The FictionMags Index
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[]Germane, Peter (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Badman’s Back-Trail, (ss) Red Seal Western September 1938
- * Colt Heritage, (ss) Western Aces December 1935
- * Decoy for a Buzzard, (ss) Western Aces October 1935
- * Desert Doom, (ss) Red Seal Western November 1935
- * Destiny Rides the Lobo Pass, (nv) Western Trails June 1936
- * Drygulcher’s Cavalcade, (nv) Western Aces July 1936
- * Gallows Branded, (ss) Western Trails July 1938
- * Gun Cub from Hell’s Gap, (ss) Western Aces January 1938
- * Gunhawk’s Decoy, (ss) Western Aces January 1936
- * Gunhawk’s Payday, (ss) Western Trails April 1936
- * Gunspeed Law, (ss) Western Trails December 1935
- * Hogtied to the Hangman, (ss) Western Aces April 1939
- * Jig-Time Triggerman, (ss) Western Aces December 1936
- * John Law Can’t Miss, (ss) Western Aces February 1936
- * The Last Longrider, (ss) Western Trails May 1939
- * Outlaw’s Jackpot, (ss) Western Trails May 1936
- * Riders of Cougar Canyon, (nv) Western Aces April 1936
- * A Rustler’s Receipt, (ss) Sure-Fire Western January 1939
- * Smoking Guns, (ss) Complete Western Book Magazine June 1937
- * Thanks—From Texas, (ss) Western Trails April 1938
- * Trigger Gamble, (ss) Western Aces June 1936
[]Germano, Peter B. (1913-1983); used pseudonyms Jackson Cole & Barry Cord (chron.)
- * Ace Lanard—Gun Boss, (ss) Greater Western Action Novels Magazine March 1940, as by Barry Cord
- * The Baron of Arizonac, (ms) .44 Western Magazine April 1950, as by Barry Cord
- * The Better Man, (nv) Texas Rangers November 1957, as by Barry Cord
- * Beyond the Law Frontier, (nv) Dime Western Magazine April 1940, as by Barry Cord
- * Beyond the Tenido Barrier [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers June 1955, as by Jackson Cole
- * Blizzard Rendezvous, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories March 1941, as by Barry Cord
- * Blood Quest of the Hawk, (ss) Famous Western Fall 1945, as by Barry Cord
- * Bonanza Bait, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories March 1949, as by Barry Cord
- * Boothill’s Boy, (ss) Western Ace High Stories December 1953, as by Barry Cord
- * Boss of the Tumbling H, (na) West May 1948, as by Barry Cord
- * Brand of the Lawless, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales January 1954, as by Barry Cord
- * Bullet Lesson for a Tenderfoot, (nv) New Western Magazine October 1940, as by Barry Cord
- * A Button Leads Satan’s Gun Clan, (nv) Big-Book Western Magazine December 1940, as by Barry Cord
- * Cain Basin, (n.) Arcadia House, 1954, as by Barry Cord
- * Call It Quits, (ss) Leading Western July 1948, as by Barry Cord
- * Canyon of No Return, (ss) Western Aces December 1940, as by Barry Cord
- * Canyon of the Lost [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers April 1956, as by Jackson Cole
- * Cayuse to Glory, (na) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly January 24 1942, as by Barry Cord
- * The Chino Kid [Jim Hatfield], (nv) Texas Rangers May 1957, as by Jackson Cole
- * Chuck on Wheels, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine December 1947, as by Barry Cord
- * The Coffin-Filler’s Syndicate, (na) Ace-High Western Stories February 1947, as by Barry Cord
- * Come to My Murder, (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1975
- * The Coughing Killer, (ar) The Rio Kid Western February 1950, as by Barry Cord
- * Cowpuncher’s Bullet Legacy, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story March 1 1941, as by Barry Cord
- * Dark-Trail Cross-Up, (ss) New Western Magazine April 1949, as by Barry Cord
- * Dave Benson—Killer!, (ss) Greater Western Action Novels Magazine December 1939, as by Barry Cord
- * Deadlier Than the Male, (ss) Triple Western Winter 1956, as by Barry Cord
- * Dead Man’s Grass, (nv) .44 Western Magazine January 1949, as by Barry Cord
- * The Dead Ride Hard, (nv) Western Yarns Spring 1943, as by Barry Cord
- * Death by Tiger, (ss) Jungle Stories Winter 1950/1951, as by Barry Cord
- * Decision in Sundown, (ss) , as by Barry Cord
- * Decoy of Doom, (ss) Red Seal Western December 1939, as by Barry Cord
- * Deputy Wanted, (ss) Thrilling Western July 1949, as by Barry Cord
- * Deputy Wanted—Dead or Alive!, (ss) .44 Western Magazine December 1947, as by Barry Cord
- * The Devil Sends a Gunman, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories March 1945, as by Barry Cord
- * The Devil’s Mount, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine December 1952, as by Barry Cord
- * The Devil’s Trailer, (ss) Western Trails November 1946, as by Barry Cord
- * Drygulch Boomerang, (ss) Western Aces April 1939, as by Barry Cord
- * Fast Freight, (ar) Dime Western Magazine February 1950, as by Barry Cord
- * First Kill, (ss) .44 Western Magazine September 1948, as by Barry Cord
- * For Sale—One Badge, One Gun, One Man!, (nv) Big-Book Western Magazine August 1946, as by Barry Cord
- * The Ghost of Miguel, (ss) Lariat Story Magazine January 1945, as by Barry Cord
- * The Gringo Flirts with Death!, (ss) New Western Magazine September 1940, as by Barry Cord
- * Gun Cub’s Decoy, (ss) Western Aces February 1940, as by Barry Cord
- * A Gun for a Man, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales September 1949, as by Barry Cord
- * Gun for a Tinhorn, (ss) Giant Western December 1948, as by Barry Cord
- * Gun King of Doom Town, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales April 1948, as by Barry Cord
- * Gunmen Play the Long Odds [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers September 1956, as by Jackson Cole
- * Gunmen’s Girls Won’t Wait!, (ss) Star Western February 1953, as by Barry Cord
- * Guns Across the River [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers March 1956, as by Jackson Cole
- * The Gun Trail Back, (na) Mammoth Western May 1950, as by Barry Cord
- * Gun Trouble—Texas Style, (na) Ace-High Western Stories July 1941, as by Barry Cord
- * Hell-on-the-Hip!, (ss) .44 Western Magazine April 1948, as by Barry Cord
- * Hero’s a Word on a Tombstone!, (ss) New Western Magazine October 1947, as by Barry Cord
- * High Deadfall, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine April 1948, as by Barry Cord
- * Hugh Glass—Mountain Man, (ar) Fifteen Western Tales June 1947, as by Barry Cord
- * “I Pack an Outlaw Star”, (nv) Action Stories Spring 1949, as by Barry Cord
- * The Iron Fist [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers March 1957, as by Jackson Cole
- * The Iron Trail [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers January 1953, as by Jackson Cole
- * The Jungle Has Two Faces, (ss) Jungle Stories Fall 1953, as by Barry Cord
- * The Kid Draws a Joker, (ss) The Rio Kid Western May 1951, as by Barry Cord
- * A Killer for Christmas, (ss) .44 Western Magazine November 1947, as by Barry Cord
- * The Killer Rides Back to Die, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories April 1940, as by Barry Cord
- * Killers of Cain Basin [Silent Steve Brandon], (na) Real Western November 1939, as by Barry Cord
- * The King of Badwater [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers August 1953, as by Jackson Cole
- * Land of the Lost [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers December 1952, as by Jackson Cole
- * Law Comes to Red Butte, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine September 1940, as by Barry Cord
- * Lobo on the Hunt!, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine May 1946, as by Barry Cord
- * Loot of the Diablos [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers August 1956, as by Jackson Cole
- * The Lost Planet, (na) Thrilling Wonder Stories March 1941, as by Barry Cord
- * Martian Heritage, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1942, as by Barry Cord
- * Murder on Ice [Jud Banning], (na) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine May 1975
- * Mustang Vengeance, (ss) Sure-Fire Western January 1939, as by Barry Cord
- * Nesters Die Hard, (ss) Famous Western Summer 1942, as by Barry Cord
- * Night Shift, (ts) Giant Western February 1949, as by Barry Cord
- * No Quarter for the Sagebrush Kid, (nv) New Western Magazine July 1940, as by Barry Cord
- * The Outlaw Nobody Knew [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers June 1954, as by Jackson Cole
- * The Outsider, (ss) Popular Western December 1950, as by Barry Cord
- * Owlhoot Haven, (ss) Red Seal Western December 1938, as by Barry Cord
- * Prairie Vengeance, (ss) Romance Round-Up May 1940, as by Barry Cord
- * The Prodigal Gunman, (nv) Western Trails September 1940, as by Barry Cord
- * The Pyramids from Space, (na) Amazing Stories November 1951, as by Barry Cord
- * Raiders of the Escalante [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers December 1956, as by Jackson Cole
- * Ramrod of the T. & P., (vi) New Western Magazine November 1947, as by Barry Cord
- * Red Creek Showdown, (ss) Thrilling Western March 1949, as by Barry Cord
- * Rendezvous at Quito [Jim Hatfield], (nv) Texas Rangers January 1958, as by Jackson Cole
- * Roamin’ Power, (ss) Popular Western June 1951, as by Barry Cord
- * Roll ’Em on to Glory!, (ts) Big-Book Western Magazine January 1948, as by Barry Cord
- * The Running-Iron Twins—Ranger Busters!, (ss) .44 Western Magazine September 1944, as by Barry Cord
- * Russian Bill, Badman, (ar) Masked Rider Western April 1949, as by Barry Cord
- * A Score Is Evened, (nv) Thrilling Western January 1950, as by Barry Cord
- * Secret of Dry Valley [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers May 1952, as by Jackson Cole
- * Shoot if You Must, (ss) Black Mask September 1948, as by Barry Cord
- * Soapy Ellison—Bandit Bait, (ss) Ace-High Western Stories November 1946, as by Barry Cord
- * Sockful of Tobacco, (ms) Mammoth Western October 1950, as by Barry Cord
- * Stop Off and Die, (ss) Ten Story Gang June 1939, as by Barry Cord
- * Stranger on the Prod, (na) Ranch Romances 2nd October 1954, as by Barry Cord
- * Strong Medicine, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales July 1947, as by Barry Cord
- * Sunset Deadline, (ss) Romance Round-Up March/April 1939, as by Barry Cord
- * The Sword of Amontillo [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers March 1953, as by Jackson Cole
- * A Tall Quiet Man, (ss) Complete Western Book Magazine September 1955, as by Barry Cord
- * That Die-Hard Texan!, (nv) Ace-High Western Stories September 1941, as by Barry Cord
- * The Things Men Die For, (ss) New Western Magazine December 1940, as by Barry Cord
- * Tobacco Currency, (ms) Big-Book Western Magazine July 1947, as by Barry Cord
- * Town of Missing Men, (nv) New Western Magazine July 1948, as by Barry Cord
- * Town of No Return [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers May 1956, as by Jackson Cole
- * The Trail Back, (ss) Western Trails March 1939, as by Barry Cord
- * Trail Boss, (ss) New Western Magazine June 1947, as by Barry Cord
- * Trail Hand, (ar) Star Western November 1949, as by Barry Cord
- * Trail of the Jade Cat [Jim Hatfield], (na) Texas Rangers February 1955, as by Jackson Cole
- * Two-Bit Treaty, (ss) Western Aces February 1939, as by Barry Cord
- * Two Down—One to Die!, (ss) New Western Magazine July 1947, as by Barry Cord
- * Two Trails to Glory, (nv) New Western Magazine May 1940, as by Barry Cord
- * Vengeance on the Waterfront, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine September 1941, as by Barry Cord
- * Victory in Valhalla, (ss) Famous Western Winter 1946, as by Barry Cord
- * Wasteland Vengeance, (ss) Western Aces December 1939, as by Barry Cord
- * Water Hole Wake, (ss) Dime Western Magazine March 1949, as by Barry Cord
- * You Can’t Cheat Boothill!, (ss) .44 Western Magazine May 1942, as by Barry Cord
[]Germeshausen, Alvin F. (fl. 1940s-1970s) (chron.)
- * The Adventures of Romney Pringle, (br) The Armchair Detective January 1968 [Ref. Clifford Ashdown]
- * Detectives of Darkness, (ar) Haunted June 1968
- * Dr. Cunliffe, Investigator, (br) The Armchair Detective April 1968 [Ref. H. Frankish]
- * [letter], (lt) The Armchair Detective October 1969
- * [letter], (lt) Presenting Moonshine #35, October 1973
- * [letter from California], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries Oct, Dec 1947, Jun 1950
- * [untitled], (ar) Presenting Moonshine #38, May 1974
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