The FictionMags Index
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Pendexter, Hugh (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Washakie, (ar) Adventure August 20 1922
- * The Way of an Outlaw, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories July 1936
- * The Way of Billy McQueen, (ss) Everybody’s July 1927
- * The Ways of Mountain Men, (ss) Adventure 1st October 1918
- * The Western Door Swings Open, (ss) Adventure mid October 1918
- * What Indians Fought With, (ar) Adventure July 30 1924
- * When Carleton Lost His Temper, (ar) Adventure November 20 1923
- * When Christmas Was Held Up, (ss) The Red Book Magazine December 1906
- * When in Debt to the Desert, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1916
- * When Kentucky Starved, (na) Adventure 1st January 1919
- * When Knighthood Wore Skates [Tiberius Smith], (ss) Everybody’s Magazine January 1906
- * When Lyflorus Schemed, (ss) The People’s Home Journal July 1913
- * When Tecumseh Was Jealous, (ms) Adventure April 10 1923
- * The White Dawn, (sl) Adventure Feb 10, Feb 20, Feb 28, Mar 10 1922
- * Whittaker Burnham’s Musicale, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine February 1907
- * Why the Road Went North of Hockomock, (ss) Short Stories June 1914
- * Wigwams, (ar) Adventure mid May 1921, as by H. P.
- * The Wilderness Trap, (ss) Adventure 1st November 1918
- * Witchcraft, (ar) Adventure January 30 1922
- * With Caste Against Him [Tiberius Smith], (ss) Tom Watson’s Magazine April 1905
- * Wolf Law, (na) Adventure October 30 1921
- * Wolf Meagher, (ss) Everybody’s March 1929
- * Wolf Medicine, (na) Adventure June 15 1928
- * A Woman Veteran, (ms) Adventure 1st June 1921, as by H. P.
- * Women Warriors, (ar) Adventure July 10 1922, as by H. P.
- * The Woods Runner, (sl) Adventure Feb 15, Mar 1, Mar 15, Apr 1 1935
- * The Wooing of the Knife, (ss) Short Stories September 1917
- * Yancey of the Rangers, (ss) Adventure mid March 1918
- * You Might Call It Adventure, (ar) Adventure December 10 1924, as by Faunce Rochester
- * The Young Gem-Hunters, (sl) The Boys’ Magazine October 1917
- * The Young Prospectors, (sl) The Boys’ Magazine January 1913
- * The Young Timber-Cruisers, (sl) The Boys’ Magazine December 1916
- * The Yucatahene’s Finish, (ss) Short Stories August 1917
[]Pendle, Alexy (fl. 1970s) (chron.)
- * The Golden Bric, (il) Stories of Fantasy and Science Fiction ed. H. A. Cartledge, M.A., Longman, 1974; adapted by H. A. Cartledge
- * [front cover], (cv) Stories of Fantasy and Science Fiction ed. H. A. Cartledge, M.A., Longman, 1974
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Stories of Fantasy and Science Fiction ed. H. A. Cartledge, M.A., Longman, 1974
[]Pendleton, Bruce (fl. 1960s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Argosy Dec 1960, Feb, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec 1961, Feb, Mar, May,
Sep 1962
Sep 1963, Jan, Apr 1964, Jan, Mar, May 1965, Sep 1966
- * [front cover] (with Ben Cropp, Jack Fields & Quentin Keynes), (cv) Argosy July 1968
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Argosy Sep, Oct, Nov 1960, Jan, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Nov, Dec 1961
Jan, Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Dec 1962, Jan, Apr, Jun, Sep, Nov,
Dec 1963
Feb, Dec 1964, Feb, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Dec 1965, Jan, Sep 1966, Nov 1969
- * [illustration(s)], (il) McCall’s May 1961
- * [illustration(s)] (with John Huehnergarth), (il) Argosy September 1964
- * [illustration(s)] (with James Pickands, II), (il) Argosy February 1962
- * [illustration(s)] (with Henry Syverson), (il) Argosy December 1962
- * [illustration(s)] (with Ed Vebell), (il) Argosy July 1962
[]Pendleton, Don(ald Eugene) (1927-1995); used pseudonym Stephan Gregory (about) (chron.); later used as a house pseudonym for “The Executioner” series.
- * Death Squad [Mack Bolan (The Executioner)], (n.) Pinnacle, September 1969
- * One Army-Trained Killer Against the Mob: The Executioner [Mack Bolan (The Executioner)], (n.) Pinnacle, March 1969, as War Against the Mafia
- * Payoff, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #8, 1961, as by Stephan Gregory
- * Raid on the Big Mob’s Secret “Murder Mansion” [Mack Bolan (The Executioner)], (n.) Pinnacle, September 1969, as Death Squad
- * War Against the Mafia [Mack Bolan (The Executioner)], (n.) Pinnacle, March 1969
- * Willing to Kill [Mack Bolan (The Executioner)], (ss) The Great American Detective ed. William Kittredge & Steven M. Krauzer, Mentor, 1978
_____, [ref.]
[]Pendleton, John (fl. 1890s-1910s) (chron.)
- * By Siberian Railway to the Far East, (ar) The Penny Magazine #284, 1904
- * Charles Wright Macara, (bg) The Penny Magazine #276, 1904
- * The Church with the Crooked Steeple, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1896
- * Colonel Vickers, C.B., (bg) The Penny Magazine #293, 1904
- * Curious Train Pictures, (ar) The Penny Magazine #295, 1904
- * The Intrusion of Haifez Effendi, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1897
- * Leaders of British Industry:
* ___ Charles Wright Macara, (bg) The Penny Magazine #276, 1904
* ___ Colonel Vickers, C.B., (bg) The Penny Magazine #293, 1904
* ___ Lord Allerton, (bg) The Penny Magazine #278, 1904
* ___ The Right Hon. W. J. Pirrie, LL.D., (bg) The Penny Magazine #280, 1904
* ___ Sir Alexander Wilson, Bart., (bg) The Penny Magazine #285, 1904
* ___ Sir Andrew Noble, Bart., (bg) The Penny Magazine #288, 1904
* ___ Sir James Kitson, (bg) The Penny Magazine #275, 1904
* ___ Sir John Aird, Bart., M.P., (bg) The Penny Magazine #283, 1904
* ___ Sir John Brunner, Bart., M.P., (bg) The Penny Magazine #277, 1904
* ___ Sir John E. Bingham, Bart., (bg) The Penny Magazine #282, 1904
* ___ Sir William Bailey, (bg) The Penny Magazine #281, 1904
* ___ Sir William Mather, M.P., (bg) The Penny Magazine #274, 1904
- * Lord Allerton, (bg) The Penny Magazine #278, 1904
- * The Pitman: The Romance of His Toil, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine October 1898
- * The Rail Travel of Queen and People, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine July 1897
- * The Right Hon. W. J. Pirrie, LL.D., (bg) The Penny Magazine #280, 1904
- * Sir Alexander Wilson, Bart., (bg) The Penny Magazine #285, 1904
- * Sir Andrew Noble, Bart., (bg) The Penny Magazine #288, 1904
- * Sir James Kitson, (bg) The Penny Magazine #275, 1904
- * Sir John Aird, Bart., M.P., (bg) The Penny Magazine #283, 1904
- * Sir John Brunner, Bart., M.P., (bg) The Penny Magazine #277, 1904
- * Sir John E. Bingham, Bart., (bg) The Penny Magazine #282, 1904
- * Sir William Bailey, (bg) The Penny Magazine #281, 1904
- * Sir William Mather, M.P., (bg) The Penny Magazine #274, 1904
- * Tommy Dunk’s Exploit, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine June 1910
- * The Weird Tracery, (ss) The Red Magazine February 15 1911
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