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[]Ray, Jean; pseudonym of Raymond Jean Marie de Kremer (1887-1964) (books) (chron.)
- * The Abandoned Observatory, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“L’Observatoire abandonme”, Le journal de Gand, July 1, 1921) by Scott Nicolay.
- * At Midnight, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“A minuit”, Les contes du whisky, Renaissance du Livre, 1925) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Beloved Little Wife with the Scent of Verbena…, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Petite femme aimee ar perfum de verveine”, L’ami du livre, December 15, 1923) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Cemetery Guard, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“La guardien du cimetiere”, Le journal de Gand, August 3, 1920) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Crocodile, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Le crocodile”, L’ami du livre, June 1, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Cruise of Shadows, (Wakefield Press, 2019, oc) ; translated by Scott Nicolay
- * Durer, the Idiot, (ss) Cruise of Shadows by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Durer l’idiot”, La Revue Belge, November 1, 1929) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The End of the Street, (ss) Cruise of Shadows by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Le bout de la rue”, La Croisiere des Ombres, Editions de Belgique, December 1931) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Gloomy Alley, (nv) Cruise of Shadows by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“La ruelle ténébreuse”, La Croisiere des Ombres, Editions de Belgique, December 1931) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Good Deed, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“La bonne action”, Le journal de Gand, July 8, 1921) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Guardian of the Cemetery, (ss) Weird Tales December 1934, as "The Graveyard Duchess", by John Flanders
- * Gumpelmeyer’s Debt, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“La dette du Gumpelmeyer”, Le journal de Gand, October 11, 1922) by Scott Nicolay.
- * A Hand…, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Une main”, L’ami du livre, June 15, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Herbert’s Fortune, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“La fortune d’Herbert”, Le journal de Gand, June 23, 1921) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Herr Hubich at Night, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Herr Hubich dans la nuit”, L’ami du livre, August 15, 1923) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Horrifying Presence, (ss) Cruise of Shadows by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“La Presence horrifiante”, La Flandre liberal May 1, 1931) by Scott Nicolay.
- * In the Fenn Marches, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Dans le marais du Fenn”, L’ami du livre, January 1, 1923) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Irish Whiskey, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Irish Whiskey”, L’ami du livre, July 1, 1923) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Josuah Gullick, Pawnbroker, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Josuah Gullick, Preteur sur gages”, L’ami du livre, April 15, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Last Guest, (ss) Cruise of Shadows by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Le Dernier voyageur”, La Revue Belge, May 7, 1929) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Last Gulp, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“La derniere gorgee”, L’ami du livre, July 7, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Last Traveler, (ss) Ghouls in My Grave by Jean Ray, Berkley, 1965
- * The Mainz Psalter, (nv) Ghouls in My Grave by Jean Ray, Berkley, 1965
- * The Mainz Psalter, (nv) Cruise of Shadows by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Le psautier de Mayence”, Le bien public, May 6, 1930) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Mondschein-Dampfer, (nv) Cruise of Shadows by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Mondschein-Dampfer”, La Croisiere des Ombres, Editions de Belgique, December 1931) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Monkey, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Le singe”, Le journal de Gand, March 18, 1921) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Monsters in the Window, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“La fenetre aux monstres”, Les contes du whisky, Renaissance du Livre, 1925) by Scott Nicolay.
- * My Dead Friend, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Mon ami le mort”, L’ami du livre, March 15, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Mystery of the Last Guest, (ss) Weird Tales October 1935, as by John Flanders
- Shadow August 1974; translated from the French (“Le dernier voyageur”, La croisière des ombres, Les Éditions de Belgique, 1932 as by Jean Ray).
- * The Name of the Boat, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Le nom du bateau”, L’ami du livre, May 1, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * One Night in Camberwell, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“La nuit de Camberwell”, L’ami du livre, November 15, 1923) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Over Drinks, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Entres deux verres”, L’ami du livre, April 1, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Phantom Executioners [Harry Dickson], (na) Harry Dickson vs. The Spider ed. Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier, Black Coat Press, 2014; translated from the French (“Les spectres-bourreaux”, 1933) by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Randy Lofficier.
- * Poppelreiter’s Salmon, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“La sauman de Poppelreiter”, L’ami du livre, March 1, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Portrait, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Le tableau”, Les contes du whisky, Renaissance du Livre, 1925) by Scott Nicolay.
- * The Shadowy Street, (nv) Ghouls in My Grave by Jean Ray, Berkley, 1965
- Foundations of Fear ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1992; translated from the French (“La Ruelle Ténébreuse”, 1932).
- Shadows of Fear ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1994
- Don’t Open This Book! ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC, 1998
- The Century’s Best Horror Fiction, Volume Two: 1951-2000 ed. John Pelan, CD Publications, 2012
- * The Spider Society [Harry Dickson], (na) Harry Dickson vs. The Spider ed. Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier, Black Coat Press, 2014; translated from the French (“La bande de l’araignée”, 1933) by Jean-Marc Lofficier & Randy Lofficier.
- * The Strange Studies of Dr. Paukenschlager, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Les etranges etudes de Dr. Paukenschalger”, Le journal de Gand, November 19, 1923) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Twenty Minutes After Midnight, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Minuit-vingt”, Le journal de Gand, May 25, 1921) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Vengeance, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“La vengeance”, Cine, November 23, 1919) by Scott Nicolay.
- * Whiskey Tales, (Wakefield Press, 2019, oc) ; translated by Scott Nicolay
- * The White Beast, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“La bete blanche”, Le journal de Gand, March 11, 1921) by Scott Nicolay.
- * A Whitechapel Fairy Tale, (ss) Whiskey Tales by Jean Ray, tr. Scott Nicolay, Wakefield Press, 2019; translated from the French (“Un conte de fee a Whitechapel”, L’ami du livre, January 15, 1924) by Scott Nicolay.
_____, [ref.]
[]Ray, Jim (fl. 1940s) (chron.)
- * Flying Tintypes, (ia) Short Stories Jul 25, Sep 10, Nov 25 1946, Jan 10, Feb 25, Mar 25, Apr 10 1947
- * Plane Facts, (ia) Short Stories Jun 25, Jul 25, Sep 25, Oct 25 1943, Jan 25, Mar 10, May 25, Jun 25, Jul 25, Nov 10 1944,
Jan 10, Apr 25, Jun 10, Jul 10, Aug 25, Sep 25, Oct 25, Nov 10, Nov 25 1945
Aug 25, Oct 25, Dec 10 1946, Jan 25, Jul 10, Jul 25, Aug 10, Aug 25, Sep 10 1947
- * Wings for Victory, (ia) Short Stories Oct 25, Nov 10, Dec 10, Dec 25 1942, Jan 25, Feb 10, Feb 25, Mar 10, Mar 25, Apr 25,
May 10, May 25, Jun 10, Jul 10, Aug 10, Sep 10, Oct 10, Dec 10, Dec 25 1943
Feb 25, Mar 25, May 10, Jun 10, Jul 10, Aug 10, Aug 25, Sep 25, Oct 10, Oct 25, Nov 25,
Dec 10, Dec 25 1944
Apr 10, May 25, Jul 25, Sep 10, Oct 10 1945
- * [front cover], (cv) Short Stories Aug 10 1942, Aug 10 1943
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Boys’ Life March 1946
[]Ray, John, Jr. (chron.)
- * Arts & Internment, (ar) BIGnews June 2004
- * Autumn in New York, (ar) BIGnews January/February 2003
- * Beautiful City Life, (ar) BIGnews February 2002
- * A Christmas Paradox, (pp) BIGnews January 2004
- * City Storms, (ar) BIGnews July 2002
- * Einstein Rules: General and Special Cases, (ar) BIGnews September 2002
- * The Fall of Rome, (ar) BIGnews October 2004
- * Fashion Town Dream, a Prose Poem, (pp) BIGnews June 2002
- * Halloween Town, (ar) BIGnews October 2003
- * Hazy Crazy Birthday, A Surreal Introspective, (ar) BIGnews May 2002
- * Hourations on Art, (ar) BIGnews November 2002
- * Hour Town, (cl) BIGnews January 2002
* ___ Autumn in New York, (cl) BIGnews January/February 2003
* ___ Beautiful City Life, (cl) BIGnews February 2002
* ___ City Storms, (cl) BIGnews July 2002
* ___ Einstein Rules: General and Special Cases, (cl) BIGnews September 2002
* ___ Fashion Town Dream, a Prose Poem, (pp) BIGnews June 2002
* ___ Halloween Town, (cl) BIGnews October 2003
* ___ Hazy Crazy Birthday, A Surreal Introspective, (cl) BIGnews May 2002
* ___ Hourations on Art, (cl) BIGnews November 2002
* ___ The House That I Built Right Before Your Eyes, (cl) BIGnews May 2003
* ___ Late Night Rant and a Touch of Silliness, (cl) BIGnews October 2002
* ___ The Limits of Sex in the City, (cl) BIGnews June 2003
* ___ The Lives of Windows, (cl) BIGnews March 2003
* ___ Lost Horizons, Vistas and Interstate Exits, (cl) BIGnews September 2003
* ___ A Lullaby of Clichés, (cl) BIGnews March 2002
* ___ Pleasantville Redux, (cl) BIGnews December 2002
* ___ Some Days Away, (cl) BIGnews August 2002
* ___ Summer Reading, (cl) BIGnews Summer 2003
* ___ Sur York: Desire Unbound, at the Met and in the Streets, (cl) BIGnews April 2002
- * The House That I Built Right Before Your Eyes, (ar) BIGnews May 2003
- * Late Night Rant and a Touch of Silliness, (ar) BIGnews October 2002
- * The Limits of Sex in the City, (ar) BIGnews June 2003
- * The Lives of Windows, (ar) BIGnews March 2003
- * Lost Horizons, Vistas and Interstate Exits, (ar) BIGnews September 2003
- * A Lullaby of Clichés, (ar) BIGnews March 2002
- * Memory Rush, (ar) BIGnews March 2004
- * My Friend--A Portrait, (ar) BIGnews November 2004
- * Of Empathy & Art, (ar) BIGnews January/February 2005
- * Pleasantville Redux, (ar) BIGnews December 2002
- * Retiring for the Evening, (ar) BIGnews Fall 2005
- * Some Days Away, (ar) BIGnews August 2002
- * Sous-Bois Redux, or the Essayist Lies Through His Teeth (Albeit Artistically), (cl) BIGnews April 2003
- * Summer Reading, (ar) BIGnews Summer 2003
- * Sur York: Desire Unbound, at the Met and in the Streets, (ar) BIGnews April 2002
- * Time Trouble, (ar) BIGnews April 2004
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