The FictionMags Index
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Machen, Arthur (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Novel of the White Powder and Other Stories, (co) Corgi, 1965
- * Odd Volumes, (cl) The (London) Evening News November 26 1910 1910, The (London) Evening News July 17 1911 1911, The (London) Evening News December 17 1913 1913
- * Of the Isle of Shadows, and of the Strange Customs of the Men That Dwell There, (ss) The St. James’s Gazette July 8 1890
- * The Old and the New Cenotaph, (ar) The (London) Evening News January 15 1920
- * Old Dr. Mounsey, (ar) The Graphic May 16 1925, as "The Truth About Dr. Mounsey"
- * The Old Grammar School, (ar) Bridles & Spurs, The Rowfant Club, 1951
- * One Night When I Was Frightened, (ar) The Graphic January 2 1926
- * On Holidays, (ar) The Lyons Mail July 1922
- * The Only Way, (ar) Publishers Weekly February 16 1924
- * On Paganism, (in) from Afterglow, Nicholas L. Brown, 1924
- * On Simnel Cakes, (ar) The Lyons Mail March 1921
- * On Valentines and Other Things, (ar) The Lyons Mail February 1921
- * The Opal of Death, (ss) The Underworld April 1928
- * Opening the Door, (ss) When Churchyards Yawn ed. Cynthia Asquith, Hutchinson, 1931
- A Century of Creepy Stories, Hutchinson, 1934
- The Cosy Room and Other Stories, Rich Cowan, 1936
- Holy Terrors, Penguin, 1946
- Travelers in Time ed. Philip Van Doren Stern, Doubleday, 1947
- When Churchyards Yawn (var. 1) ed. Cynthia Asquith, Arrow Books, 1963
- Creepy Stories, Bracken Books, 1994
- My Favorite Horror Story ed. Mike Baker & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 2000
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), Tartarus Press, 2004
- The Terror and Other Stories, Chaosium, 2005
- * Ornaments in Jade, (co) Alfred A. Knopf, September 1924
- * Our Absurd Education, (ar) T.P.’s Weekly April 30 1909
- * Our Betty’s Day Out, (ar) The Graphic March 14 1925 (+1)
- * Our Funny Friends, (ar) The Graphic November 7 1925
- * Out of the Earth, (ss) T.P.’s Weekly November 27 1915
- The Shining Pyramid, Covici-McGee, 1923
- The Shining Pyramid (var. 1), Martin Secker, 1924
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural, Alfred A. Knopf, 1948
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (var. 1), Panther, 1953
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural, Volume Two, Pinnacle, 1973
- Christopher Lee’s New Chamber of Horrors ed. Peter Haining, Souvenir Press, 1974
- Christopher Lee’s New Chamber of Horrors (var. 1) ed. Peter Haining, Mayflower, 1976
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (var. 2), The Tartarus Press, 1997
- The White People and Other Tales, Chaosium, 2003
- The White People and Other Weird Stories, Penguin Classics, 2011
- The Great God Pan, The White People, & Other Horrors, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2017
- Our Haunted Shores ed. Emily Alder, Jimmy Packham & Joan Passey, The British Library, 2022
- * Out of the Picture, (nv) The Children of the Pool and Other Stories, Hutchinson, 1936
- The Sleeping and the Dead ed. August Derleth, Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1947
- The Unquiet Grave ed. August Derleth, Four Square Books, 1963
- Medley Macabre ed. Bryan A. Netherwood, Hammond, Hammond and Company, 1966
- Ritual and Other Stories, The Tartarus Press, 1992
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 1), The Tartarus Press, 1997
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), Tartarus Press, 2004
- The Terror and Other Stories, Chaosium, 2005
- * Over the Gate, (ar) The St. James’s Gazette May 30 1890
- * Paganism, (ar) The Academy August 29 1908
- * The Paradox of Literature, (br) Literature August 27 1898
- * The Parish of Amersham, (ar) 1930
- * Parsifal, (ar) 1913
- * The People of the Wild, (ar) The Graphic January 30 1926
- * The Pictures on the Cards, (ar) The Dalton Citizen March 10 1932
- * The Pitiful Army, (ar) The (London) Evening News September 11 1914
- * Poe the Enchanter, (br) T.P.’s Weekly October 28 1910
- * Polite Correspondence, (ar) The Graphic April 25 1925, as "Different Kinds of Letters"
- * The Poor Victorians, (ar) The Lyons Mail May 1922
- * The Portreeve’s Gaudy-Day. I.—The Preparation, (lk) The Chronicle of Clemendy, Carbonnek, 1888
- * The Portreeve’s Solemnity, (ss) The Chronicle of Clemendy, Carbonnek, 1888
- * Postscript, (aw) The Angels of Mons, Simpkin, Marshall, 1915
- * Postscript to “Above the River”, (ar) Above the River by John Gawsworth, Ulysses Bookshop, 1931
- * The Power of Jargon, (ar) The Graphic July 4 1925
- * Preface, (pr) from Afterglow, Nicholas L. Brown, 1924
- * Preface to Fantastic Tales, or, The Way to Attain, (pr) Boni & Liveright, 1923
- * Preface to The Anatomy of Tobacco, (in) 1884
- * Preface to The Secret Glory, (pr) Knopf, 1922
- * A Preface to The Three Impostors, (in) 1923
- * A Pretty Parricide, (ar) The Graphic October 24 1925
- * The Priest and the Barber, (ss) George Redway, July 1887, as "A Chapter from the Book Called the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quijote de la Mancha"
- * Prologue [Mr. Dyson], (lk) The Three Impostors, John Lane, 1895
- * Prologue [Mr. Dyson], (ex) The Three Impostors, John Lane, 1895, as "Adventure of the Missing Brother"
- * Prologue to Fantastic Tales, or, The Way to Attain, (ms) 1890
- * Psychology, (ss) The Academy January 4 1908
- The Glorious Mystery, Covici-McGee, 1924, as "Fragments of Paper"
- Ornaments in Jade, Alfred A. Knopf, 1924
- The Cosy Room and Other Stories, Rich Cowan, 1936
- Holy Terrors, Penguin, 1946
- The White People and Other Tales, Chaosium, 2003
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), Tartarus Press, 2004
- * The Quaint History of a Lord of Gwent and How His Wife Desired to Smell a Rose, (nv) The Chronicle of Clemendy, Carbonnek, 1888
- * Queer Things, (ar) The Observer March 28 1926
- * Queer Things One Finds in Books, (ar) The Graphic February 14 1925
- * The Quest of the Dial and the Vane, (nv) The Chronicle of Clemendy, Carbonnek, 1888
- * The Racket of the Poltergeist, (ts) The Referee January 1928
- * Racketty Ghost Breaks Out Again, (ar) The (London) Evening News February 24 1921
- * A Reader of Curious Books: A Correspondence between Leolinus (A. Machen) and John Henry Ingram (with John Henry Ingram), (lt)
- * Realism and Symbol, (ar) The Academy August 1 1908
- * A Receipt for Fine Prose, (ar) Postprandial Press, 1956
- * The Recluse of Bayswater [Mr. Dyson], (lk) The Three Impostors, John Lane, 1895
- The House of Souls, E. Grant Richards, 1906
- The Three Impostors (var. 1), Alfred A. Knopf, 1923
- The Great God Pan and Other Weird Tales, Editions for the Armed Services, 1943
- The Three Impostors (var. 2), Ballantine, 1972
- The Three Impostors and Other Stories, Chaosium, 2001
- * The Red Hand [Mr. Dyson], (nv) Chapman’s Magazine December 1895
- The House of Souls, E. Grant Richards, 1906
- The Three Impostors (var. 1), Alfred A. Knopf, 1923
- The Great God Pan, Martin Secker, 1926
- The Argosy (UK) December 1930
- The Great God Pan and Other Weird Tales, Editions for the Armed Services, 1943
- Strange World of Arthur Machen, Juniper Press, 1960
- The Novel of the Black Seal and Other Stories, Corgi, 1965
- The Three Impostors (var. 2), Ballantine, 1972
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 1), The Tartarus Press, 1997
- The White People and Other Tales, Chaosium, 2003
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), Tartarus Press, 2004
- The Black Veil ed. Mark Valentine, Wordsworth Editions, 2008
- The White People and Other Weird Stories, Penguin Classics, 2011
- The Great God Pan, The White People, & Other Horrors, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2017
- * Re-Discovery of London, (ar) The (London) Evening News July 8 1914
- * A Remarkable Coincidence, (ss) The St. James’s Gazette August 26 1890
- * Richard Middleton at the New Bohemians, (ar) [Ref. Richard Middleton]
- * Riddles and Symbols, (ar) Bridles & Spurs, The Rowfant Club, 1951
- * Ritual, (ss) Path and Pavement ed. John Rowland, Eric Grant, 1937
- Guinevere and Lancelot & Others, Purple Mouth, 1986
- Ritual and Other Stories, The Tartarus Press, 1992
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 1), The Tartarus Press, 1997
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), Tartarus Press, 2004
- The Terror and Other Stories, Chaosium, 2005
- * Ritual and Other Stories, (co) The Tartarus Press, October 1992
- * Ritual and Other Stories (var. 1), (co) The Tartarus Press, October 1997
- * Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), (co) Tartarus Press, July 2004
- * The Road to Self-Culture: Read What You Like, but Mind You Like It, (ar) T.P.’s and Cassell’s Weekly August 20 1927
- * Roast Goose: With a Dissertation on Apple Sauce and Sage and Onions, (ar) The Lyons Mail September 1921
- * Romance and Reality, (in) 1937
- * Romance in Gwent: A Fantasia, (ar) The Monmouthshire Review January 1934
- * The Rose Garden, (vi) The Neolith #4, August 1908
- The Glorious Mystery, Covici-McGee, 1924
- Ornaments in Jade, Alfred A. Knopf, 1924
- Strange Assembly ed. John Gawsworth, Unicorn Press, 1932
- The Cosy Room and Other Stories, Rich Cowan, 1936
- Holy Terrors, Penguin, 1946
- The White People and Other Tales, Chaosium, 2003
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), Tartarus Press, 2004
- Faunus #13, 2005/06
- * Rouge et Noir—and the Unknown, (ar) T.P.’s Weekly October 2 1908
- * Rus in Urbe, (ar) The St. James’s Gazette July 24 1890
- * Rus in Urbe, (co) The Tartarus Press, July 1992
- * “Sad Happy Race”, (ar) The Academy June 20 1908
- * St. George and the Dragon, (ar) The Lyons Mail April 1922
- * Sancho Panza at Geneva, (ar) The Academy June 8 1907
- * The Sangraal, (ar) The Academy August 3 1907 (+3), as "The Literary Week"
- * The Sangraal: A Reply to Alfred Nutt, (ar) The Academy September 28 1907, as "Mr. Alfred Nutt and the Sangraal"
- * Savages, (ar) The American Mercury February 1936, as "Concealed Savages of Tudor England"
- * Scholar and the Sun-Myth, (ar) The Graphic April 24 1926
- * Science and the Ghost Story, (ar) Literature September 17 1898
- * Scrooge: 1920 [Christmas Carol], (vi) The (London) Evening News December 28 1920
- The Glorious Mystery, Covici-McGee, 1924
- The Cosy Room and Other Stories, Rich Cowan, 1936, as "A New Christmas Carol"
- Christmas Ghosts ed. Kathryn Cramer & David G. Hartwell, Arbor House, 1987, as "A New Christmas Carol"
- Ritual and Other Stories, The Tartarus Press, 1992, as "A New Christmas Carol"
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 1), The Tartarus Press, 1997, as "A New Christmas Carol"
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), Tartarus Press, 2004, as "A New Christmas Carol"
- * Scrooge and the Spirit of Psycho-Analysis, (ar) T.P.’s and Cassell’s Weekly December 8 1923
- * The Secret Glory, (vi) The Wave February 1922
- * A Secret Language, (ar) The Quest July 1916
- * The Secret of the Sangraal, (ar) The Shining Pyramid (var. 1), Martin Secker, 1924; revised from “The Literary Week” (The Academy, August 3, 17, 24 & 31, 1907).
- * The Secret of the Sangraal, (co) The Tartarus Press, January 1995 ; edited by Raymond B. Russell
- * The Secret of the Sangraal (var. 1), (co) The Tartarus Press, February 2007 ; edited by Raymond B. Russell
- * 7B Coney Court, (ar) The Graphic September 26 1925
- Dreads and Drolls, Martin Secker, 1926
- Ritual and Other Stories, The Tartarus Press, 1992
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 1), The Tartarus Press, 1997
- Ritual and Other Stories (var. 2), Tartarus Press, 2004
- Dreads and Drolls (var. 1), The Tartarus Press, 2007
- * The Shade of a Great Man at the Mitre Tavern, February 1916, (ar) The (London) Evening News February 16 1916
- * Shakespeare and Shakspere, (ar) T.P.’s Weekly April 2 1909
- * The Shakespeare Festival, (ar) T.P.’s Weekly May 6 1910
- * Shakespeare’s “Bare Bones”, (ar) The Graphic February 20 1926
- * The Shining Pyramid, (co) Covici-McGee, May 1923 ; edited by Vincent Starrett
- * The Shining Pyramid [Mr. Dyson], (nv) The Unknown World May 15, Jun 15 1895
- The Shining Pyramid, Covici-McGee, 1923
- The Shining Pyramid (var. 1), Martin Secker, 1924
- The Great Weird Stories ed. Arthur Neale, Duffield, 1929
- Great Tales of Horror ed. Marjorie Bowen, John Lane, 1933
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural, Alfred A. Knopf, 1948
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (var. 1), Panther, 1953
- Strange World of Arthur Machen, Juniper Press, 1960
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural, Volume One, Pinnacle, 1971
- Welsh Tales of Terror ed. R. Chetwynd-Hayes, Fontana, 1973
- The Ancient Mysteries Reader ed. Peter Haining, Doubleday, 1975
- The Supernatural Solution ed. Michel Parry, Granada, 1976
- The Ancient Mysteries Reader Book 1 ed. Peter Haining, Sphere, 1978
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (var. 2), The Tartarus Press, 1997
- The Unexplained: Stories of the Paranormal ed. Ric Alexander, Orion, 1998
- The Unexplained: Stories of the Paranormal ed. Ric Alexander, Orion, 1999
- The Three Impostors and Other Stories, Chaosium, 2001
- The Great God Pan, The White People, & Other Horrors, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2017
- Fighters of Fear ed. Mike Ashley, Talos Press, 2020
- * The Shining Pyramid [Mr. Dyson], (ex) The Unknown World May 15 1895 (+1)
- * The Shining Pyramid (var. 1), (co) Martin Secker, December 1924
- * The Simplicity of Genius, (ar) The Graphic March 6 1926
- * Sir Benjamin the “Baron”, (ar) The Graphic March 7 1925
- * Sir John’s Chef, (ss) The St. James’s Gazette July 17 1890
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