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Ellison, Harlan (Jay) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Glass Teat: Installment 86: The Whimper of Whipped Dogs Teleplay: Part Five, (pl) Los Angeles Free Press November 27 1970
- * The Glass Teat: Installment 87, (cl) Los Angeles Free Press December 4 1970
- * The Glass Teat: Installment 88, (cl) Los Angeles Free Press December 11 1970
- * The Glass Teat: Installment 89, (cl) Los Angeles Free Press December 18 1970
- * The Glass Teat: Installment 90, (cl) Los Angeles Free Press December 25 1970
- * The Glass Teat: Installment 91, (cl) Los Angeles Free Press January 1 1971
- * The Glass Teat: Installment 92, (cl) Los Angeles Free Press January 8 1971
- * The Glass Teat: Installment 93: The Red Man’s Burden: Part One, (cl) Los Angeles Free Press January 15 1971
- * The Glass Teat: Installment 94: The Red Man’s Burden: Part Two, (cl) Los Angeles Free Press January 29 1971
- * The Glass Teat: Installment 95: How I Came to Love Peggy Lipton: Part One, (cl) Los Angeles Free Press February 12 1971
- * The Glass Teat: Installment 96: How I Came to Love Peggy Lipton: Part Two, (cl) Los Angeles Free Press February 19 1971
- * The Glass Teat: Installment 97, (cl) Los Angeles Free Press March 5 1971
- * The Glass Teat: Installment 98: The Great Rape: Part One, (cl) Los Angeles Free Press March 12 1971
- * The Glass Teat: Installment 99: The Great Rape: Part Two, (cl) Los Angeles Free Press March 19 1971
- * The Glass Teat Revisited: A Supplementary Introduction / 1975, (in) The Glass Teat, Pyramid, 1975
- * The Glass Teat & The Other Glass Teat, (co) Charnel House, 2011
- * The Gloconda, (ss) The Cleveland News 1949
- * Glow Worm, (ss) Infinity Science Fiction February 1956
- * Glug, (ss) Imagination August 1958
- * Gnomebody, (cs) Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor Quarterly #1, August 1996; adapted by John Ostrander
- * Gnomebody, (ss) Amazing Stories October 1956
- Ellison Wonderland, Paperback Library, 1962
- Earthman, Go Home, Paperback Library, 1964
- Ellison Wonderland (var. 1), Signet, 1974
- Troublemakers, ibooks, 2001
- Ellison Wonderland (var. 2), PS Publishing, 2015
- * Gnomebody, (pl) Brain Movies Six, Edgeworks Abbey, 2014; unproduced teleplay for The Twilight Zone.
- * God Bless the Ugly Virgin, (ss) The Dude March 1957
- * The Goddess in Ice, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #32, December 1967, as by Ellis Hart
- * The Goddess in the Ice, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine June 1957, as "A Woman So Evil"
- * The Golden Virgin [Jerry Killian], (nv) Crime and Justice Detective Story Magazine #3, January 1957
- * Goodbye, Eadie!, (ss) Mr. July 1956, as "One Sexy Husband"
- * Goodbye, Edie!, (ss) Mr. July 1956, as "One Sexy Husband", by Harlan Ellison
- * Goodbye, Gypsy, (ar) Knight August 1972
- * Goodbye to All That, (nv) McSweeney’s Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales ed. Michael Chabon, Vintage Books, 2003
- * Good-bye to the Girl of Easy Virtue, (ar) Knight July 1967
- * Good Morning, Folks; I Am Not Kathie Lee Gifford, (in) Edgeworks, White Wolf, 1996
- * Good Morning, Russia; I Am Not Korney Ivanovich Chukovski, (in) from The Worlds of Harlan Ellison, Polaris Publishing House, 1997
- * Good Morning, Sweden; I Am Not Hans Christian Andersen, (in) from Ensamvärk, Wiken, 1992
- * Gopher and the Gilly, (in) Strange Attraction ed. Edward E. Kramer, ShadowLands Press, 2000
- * Gopher in the Gilly, (ss) Stalking the Nightmare, Phantasia, 1982
- * Goshwowboyohboyohboy!!! or, A Brief Account of a Meeting with Walter A. Willis, Boy Fan, (ar) Science Fantasy Bulletin #8, September 1952 [Ref. Walter A. Willis], as by Harlan J. Youngfan
- * Go Toward the Light, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1996; revised, first broadcast on National Public Radio, December 1994.
- * Grail, (nv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine April 1981
- Stalking the Nightmare, Phantasia, 1982
- Great Stories from Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine ed. T. E. D. Klein, TZ Publications, Inc., 1983
- Demons! ed. Jack M. Dann & Gardner R. Dozois, Ace, 1987
- The Essential Ellison, Nemo Press, 1987
- The Essential Ellison: A 50-Year Retrospective, Morpheus International, 2001
- Harlan 101, Edgeworks Abbey, 2013
- * Grandmaster Robert Silverberg: A Revised, Updated, Expanded Appreciation, with Some of the Schmaltz Stains Still on It, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #161, Spring 2004 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- * Greatest Hits, (co) Union Square & Co., March 2024 ; edited by J. Michael Straczynski
- * Green Denouement, (ss) The Bulletin of the Cleveland Science Fiction Society March 23 1952
- * The Green Millennium, (br) Dimensions #15, August/October 1954 [Ref. Fritz Leiber]
- * Grinning at the Kid, (is) The Writer’s Digest 1990 Yearbook, 1990
- * Grumps That Go Boomp! in the Night, (es) Cad January 1967
- * The Guardians of the Pit, (uw) The Ellison Treatment, Edgeworks Abbey, 2019
- * Guest of Honor Speech: Harlan Ellison (1978), (ar) Worldcon Guest of Honor Speeches ed. Mike Resnick & Joe Siclari, ISFiC Press, 2006; delivered as the Guest of Honor speech at the 1978 Worldcon.
- * A Gunsel Is Not a Pistolero, (ar)
- * Gutter Gang, (nv) Guilty Detective Story Magazine September 1957
- The Juvies, Ace, 1961, as "No Way Out"
- Children of the Streets, Severn House, 2004, as "No Way Out"
- Web of the City (var. 1), Hard Case Crime, 2013, as "No Way Out"
- Children of the Streets (var. 1), Edgeworks Abbey, 2020, as "No Way Out"
- * Hadj, (ss) Science Fiction Adventures December 1956
- * Hadj, (ss) Microcosmic Tales ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Taplinger, 1980; revised from Science Fiction Adventures, Dec ’56.
- * The Hangman, (ss) Rogue July 1959
- * The Hangman with the Turquoise Eyes, (ss) Rogue July 1959, as "The Hangman"
- * Hard Contract, (mr) Los Angeles Free Press May 16 1969
- * Hardcover, (ar) Inside #9, May 1955
- * Harlan 101, (co) Edgeworks Abbey, November 2013 ; edited by Jason Davis
- * Harlan Ellison, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #194, Summer 2011
- * The Harlan Ellison Hornbook, (co) Mirage Press, October 1990
- * Harlan Ellison Replies, (ms) Los Angeles Free Press December 7 1972
- * Harlan Ellison Replies, (ms) The Comics Journal October 1982
- * Harlan Ellison’s 7 Against Chaos (with Paul Chadwick), (gn) DC Entertainment, July 2013
- * Harlan Ellison’s Afterword, (aw) The Illustrated Harlan Ellison, Baronet, 1978
- * Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor, (co) Dark Horse Comics, August 1995
- * Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor, Volume One, (co) Dark Horse Comics, November 1996
- * Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor, Volume Two, (co) Dark Horse Comics, March 2007
- * Harlan Ellison’s Endlessly Watching, (co) Edgeworks Abbey, September 2014
- * Harlan Ellison’s Handy Guide to Understanding “2001: A Space Odyssey”, (ar) Trumpet #9, 1969 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke & Stanley Kubrick]
- * Harlan Ellison’s Movie, (pl) Mirage Press, April 1991
- * Harlan Ellison’s The City on the Edge of Forever: The Original Teleplay, (gn) IDW Publishing, January 2015 ; adapted by David Tipton & Scott Tipton
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching, (co) Underwood-Miller, September 1989
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: 1st Installment, (mr) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine November 1977
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: 2nd Installment: Luke Skywalker Is a Nerd and Darth Vader Sucks Runny Eggs, (ar) Los Angeles Magazine August 1977
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 1: In Which We Begin Our Journey, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1984
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 2: In Which Sublime and Ridiculous Pass Like Ships in the Night, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1984
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 3: In Which We Scuffle Through the Embers, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1984
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 4: In Which We Discover Why the Children Don’t Look Like Their Parents, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1984
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 5: In Which the Left Hand Giveth Praise and the Right Hand Sprayeth for Worms of Evil, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1985
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 6: In Which We Learn What Is Worse Than Finding a Worm of Evil in the Apple, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1985
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 7: In Which an Attempt Is Made to Have One’s Cake and Eat It, Too, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1985
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 8: In Which Some Shrift Is Given Shortly, Some Longly, and the Critic’s Laundry Is Reluctantly Aired, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1985
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 9: In Which the Fortunate Reader Gets to Peek Inside the Fabled Black Tower, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1985
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 10: In Which the Fabled Black Tower Meets Dune with as Much Affection as Godzilla Met Ghidrah, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1985
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 11: In Which Nothing Terribly Profound Occurs, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1985
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 12: In Which Several Things Are Held Up to the Light…Not a Brain in Sight, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1985
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 13: In Which Numerous Ends (Loose) Are Tied Up; Some in the Configuration of a Noose (Hangman’s), (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November 1985
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 14½: In Which the UnHeard-Of Is Heard, Kind of, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1986
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 14: In Which We Sail to the Edge of the World and Confront the Abyss, Having Run Out of Steam, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1986
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 15: In Which a Gourmet Feast Is Prepared of Words a Mere Two Months Old, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1986
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 16: In Which a Forest Is Analyzed Without Recourse to Any Description of a Tree, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1986
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 17: In Which We Unflinchingly Look a Gift Horse in the Choppers, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1986
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 18: In Which Youth Goeth Before a Fall, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1986
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 19: In Which We Long for the Stillness of the Lake, the Smooth Swell of the Sea, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1986
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 20: In Which Manifestations of Arrested Adolescence Are Shown to Be Symptoms of a Noncommunicable Dopiness, Thank Goodness, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1986
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 21: In Which You and a Large Group of Total Strangers Are Flipped the Finger by the Mad Masters of Anthropomorphism, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1987
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 22: In Which the Land Echoes to the Sound of an Ox of a Different Color Being Gored, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1987
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 23: In Which Premonitions of the Future Lie in Wait to Swallow Shadows of the Past, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1987
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 24: In Which Flora and Fauna Come to a Last Minute Rescue, Thereby Preventing the Forlorn from Handing It All Over to the Cockroaches, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1987
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 25: In Which the Specter at the Banquet Takes a Healthy Swig from the Flagon with the Dragon, or Maybe the Chalice from the Palace, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1987
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 26: In Which a Good Time Was Had by All and an Irrelevant Name-Dropping of Fritz Leiber Occurs for No Better Reason Than to Remind Him How Much We Love and Admire Him, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1987
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 27: In Which the Fur Is Picked Clean of Nits, Gnats, Nuts, Naggers, and Nuhdzes, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1988
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 28: In Which, with Wiles and Winces, We Waft Words Warranting, to Wit, Wonderful Wit, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1988
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 29: In Which, Li’l White Lies Are Revealed to Be at Least Tattletale Gray, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1988
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 30½: In Which 3 Cinematic Variations on “The Whimper of Whipped Dogs” Are Presented, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1988
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 30: In Which the Li’l White Lies Thesis (Part Two) Takes Us by the Snout and Drags Us Unwillingly Toward a Door We Fear to Open, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1988
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Interim Apologia 31½: In Which Mea Culpas Fall Like Gentle Rain Upon the Place Beneath, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1988
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 31: In Which the Li’l White Lies Thesis (Part Three) Approaches a Nascent State, Approaches the Dreadful Door, and En Route Questions Meat Idolatry, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1988
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 32: In Which the Switch Is Thrown, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1989
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 33: In Which the Canine Vacuity Is Wagged by the Far More Interesting Tale of O’Bannon, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1989
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 34: In Which We Praise Those Whose Pants’re on Fire, Noses Long as a Telephone Wire, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1989
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 35: In Which the Phantasmagorical Pales Before the Joys of the Mimetic, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1989
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 36: In Which, Darkly and Deliciously, We Travel from Metropolis to Metropolis, Two Different Cities, Both Ominous, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1989
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 37: In Which Not Only Is No Answer Given, but No One Seems to Know the Question to Ask, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November 1989
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 38: In Which, Though Manipulated, We Acknowledge That Which All Men Seek, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1990
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 39: In Which We Hum a Merry Tune While Waiting for New Horrors, New Horrors, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1990
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 40: In Which We Scrutinize the Sedulousness to Their Hippocratic Oath of Troglodytic, Blue, Alien Proctologists, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1990
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 41: In Which an Extremely Nervous Fool with His Credentials Taped to His Forehead Tacks Trepidatiously Between Scylla and Charybdis Knowing That Angels and Wise Men Would Fear Even to Dog-Paddle This Route, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1990
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 42: In Which It Waddles Like a Duck, Sheds Water Like a Duck, and Goes Steady with Ducks, but Turns Out to Be a Tortoise, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1990
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 43: In Which We Lament, “There Goes the Neighborhood!”, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1990
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 44: In Which the Good Ship Coat-Tail-Ride Sinks, Abandoning Hundreds in Treacherous Waters, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1991
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 45: In Which Tempus Fidgets, Fugits, and Inevitably Omnia Revelats, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1991
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 46: In Which We Bend So Far Over Backwards to Be Unbiased That You Can See the Nose Hairs Quiver with Righteousness, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 1991
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 47: In Which Artful Vamping Saves the Publisher $94.98, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1992
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 48: In Which the Wee Child’s Icons Are Demeaned, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1994
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 49: In Which the Old Man of the Sea Bites the Head Off Yet Another Chicken, (mr) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1995
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching: Installment 50: In Which the Playroom of the Prodigal Gives One Last Gasp, (ar) Harlan Ellison’s Endlessly Watching, Edgeworks Abbey, 2014
- * Have Coolth, (ss) Rogue June 1959
- * Having an Affair with a Troll, (in) Love Ain’t Nothing but Sex Misspelled (var. 1), Pyramid, 1976
- * He Disappeared (with Henry Slesar), (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine March 1957, as by Sley Harson
- * Hell’s Holocaust!, (ss) Sure-Fire Detective Stories April 1957, as by Ellis Hart
- * Her Name Was Death, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine June 1957, as by Ellis Hart
- * He’s Back, (ar) Buzz October/November 1990
- * He Speaks, and the Angels Sing, (ar)
- * He Who Grew Up Reading Sherlock Holmes, (ss) Subterranean (online) Summer 2014
- * The High Cost of Breathing, Etc., (ed) Science Fantasy Bulletin #9, October 1952
- * High Dice, (ss) Gentleman Junkie and Other Stories of the Hung-Up Generation, Regency, 1961
- * High School Kid Gang, (nv) Guilty Detective Story Magazine January 1957
- * Hindsight: 480 Seconds, (ss) Future City ed. Roger Elwood, Trident, 1973
- * The Hippie-Slayer, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #36, September 1968, as by Jay Solo
- * His First Day at War, (ss) Space Travel November 1958
- Ellison Wonderland, Paperback Library, 1962, as "Battlefield"
- Earthman, Go Home, Paperback Library, 1964, as "Battlefield"
- Adam Jun, #47 Oct 1971, as "Battlefield"
- Windows Into Tomorrow ed. Robert Silverberg, Hawthorn Books, 1974, as "Battlefield"
- Ellison Wonderland (var. 1), Signet, 1974, as "Battlefield"
- Ellison Wonderland (var. 2), PS Publishing, 2015, as "Battlefield"
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