The FictionMags Index
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[]Pearsol, Zella (Irene) [née Painter] (1897-1989); used pseudonym Buck Gilmore (about) (chron.)
- * Badlands Promise, (ss) Dime Western Magazine September 1936, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Broken Boss of Midnight Range, (ss) Star Western February 1938, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Bullets, Then Peace, (ss) Western Action August 1953
- * Dark Road to Honor, (ss) Ace-High Magazine May 1938, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Dark Trail to Glory, (ss) Star Western July 1936, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Death Buys the Drinks, (ss) Ace-High Magazine April 1937, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Die Tomorrow, Please, (nv) Smashing Detective Stories December 1953, as by Buck Gilmore
- * For Hire—a Killer, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine June 1937, as by Buck Gilmore
- * For My Brother, Senor! (with John G. Pearsol), (na) Famous Western October 1951
- * Glory Waits for Broken Men, (nv) Star Western August 1937, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Gun-Call for Pecos Raine [Pecos Raine], (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1936, as by Buck Gilmore
- * The Gunman from Boothill, (ss) Ace-High Western Magazine October 1936, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Gunman Who Lived Twice, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1939, as by Buck Gilmore
- * The Gunman Who Wouldn’t Die, (ss) Star Western October 1936, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Guns for Texas, (na) Real Western Stories June 1952
- * Gunsmoke Pariah, (ss) Ace-High Magazine February 1939, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Gunsmoke Promise, (ss) Dime Western Magazine June 1936, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Gun-Talk at Mesa Creek, (ss) Western Action December 1952, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Hang-Tree Debt, (ss) Star Western September 1936, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Hero Behind the Gunsmoke, (ss) .44 Western Magazine March/April 1939, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Hired On—To Die!, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine March 1938, as by Buck Gilmore
- * A Kid Comes to Tahoka, (ss) Real Western Stories December 1954, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Killer’s Last Herd, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1939, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Lawman’s Hot-Lead Cure, (ss) Dime Western Magazine May 1937, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Love Rides a Dangerous Road, (nv) Real Western Romances November 1954
- * The Man-Hunt in Hell, (ss) Star Western July 1938, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Mark Hogan Jails a Friend (with LeMueal Bond), (ss) Speed Western Stories May 1946
- * One Gun-Job Too Many, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine December 1939/January 1940, as by Buck Gilmore
- * One Job Makes a Badman, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine September 1939, as by Buck Gilmore
- * One Life—Bought in Gunsmoke, (ss) Star Western December 1938, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Paid in Full, (ss) Real Western Stories April 1957, as by Buck Gilmore
- * A Ranger Is Born, (ss) Famous Western February 1954
- * A Renegade Resigns His Star, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine June 1938, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Reunion in Gunsmoke, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine July 1936, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Ride the Border Death Watch, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories April 1947
- * Satan Sends His Side-Partner, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine March 1939, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Satan’s Fighting Mate, (ss) Ace-High Magazine January 1939, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Sheriff—Afraid to Die, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine April 1938, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Six Graves to Boothill, (ss) .44 Western Magazine November 1946
- * Snake Tracks, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine March 1950
- * Snowbound with Death, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine August 1936, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Stage Trail to Hell, (ss) Ace-High Western Magazine August 1936, as by Buck Gilmore
- * The Stoneman of Tohay Valley, (na) Double Action Western January 1952
- * Substitute Badman, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine July 1937, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Suicide Showdown, (nv) Western Action August 1955, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Their Boothill Champion, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine February 1937, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Trail-Mate to a Buzzard, (ss) Famous Western December 1952
- * Trial by Powdersmoke, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine July 1939, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Twenty Head of Cattle, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories April 1946
- * Two Make a Gun-Team, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1938, as by Buck Gilmore
- * What Price a Law Badge?, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine August 1939, as by Buck Gilmore
- * When a Lawman Goes Renegade, (ss) Ace-High Magazine April 1938, as by Buck Gilmore
- * When Hell Froze Tight!, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories October 1946
- * When Toyah Went Blood-Mad, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories March 1946
- * While the Hangnoose Waits, (ss) Star Western February 1937, as by Buck Gilmore
- * Wolves Must Eat, (ss) Ace-High Western Magazine September 1936, as by Buck Gilmore
- * [unknown story], (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine Mar 1937, Dec 1938, as by Buck Gilmore
[]Pearson, Alec G(eorge) (1854-1937); used pseudonym Julian Linley (about) (chron.)
- * Adventurers Four!, (sl) The Magnet Library June 10 1916
- * At the Bottom of the Sea: A Christmas Adventure, (ss)
- * The Avengers, (ss) Chums February 26 1916
- * The Aztec Treasure [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums May 6 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Baffled Mutineers, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper September 28 1901
- * The “Big Surprise” Mine [Yukon Bill], (ss) Chums April 10 1915, as by Julian Linley
- * The Black Junk, (ss) Chums February 3 1917
- * The Blazing Idol of the Cave, (ss) Chums January 29 1921
- * A Boer Privateer, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #272, April 14 1900
- * The Brigand’s Treasure, (ss) Chums April 30 1921
- * The Broken Bamboo, (ss) Chums December 18 1915
- * Bustling the Brigands, (ss) Chums August 2 1924
- * Captain Montana: A Story of Peril and Adventure in Northern Mexico [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums November 20 1907, as by Julian Linley
- * Captain Montana: How He Dealt with a Rogue and a Coward [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums December 11 1907, as by Julian Linley
- * Captain Montana in London [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums June 17 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Capture of the “Comet”, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #57, June 21 1913
- * The Cave of Silence, (ss) The British Boy’s Annual 1920, 1919
- * The Chieftainess, (ss) Chums June 1 1918
- * The Clue of the Scarlet Orchid [Frank Ferret], (ss) Pluck June 1 1907
- * The Clue of the Silver Crescent, (n.) Lloyd’s Detective Series #21, 1922
- * The Copper King [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums April 8 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Crooked Scar [Royston Gower], (nv) The Boys’ Friend #38, March 1 1902, uncredited.
- * The Cruise of Phantom Jim, (ss) Chums June 26 1915
- * Curzon of the Carabineers [Royston Gower], (nv) The Boys’ Friend #29, December 28 1901, uncredited.
- * Dandy Dick, (ss) Chums November 4 1916, as by Julian Linley
- * Danger Gully, (ss) Chums May 17 1919
- * A Debt of Honour, (ss) Chums December 3 1921, as by Julian Linley
- * A Debt of Vengeance [Royston Gower], (nv) The Boys’ Friend #32, January 18 1902, uncredited.
- * The Derelict’s Treasure, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #32, January 18 1902
- * The Dispatch Rider [Yukon Bill], (ss) Chums March 27 1915, as by Julian Linley
- * The Exploits of Orizava:
* ___ No. 1—The Traitor, (ss) Chums January 15 1916, as by Julian Linley
* ___ No. 2—The Red Castle, (ss) Chums January 22 1916, as by Julian Linley
* ___ No. 3—The Miser of Merida, (ss) Chums January 29 1916, as by Julian Linley
* ___ No. 4—The Mistake of Don Pedro, (ss) Chums February 5 1916, as by Julian Linley
* ___ No. 5—The Secret of the Monks’ Fort, (ss) Chums February 12 1916, as by Julian Linley
* ___ No. 6—Held to Ransom, (ss) Chums February 19 1916, as by Julian Linley
- * The “Freebooters”, (ss) Chums May 1 1915
- * The Further Adventures of Captain Montana [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums Mar 4, Mar 18, Mar 25 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * A Game with Death [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums May 13 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Gems of Fate [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums April 22 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Gift Horse, (ss) The Boys’ Realm of Sport and Adventure #327, July 4 1925
- * The “Gladiator’s” Treasure, (ss) The Scout October 20 1923
- * The Gold Robbers, (ss) Chums December 9 1916
- * The Great Syrian Emerald, (nv) The Boys’ Friend #209, June 10 1905
- * The Grey Raiders, (ss) Chums September 22 1917, as by Julian Linley
- * The Grey Terror, (n.) Lloyd’s Detective Series #27, 1922
- * The ’Grizzly’ Claim, (ss) Chums September 6 1908
- * Guns for the Rebels [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums March 11 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * Held to Ransom, (ss) Chums February 19 1916, as by Julian Linley
- * His Brother’s Name [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums May 20 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Horsemen of Monterey, (ss) Chums May 24 1919, as by Julian Linley
- * The Horsemen of Monterey, (ss) Chums October 25 1919
- * The House of the Red Wolf, (ss) Chums October 19 1918
- * How a Life Was Saved by Captain Montana [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums December 25 1907, as by Julian Linley
- * The Idol of Somnath, (ss) Chums December 25 1920
- * The Idol’s Eye, (n.) Lloyd’s Boys’ Adventure Library #34, 1922
- * In Southern Seas, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #60, July 12 1913
- * In the Dacoit Stronghold, (ss) The Captain #260, November 1920
- * In the Grip of Pirates, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #288, August 4 1900
- * Jack Cotville’s Quest, (ss) Chums January 1 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * Kidnapped in Liverpool [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums July 1 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Lone Ranch Trail, (ss) Chums May 20 1908
- * The Lost Clue [Frank Ferret], (ss) Pluck February 9 1907
- * Love or Honour, (ss) The Story-teller September 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Mail Robbers [Yukon Bill], (ss) Chums March 20 1915, as by Julian Linley
- * The Manchester Bomb [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums June 24 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Mandarin of Ly-Moon, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #245, January 10 1914, as by Julian Linley
- * The Man Who Entertained Us, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper April 15 1899
- * The Man Who Laughed, (ss) Chums December 11 1920
- * A Matter of Justice [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums April 15 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Miser of Merida, (ss) Chums January 29 1916, as by Julian Linley
- * The Miser of Poverty Gulch, (ss) Chums November 2 1912
- * The Mistake of Don Pedro, (ss) Chums February 5 1916, as by Julian Linley
- * The Mistake of Don Rafael [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums February 14 1920, as by Julian Linley
- * The Mistake of Murad Khan, (ss) Chums July 23 1921
- * The Monk of Cordova [El Caballero], (ss) Chums November 1 1919
- * The Mullah of Mirzpore, (ss) Chums July 17 1920
- * The Mystery of Eagle’s Tower!, (ss) Chums June 30 1917
- * The Mystery of Simeon Blount, (n.) Lloyd’s Detective Series #11, 1921
- * The Mystery of St Cuthbert’s, (ss) Chums August 26 1908
- * The Mystery Ship, (sl) Chums Jul 20, Jul 27, Aug 3, Aug 10, Aug 17, Aug 24, Aug 31, Sep 7 1918
- * The Nameless Derelict, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #279, June 2 1900
- * The Night Raid, (ss) Chums December 14 1924
- * The Night Riders, (ss) Chums December 18 1907, as by Julian Linley
- * A Night Surprise, (ss) Chums December 7 1918
- * An Ocean Waif, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #328, May 11 1901
- * On a Strange Errand! [Frank Ferret], (ss) Pluck March 23 1907
- * The One-Eyed God, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #22, January 1914, as by Julian Linley
- * The Opium Smugglers: A Grand Story of Adventure in China, (ss) Chums February 26 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * Out of the Mist [El Caballero], (ss) Chums November 15 1919
- * The Patagonian Star [Frank Ferret], (ss) Pluck April 6 1907
- * Pearls of Rovers’ Isle, (ss) Chums November 26 1921
- * The Phantom Horsemen [Yukon Bill], (ss) Chums March 6 1915, as by Julian Linley
- * The Pig-Stickers, (ss) Chums July 15 1916
- * Pindlebury’s Pirate, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper October 25 1902
- * The Pirates, (ss) Chums June 10 1916
- * The Price of Honour [El Caballero], (ss) Chums November 29 1919
- * The Purple Glass [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums July 22 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Quest of Dragon Idol, (nv) The Boys’ Friend #59, July 26 1902
- * The Raid in the Night [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums April 29 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Raid of the Grey Masks, (ss) The British Boy’s Annual 1923
- * The Rajah’s Emeralds [Royston Gower], (nv) The Boys’ Friend #50, May 24 1902
- * The Red Castle, (ss) Chums January 22 1916, as by Julian Linley
- * The Red Riders, (ss) Chums December 6 1919, as by Julian Linley
- * The Red River Mystery [Frank Ferret], (ss) Pluck February 23 1907
- * The Red Trail, (ss) Chums December 1 1917
- * A Regimental Mystery [Frank Ferret], (ss) Pluck May 4 1907
- * The Riddle of the Stars No. 1: A Mystery of the Desert [Jack Seaforth], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #65, August 16 1913
- * The Riddle of the Stars No. 2: The Palace of Silence [Jack Seaforth], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #66, August 23 1913
- * The Riddle of the Stars No. 3: In the Name of the Tsar [Jack Seaforth], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #67, August 30 1913
- * The Riddle of the Stars No. 4: The Mutineers of the Monmouth [Jack Seaforth], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #68, September 6 1913
- * The Riddle of the Stars No. 5: The Completed Message [Jack Seaforth], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #69, September 13 1913
- * A Rider of the Plains, (ss) Chums February 5 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Rising of the “Reds” [Yukon Bill], (ss) Chums March 13 1915, as by Julian Linley
- * Robber’s Gold [El Caballero], (ss) Chums November 22 1919
- * Run to Earth (The Last Adventure of Captain Montana in Britain) [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums July 29 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Saucy “Cleopatra”, (n.) Lloyd’s Boys’ Adventure Library #24, 1921
- * Saving the Guns, (ss) Chums February 22 1913
- * The “Scarecrow’s” Revenge, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper March 3 1900
- * The Secret [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums July 15 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Secret of Death’s Head Cave, (ss) Chums December 1 1923
- * The Secret of Glenavon, (ss) Chums May 4 1918
- * The Secret of the Monks’ Fort, (ss) Chums February 12 1916, as by Julian Linley
- * Sharp Practice [Yukon Bill], (ss) Chums April 3 1915, as by Julian Linley
- * The Signal, (ss) Chums February 19 1916
- * The Silent City, (ss) Chums April 9 1921
- * The Silver Flagon [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums April 1 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * The Silver Hand [Frank Ferret], (ss) Pluck January 19 1907, uncredited.
- * A Smuggling Venture [El Caballero], (ss) Chums November 8 1919
- * Snatched from the Clouds, (ss) Chums April 1 1908, as by Julian Linley
- * Spoiling the Spoilers, (ss) Chums April 4 1914
- * Stanley Dare, the Boy Detective, (sl) The Magnet Library Feb 5, Feb 12, Feb 19, Feb 26, Mar 5, Mar 12, Mar 19, Mar 26, Apr 2, Apr 9,
Apr 16, Apr 23, Apr 30, May 7, May 14, May 21, May 28, Jun 4, Jun 11, Jun 18,
Jun 25, Jul 2, Jul 9, Jul 16, Jul 23, Jul 30, Aug 6, Aug 13, Aug 20, Aug 27,
Sep 3, Sep 10, Sep 17, Sep 24, Oct 1, Oct 8, Oct 15, Oct 22, Oct 29, Nov 5,
Nov 12, Nov 19, Nov 26, Dec 3, Dec 10, Dec 17, Dec 24, Dec 31 1910
Jan 7, Jan 14 1911, uncredited.
- * The Stolen Train, (ss) Chums August 18 1917, as by Julian Linley
- * A Strange Adventure—Very!, (ss) The Ludgate Monthly November 1892
- * The Symbol of Inslego (with H. Osborne), (ss) Chums January 19 1918
- * The Temple of Mystery, (ss) Chums January 8 1921
- * The Temple of Shadows, (ss) Chums June 3 1922
- * A Terrible Experience. The Story of an Adventure in the China Sea, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper February 9 1895
- * A Terrible Night: An Experience in the Bay of Bengal, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 9 1886
- * A Thames Mystery, (sl) The Boy’s Own Paper Jul 1, Jul 8 1911
- * The Traitor [Captain Montana], (ss) Chums Jan 8 1908, Jan 15 1916, as by Julian Linley
- * The Treasure of Chin-Loo, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper January 21 1905
- * The Treasure of El Arash, (sl) Boys’ Life Nov, Dec 1911
- * Tricking the Traitors, (ss) Chums April 22 1922, as by Julian Linley
- * Under a Rover’s Flag, (nv) The Boys’ Friend #155, May 28 1904
- * Under the Scarlet Flag, (na) Union Jack Library June 8 1895
- * The Vanished Colours: Being the Story of a Queer Adventure in the West Indies, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper August 8 1908
- * The Vanished Jockey, (ss) The Boys’ Realm #104, March 26 1921
- * The Water Rat, (sl) Chums May 6, May 13, May 20, May 27, Jun 3, Jun 10, Jun 17, Jun 24, Jul 1, Jul 8,
Jul 15, Jul 22, Jul 29, Aug 5, Aug 12, Aug 19, Aug 26, Sep 6, Sep 9 1908
, as by Julian Linley
- * Weaving the Web [Frank Ferret], (ss) Pluck April 20 1907
- * The White Witch, (ss) Chums October 9 1920
- * Will the South Pole Ever Be Reached?, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 13 1896
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