The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 6383
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[]Lieberman, Laurence (James) (1935- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Cape Iro: The Stone Pillars, (pm) The South Carolina Review Spring 1978
- * Erotic Pantheism in “Madness”, (ar) The South Carolina Review Spring 1994
- * Interview, (pm) New England Review Autumn 1979
- * Kowtowing to the Lord of the Knives, (pm) The Southern Review Spring 2013
- * Three Poems, (pm) The South Carolina Review Spr, Fll 1974
- * Two Poems, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fll 1982, Spr, Fll 1983
- * Two Songs of Leave-Taking, (pm) Quarterly West #10, Winter/Spring 1980
- * Yoshino: False Dawn of the Cherry Blossom, (pm) New England Review Autumn 1979
[]Liebermann, William (fl. 1890s) (chron.)
- * Checkmate, (sl) The Argosy #571 Nov 11, #572 Nov 18, #573 Nov 25, #574 Dec 2, #575 Dec 9, #576 Dec 16, #577 Dec 23, #578 Dec 30 1893, #579 Jan 6,
#580 Jan 13 1894
[]Lieberson, Richard (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
- * Avati Checklist Addenda, (bi) Paperback Parade #24, June 1991 [Ref. James Avati]
- * James Avati Checklist, (bi) Books Are Everything July 1988 [Ref. James Avati]
- * James Avati: Part 1, (iv) Books Are Everything March 1988 [Ref. James Avati]
- * James Avati: Part 2, (iv) Books Are Everything May 1988 [Ref. James Avati]
- * A Letter from Richard Lieberson, (lt) Paperback Parade #28, March 1992
- * Notes on Good Girl Art, (ar) Paperback Parade #40, October 1994
- * Rafael de Soto Checklist, (bi) Books Are Everything January 1989 [Ref. Rafael M. DeSoto]
- * Rafael de Soto: Essay & Interview, (iv) Books Are Everything September 1988 [Ref. Rafael M. DeSoto]
[]Liebert, Nolan (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Bedtime Story, Age 96, (pm) Liminality #7, Spring 2016
- * A Long, Long Dog, Having Chased Its Orbited Tail, (ss) Syntax & Salt Magazine #1, April 2016
- * Postlude, (pm) Zetetic: A Record of Unusual Inquiry October 2015
- * Swan, (pm) Liminality #6, Winter 2015/2016
- * The Swing, or How to Ricochet According to Sylvia Plath, (ss) An Alphabet of Embers ed. Rose Lemberg, Stone Bird Press, 2016
[]Liebling, A(bbott) J(oseph) (1904-1963) (about) (chron.)
- * Better as a Kick in Za Pants, (ss) The New Yorker May 22 1954
- * Biographee, (ss) The New Yorker March 22 1952
- * Bobance, Man of Taste, (ss) The New Yorker August 2 1947
- * The Boston Tar Baby, (??) For Men Only March 1938
- * Collateral at Rumpelmayer’s, (ss) The New Yorker September 29 1962
- * Dry-Fly Barflies, (ar) Esquire February 1948
- * French Without Scars, (ss) The New Yorker August 30 1947
- * Horsemen Race to Eat, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 1 1939
- * Letter from Paris, (ss) The New Yorker January 20 1940
- * Metamorphosis of Huey, (ar) Esquire January 1947
- * My Dream and Annie’s, (ar) Esquire August 1947
- * La Nautique, (ss) The New Yorker July 9 1938
- * No Place Like It, (ss) The New Yorker November 9 1940
- * The Old Man, (ss) The New Yorker September 11 1937
- * Patched in Purple, (ar) Easy Money April 1936
- * Pictures of Ernie, (ar) Esquire May 1947 [Ref. Ernie Pyle]
- * Reprise, (ss) The New Yorker September 16 1939
- * The Ring and the Book, (rv) Esquire November 1947
- * Run, Run, Run, Run, (nv) The New Yorker September 29 1945
- * Stavisky Swindle, (ar) Easy Money June 1936
- * A Stranger in New York, (ss) The New Yorker December 8 1956
- * Tulip, (ss) The New Yorker January 29 1949
- * Two Ways of Looking at Horses, (ar) Transatlantic
[]Liebman, Arthur (1926- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Introduction, (in) Classic Crime Stories ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, Richards Rosen, 1975
- * Introduction, (in) Quickie Thrillers ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, Pocket Books, 1975
- * Introduction, (in) Ms. Mysteries ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, Washington Square/Pocket, 1976
- * Introduction, (in) Tales of Espionage and Intrigue ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, Richards Rosen, 1977
- * Introduction, (in) Science Fiction: Creators and Pioneers ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, Richards Rosen, 1979
- * Introduction, (in) Science Fiction: The Best of Yesterday ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, Richards Rosen, 1980
- * Introduction, (in) Science Fiction: Masters of Today ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, Richards Rosen, 1981
- * Introduction: A Reader’s Guide to Detective Fiction, (in) Thirteen Classic Detective Stories ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, Richards Rosen, 1974
_____, ed.
- * Classic Crime Stories, (an) Richards Rosen, 1975
- * Ms. Mysteries, (an) Washington Square/Pocket, April 1976
- * Quickie Thrillers, (an) Pocket Books, October 1975
- * Science Fiction: Creators and Pioneers, (an) Richards Rosen, 1979
- * Science Fiction: Masters of Today, (an) Richards Rosen, 1981
- * Science Fiction: The Best of Yesterday, (an) Richards Rosen, 1980
- * Tales of Espionage and Intrigue, (an) Richards Rosen, 1977
- * Thirteen Classic Detective Stories, (an) Richards Rosen, 1974
[]Liebman, Dan (fl. 1970s) (chron.)
- * The British Have a Word for It, (ms) Harlequin’s Woman v3 #3, 1975
- * Come to the Festival, (ar) Harlequin v6 #3, 1978
- * Merry Christmas Around the World, (ar) The Harlequin Magazine v3 #13, 1975
- * Northwest Territories, (ar) Harlequin v5 #1, 1977
- * Spain, (ar) The Harlequin Magazine v3 #12, 1975
- * Toronto: Place of Meeting, (ar) Harlequin v5 #9, 1977
- * Travel:
* ___ Northwest Territories, (cl) Harlequin v5 #1, 1977
* ___ Spain, (cl) The Harlequin Magazine v3 #12, 1975
* ___ Toronto: Place of Meeting, (cl) Harlequin v5 #9, 1977
[]Liebman, Oscar (c1920-2002) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The Liberated Future ed. Robert Hoskins, Fawcett Crest, 1974
- * [front cover], (cv) The Late Great Future ed. Gregory Fitz Gerald & John Dillon, Fawcett Crest, 1976
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Harper’s Magazine March 1952
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cavalier #55, January 1958
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Escapade Dec 1958, Apr, Jun 1959
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Argosy Sep 1959, Apr 1968, Jan 1971
[]Liebscher, Walt (1918-1985); used pseudonym Lalt Weibscher (books) (chron.)
- * Acolyte to an Artist, (ss) Alien Carnival, Fantasy House, 1974
- * Alien Carnival, (oc) Fantasy House, 1974
- * Alien Carnival, (ss) Spaceway May/June 1969
- * Alien Cornucopia, (vi) Science Fiction Stories July 1959
- * And No Potatoes, (ss) Vertex February 1974
- * Appreciation, (ms) Food for Demons by E. Everett Evans, Shroud, 1971
- * Are You Sure?, (pm) Spaceways December 1941
- * Before the Five Year Plan, (pm) Alien Carnival, Fantasy House, 1974
- * “Blotto”, (vi) Stardust September 1940
- * Brown Thumb, (pm) Alien Carnival, Fantasy House, 1974
- * Do Androids Dream of Electric Love?, (ss) Strange Bedfellows ed. Thomas N. Scortia, Random House, 1972
- * The Fabulous Showboat, (vi) Moebius Trip June 1974
- * Flans a la Convention, (ar) Fantasite November/December 1942
- * The Framework of Her Face, (ss) Alien Carnival, Fantasy House, 1974
- * Furore Over Fudge, (ss) Tonight v1 #4, 1960
- * Indian Shove Call, (ss) Alien Carnival, Fantasy House, 1974
- * I Remember Zelda, (ss) Alien Carnival, Fantasy House, 1974
- * Mama Hates Green, (ss) Rogue August 1962
- * Mashing the Croovies or A Stollywood Harlot at Bay, (vi) Unique Tales v1 #1, 1974, as by Lalt Weibscher
- * More Fantastic Films, (ar) Spaceways March 1941
- * The Morning the Birds Forgot to Sing, (ss) Magazine of Horror September 1964
- * Musical Notes from All Over, (pm) Alien Carnival, Fantasy House, 1974
- * Ode to Ogden, (pm) Alien Carnival, Fantasy House, 1974
- * Piscatoral Poems, (pm) Alien Carnival, Fantasy House, 1974
- * Prodigy, (vi) Magazine of Horror November 1964
- * Quixotic Quatrains, (pm) Alien Carnival, Fantasy House, 1974
- * The Room at Inglenook, (ss) Fantasy Book October 1981
- * Scientifilm World:
* ___ Your Passport to Outer Space, (cl) Perry Rhodan #33, 1973
- * Soliloquy, (pm) Spaceways August 1941
- * A Special Kind of Flower, (ss) Vertex October 1973
- * Stollywood Harlot at Bay, (hu) Rogue December 1965
- * A Three Letter Word Called Love, (ss) Vertex October 1974
- * The Tomb, (ss) Alien Carnival, Fantasy House, 1974
- * To Your Battered Scotties Go, (vi) Moebius Trip January 1973
- * What a Young Diety Should Know, (ss) Nova Winter 1943/1944
- * Your Passport to Outer Space, (ar) Perry Rhodan #33, 1973
- * [letter], (lt) The Alien Critic #9, May 1974
- * [letter from Illinois], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction April 1944
- * [letter from Mount Olive, IL], (lt) Astounding Stories May, Sep 1935, Jul 1936
[]Liebson, Morris (fl. 1980s) (chron.)
- * Daddy’s Gone A-Hunting; or, Don’t Forclose on a Were, (pm) Amazing Stories September 1988
- * The Fallen, (pm) Weirdbook #20, Spring 1985
- * Lorelei; or, Nobody Listens Any More, (pm) Amazing Stories July 1986
- * Lupo, (pm) Space and Time #62, Summer 1982
- * Nemesis, (pm) Amazing Stories September 1988
- * Obsidian Sphinx, (pm) Amazing Stories September 1987
- * Physics 1, (pm) Amazing Stories May 1988
- * The Wanderer, (pm) Space and Time #61, Winter 1981/1982
- * Yecch!, (pm) Amazing Stories November 1986
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