The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 5645
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[]Kaveny, Philip E. (fl. 1970s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Circus, (pm) Janus Spring 1979
- * Confrontation, (vi) Etchings & Odysseys #6, 1985
- * I’m a Bit Worried, (ms) Janus Spring 1979
- * Jack the Robot Sings the Blues, (ar) Janus Summer/Autumn 1978
- * J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #157, September 2001 [Ref. Tom Shippey & J. R. R. Tolkien]
- * Landscapes of Intertextuality, (ar) Etchings & Odysseys #7, 1985
- * One-Hundred-Seventy-Seven Kilograms, (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #10, 1987
- * Phoenix: 2478, (ss) Janus Winter 1978/1979
- * Read This: Recently Read and Recommended, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #285, May 2012 [Ref. Joanna Russ]
- * The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary (with Janice M. Bogstad), (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #228, August 2007 [Ref. Peter Gilliver, Jeremy Marshall, Edmund Weiner & J. R. R. Tolkien]
- * Salamander, (pm) New Moon Winter 1981/1982
- * Salamander, (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #9, 1986
- * Thar Guth Eigi Gengr, (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #8, 1986
- * The Urban Wolf: Continental Medieval Myth in the Modern Urban Setting (with Janice M. Bogstad), (ar) New Moon May 1987
- * Wells and James, LeGuin and Delany: A WisCon V Panel Discussion, (sy) New Moon Spring 1983
- * We Went to a Garden Party, Everyone Was There, (ss) New Moon April 1981
- * What Comes After Post-Modern: Echoes from the Substructure, (ar) New Moon May 1987
- * Working The Jewel-Hinged Jaw (with Janice M. Bogstad), (ar) Janus Summer/Autumn 1978 [Ref. Samuel R. Delany]
- * [letter], (lt) New Moon April 1981
_____, [ref.]
[]Kawakami, Hiromi (1958- ) (about) (chron.)
- * In the Grass, (ss) Guernica June 3 2019; translated from the Japanese “Nishino Yukihiko no Koi to Boken”, 2003 by Allison Markin Powell.
- * The Kitchen God, (ss) The New Yorker July 10/July 17 2023
- * Mogera Wogura, (ss) Speculative Japan ed. Gene Van Troyer & Grania Davis, Kurodahan Press, 2007
- * People from My Neighborhood, a collection of vignettes, (ss) Monkey Business: New Writing from Japan v01, 2011; translated by Ted Goossen
- * People from My Neighborhood: Banana. Part 3, (ss) Monkey Business: New Writing from Japan #4, 2014; translated by Ted Goosen
[]Kawato, Wesley (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * The Antietam Change [Aaron’s Emporium], (ss) Nova Science Fiction #23, 2009
- * The Atlanta Connection [Aaron’s Emporium], (ss) Nova Science Fiction #21, 2008
- * The Birthday Transformation [Aaron’s Emporium], (ss) Nova Science Fiction #29, 2012
- * Bookstorm [Aaron’s Emporium], (ss) Nova Science Fiction #24, 2009
- * The Elvis Incident [Aaron’s Emporium], (ss) Nova Science Fiction #22, 2008
- * The Fedrakin Union, (ar) Nova Science Fiction #1, 1999
- * The First Expansion, (ar) Nova Science Fiction #3, 2000
- * The Gray Intrusion [Aaron’s Emporium], (ss) Nova Science Fiction #26, 2010
- * Intruder Day [Aaron’s Emporium], (ss) Nova Science Fiction #27, 2011
- * The New Colonies, (ar) Nova Science Fiction #2, 2000
- * New Worlds, (ar) Nova Science Fiction #2, 2000
- * The Ranger’s Son, (nv) Nova Science Fiction #5, 2001
- * The Rejuv Incident [Aaron’s Emporium], (ss) Nova Science Fiction #28, 2011
- * The Replacement, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #1, 1999
- * Review: Chrononauts, (gr) Nova Science Fiction #6, 2001
- * Review: Rim of Fire, (br) Nova Science Fiction #5, 2001
- * Sharon’s Choice, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #3, 2000
- * Space Salvage, (vi) Nova Science Fiction #1, 1999
- * The Vietnam Gambit [Aaron’s Emporium], (ss) Nova Science Fiction #25, 2010
- * The Winds of Change, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #2, 2000
- * A Word from the Editor, (ed) Nova Science Fiction #2, #3 2000, #15, #16 2005, #20 2007, #21, #22 2008, #23, #24 2009, #25,
#26 2010, #27, #28 2011
#29 2012, #30 2013, #31 2015
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Nova Science Fiction
- * Editor: Nova Science Fiction #1 1999, #2, #3, #4 2000, #5, #6, #7 2001, #8, #9, #10 2002,
#11, #12 2003
#13, #14 2004, #15, #16 2005, #17, #18 2006, #20, #19 2007, #21, #22 2008,
#23, #24 2009
#25, #26 2010, #27, #28 2011, #29 2012, #30 2013, #31 2015
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