The FictionMags Index
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[]Meyers, Jeffrey (1939- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Art of Fiction:
* ___ No. 117 Iris Murdoch, (iv) The Paris Review #115, Summer 1990 [Ref. Iris Murdoch]
- * Bigamy in Miller’s The Ride Down Mt. Morgan, (ar) Notes on Contemporary Literature March 2009 [Ref. Arthur Miller]
- * Biographical Background to “Babylon Revisited”, (ar)
- * Hemingway and the Hollywood Connection, (ar) The London Magazine February/March 1992 [Ref. Ernest Hemingway]
- * Introduction (with Valerie Meyers), (in) The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Reader: From Sherlock Holmes to Spiritualism by Arthur Conan Doyle, Rowman & Littlefield/Cooper Square Press, 2002
- * Iris Murdoch, (iv) The Paris Review #115, Summer 1990 [Ref. Iris Murdoch]
- * Samuel Demands the Muse: Johnson’s Stamp on Imaginative Literature, (es) The Antioch Review Winter 2007
- * To Dream the Dreams of Women, (ss) Dark Lane Anthology: Volume 6 ed. Tim Jeffreys, Dark Lane Books, 2018
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Meyers, Maan; pseudonym of Martin & Annette Meyers (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * The Dutchman and the Madagascar Pirates [Tonneman Family], (nv) The Mammoth Book of Jacobean Whodunnits ed. Mike Ashley, Carroll & Graf, 2006
- * The Dutchman and the Wrongful Heir [Tonneman Family], (nv) The Mammoth Book of Historical Whodunnits: Third New Collection ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 2005
- * Forty Morgan Silver Dollars [Tonneman Family], (na) The Mammoth Book of Historical Crime Fiction ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 2011
- * The High Constable and the Visiting Author, (ss) Crime Through Time ed. Miriam Grace Monfredo & Sharan Newman, Berkley, 1997
- * The Organ Grinder, (ss) Manhattan Noir ed. Lawrence Block, Akashic Books, 2006
[]Meyers, Martin (1934- ); used pseudonym Maan Meyers (chron.)
- * Blonde Noire (with Annette Meyers), (ss) Marilyn: Shades of Blonde ed. Carole Nelson Douglas, Forge, 1997
- * The Bloodflower, (ss) Crimes by Moonlight ed. Charlaine Harris, Berkley, 2010
- * The Daffodil (with Annette Meyers), (nv) Flesh & Blood: Guilty as Sin ed. Max Allan Collins & Jeff Gelb, Mysterious Press, 2003
- * The Dutchman and the Madagascar Pirates [Tonneman Family] (with Annette Meyers), (nv) The Mammoth Book of Jacobean Whodunnits ed. Mike Ashley, Carroll & Graf, 2006, as by Maan Meyers
- * The Dutchman and the Wrongful Heir [Tonneman Family] (with Annette Meyers), (nv) The Mammoth Book of Historical Whodunnits: Third New Collection ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 2005, as by Maan Meyers
- * Forty Morgan Silver Dollars [Tonneman Family] (with Annette Meyers), (na) The Mammoth Book of Historical Crime Fiction ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 2011, as by Maan Meyers
- * The High Constable and the Visiting Author (with Annette Meyers), (ss) Crime Through Time ed. Miriam Grace Monfredo & Sharan Newman, Berkley, 1997, as by Maan Meyers
- * Mr. Quincy’s Different Drummer, (ss) Argosy Magazine May/June 2004
- * Nat Devlin’s Money, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 2009
- * Nothing Is Ever What It Seems, (ss) Crime Square ed. Robert J. Randisi, Vantage Press, 2012
- * The Organ Grinder (with Annette Meyers), (ss) Manhattan Noir ed. Lawrence Block, Akashic Books, 2006, as by Maan Meyers
- * Pickup, (nv) Flesh & Blood: Dark Desires ed. Max Allan Collins & Jeff Gelb, Mysterious Press, 2002
- * Snake Rag, (nv) Murder… and All That Jazz ed. Robert J. Randisi, Signet, 2004
- * Why Do They Have to Hit?, (ss) Manhattan Noir ed. Lawrence Block, Akashic Books, 2006
[]Meyers, Ric(hard Sam) (1953- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Bouchercon 22, (ar) The Armchair Detective Spring 1992
- * Caribbean Blues (with Mary Higgins Clark, Molly Cochran, Max Allan Collins, Gregory Mcdonald, Warren B. Murphy & Robert J. Randisi), (n.) Paperjacks, June 1988 ; edited by Bill Palmer & Karen Palmer
- * The Crime Screen, (mr) The Armchair Detective Wtr, Sum, Fll 1993, Wtr, Spr 1995, Fll 1996, Wtr, Spr, Sum 1997
- * Gallery:
* ___ Out of the Corner of Your Mind… (James C. Christensen), (pi) Realms of Fantasy June 1997 [Ref. James Christensen]
- * Hard R, (ss) Flesh & Blood: Dark Desires ed. Max Allan Collins & Jeff Gelb, Mysterious Press, 2002
- * In Foggy London Town, (ar) The Armchair Detective Spring 1991
- * An Interview with George Kennedy, (iv) The Armchair Detective Spring 1985
- * Longing, (ss) Ascent Aspirations Magazine August 2004
- * Murder, Sunny Side Up, (ar) The Armchair Detective Spring 1989
- * Out of the Corner of Your Mind… (James C. Christensen), (pi) Realms of Fantasy June 1997 [Ref. James Christensen]
- * The Parallax Viewer, (cl) The Spook #3 Sep, #4 Oct, #5 Dec 2001
- * Philadelphia Story, (ar) The Armchair Detective Spring 1990
- * The Ravin’, (pm) Mystery Writers Annual #55, 2001
- * Ric Meyers on Michael Myers, (ar) The Spook #4, October 2001
- * TAD at the Movies, (cl) The Armchair Detective Sum, Fll 1991
- * TAD on TV, (cl) The Armchair Detective Sum, Fll 1980, Wtr, v14 #4 1981, v15 #1, v15 #2, v15 #3, v15 #4 1982, v16 #1, Spr,
Sum, Aut 1983
Sum, Fll 1984, Spr, Sum, Fll 1985, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 1986, Sum, Fll 1987
Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 1990, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 1991
- * Whirlpool, Sizzle, and the Juice [Dick Tracy], (nv) Dick Tracy: The Secret Files ed. Max Allan Collins & Martin H. Greenberg, Tor, 1990
- * William Louis DeAndrea (1952-1996), (ob) The Armchair Detective Winter 1997 [Ref. William L. DeAndrea]
- * The Woman of Mystery!: Rebecca Eaton, (iv) The Armchair Detective Summer 1990 [Ref. Rebecca Eaton]
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[]Meyers, Robert C(ornelius) V(ivian) (1848-1917) (chron.)
- * About Mary Ann, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science January 1880
- * The Assistant Librarian Pro Tem, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal November 1896
- * A Case with a Question, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1885
- * Charley’s Fiddle, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine January 1878
- * The Consul’s College Friend, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion August 1900
- * The Day Fairfax Returned, (ss) The Smart Set July 1903
- * Fin de Siècle, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1892
- * Funny Beethoven, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1888
- * The General’s Sword, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1893
- * A Grand Juror, (vi) Storiettes May 1893
- * Hannah—a Friend, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine April 1891
- * Haworth, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1889
- * Hopper’s Old Man, (??) Scribner’s Magazine February 1896
- * In Loneliness, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly October 1876
- * Lide, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1893
- * The Little Old Lady, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine November 1878
- * A Lost Voice, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine September 1891
- * The Miracle of Tisha Hofnagle, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1894
- * Miss Garth, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine May 1890
- * The Morning After the Servia Got In, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal March 1897
- * Of Barbara Hicks, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science October 1878
- * The Opening of a Window, (ss) The Pocket Magazine February 1899
- * The Other Mrs. Dennison, (ss) The Smart Set June 1903
- * Papa Hoorn’s Tulip, (ss) Scribner’s Monthly January 1877
- * A Portrait by Cabanel, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1897
- * Priscilla’s Former Existence, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine June 1878
- * The Scum That Rises, (ss) The Penny Magazine August 1896
- * Southdown’s Case, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine September 1880
- * The Spite of Maria Glenn, (ss) The Booklovers Magazine June 1905
- * The Stolen Love-Song: The Story of a Musical Courtship, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 6 1899
- * That Unprincipled Anne Cathcart, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine July 1891
- * A Thing Apart, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion September 1901
- * Two Prescriptions, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1886
- * The Week before the Wedding, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine September 1887
- * What Constantine Did Not Know, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 2 1898
- * What Constatia Did Not Know, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal October 1895
- * What the Madre Would Not Have, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1895
- * A White Rose, (ss) Ev’ry Month August 1900
[]Meyerstein, E(dward) H(arry) W(illiam) (1889-1952) (about) (chron.)
- * Appeal, (pm) Everybody’s January 19 1952
- * Arthur Machen, (pm)
- * The Bath, (ss) The Pageant by E. H. W. Meyerstein, Simpkin Marshall, 1934
- * Baudelaire and Les Illuminations, (ar) Mandrake May 1946 [Ref. Charles Baudelaire]
- * Boxbug Paints His Kitchen, (ss) Crimes, Creeps and Thrills, E.H. Samuel, 1936
- * The Cat-Lovers, (ss) Crimes, Creeps and Thrills, E.H. Samuel, 1936
- * The Cold-Meat Shop, (ss)
- * Creed, (pm)
- * The Crossword, (ss) Masterpieces of Thrills, Daily Express, 1936
- * Death Pages Mr. Startle, (vi) Masterpieces of Thrills, Daily Express, 1936
- * The Divorce, (vi) Thrills, Associated Newspapers, 1936
- * Ecstacy, (pm) Mandrake May 1945
- * The Folkema, (ss) Masterpieces of Thrills, Daily Express, 1936
- * Hengo, (ss) Masterpieces of Thrills, Daily Express, 1936
- * Joshua Greenway, (ss)
- * The Pageant, (ss) The Pageant by E. H. W. Meyerstein, Simpkin Marshall, 1934
- * Really Was a Bluetit, (ss) Crimes, Creeps and Thrills, E.H. Samuel, 1936
- * The Rival Poets, (nv) Thrills, Crimes and Mysteries, Associated Newspapers, 1935
- * Second Sight, (ss) Masterpieces of Thrills, Daily Express, 1936
- * Statement of a Scholar, (ss) The Pageant by E. H. W. Meyerstein, Simpkin Marshall, 1934
- * The Triptych, (ss) The Pageant by E. H. W. Meyerstein, Simpkin Marshall, 1934
- * A Whistling Woman and a Crowning Hen, (ss) Crimes, Creeps and Thrills, E.H. Samuel, 1936
- * A Woman, a Dog and a Walnut Tree, (ss) The Pageant by E. H. W. Meyerstein, Simpkin Marshall, 1934
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