled Your Summer Vacation? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker August 26 1974
* ___ Have You Been Doing Any Gardening This Summer? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker August 25 1975
* ___ How Do You Think Watergate Will Affect the Energy Crisis? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker December 17 1973
* ___ How Has New York’s Financial Emergency Affected You? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker December 22 1975
* ___ Is There a Danger in So Many Foreign Investors Buying Up Businesses and Property in America (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker December 11 1978
* ___ What Are You Doing to Celebrate the Bicentennial? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker May 10 1976
* ___ What Kind of Pet Do You Have and Why? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker February 24 1975
* ___ Why Did You Decide to Get Married? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker December 27 1976
- * Is There a Danger in So Many Foreign Investors Buying Up Businesses and Property in America (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker December 11 1978
- * Lib and Let Lib, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July/August 1973
- * Old Marrieds, (ss)
- * Paprika from the Real Article, (ss) The New Yorker April 8 1967
- * Roland Magruder, Freelance Writer, (ss) The New Yorker August 14 1965
- * Safely Deposited, (ss) Playboy December 1971
- * What Are You Doing to Celebrate the Bicentennial? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker May 10 1976
- * What Kind of Pet Do You Have and Why? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker February 24 1975
- * What’s the Good Word?, (ar) The Subway Chronicles ed. Jacquelin Cangro, Plume, 2006
- * Why Did You Decide to Get Married? (with Edward Koren), (fa) The New Yorker December 27 1976
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[]Trilling, Lionel (1905-1975) (chron.)
- * The Fate of Isaac Babel, (in) The Collected Stories of Isaac Babel by Isaac Babel, S.G. Phillips, 1955
- * Funeral at the Club, with Lunch, (ss) Menorah Journal August 1927
- * The Morality of Inertia, (ar) The London Magazine November 1955
- * Notes on a Departure, (ss) Menorah Journal May 1929
- * Of This Time, of That Place, (nv) Partisan Review January/February 1943
- The Best American Short Stories 1944 ed. Martha Foley, Houghton Mifflin, 1944
- More Stories in the Modern Manner, Avon Books, 1954
- The Forms of Fiction ed. John Gardner & Lennis Dunlap, Random House, 1962
- The Fifty Best American Short Stories 1915-1965 ed. Martha Foley, Houghton Mifflin, 1965
- Sixty Years of Great Fiction from Partisan Review ed. William Phillips, Partisan Review Press, 1996
- * The Other Margaret, (nv) Partisan Review Fall 1945
- * The Poet as Hero: The Letters of John Keats, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine Autumn 1951 [Ref. John Keats]
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[]Trimble, Alberta C. (fl. 1920s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Be Yourself, (ss) Canadian Home Journal April 1955
- * Communist, (ss) The Canadian Magazine February 1930
- * Cupids and Cavier, (ss) The Canadian Magazine June 1931
- * Efflorescence, (ss) The Canadian Magazine June 1932
- * Enchanted Grandmother, (ss) The Canadian Magazine July 1929
- * Foreground, (ss) MacLean’s March 1 1929
- * Husbands Are Like That, (ss) The Canadian Magazine January 1933
- * Mrs. Ballcora’s Hat, (ss) The Canadian Magazine November 1933
- * Outposts of Faith, (ss) MacLean’s May 15 1929
- * Shining Palace, (ss) The Canadian Magazine April 1931
- * Solitaire, (ss) MacLean’s February 1 1928
- * Windflowers for Courage, (ss) Canadian Home Journal October 1941
- * Winter Wind, (ss) Chatelaine January 1932
[]Trimble, Barbara Margaret (1921-1995); used pseudonym B. M. Gill (chron.)
- * A Certain Kind of Skill, (ss) Winter’s Crimes 18 ed. Hilary Hale, Macmillan UK, 1986, as by B. M. Gill
- * Forty-Two Headmasters Are Missing, (ss) Winter’s Crimes 23 ed. Maria Rejt, Macmillan UK, 1991, as by B. M. Gill
- * Murder Most Kind, (nv) A Matter of Crime, Vol. 1 ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli & Richard Layman, Harvest, 1987, as by B. M. Gill
[]Trimble, Bjo; [i.e., Betty Joann Conway Trimble] (1933- ) (chron.)
- * Balance of Terror, (ar) Galaxy January/February 1995
- * Bread and Circuses, (ar) Galaxy November/December 1994
- * The Cage, (ar) Galaxy March/April 1994
- * The City on the Edge of Forever, (ar) Galaxy July/August 1994
- * Court Martial [Star Trek], (sz) Galaxy March/April 1995
- * Man Trap, (ar) Galaxy May/June 1994
- * My Life Among the Stars:
* ___ Balance of Terror, (ar) Galaxy January/February 1995
* ___ Bread and Circuses, (ar) Galaxy November/December 1994
* ___ The Cage, (ar) Galaxy March/April 1994
* ___ The City on the Edge of Forever, (ar) Galaxy July/August 1994
* ___ Man Trap, (ar) Galaxy May/June 1994
* ___ The Trouble with Tribbles, (ar) Galaxy September/October 1994
- * Shore Leave [Star Trek], (sz) Galaxy (online) July/August 1995
- * Trek Diary:
* ___ Court Martial [Star Trek], (sz) Galaxy March/April 1995
* ___ Shore Leave [Star Trek], (sz) Galaxy (online) July/August 1995
- * The Trouble with Tribbles, (ar) Galaxy September/October 1994
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) American Sunbather August 1961
- * [front cover], (cv) Amra v2 #17 1961, v2 #34 1965
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Conan Grimoire ed. L. Sprague de Camp & George H. Scithers, Mirage Press, 1972
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Starship #38, Spring 1980
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Man Who Met Tarzan by Philip José Farmer, Meteor House, 2022
- * [insert to letter on p21], (ms) Psychotic #22, December 1967
- * [letter], (lt) Psychotic #22 Dec 1967, #23 Jan, #24 Mar 1968
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[]Trimble, John (Griffin) (1936-2024) (about) (chron.)
- * And So I Went to the Solacon, (ar) Focus #7, February 1959
- * Boudoir Babes from Abroad, (ar) Blaze #2, 1961
- * Wunderyear Maybe?, (ar) Focus #7, February 1959
- * [letter], (lt) Psychotic #24 Mar 1968, #50 Spr 1984
- * [letter from Garden Grove, CA], (lt) Trumpet #4, April 1966
- * [letter from Los Angeles, CA], (lt) New Frontiers August 1960
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