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[]Prager, Emily (1952- ) (chron.)
- * The Alumnae Bulletin, (ex) from A Visit from the Footbinder, 1983
- * Bush & Drugs, (ar) Penthouse June 1990
- * Helms, (ar) Penthouse November 1990
- * “The New Prostitution”, (ar) Penthouse August 1987
- * Scenes, (cl) Penthouse Dec 1978, Feb, Jun, Oct, Dec 1979, Jan 1980, Jan, Dec 1982, Jan 1983
- * The Sex-Change Conspiracy, (ar) Penthouse February 1980
- * Spirits, (cl) Penthouse March 1991
- * Steve Martin, (iv) Penthouse April 1984
- * View from the Top, (cl) Penthouse Apr 1979, Apr, Jun, Sep, Oct, Dec 1980, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct,
Dec 1981
Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1982, Apr, May, Jun, Jul,
Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1983
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1984
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1985
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1986
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1987
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1988
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec 1989, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 1990
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1991
- * View from the Top Abortion Rights, (ar) Penthouse May 1989
- * View from the Top:
* ___ Bush & Drugs, (cl) Penthouse June 1990
* ___ Helms, (cl) Penthouse November 1990
* ___ “The New Prostitution”, (cl) Penthouse August 1987
- * Words, (cl) Penthouse Jul, Aug, Nov 1979, Mar, Jul, Aug 1980, Jan 1981
- * Words (with Peter Bloch), (cl) Penthouse Nov 1980, Feb 1983
- * Words (with Karen Schwarz), (cl) Penthouse May 1982
[]Pragnell, Festus (1905-1977); used pseudonym Francis Parnell (about) (chron.)
- * Collision in Space, (na) Amazing Stories July 1943
- * Conspirators of Phobos [Don Hargeaves], (nv) Amazing Stories June 1943
- * Devil-Birds of Deimos [Don Hargeaves], (nv) Amazing Stories April 1942
- * Editors Are Killing Science Fiction!, (ar) Fantasy Magazine September 1936
- * The Essence of Life, (nv) Amazing Stories August/September 1933
- * Festus Pragnell, (bg) Fantastic Adventures August 1940
- * Ghost of Mars [Don Hargeaves], (nv) Amazing Stories December 1938
- * The Green Man of Graypec [Kilsona], (n.) Wonder Stories Jul, Aug, Sep 1935
- * Into the Caves of Mars [Don Hargeaves], (nv) Amazing Stories August 1942
- * Introducing the Author:
* ___ Festus Pragnell, (bg) Fantastic Adventures August 1940
- * The Isotope Men, (nv) Wonder Stories August 1933
- * Kidnaped in Mars [Don Hargeaves], (na) Amazing Stories October 1941
- * The Machine-God Laughs, (na) Fantasy Book #2 Feb, #3, #4 1948
- * Madcap of Mars [Don Hargeaves], (nv) Amazing Stories September 1943
- * Man of the Future, (ss) Tales of Wonder #1, 1937
- * Men of the Dark Comet, (na) Wonder Stories June 1933
- * Monsters of the Moon, (ss) Tales of Wonder #1, 1937, as by Francis Parnell
- * Outlaw of Mars [Don Hargeaves], (nv) Amazing Stories January 1942
- * Twisted Giant of Mars [Don Hargeaves], (nv) Amazing Stories May 1943
- * The Venus Germ (with R. F. Starzl), (nv) Wonder Stories November 1932
- * A Visit to Venus, (nv) Wonder Stories August 1934
- * Warlords of Mars [Don Hargeaves], (nv) Amazing Stories June 1940
- * War of Human Cats, (nv) Fantastic Adventures August 1940
_____, [ref.]
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