The FictionMags Index
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[]Stewart, Alexander (fl. 1920s) (chron.)
- * The Best Judge of All, (ar) Flynn’s December 5 1925
- * Big Jake Stays on the Job, (ss) Flynn’s March 13 1926
- * Bob Musgrave’s Skeleton, (ar) Flynn’s April 10 1926
- * Buried Bricks, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly October 9 1926
- * The Crack in the Wall, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly July 24 1926
- * Fatal Beauty, (ar) Flynn’s October 31 1925
- * The Fickle Goddess, (ar) Flynn’s November 21 1925
- * Folsom’s Folly, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly September 11 1926
- * Haunts of the Invisible [No. 1], (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction August 13 1927
- * Haunts of the Invisible [No. 2], (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction August 20 1927
- * Haunts of the Invisible [No. 3], (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction September 17 1927
- * Haunts of the Invisible [No. 4], (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction October 15 1927
- * Haunts of the Invisible [No. 5], (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction November 5 1927
- * In the Guise of Charity, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly September 25 1926
- * In the Name of Love, (ar) Flynn’s December 26 1925
- * Masked by Religion, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly July 3 1926
- * The Missing Constable, (ar) Flynn’s January 30 1926
- * Nerve, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly January 8 1927
- * Phantom Robbers, (ar) Flynn’s February 13 1926
- * Secrets of the Ancients, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly February 19 1927
- * Smugglers’ Nemesis, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly October 30 1926
- * The Spot of Oil, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly August 21 1926
[]Stewart, Alfred Walter (1880-1947); used pseudonym J. J. Connington (about) (chron.)
- * After Death the Doctor, (nv) The First Class Omnibus ed. Helen Gosse, Hodder, 1934, as by J. J. Connington
- * Before Insulin [Clinton Driffield], (ss) The Evening Standard September 1 1936, as "Beyond Insulin", by J. J. Connington
- Fifty Masterpieces of Mystery, Odhams, 1937, as by J. J. Connington
- The Orion Book of Murder ed. Peter Haining, Orion, 1996, as by J. J. Connington
- The Edinburgh Mystery and Other Tales of Scottish Crime ed. Martin Edwards, The British Library, 2002, as by J. J. Connington
- Bodies from the Library ed. Tony Medawar, Collins Crime Club, 2018, as by J. J. Connington
- * Beyond Insulin [Clinton Driffield], (ss) The Evening Standard September 1 1936, as by J. J. Connington
- * A Criminologist’s Book-Shelf, (ar) , as by J. J. Connington
- * Danger in the Dark Cave, (ss) The Passing Show December 10 1938, as by J. J. Connington
- * Logic and Working Backgrounds, (ex) from Alias J.J. Connington, as by A. W. Stewart, Hollis & Carter, 1947, as by A. W. Stewart
- * Murder in the Maze, (n.) Ernest Benn, 1927, as by J. J. Connington
- * Mystery at Lynden Sands, (n.) Gollancz, 1928, as by J. J. Connington
- * Nordenholt’s Million, (n.) Constable, 1923, as by J. J. Connington
- * The Pressure of Circumstance, (nv) The London Daily News February 10 1936 (+4), as by J. J. Connington
- * The Thinking Machine, (ss) Weird Tales May 1939, as by J. J. Connington
_____, [ref.]
[]Stewart, Andrea G. (1982- ) (about) (chron.)
- * The Belly of the Beast, (ss) Mothership Zeta #0, September 2015
- * Dreameater, (nv) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XXIX ed. Dave Wolverton, Galaxy, 2013
- * The Dreams of Wan Li, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #146, May 1 2014
- * The Ecology of Broken Promises, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #47, November 2020
- * A Good Mother, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #44, March 2015
- * Her Ravenous Waters, (ss) The Book of Witches ed. Jonathan Strahan, Harper Voyager, 2023
- * Honey, Plums and Cinnamon, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #9, July 2014
- * In Secrets, Absolution [Sargasso Universe], (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #12, January 2015
- * It Takes a Special-Special Person, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #25, March 2017
- * The Reeds of Torin’s Field, (nv) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #24, 2015
- * The Things You Should Have Been, (ss) Diabolical Plots #27, May 2017
- * This Doesn’t Appear to Be the Alien I Paid For, (vi) Daily Science Fiction March 13 2014
- * The Unchanging Nature of Stones, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #5, November 2013
- * The Validity of Escapism, (ar) Fantasy Magazine #64, February 2021
- * [unknown poem], (pm) Western Digest #18 Nov/Dec 1997, #21 May/Jun, #22 Jul/Aug 1998, #27 May/Jun 1999
_____, [ref.]
[]Stewart, Angus (1936- ) (chron.)
- * Brown God in the Beginning, (ss) Introduction 2: Stories by New Writers, Faber and Faber, 1964
- * Figures of Eight, (ss) Transatlantic Review #7, Fall 1961
- * My Moon, Oh My Moon, (nv) Dark Horses #26, March 2024
- * Waiting in Nowhere, (ss) Transatlantic Review #11, Winter 1962
[]Stewart, Anna Bird (fl. 1910s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Ain’t It Funny About Women?, (ss) All-Story Cavalier Weekly November 28 1914
- * The Ancient Malady, (pm) All-Story Weekly August 11 1917
- * Country Children, (pm) Country Gentleman June 1939
- * A Country Garden, (pm) Pictorial Review
- * Good Old Sinner Valentine, (pm) All-Story Weekly February 10 1917
- * Play Time, (ss) Country Gentleman April 1935
- * A Rattling Tale (with Edward Borein), (ss) The Argosy September 1913
- * Recompense, (pm) Pictorial Review
- * Rover’s Requiem, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post December 17 1927
- * Safety First, (pm) All-Story Weekly July 8 1916
- * The Wife, (ss) The Smart Set December 1916
[]Stewart, Bhob; [i.e., Robert Marion Stewart] (1937-2014) (about) (chron.)
- * American Poets in 1977 ed. by William Heyen, (br) The South Carolina Review Fall 1977
- * Car Rally, (ss) Boys’ Life October 1962
- * Filmedia: Augmented Dreams, (mr) Starship #35, Summer 1979
- * Filmedia: Crossings in Mist, (mr) Starship #39, Summer 1980
- * Filmedia: Film Diary, (mr) Starship #38, Spring 1980
- * Filmedia: Going Boating, (mr) Starship #37, Winter 1979/1980
- * Filmedia: Of Human Badinage, (mr) Starship #40, Fall 1980
- * Filmedia: Orson Welles (Recycled) & the Spawn of EC, (mr) Starship #36, Fall 1979
- * Filmedia: The Rest of King, (mr) Starship #41, Spring 1981
- * Filmedia: Turning “States” Evidence, (mr) Starship #42, Summer/Fall 1981
- * Film: Smials of a Summer Night, (mr) Starship #34, Spring 1979
- * Flix, (iv) Heavy Metal January 1980 [Ref. Stephen King]
- * From Competition 22: Anecdotes in the Style of a SF Writer in the Style of Philip K. Dick, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1979
- * Projections, (ar) Galaxy Magazine July 1980
- * Unca’ Stewart Says, (cl) Psychotic #3 Sep, #4 Oct 1953
- * [front cover], (cv) Psychotic #13 Jul 1954, #18 Jan/Feb 1955
- * [illustration(s)] (with Robert Burleson, Bob Kellogg & Ralph Rayburn Phillips), (il) Science Fiction Review #21, August 1955
- * [letter], (lt) Psychotic #2, August 1953
- * [letter], (lt) Starship #37, Winter 1979/1980
- * [letter from New York, NY], (lt) Trumpet #7, May 1968
[]Stewart, Brenda Robertson (fl. 2000s-2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * Anonymous, (ss) Derby Rotten Scoundrels ed. Jeffrey Marks, Overmountain Press, 2004
- * A Little Bitty Tear Let Me Down, (ss) Low Down and Derby ed. Abigail Jones, Overmountain Press, 2006
- * A Little Dab’ll Do Ya, (ss) Racing Can Be Murder ed. Brenda R. Stewart & Tony Perona, Blue River Press, 2007
- * The Race Is On, (ss) Bedlam at the Brickyard ed. Brenda R. Stewart & Wanda Lou Willis, Blue River Press, 2010
_____, ed.
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