The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7379
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[]Moriarty, Chris (1968- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Aurora, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2016 [Ref. Kim Stanley Robinson]
- * Books, (rc) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Aug 2008, Jan, Jun/Jul 2009, Jan/Feb, Sep/Oct 2010, May/Jun 2011, Mar/Apr, Sep/Oct 2012, Nov/Dec 2013,
Jul/Aug 2014, Sep/Oct 2015, Nov/Dec 2016
- * Feature Interview: Walter Jon Williams, (iv) Lightspeed #10, March 2011 [Ref. Walter Jon Williams]
- * In Memory of Iain Banks, (ri) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2014 [Ref. Iain Banks]
- * The Martian, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2016 [Ref. Andy Weir]
- * Seveneves, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2016 [Ref. Neal Stephenson]
_____, [ref.]
[]Moriarty, Eliza Frances (?-1894) (chron.)
- * Annie Fay, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1859
- * The Ballad of De Mondivere, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine March 1862
- * The Beacon Light, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1867
- * The Dying Girl, (pm) The Dollar Monthly Magazine December 1864
- * The Emigrants, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine March 1858
- * Fading, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine October 1861
- * The Fair-Haired Boy, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1862
- * Martha, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1859
- * My First Love, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine September 1856
- * The Old Lady’s Story, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine August 1860
- * Our Forest Home, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine November 1862
- * The Parting, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1860
- * Recordare, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1860
- * Remembered, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine October 1859
- * The Sailor’s Bride, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine February 1860
- * Shadow and Sunshine, (ss) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine September 1859
- * To One Beloved, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1862
- * Waiting, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine January 1863
- * Young Nora, (pm) The Dollar Monthly Magazine January 1865
[]Moriarty, Helen (chron.)
- * All on Account of Miss Money, (ss) Extension Magazine April 1920
- * Anne Lee, Peacemaker, (ss) Extension Magazine July 1921
- * Aunt Sallie’s Christmas Box, (ss) Extension Magazine December 1919
- * Curé and Little Jean, (ss) The Magnificat January 1918
- * Dempsey, (ss) The Catholic World March 1917
- * Down Grenville Street, (ss) Extension Magazine July 1922
- * Eternal Beauty, (ss) Extension Magazine May 1923
- * “Fine Knacks for Ladies”, (ss) Extension Magazine May 1924
- * Flower of Faith, (ss) Extension Magazine November 1920
- * Four Rooms Too Big, (ss) Extension Magazine August 1920
- * Friend and a Plot, (ss) Extension Magazine December 1920
- * Goliath’s Candle, (ss) Extension Magazine October 1919
- * Greatest Common Denominatcr, (ss) Extension Magazine April 1933
- * Harrington’s Room, (ss) Extension Magazine June 1922
- * His Mother’s Way, (ss) Extension Magazine September 1922
- * House That Jack Bought, (ss) Extension Magazine October 1915
- * In Search of Perfection, (ss) Extension Magazine November 1923
- * Lisette Goes Home, (ss) Extension Magazine February 1923
- * Little Matter of Dust, (ss) Extension Magazine September 1920
- * Ma Hylan’s Party, (ss) Extension Magazine April 1924
- * Mary-Star, (ss) Extension Magazine March 1920
- * Matter of Adoption, (ss) Extension Magazine March 1923
- * Matter-of-Fact Louise, (ss) Extension Magazine April 1921
- * Next-Door Neighbors, (ss) Extension Magazine March 1921
- * No Candidate, (ss) Extension Magazine February 1923
- * Pear Day at St. Walburga’s, (ss) Extension Magazine October 1920
- * Scmewhere There Is Peace, (ss) Extension Magazine September 1925
- * Second-Hand Business, (ss) Extension Magazine November 1919
- * Sister Felicity’s Garden, (ss) Extension Magazine March 1917
- * Something to Live For, (ss) Extension Magazine January 1926
- * Susan of Roach’s, (ss) Extension Magazine June 1920
- * Test for Peter, (ss) Extension Magazine May 1919
- * Troubled Waters, (ss) Extension Magazine December 1917
- * Vigil, (ss) Extension Magazine July 1928
- * Voices from the Past, (ss) Extension Magazine April 1923
- * Within the Four Walls, (ss) Extension Magazine January 1916
- * Young America, (ss) Extension Magazine January 1925
[]Moriarty, Tom H. (fl. 1960s) (chron.)
- * The Big Key Suicides [Joe Rodriguez], (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine March 1965
- * A Collector of Keys, (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine June 1966
- * Condition Red in Saigon [Joe Rodriguez], (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine September 1967
- * The Great Huntington Heist [Joe Rodriguez], (na) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine October 1965
- * Loot for Hawaii [Joe Rodriguez], (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine June 1966
- * The Million Dollar Road [Joe Rodriguez], (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine March 1966
- * Moonlight Over Malibu [Joe Rodriguez], (nv) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine May 1966
- * Murder in Saigon [Joe Rodriguez], (nv) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine September 1966
- * Murder in the Land of Make Believe, (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine November 1964
- * The Nude in the Pool [Joe Rodriguez], (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine January 1964
- * Red Wires Over Thailand [Joe Rodriguez], (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1968
- * The Saigon Charade [Joe Rodriguez], (nv) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine December 1966
- * The Unwanted Astronaut, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine January 1969
- * The Way It Was [Joe Rodriguez], (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine August 1967
- * Who Shot the General in the Back? [Joe Rodriguez], (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine August 1967
[]Morice, Charles (1860-1919) (about) (chron.)
- * Nabuchodonosor, (ss) Decadence and Symbolism ed. Brian Stableford, Snuggly Books, 2018; translated from the French (“Nabuchodonosor”, Quincaille, Albert Mesein, 1914) by Brian M. Stableford.
- * Narcissus, (ss) Decadence and Symbolism ed. Brian Stableford, Snuggly Books, 2018; translated from the French (“Narcisse”, Quincaille, Albert Mesein, 1914) by Brian M. Stableford.
[]Morier, James (1780-1849) (chron.)
- * The Adventures of Hajji Baba, of Ispahan, (ex) John Murray, 1824, uncredited.
- * The Barber of Bagdad, (ex) from The Adventures of Hajji Baba, of Ispahan, anonymously, John Murray, 1824, uncredited.
- * The Detectives of Ispahan, (ss) from The Adventures of Hajji Baba, of Ispahan, anonymously, John Murray, 1824, uncredited.
- * Hajii Baba and the Stolen Money, (ss) from The Adventures of Hajji Baba, of Ispahan, anonymously, John Murray, 1824, uncredited.
- * The Story of the Baked Head, (ss) from The Adventures of Hajji Baba, of Ispahan, John Murray, 1824, uncredited.
[]Morin, Hugues (chron.)
- * Au plus petit café du monde, (ss) Solaris #163, June 2007
- * Capsules, (ms) Solaris #121 Apr, #122 Jul 1997
- * Les corbeaux immortels rêvent-ils de contrôler le monde?, (ss) Solaris #124, Winter 1998
- * Deux Soeurs - Plan Fictif - Lima Pérou, (ss) Solaris #169, January 2009
- * Échange avec un authentique auteur excentrique: Entretien avec James P. Blaylock, (iv) Solaris #157, December 2005 [Ref. James P. Blaylock]; translated by Hugues Morin
- * L’e’trange monsieur W, (ss) Solaris #102, Summer 1992
- * L’Imposteur, (ss) Solaris #160, September 2006
- * Index des numéros 111 à 125 de Solaris, (ix) Solaris #125, Spring 1998
- * i-Robot, (ss) Solaris #184, October 2012
- * Lectures (with Roger Bozzetto & Jean-Louis Trudel), (br) Solaris #126, August 1998
- * Lectures (with Daniel Jetté & Francine Tremblay), (br) Solaris #137, April 2001
- * Lectures (with Jean-Louis Trudel & Élisabeth Vonarburg), (br) Solaris #125, Spring 1998
- * Les Littéranautes (with Fabien Ménard), (cl) Solaris #122, July 1997
- * Les Littéranautes (with Pascale Raud), (cl) Solaris #161, December 2006
- * Les Littéranautes (with Norbert Spehner), (cl) Solaris #115, October 1995
- * La Petite Brune aux yeux verts, (ss) Solaris #180, October 2011
- * Les Points sur les zines, (br) Solaris #121, April 1997
- * Les Points sur les zines (with Roger Bozzetto), (br) Solaris #126, August 1998
- * Les Points sur les zines (with Yves Meynard), (cl) Solaris #123, Autumn 1997
- * Les points sur les zines, (ms) Solaris #124, Winter 1998
- * Présentation, (ed) Solaris #121 Apr, #122 Jul, #123 Aut 1997, #124 Wtr, #125 Spr, #126 Aug, #127 Oct 1998
- * Présentation (with Yves Meynard), (ed) Solaris #128, Winter 1999
- * Romans dérivés de Star Wars: Hauts et Bas de résurrections cinématographiques, (ar) Solaris #123, Autumn 1997
- * La Science-Fiction à travers les années (with Jean-Pierre Normand & Michel T. Prévost), (pi) Solaris #123, Autumn 1997
- * Sci-néma, (ar) Solaris #131, October 1999
- * Sci-néma, (mr) Solaris #130, August 1999
- * Sci-néma - Chapitre 6, (cl) Solaris #138, August 2001
- * Trois Petites Fleurs, (ss) Solaris #152, September 2004
- * Virus: réalité et fiction dans The Stand, de Stephen King, (ar) Solaris #122, July 1997
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Solaris #172 Oct 2009, #180 Oct 2011
_____, ed.
_____, trans.
- * L’Autre Côté by James P. Blaylock (with Élisabeth Vonarburg), (nv) Solaris #157, December 2005; “The Other Side”, Sci Fiction, October 18, 2000, ed. Ellen Datlow, publ., October 2000.
- * Échange avec un authentique auteur excentrique: Entretien avec James P. Blaylock by Hugues Morin, (iv) Solaris #157, December 2005 [Ref. James P. Blaylock]
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