The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7667
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Newsom, J(ohn) D(immock) (chron.) (continued)
- * Temple Gold, (nv) Short Stories July 25 1932
- * They Come Hard Boiled in the Legion, (na) Short Stories March 10 1928
- * Thirst, (ss) Short Stories February 10 1929
- * Those Perfidious Savages, (ar) Adventure October 20 1923, as by J. D. N.
- * Three Days’ Leave, (nv) Short Stories April 25 1926
- * Tiger Bait, (ss) The Frontier October 1925
- * Too Much Duty, (nv) Argosy September 1 1934
- * Too Tough to Kill, (na) Adventure October 1 1928
- * The Tyrant of No. 4, (nv) Cassell’s Magazine April 1930
- * The Unconquerable Jennings, (ss) Adventure December 31 1926
- * Victory, (ss) Adventure October 1 1927
- * The Wall, (nv) Adventure July 1 1932
- * When the Dead Arise, (ss) Short Stories January 10 1930
- * When the Gods Failed, (nv) Adventure December 20 1923
- * Wiped Out, (nv) Frontier Stories December 1926
- * With All Due Respect, (ms) Adventure September 10 1924, as by J. D. N.
- * With the Honors of War, (ar) Frontier Stories February 1929
- * The Worm, (ss) The Frontier September 1925
- * The Yankee Conghai, (nv) Frontier Stories October 1928
- * You Can’t Buck the Legion, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1929
- * [unknown story], (ss)
_____, [ref.]
[]Newsom, Kyle (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Cross My Heart, (ss) Romance June 1949
- * Exile from Heaven, (ss) Love Short Stories May 1945
- * Hearts Can’t Be Shared, (ss) Love Short Stories February 1947
- * Hold That Heart, (ss) Exciting Love Winter 1953
- * Holiday for Hearts, (ss) Love Novels Magazine April 1947
- * How to Catch a Wife, (ss) Ten-Story Love Magazine April 1948
- * Kiss on Account, (ss) Fifteen Love Stories August 1950
- * Lasso ’Round Her Heart, (ss) Love Book Magazine October 1948
- * A Lease on Love, (ss) Love Book Magazine September 1947
- * Love Me Never, (ss) Love Book Magazine June 1946
- * Marry-Go-Round, (ss) All-Story Love March 1948
- * Paradise for Three, (ss) All-Story Love June 1946
- * Spell Out Your Dreams, (ss) New Love Magazine June 1946
- * Stay Away from Strangers, (ss) Gay Love Stories May 1951
- * Super Freeze, (ss) Love Short Stories August 1950
- * Swing Your Partner, (ss) New Love Magazine June 1950
- * Two if by the Sea, (ss) Golden Love Tales June 1946
- * Two Tickets to Paradise, (ss) Romance October 1945
- * You’re My Girl, (ss) New Love Magazine May 1946
[]Newsome, George (fl. 1930s-1970s); used pseudonym George Stanley?
_____, [?]
- * Montague Moss in Trouble, (ss) Schoolboys’ Short Stories #2, 1944, as by George Stanley
- * Orion, (ss) Quark/1 ed. Samuel R. Delany & Marilyn Hacker, Paperback Library, 1970, as by George Stanley
- * The Secret of the Sycamores, (ss) Schoolboy Adventures #1, 1944, as by George Stanley
- * To the Child Whose Birth Will Change the Way the Universe Works, (pm) Quark/3 ed. Samuel R. Delany & Marilyn Hacker, Paperback Library, 1971, as by George Stanley
[]Newstein, Holly (H.) (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Bondage of Self, (ss) Dreamscapes Into Darkness ed. Alex Scully, Firbolg Publishing, 2015
- * Deep Six (with Glenn Chadbourne), (ss) Cemetery Dance #46, 2003
- * Delice, (ss) The New Dead ed. Christopher Golden, St. Martin's Griffin, 2010
- * Eight Minutes, (ss) Damned Yankees ed. Rick Hautala & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2020
- * Faith Will Make You Free, (ss) Borderlands 5 ed. Elizabeth E. & Thomas F. Monteleone, Borderlands Press, 2003
- * Shadow Pond (with Glenn Chadbourne), (ss) Cemetery Dance #68, 2012
- * Shadows and Light, (ss) LampLight June 2014
- * Stick with Your Own Kind: A Convention Primer, (ar) Cemetery Dance #48, 2004
- * Stingers (with Ralph W. Bieber, II), (ss) Extremes 3: Terror on the High Seas ed. Brian A. Hopkins, Cemetery Dance, 2001
- * Trapper Boy (with Rick Hautala), (ss) Dark Duets ed. Christopher Golden, Harper Voyager US, 2014
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[]Newte, Horace W(ykeham) C(an) (1870-1949) (about) (chron.)
- * The Convert, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1910
- * A Genius Farm, (ss) Winter’s Pie Winter 1912
- * The Incalculable Sex, (ss) The Evening Standard September 28 1949
- * The King’s Awakening, (ss) Phil May’s Annual #7, Winter 1897
- * Oh, Great Grandmamma!, (ar) The Passing Show January 25 1936
- * Papa on Parade, (ar) The Passing Show June 20 1936
- * Party in the Old Way, (ar) The Passing Show November 27 1937
- * Playwriting as a Profession, (ar) The Grand Magazine April 1906
- * “Pobson”, (ss) Truth April 26 1946
- * The Prison Clock Struck Eight, (ss) The Evening Standard February 15 1947
- * The Raising of Jairus, (ss) Sidelights by Horace W. C. Newte, Mills, 1916
- * Really Bad Lads, (ar) The Passing Show May 22 1937
- * Sacred or Profane, (ss) The Evening Standard September 17 1949
_____, trans.
- * The Ace of Spades by Alexander Sergeievitch Pushkin, (nv) The Evening Standard March 31 1934; translated from the Russian (“Pouschkine”, Biblioteka dlya chteniya, March 1834).
- * Blanchard’s Trousers by Hugues Lapaire, (ss)
- * The Bosom of the Family by Guy de Maupassant, (ss)
- * Horseback by Guy de Maupassant, (ss)
- * Ingrate Island by Frédéric Boutet, (ss) The Evening Standard April 5 1934; translated from the French.
- * The Kiss by Henri Duvernois, (ss) The Evening Standard May 9 1934
- * Lenoir and Keller by Frédéric Boutet, (ss) The Evening Standard February 1 1934; translated from the French.
- * The Shadow of Love by André Birabeau, (ss)
- * The Treasure by Bernard Gervaise, (ss) The Evening Standard March 28 1934; translated from the French.
[]Newton, D(wight) B(ennett) (1916-2013); used pseudonyms Dwight Bennett, Jackson Cole, Ken Jason & Dan Temple (chron.)
- * —And Damned if You Don’t!, (ss) .44 Western Magazine April 1947
- * Back Trail Bondage, (nv) Best Western Magazine October 1941
- * Badman on His Backtrail, (na) Complete Western Book Magazine April 1949
- * The Barbed Barrier [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers July 1953, as by Jackson Cole
- * Battle-Wise Means Boothill Bound!, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories November 1946
- * Be Fast, Battle-Cub, or Hire Boothill!, (ss) Western Short Stories February 1942
- * Beware a Bullwhacker Babe, (nv) Rangeland Love Stories March 1951
- * Black Dunstan’s Skullduggery, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine July 1947
- * Blood on the Gold, (ss) Western Novels and Short Stories June 1949
- * The Boom-Camp Manbreakers, (na) Ace-High Western Stories September 1947
- * Boomer Bait, (nv) Fifteen Western Tales September 1946
- * Boothill’s Boy, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales April 1946
- * Born to the Brand, (nv) Lariat Story Magazine September 1946
- * The Boss of Boothill, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories January 1946
- * Brand of the Hunted, (nv) Western Novel and Short Stories July 1938
- * Bride of the Wild Bunch Boss, (ss) Western Short Stories August 1952
- * Brimstone Bridegroom, (ss) .44 Western Magazine March 1947
- * The Bronc Stealers, (na) Giant Western August 1953
- * Broomtail Boomerang, (ss) Western Short Stories June 1949
- * The Bullet Barrier, (na) Western Novels and Short Stories March 1948
- * Bullets Before Breakfast, (ss) Western Trails September 1946
- * Bullets Buy Hell’s Half-Acre, (nv) .44 Western Magazine June 1947
- * Bullets for Breakfast, (na) Ace-High Western Stories November 1947
- * Bully Boss of Devil’s Landing, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story May 1949
- * Bushwhack Bounty, (ss) Complete Western Book Magazine March 1946
- * Button’s Nightmare, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1947
- * Chain of Command, (ss)
- * Cold Trail to Death, (ss) Western Short Stories April 1949
- * Colt Craftsman, (ss) Western Trails October 1945
- * Colt Quarantine, (na) The Avon Book of New Stories of the Great Wild West ed. Donald A. Wollheim, Avon, 1949
- * Cowboy, You’re Going to Die!, (ss) Western Short Stories October 1939
- * Cowpoke on a Pistol Payroll, (nv) Western Trails May 1947
- * Dead-or-Alive Means Draw and Deliver!, (ss) Complete Western Book Magazine March 1941
- * Deal ’em, Lawshark!, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1945
- * Death Reaps a Holster Harvest, (nv) Western Aces November 1947
- * Death to Fort Defiance, (nv) Famous Western January 1948
- * Deliver, Law-Dog—Dead or Alive!, (ss) Western Fiction October 1940
- * Deputies-on-the-Dodge!, (nv) Big-Book Western Magazine November 1946
- * Derelict’s Showdown, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine January 1947
- * The Devil Sends a Drifter, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories February 1946
- * Doc Grant’s Cutbank Colt Cure, (nv) Western Novel and Short Stories February 1941
- * Doom Guns for Box-S Neighbors, (na) Big-Book Western Magazine October 1941
- * Drifters Spell Trouble, (nv) Lariat Story Magazine January 1947
- * Dry Wells Rebels, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories February 1947
- * Faster Guns, Bigger Fists, Tougher!, (na) Complete Western Book Magazine February 1949
- * The Fastest Gun, (ss) 1941
- * Feud Firebrands, (nv) Western Trails August 1948
- * Fighting Men from Boothill, (na) Ace-High Western Stories September 1948
- * For Hire—the Fastest Gun in Hell!, (ss) Western Short Stories February 1941
- * Greenhorn’s Bullet Baptism, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story October 1948
- * The Gun-Brand Kid, (na) Two Western Books Winter 1949
- * Gun Doomed, (na) Five Western Novels April 1948
- * The Gun-Gambler, (na) Complete Western Book Magazine October 1949
- * Gun-Ghost of the Big Muddy, (nv) New Western Magazine April 1946
- * Gunhawk!, (na) Ace-High Western Stories July 1947
- * Gunhawk’s Kid, (na) Western Novels and Short Stories December 1947
- * Gun-Rule Rebel, (ss) Western Short Stories February 1949
- * Guns Across the Years, (ss) .44 Western Magazine December 1940
- * Guns Buy This Grass!, (na) Three Western Novels Magazine December 1949
- * Guns for the Golden Lady [Wayne Morgan (The Masked Rider)], (na) Masked Rider Western August 1951
- * Gunshot Granger, (ss) Western Short Stories May 1939
- * Guns in the Dust, (nv) Complete Western Book Magazine May 1940
- * Gunslammers’ Valley, (na) Big-Book Western Magazine December 1950
- * Gunsmoke Crossing, (ss) Western Trails February 1948
- * Guns of the Empty-Saddle Legion, (na) Big-Book Western Magazine June 1947
- * Guntown of the Dead, (ss) Western Trails June 1945
- * The Hardrock Man-Breaker, (na) Ace-High Western Stories December 1946
- * Head ’Em West of Hell!, (na) Ace-High Western Stories January 1948
- * Hero…Off His Home Range, (ss) Western Short Stories October 1948
- * Hired-On to Rod Hell, (nv) Complete Western Book Magazine November 1940
- * His Guest, the Killer!, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine February 1946
- * Holster Basin’s Last Pistol-Patriot, (na) Big-Book Western Magazine February 1948
- * Jump-Rope Justice, (ss) Two-Gun Western Novels Magazine October 1940
- * The Kid No Range Would Hire, (na) Three Western Novels Magazine April 1950
- * The Kid That Satan Sent, (na) Western Novels and Short Stories April 1953
- * The Kid Who Looked Like a Killer, (ss) Western Short Stories January 1944
- * The Kid Who Wouldn’t Talk, (na) Best Western July 1952
- * The Kid with the Graveyard Grin, (na) Western Novels and Short Stories December 1948
- * The Killer Who Took No Chances, (ss) Western Short Stories November 1949
- * Land of Violent Men [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers November 1950, as by Jackson Cole
- * Land’s Free—for Fighters!, (nv) .44 Western Magazine October 1949
- * Last Stand of the Grave-Fillers’ Combine, (nv) Big-Book Western Magazine April 1947
- * Law of the Strong, (na) Western Novels and Short Stories September 1950
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