The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 5456
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[]Jones, Matt (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Comet’s Tale, (ss) Pandemonium: The Lowest Heaven ed. Anne C. Perry & Jared Shurin, Jurassic London, 2013
- * Impossible Colors of an Infinite Universe, (ar) Clarkesworld #130, July 2017
- * Leftment, (pm) Interfictions Online #3, May 2014
- * Mustachio of Principe Arbusto, (ss) Phantom Drift #3, October 2013
- * Until the Moss Has Reached Our Lips, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #163, December 25 2014
[]Jones, Michael M. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (books) (chron.)
- * A, (ss) D Is for Dinosaur ed. Rhonda Parrish, Poise and Pen Publishing, 2017
- * Books (with Elizabeth Bear, Matt Staggs & Paul Witcover), (rc) Realms of Fantasy June 2010
- * Books (with Matt Staggs, Andrew Wheeler & Paul Witcover), (rc) Realms of Fantasy Dec 2009, Apr 2010
- * Books (with Matt Staggs & Paul Witcover), (rc) Realms of Fantasy Oct 2009, Feb 2010
- * Claus of Death, (ss) Slipstreams ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW, 2006
- * Dec. 31, 2049, (pm) A Cappella Zoo #14, Spring 2015
- * E, (ss) C Is for Chimera ed. Rhonda Parrish, Poise and Pen Publishing, 2016
- * Introduction, (in) Scheherazade’s Façade ed. Michael M. Jones, Gressive Press, 2012
- * J, (ss) G Is for Ghosts ed. Rhonda Parrish, Poise and Pen Publishing, 2021
- * The Midnight Bride and Her Starshine Love, (ss) Hexagon Magazine #1, Summer 2020
- * O, (ss) B Is for Broken ed. Rhonda Parrish, Poise and Pen Publishing, 2015
- * Reflections on an Alien Melon, (pm) A Cappella Zoo #6, Spring 2011
- * Regarding the Sainted Pirate Nicholas, (ss) Metaphorosis July 2016
- * Review of the “Outsiders Extirpate Dark Fantasy” Issue of Ambiguity Sky, (fa) The Future Fire #53, 2020
- * Roll the Bones, (vi) Hexagon Magazine #5, Summer 2021
- * Saturday Night Science, (ss) Broadswords and Blasters #1, April 2017
- * The Tears of Bourbon Street, (ss) Constellary Tales #1, November 2018
- * A Thousand Steps Up Godwich Road, (ss) Hexagon Magazine #18, Fall 2024
- * Thwarting the Spirits, (ss) She Shifters ed. Delilah Devlin, Cleis Press, 2012
- * X, (ss) F is for Fairy ed. Rhonda Parrish, Poise and Pen Publishing, 2019
- * Young Adult Fiction, (rc) Realms of Fantasy Dec 2010, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct 2011
- * Your Name Is Eve, (ss) Clockwork Phoenix 3 ed. Mike Allen, Norilana Books, 2010
- * Z, (ss) E Is for Evil ed. Rhonda Parrish, Poise and Pen Publishing, 2018
_____, ed.
[]Jones, Morris Ogden (1907-1967) (about)
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ 5 Detective Novels Magazine, 53/Wtr - 53/Fll
* ___ Popular Detective, 1953
* ___ Triple Detective, 54/Wtr - 54/Spr
- * Editor: The Rio Kid Western March 1946
- * Editor: Thrilling Western Nov 1951, Jan, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1952, Jan, Mar, May, Fll 1953
- * Editor: West Nov 1951, Jan, Mar, May, Aug, Nov 1952, Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Fll 1953
- * Editor: 5 Western Novels Magazine Dec 1951, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Dec 1952, Feb, Jun, Nov 1953, Win 1954
- * Editor: Top Western Fiction Annual v1 #3 1952, v2 #1 1953, v2 #2 1954
- * Editor: Range Riders Western Jan, Mar, May, Oct, Dec 1952
- * Editor: Masked Rider Western February 1953
- * Editor: 5 Detective Novels Magazine Spring 1953
- * Editor: Popular Detective Fall 1953
- * Editor: Triple Detective Wtr, Spr 1954
[]Jones, N. D. (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * Because, (??) Live Stories 2nd June 1923
- * The Bond That Frees, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st February 1923
- * Constancy, (ms) Snappy Stories 2nd October 1922
- * “Deb” and “Post-Deb”, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st September 1922
- * An Echo, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st April 1922
- * The Falling Star, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st December 1921
- * First and Last, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st June 1922
- * Free Riders, (ss) Wall Street Stories March 1929
- * Girls, Girls, Girls…, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1926
- * Hero Stuff, (ms) Snappy Stories 2nd December 1921
- * A Horseshoe for Luck, (vi) Droll Stories September 1925
- * Infinite Variety, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #132, March 1923
- * I Pity Her, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd November 1921
- * The Men She Loved, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st May 1925
- * The One She Really Loved, (ar) Saucy Stories May 1925
- * The Seesaw, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st November 1921
- * Tax and Surtax, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st September 1923
- * The Three Ages of Man, (ms) Snappy Stories 2nd November 1923
- * To the End, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st December 1917
- * Twilight, (ms) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1922
- * Vicarious Fulfilment, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st November 1922
- * Vice and Violets, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st August 1921
- * What Might Have Been, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st December 1922
[]Jones, N(ellie) Parker (1878-1958) (chron.)
- * As Usual, (pm) All-Story Weekly June 19 1915
- * The Difference, (pm) The Argosy August 1915
- * The Eugenic Proposal, (pm) All-Story Weekly June 12 1915
- * Flossie Sees a Football Game, (ss) All-Story Weekly September 25 1915
- * Labor-Saving?, (pm) All-Story Weekly December 25 1915
- * May Day, (pm) All-Story Weekly May 6 1916
- * Real Achievement, (pm) All-Story Weekly June 3 1916
- * The Short Route, (pm) All-Story Weekly September 11 1915
- * The Summer-Girl’s Song, (pm) All-Story Weekly June 10 1916
- * True Achievement, (pm) All-Story Weekly June 26 1915
- * The Tyrant, (pm) All-Story Weekly May 29 1915
- * Weight for Age, (ss) All-Story Weekly July 3 1915
[]Jones, Nard; [i.e., Maynard Benedict Jones] (1904-1972) (about) (chron.)
- * After Office Hours, (ss) Ainslee’s Smart Love Stories February 1936
- * April Magic, (ss) Breezy Stories December 1927
- * The Arrival of Jane Barnes, (ex)
- * Ballots and Blue-Mountain Dew, (ss) Adventure March 1946
- * Bermuda Interlude, (ss) Thrilling Love January 1953
- * Big Sister, (ss) Breezy Stories April 1933
- * Blood of the Albacore, (ss) Argosy September 2 1939
- * The Bore from Within, (ss) Adventure October 1946
- * The Brigadier General’s Bureau, (vi) Liberty July 14 1934
- * Celebrity, (ss) College Life January 1929
- * Cintra and the Apple Cider, (ss) College Life December 1932
- * Cintra and the Blushing Halfback, (ss) College Life Summer 1931
- * Cintra and the Lion, (ss) College Life September 1931
- * Cintra Crowns a Queen, (ss) College Life October 1931
- * College Widow, (ss) Wow! January 1931
- * Comcomly and the King George Woman, (nv) Adventure July 1946
- * The Creation of Jenia Lee, (ss) Wow! December 1930
- * Dance-Hall Girl, (ss) Breezy Stories February 1929
- * Deadline, (ss) Argosy September 25 1937
- * Detour, (ss) Argosy January 28 1939
- * The Drifter, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine June 1928
- * Easter Bonnet, (ss) Liberty April 27 1935
- * Elisabeth Could Wear Blue, (ss) College Stories February 1928
- * The Escaped Woman, (ss) Breezy Stories August 1929
- * Even Steven, (vi) The American Magazine March 1953
- * A Family Affair, (ss) Spicy Stories October 1931
- * Four Is a Crowd, (ss) Collier’s January 31 1948
- * Freckles on Broadway, (ss) Breezy Stories 1st March 1926
- * Freshman Girl, (ss) Smart Love Stories January 1937
- * Gentlemen Prefer Mules, (ss) War Stories June 1927
- * Gift Unopened (with Elisabeth Jones), (vi) Liberty December 26 1936
- * “Girl Show—for Men Only”, (ss) Breezy Stories July 1929
- * Going Up?, (ss) The Novel Magazine August 1934
- * Gone Injun, (ss) Adventure December 1945
- * The Great Mansion, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1948
- * Guy with Brains, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 8 1937
- * Headlines, (ss) Breezy Stories January 1928
- * Her Four Men, (ss) College Life April 1931
- * His Wife’s Guest, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine November 1927
- * Hollywood Love, (ss) Ainslee’s March 1935
- * Hollywood Plotto!, (ss) Stage and Screen Stories July 1929
- * The House That Jazz Built, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine February 1927
- * The Human Fish, (ss) Family Circle June 1954
- * The Idol, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine September 1926
- * If You Should Leave Me Now, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine August 1928
- * I Hope So, Professor!, (ss) Pep Stories June 1927
- * Immortality, (vi) Liberty October 10 1936
- * In a Magic Room, (ss) This Week November 23 1952
- * It Happened in Hollywood, (ss) The Novel Magazine August 1936
- * It Happened in Manhattan, (ss) Popular Love Summer 1952
- * It Takes a War!, (ss) War Stories February 1927
- * It Was Like This, (ss) Argosy October 30 1937
- * Jebediah and the Saint, (ss) Adventure February 1946
- * Joe College, (ss) Esquire July 1951
- * Lament, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 24 1927
- * The Last Horizon, (vi) Argosy December 24 1938
- * Let’s Bury the Hatchet, (ss) The American Magazine June 1954
- * “The Little Wife”, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine May 1927
- * Lost!, (ts) Mystery October 1932
- * Love a la Cart, (ss) Popular Love Fall 1953
- * Main Street Magdalene, (ss) Prize Story Magazine September 1929
- * The Man Who Became Alone with His Wife, (ss) Family Circle November 1951
- * Marry a Man, (ss) 10 Story Book August 1930
- * The Mary Malot, (vi) Liberty May 11 1935
- * Mirrors, (ss) The Passing Show October 13 1934
- * Model Marriage, (ss) Love Revels Magazine February 1934
- * Money to Marry, (ss) Prize Story Magazine February 1929
- * Morning Star, (vi) Liberty August 29 1936
- * New York, Via Hollywood, (nv) Breezy Stories April 1927
- * The Nicest Man—, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine December 30 1939
- * Night Call, (ss) The Novel Magazine October 1935
- * Night Harvest, (ss) Young’s Magazine Snappy Stories October 1932
- * Nomadic Skull, (ss) Weird Tales May 1933
- * No Men Wanted, (ss) Ainslee’s Smart Love Stories August 1936
- * One Somersault Too Many, (vi) The Passing Show March 5 1938
- * The Other Woman, (ss) Breezy Stories August 1932
- * The Outsider, (ss) College Life February 1929
- * Paid in Full, (ss) This Week March 30 1941
- * Pardon My Symptoms, (??) Collier’s September 11 1948
- * Peter Says Good-Bye, (ss) College Stories September/October 1927
- * Plunge Into Space, (ss) This Week October 26 1952
- * The Private Debacle of Editor Wood, (ss) Adventure May 1946
- * The Race, (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1953
- * Rebirth, (vi) Liberty April 6 1935
- * A Red-Headed Woman, (ss) Streets of Paris October 1933
- * The River Run, (ss) Argosy February 25 1939
- * A Salesman Is Persistent, (ss) Nation’s Business March 1950
- * Salt Water Cure, (ss) This Week October 22 1939
- * Sandcastle, (vi) The Evening Standard August 18 1938
- * Sand House, (vi) Liberty August 25 1934
- * The Sea Serpent, (vi) The American Magazine February 1941
- * See You in Church, (ss) The American Magazine November 1949
- * The Silver Frame, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine March 1927
- * The Song Is Ended, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1940
- * Sophisticated Gal, (ss) Ainslee’s Smart Love Stories May 1936
- * Star Dust, (ss) Breezy Stories July 1927
- * Super-Special, (vi) Collier’s July 4 1936
- * Tea Party Blues, (ss) College Life October 1932
- * “Tell Me of Your Country”, (ss) Country Gentleman September 1952
- * This Mad Love, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine January 1927
- * To a Girl Who Changed, (pm) Breezy Stories December 1926
- * Too Late, (vi) Breezy Stories August 1935
- * Try Something New, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1947
- * We’re Getting Away with It, (ss) Pep! February 1927
- * Westward to Chadley, (ss) Collier’s November 26 1949
- * What Price Young Love?, (ss) Breezy Stories 1st December 1925
- * Wheat Fire, (ss) The Farmer’s Wife August 1936
- * Whose Son Are You?, (ss) Pep! May 1927
- * Wings of the Sun, (ss) Adventure September 1945
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