The FictionMags Index
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[]Mumford, Lewis (1895-1990) (about) (chron.)
- * Architecture and Civilization, (ar)
- * The Cult of Anti-Life, (ar) The Virginia Quarterly Review Spring 1970
- * The Culture of Cities, (ex) from Challenging Essays in Modern Thought, 1933
- * Fruit, (ss) The Forum December 1914
- * The History of a Prodigy, (ss) The Smart Set August 1921
- * The Monastery and the Clock, (ar) Technics and Civilization by Lewis Mumford, Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1934
- * The Passive Barbarian, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly September 1940
_____, [ref.]
[]Mumford, Tex (fl. 1930s-1950s); house pseudonym used by Charles N. Heckelmann (1913-2005) & Donald Bayne Hobart (1898-1970) (chron.)
- * At Christmas, (pm) Popular Western February 1952
- * Badman Sam, (ss) Triple Western Spring 1956
- * A Book Bargain Roundup, (rc) Giant Western Wtr, Spr, Fll, Dec 1948, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Dec 1949, Feb, Jun,
Aug, Oct, Dec 1950
Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1951, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct 1952
- * Bristly Breakfast, (ar) Triple Western Spring 1954
- * Broncs Not Wanted, (ar) Giant Western August 1949
- * The Builders, (ar) The Rio Kid Western October 1948
- * Bullet Money, (ss) The Rio Kid Western April 1943
- * Bullets by Moonlight, (ss) Texas Rangers August 1954
- * Cowboy’s Plight, (pm) Golden West Romances Fall 1950
- * The Cowboy’s Rope, (ar) Popular Western December 1948
- * Cowpoke’s Spring Song, (pm) West March 1938
- * Cupid’s Outlaw, (pm) Thrilling Ranch Stories March 1950
- * Dark Deeds, (ss) West March 1941
- * Double Branded, (ss) Popular Western September 1940
- * Dreamin’ Cowpoke, (pm) Popular Western May 1940
- * The Dreamin’ Drifter, (pm) West September 1938
- * The Earliest Rangers, (ar) Texas Rangers July 1949
- * End of a Coward, (ss) Texas Rangers December 1955
- * Fighting Courage, (pm) Popular Western March 1940
- * The First Cattleman, (ar) Triple Western August 1953
- * From the Tally Book, (ms) Texas Rangers February 1948
- * Fun for the Vaquero, (ar) 5 Western Novels Magazine December 1952
- * The Goodnight Trail, (ar) Giant Western October 1949
- * Grizzly Bear Is Where You Find It, (ts) Range Riders Western April 1946
- * Headin’ Fer Home, (pm) Popular Western August 1937
- * Heap Bad Medicine, (ms) West August 1947
- * Here’s Luck, (ms) Thrilling Ranch Stories Fall 1953
- * Horse Sense, (ar) Ranch Romances 3rd April 1953
- * How to Measure a Horse, (ms) Thrilling Western May 1948
- * How to Treat a Bronc, (ar) Thrilling Western December 1946
- * Indian Rub-Outs, (ar) Popular Western November 1953
- * John Colter’s Race with Death, (ms) West January 1947
- * The Kid and His Yellow Dog, (ss) Texas Rangers August 1946
- * Killer Trail, (ss) Texas Rangers May 1946
- * King of the Cowboys, (ar) Rodeo Romances Winter 1944
- * Lawman Needed, (ss) Texas Rangers March 1949
- * The Legal Way, (pm) Popular Western February 1938
- * Light of the West, (pm) Golden West Romances October 1949
- * The Long Shot, (ss) The Rio Kid Western Winter 1940
- * A Man Should Be Loyal, (ss) (by Donald Bayne Hobart) Thrilling Western November 1942
- * A Man’s Job, (ar) Range Riders Western January 1952
- * The Man with the Cattleman’s Star, (pm) Range Riders December 1938
- * Medicine Man’s Wisdom, (ar) Triple Western Fall 1954
- * A Message for the Sheriff, (ss) The Rio Kid Western February 1943
- * Never Cotton to Sidewinders, (ss) Exciting Western September 1950
- * Not Fair!, (ms) Top Western Fiction Annual v2 #3, 1955
- * The Old-Time Sheriff, (pm) West May 1940
- * Outlaw Lament, (pm) West May 1938
- * Owl-Hooter’s Song, (pm) Thrilling Western July 1936
- * Pinned [Jim North], (ss) Popular Western October 1936
- * Powerful Hombre, (ss) Exciting Western January 1948
- * Publicity in Skidoo, (ms) 5 Western Novels Magazine November 1953
- * Range Melody, (pm) Thrilling Ranch Stories January 1937
- * Rattlers Don’t Commit Suicide, (ar) West September 1947
- * Rawhide on the Hoof, (ar) 5 Western Novels Magazine August 1952
- * Ride ’em Cowboy!, (ar) West July 1949
- * Ridin’ Home, (pm) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1936
- * Rodeo Clown, (ss) (by Charles N. Heckelmann) Rodeo Romances Summer 1943
- * Rodeo Is Big Business, (ar) Exciting Western January 1953
- * Sad but True, (pm) Triple Western June 1952
- * The Saga of Wispy Willie, (ss) Texas Rangers January 1952
- * Shower of Gold, (ss) The Rio Kid Western Spring 1940
- * Six-Gun Finish, (ss) Popular Western June 1936
- * Six-Gun Homecoming, (ss) Popular Western July 1946
- * Slade of Pony Express, (ts) Giant Western Summer 1948
- * South of the Border, (ar) Exciting Western March 1949
- * The Spark of an Idea, (ar) Texas Rangers September 1955
- * The Spirit of Texas, (pm) West May 1941
- * Star of My Heart, (pm) Western Rodeo Romances Fall 1950
- * Sudden Sheriff, (ss) Thrilling Western April 1939
- * Take to the Tunnel, Children!, (ms) Exciting Western July 1953
- * Test Your Range Savvy, (qz) West November 1945
- * Thar’s Gold in Them Thar Dogies, Pardner, (ar) Popular Western March 1946
- * Them Consarned Longhorns, (ar) Exciting Western August 1946
- * Thirty and Found, (pm) West September 1951
- * This Rancher’s Paradise Had One Flaw, (ar) Exciting Western April 1946
- * Thumbs Down, (ss) Popular Western March 1937
- * A Toast to the Pioneers, (pm) Golden West Romances February 1950
- * Too Tough for the Town, (ss) Exciting Western June 1946
- * Tough Preacher, (ms) Thrilling Ranch Stories Winter 1953
- * The Trail Herd, (pm) Thrilling Western May 1936
- * The Trail to Dutchtown, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st July 1953
- * Treasure of the West, (pm) Popular Western August 1949
- * Two of a Kind, (ss) Popular Western December 1936
- * The Vanished Herds, (ar) West March 1946
- * Waterman’s Luck, (ar) West July 1953
- * A Western Lullaby, (pm) Thrilling Ranch Stories July 1949
- * When Wishes Were Horses, (ar) Range Riders Western July 1949
- * Wolf Bait, (ms)
[]Mumper, Mark (fl. 1970s-1980s) (chron.)
- * Mixed Feelings, (br) SF Commentary #47, August 1976 [Ref. George Alec Effinger]
- * What Is That Thing Slicing at My Professional Critic’s Soul? My God—It’s a Scalpel!, (lt) The Alien Critic #6, August 1973
- * Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang, (br) SF Commentary #59, April 1980 [Ref. Kate Wilhelm]
- * [letter], (lt) Cypher #8, September 1972
- * [letter], (lt) Speculation Autumn 1972
- * [letter], (lt) Algol Win 1976, Sum/Fll 1977
- * [letter], (lt) SF Commentary #47, August 1976
[]Munby, A(lan) N(oel) L(atimer) (1913-1974) (books) (chron.)
- * The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories, (co) Dobson, 1949
- * The Alabster Hand, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949
- * A Christmas Game, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949
- Star Book of Horror, No. 1 ed. Hugh Lamb, Star Books, 1975
- Christmas Spirits ed. Peter Haining, William Kimber, 1983, as "A Christmas Ghost"
- Christmas Ghosts ed. Kathryn Cramer & David G. Hartwell, Arbor House, 1987
- Twelve Tales of the Supernatural ed. Michael Cox, Oxford Paperbacks, 1997
- * A Christmas Ghost, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949, as "A Christmas Game"
- * The Devil’s Autograph, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949
- * An Encounter in the Mist, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949
- * The Four-Poster, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949
- * Herodes Redivivus, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949
- * The Inscription, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949
- * The Lectern, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949
- * The Negro’s Head, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949
- * Number Seventy-Nine, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949
- * The Topley Place Sale, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949
- * The Tregannet Book of Hours, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949
- * The Tudor Chimney, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949
- * The White Sack, (ss) The Alabaster Hand and Other Ghost Stories by Alan Noel Latimer Munby, Dennis Dobson, 1949
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