The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 8294
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[]Proctor, Edna Dean (1827-1923) (about) (chron.)
- * Balta, (pm) National Magazine September 1914
- * Columbia’s Emblem, (pm) The Century Magazine September 1892
- * The Cossack, (pm) National Magazine August 1914
- * Daniel Webster, (pm) National Magazine February 1914
- * Easter Morning, (pm) National Magazine April 1914
- * The Empire of the East, (pm) National Magazine February 1913
- * Frederick III of Germany, (pm) National Magazine September 1914
- * God’s Mariner, (pm) National Magazine April 1911
- * Holy Russia, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly April 1879
- * Hope and Despair, (pm) National Magazine January 1915
- * The Lady of the White House, (pm) National Magazine September 1913
- * Monadnock in Autumn, (??) The Atlantic Monthly January 1888
- * Moosilauke, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly August 1894
- * The Morning Star, (pm) National Magazine April 1911
- * Moscow and Southern Russia, (ar) Scribner’s Monthly April 1873
- * The Mountain Speaks, (pm) National Magazine August 1911
- * The New World’s Queen, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal May 1893
- * Nicholas Alexandrovitch, the Crown Prince of Russia, (bg) St. Nicholas December 1884
- * Our National Floral Emblem, (ar) National Magazine February 1904
- * Persia to Europe, (pm) National Magazine March 1912
- * Ralph Waldo Emerson, (pm) National Magazine July 1911
- * The River Don, (pm) National Magazine December 1914
- * The Rosebush in Autumn, (pm) National Magazine November 1914
- * The Song of Songs, (??) The Century Magazine March 1887
- * The Song of the Barada, (??) The Century Magazine November 1884
- * Take Heart, (pm) National Magazine October 1911
- * Through Storm and Sun, (pm) National Magazine September 1911
- * Thy Psyche, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly March 1858, uncredited.
[]Proctor, George W(yatt) (1946-2008); used pseudonyms Edward George, Willy Maikit & Franklin Dennis Wyatt (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Gift Hearse, (ss) Perry Rhodan #35, 1973
- * The Gift of Life, the Debt of Death, (nv) Shadows Of… #6, Spring 1982
- * The Good Is Oft Interred, (ss) Horrors ed. Charles L. Grant, Playboy, 1981
- * Janet’s Sex Planet (with Robert E. Vardeman), (n.) Bee-Line, 1974, as "Pleasure Planet", by Edward George
- * A Kingdom Won, (nv) Swords Against Darkness III ed. Andrew J. Offutt, Zebra, 1978
- * The Migration, (ss) Lone Star Universe ed. Geo. W. Proctor & Steven Utley, Heidelberg, 1976
- * The Night of the Piasa (with J. C. Green), (nv) Nightmares ed. Charles L. Grant, Playboy, 1979
- * Paper Work, (ss) Perry Rhodan #25, 1973
- * The Smile of Oisia, (nv) Swords Against Darkness ed. Andrew J. Offutt, Zebra, 1977
- * Up Uranus (with Steven Utley & Howard Waldrop), (ss) Adam January 1975, as by Franklin Dennis Wyatt
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * The Esper Transfer by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #34, February 1980
- * Fire at the Center by Steve Lewis, (br) Science Fiction Review #42, Spring 1982
- * Lone Star Universe (with Steven Utley) by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1977
- * Lone Star Universe (with Steven Utley) by Michael Kalen Smith, (br) Science Fiction Review #21, May 1977
- * The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume III (with Arthur C. Clarke) by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1982
- * The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume III (with Arthur C. Clarke) by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #43, Summer 1982
- * Shadowman by Steve Lewis, (br) Science Fiction Review #38, Spring 1981
[]Proctor, John (1836-1914) (about) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Mirror #58 Dec 6, #59 Dec 13, #60 Dec 20, #61 Dec 27 1873, #62 Jan 3, #63 Jan 10, #64 Jan 17 1874
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cassell’s Family Magazine March 1876
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Pall Mall Magazine June 1894
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Penny Magazine #288, 1904
[]Proctor, M. E. (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Apples in the Attic, (ss) Pulp Modern Fall 2022
- * An Arm and a Leg, (ss) Black Cat Weekly #113, 2023
- * Caleb’s Cannon, (ss) Guilty Crime Story Magazine #4, Spring 2022
- * Cottonmouths, (ss) Black Cat Weekly #85, 2023
- * Flame of the West, (ss) Guilty Crime Story Magazine #11, Spring 2024
- * Mutti, (ss) Thriller Magazine v4 #2, 2023
- * No Recoil, (ss) Guilty Crime Story Magazine #2, Fall 2021
- * The Pit, (ss) Guilty Crime Story Magazine #10, Winter 2024
- * Rien Ne Va Plus, (ss) Black Cat Weekly #153, 2024
- * A Ring for Rosie, (ss) Guilty Crime Story Magazine #9, Summer/Fall 2023
- * The Sand Bar, (ss) Stone’s Throw May 2023
- * Sausalito, (ss) Guilty Crime Story Magazine #8, Spring 2023
[]Proctor, Richard A(nthony) (1837-1888) (about) (chron.)
- * About Lotteries, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1879, uncredited.
- * Age of the Sun and Earth, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine September 1878, uncredited.
- * The Antarctic Regions, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1873, uncredited.
- * The Approaching Transit of Mercury, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine November 1868, uncredited.
- * April Showers, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1878
- * Are the Planets Inhabited?, (ex) from The Expanse of Heaven,
- * Automatic Chess and Card Playing, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine November 1875, uncredited.
- * Baseball and Cricket, (ar) Longman’s Magazine June 1887
- * Bodily Illness as a Mental Stimulant, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine April 1879, uncredited.
- * Canals on the Planet Mars, (lt) The Times April 13 1882
- * The Central Engine of the Solar System, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1886
- * Changed English Consonants, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1887
- * Changed English Vowels, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1887
- * A Clock in the Sky at Night, (ar) St. Nicholas December 1876
- * Coincidences and Superstitions, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1872, uncredited.
- * Colours of the Double Stars, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1863, uncredited.
- * Comets’ Tails, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine September 1874, uncredited.
- * Dangers from Comets, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1881, as by R. A. P.
- * Dual Consciousness, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1877, uncredited.
- * The Earth a Magnet, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine June 1868, uncredited.
- * Earth-Born Meteorites, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1879, uncredited.
- * The Earth in Meteoric Shadow, (ar) Longman’s Magazine December 1882
- * Earthquakes, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1868, uncredited.
- * Earthquakes in England, (ar) Longman’s Magazine August 1884
- * Electric Lighting, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1879, uncredited.
- * A Few Words About Coal, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1872, uncredited.
- * A Fiery World, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine June 1878, uncredited.
- * Gambling Superstitions, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine June 1872, uncredited.
- * A Giant Planet, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine May 1872, uncredited.
- * The Giant Planet Jupiter, (ar) St. Nicholas July 1877
- * The Gorilla and Other Apes, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1878
- * Great Solar Eclipses, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine August 1868, uncredited.
- * Great Storms, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1877, uncredited.
- * Growth and Decay of Mind, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine November 1873, uncredited.
- * Have Ghosts Been Seen?, (ar) The Cosmopolitan January 1888
- * Have We Two Brains?, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1875, uncredited.
- * Hereditary Traits, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine April 1878, uncredited.
- * The Herschels and the Star-Depths, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1871, uncredited.
- * How Earthquakes Are Caused, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1885
- * How Great Storms Arise, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine March 1877
- * How to Live a Hundred Years, (ar) The Cosmopolitan July 1887
- * Influence of the Mind on the Body, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine August 1879, uncredited.
- * Is the Moon Dead?, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine June 1877, uncredited.
- * Is Whist-Signalling Honest?, (ar) Longman’s Magazine April 1886
- * The Language of Whist, (ar) Longman’s Magazine October 1885
- * The Late Eclipse, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1871, uncredited.
- * The Levelling Power of Rain, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine April 1877, uncredited.
- * Life in Mars, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine May 1871, uncredited.
- * Life, Past and Future, in Other Worlds, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine June 1875, uncredited.
- * Living Death-Germs, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1882, as by R. A. P.
- * Luck: Its Laws and Limits, (ar) Longman’s Magazine July 1886
- * The Lunar Hoax, (ss) Belgravia August 1876
- * March Winds, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine March 1878
- * Mars, the Planet of War, (ar) St. Nicholas November 1877
- * Meaning of a New Star, (ar) The Cosmopolitan November 1888
- * Mechanical Chess-Players, (ss) Belgravia July 1879
- * The Menacing Comet, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine November 1882
- * Meteors—Seed Bearing and Otherwise, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1872, uncredited.
- * A Mighty Sea-Wave, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine November 1877, uncredited.
- * The Misused H of England, (??) The Atlantic Monthly May 1885
- * Money for Science, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1875, uncredited.
- * The Moons of Mars, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1877, uncredited.
- * The Moon Was Undoubtedly Once Inhabited, (ar)
- * The Morning and Evening Star, (ar) St. Nicholas October 1876
- * The Mystery of the Pyramids, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1877
- * New Eyes for Science, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine August 1886, uncredited.
- * News from the Moon, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine August 1873, uncredited.
- * A New Theory of Sun-spots, (ar) Longman’s Magazine April 1884
- * Notes on Flying and Flying-Machines, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1871, uncredited.
- * Notes on Ghosts and Goblins, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine April 1873, uncredited.
- * A Novelist’s Favourite Theme, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1886, uncredited.
- * On Some Strange Mental Feats, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine August 1875, uncredited.
- * Origin of Comets and Meteors, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1887
- * Past and Coming Transits of Venus, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1875, uncredited.
- * The Photographic Eyes of Science, (ar) Longman’s Magazine February 1883
- * The Planet Jupiter, (ar) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1873
- * The Planet Mars: An Essay by a Whewellite, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1873, uncredited.
- * The Planet of War, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1877, uncredited.
- * The Planets, Put in Leverrier’s Balance, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine September 1875, uncredited.
- * Poker Principles and Chance Laws, (ar) Longman’s Magazine September 1883
- * The Present Prevalence of Sun-Spots, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine August 1869, uncredited.
- * The Recent Eclipse of the Sun, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine March 2 1872
- * The Recent Star-Shower, and Star-Showers Generally, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1873, uncredited.
- * A Remedy for Poverty, (ar) The Cosmopolitan October 1887
- * The Ringed Planet, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine September 1873, uncredited.
- * A Ring of Worlds, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1878, uncredited.
- * A San Carlo Superstition, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine August 1882, uncredited.
- * Shooting Stars, Meteors and Aërolites, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine November 1867, uncredited.
- * The Silence of the Sky, (ex) from The Expanse of Heaven,
- * The Stars for January, (ar) St. Nicholas January 1877
- * The Stars in April, (ar) St. Nicholas April 1877
- * The Stars in August, (ar) St. Nicholas August 1877
- * The Stars in February, (ar) St. Nicholas February 1877
- * The Stars in July, (ar) St. Nicholas July 1877
- * The Stars in June, (ar) St. Nicholas June 1877
- * The Stars in March, (ar) St. Nicholas March 1877
- * The Stars in May, (ar) St. Nicholas May 1877
- * The Stars in October, (ar) St. Nicholas October 1877
- * The Stars in September, (ar) St. Nicholas September 1877
- * Star-Suns, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine June 29 1872
- * Star Unto Star, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1882, as by R. A. P.
- * Success of the Transit Expeditions, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine May 1875, uncredited.
- * The Sun a Bubble, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1874, uncredited.
- * The Sun as a Perpetual Machine, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine May 1882, as by R. A. P.
- * Suns and Meteors, (ar) Longman’s Magazine January 1886
- * The Sun’s Corona, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1870, uncredited.
- * The Sun’s Long Streamers, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1878, uncredited.
- * The Sun’s Surroundings and the Coming Eclipse, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1875, uncredited.
- * Thoughts About the Comets, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1886, uncredited.
- * Towards the North Pole, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1876, uncredited.
- * Two Sunlike Planets, (ar) Longman’s Magazine January 1885
- * Vesuvius, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1868, uncredited.
- * A Voyage to the Ringed Planet, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine September 1872, uncredited.
- * A Voyage to the Sun, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine March 1872, uncredited.
- * When the Sea Was Young, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine Aug, Oct 1876, uncredited.
- * Whist Chat, (ar) Longman’s Magazine February 1885
- * Whist Signalling and Whist Strategy, (ar) Longman’s Magazine April 1887
- * Who Wrote Dickens’s Novels?, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine August 1888 [Ref. Charles Dickens], uncredited.
- * The World’s End, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine April 1882, as by R. A. P.
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