The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 3131
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Echols, Allan K(rech) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Fourth Plate, (ss) 5 Western Novels Magazine December 1951
- * Frame Flight, (ss) Wings November 1930
- * The Frame-Up, (ss) Thrilling Detective March 1933
- * Friendly Game, (ss) Popular Western May 1942
- * The Frog in the Rock, (ms) Argosy March 14 1931
- * Fruit of the Rock, (ss) Exciting Western April 1944
- * Fur Fakers, (ar) Easy Money July 1936
- * Gallows Fruit, (ss) West January 1934
- * Gentling the Wild Ones, (ar) Texas Rangers December 1952
- * Get ’Em in Your Gunsights!, (ss) American Sky Devils April 1943
- * The Girl from Rainbow Gap, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1941
- * G-Monkeys, (vi) Black Book Detective Magazine March 1936
- * Gold Wagon, (ss) Spicy Western Stories March 1938
- * Good-By, Old Paint, (ar) Triple Western June 1951
- * Good Money, (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1939
- * Goodnight’s Backtrail, (ss) Famous Western February 1952
- * The Good Old Days, (ar) West September 30 1931
- * The Good Old Songs, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st February 1928
- * The Grumbling Rider, (ss) Spicy Western Stories December 1937
- * Gun for Gun, (ss) Thrilling Western April 1939
- * Gun Ghost Rider, (ss) Famous Western August 1950
- * Gun in His Hand, (nv) Double Action Western March 1951
- * Gun Judgement, (n.) Famous Western April 1951
- * Gunman Wanted, (ss) Popular Western November 1941
- * Gun-Master Wanted, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine September 1946
- * Gun-Sight, (ss) Action Stories Spring 1948
- * Gunslick Shadows, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine November 1946
- * Gunsmoke of Sierra Madre, (nv) West March 1936
- * The Gunsmoke Welcome, (ss) Thrilling Western May 1939
- * Guns of Gangland, (ss) The Underworld Magazine September 1930
- * The Guns of Miraflores, (ar) 5 Western Novels Magazine April 1952
- * Gunsong of Hate, (nv)
- * Gun Thunder on the Ashfork, (na) West May 1949
- * Hand of the Oppressor, (ss) Thrilling Adventures January 1934
- * The Hand on the Rope, (nv) Complete Cowboy Novel Magazine January 1948
- * Hangin’ Day, (ss) The Rio Kid Western June 1940
- * Hangnoose Trail, (nv) Thrilling Western August 1948
- * The Happy Hangman’s Helper, (ar) Exciting Western January 1953
- * Harbor of Pearls, (na) Thrilling Adventures June 1934
- * Hashknife Brand, (ar) New Western Magazine March 1954
- * Hawks Have Deadly Claws, (ss) Thrilling Western April 1947
- * Hell Diver, (ss) The Lone Eagle August 1935
- * Helltown Is Hot, (ss) Range Riders December 1939
- * Here Come the Boomers!, (ss) Fifteen Western Tales July 1952
- * He Started at the Bottom, (ar) Giant Western April 1953
- * He Went That Way, (ss) Western Action February 1952
- * High Altitude Equipment, (ar) The American Eagle February 1942, as by Bruce McAlester
- * Higher Education for Cowboys, (ar) Thrilling Western March 1953
- * A High Wind Blowing, (ss) Double Action Western March 1953
- * Holster Honeymoon, (ss) Romance Round-Up May/June 1939
- * Holy Cow!, (ar) Triple Western April 1949
- * Honeymoon in Hell, (ss) Uncanny Tales August 1939
- * Hoofprints to Hell, (ss) Cowboy Stories March 1932
- * Hoofprints to the Hangtree, (ss) Real Western August 1949
- * Hora Azul, (ss) Range Riders Western Fall 1944
- * Horned Hell!, (ar) Dime Western Magazine November 1952
- * Horn-Swoggled!, (ar) Western Story Magazine October 1952
- * Horror’s Hallowed Handmaids, (nv) Mystery Tales December 1939
- * The Horse Marines, (ar) Range Riders Western October 1952
- * Horseshoe for Luck, (ss) The Rio Kid Western Summer 1943
- * Horses, Horses, Horses, (ar) 5 Western Novels Magazine August 1952
- * Horse Trader’s Day, (ss) Range Riders Western Summer 1943
- * Hot Ice Means Homicide, (ss) Detective Short Stories June 1939
- * The House of the Living Corpse, (na) Thrilling Detective November 1933
- * How Bad Was the Old-Time Cowboy?, (ms) Masked Rider Western December 1952
- * How to Get a Bragain, (ar) Giant Western February 1953
- * How to Improve the Action Story, (ar) Writer’s Year Book 1947
- * How to Whip an Injun, (ar) Exciting Western September 1952
- * I’d Rather Call the Cops, (ss) Top-Notch Detective March 1939
- * If the Shoe Fits, (ss) Famous Western June 1951
- * The Island of Doctor X, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1936
- * It’s All Right, Old Timer, (ss) West October 1946
- * It’s Hard to Quit, (ar) Texas Rangers October 1952
- * Jackfork Brushjumpers, (nv) Exciting Western May 1949
- * Jack o’ Diamonds, (ss) Spicy Western Stories September 1937
- * The Jaws of the Turtle, (ss) The Rio Kid Western October 1948
- * The Jaws of the Vise, (ss) Double Action Western May 1951
- * Judge Wattrons, Town Tamer, (ts) Triple Western Summer 1955
- * Just Who’s a Slinking Coyote?, (ar) Blue Ribbon Western February 1950
- * The Keeper of the Name, (nv) Thrilling Western August 1947
- * King’s Pawn, (nv) Thrilling Detective January 1945
- * Know Your Horse Lingo, (ar) Giant Western October 1952
- * Land of the Six-Gun Law, (pm) Cowboy Stories 2nd April 1928
- * The Lariat, (ar) Thrilling Western November 1952
- * The Last Half Mile, (nv) The Rio Kid Western February 1948
- * The Last Rutlidge, (ss) Thrilling Western January 1950
- * Last Wish, (ts) Triple Western August 1952
- * Lawman Lead, (ss) Thrilling Western May 1940
- * Lawman—Old Style, (ss) Range Riders February 1940
- * Lawman’s First Job, (ss) Masked Rider Western Magazine September 1939
- * Law of the Trigger, (na) Double Action Western July 1950
- * Lead Poisoning, (ss) The Phantom Detective December 1941
- * The L.E.A. Flying Course, (cl) The Lone Eagle Sep 1933, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1934
Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1935
Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1936
Feb, Apr, Aug, Oct, Dec 1937, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1938
Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1939, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1940, Apr, Jun,
Aug 1941
Sum 1942, Wtr 1943, as by Bruce McAlester
* ___ Aerial Armament, (cl) The Lone Eagle February 1940, as by Bruce McAlester
* ___ Aerial Combat, (cl) The American Eagle April 1942, as by Bruce McAlester
* ___ Engines, (cl) The American Eagle October 1941, as by Bruce McAlester
* ___ High Altitude Equipment, (cl) The American Eagle February 1942, as by Bruce McAlester
* ___ Liquid-Cooled Motors, (cl) The American Eagle December 1941, as by Bruce McAlester
* ___ More on Aerial Armament, (cl) The Lone Eagle April 1940, as by Bruce McAlester
- * Liquid-Cooled Motors, (ar) The American Eagle December 1941, as by Bruce McAlester
- * Little Mexican, (ss)
- * The Little Things, (ss) Thrilling Detective July 1943
- * Livery Stable Blues, (ss) Exciting Western Winter 1942
- * Lola Chooses a Foreman, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd June 1933
- * Longhorn Psychology, (ar) Exciting Western May 1953
- * Longhorn—Tall Tale!, (ar) New Western Magazine November 1952
- * Longrider Heritage, (ss) Western Trails July 1938
- * Long Time No Drink!, (ar) Western Story Magazine February 1953
- * Lost Valley Guns, (nv) Thrilling Western October 1937
- * Love’s Lethal Ingredient, (ss) Marvel Tales December 1939
- * Mad Dog Mean, (ar) Blue Ribbon Western June 1949
- * Make Every Bomb Count!, (ss) American Sky Devils July 1943
- * The Man Behind the Star, (ar) Texas Rangers August 1953
- * The Man Breaker, (ss) Rodeo Romances Spring 1950
- * The Man from Moon River, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories May 1934
- * The Man Getter, (ss) Popular Western March 1936
- * Man-Size, (ss) Spicy Western Stories December 1936
- * Marc of the Beast, (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1947
- * The Marriage Bug, (ts) Giant Western June 1952
- * The Marshal from Mustang, (nv) Thrilling Western July 1934
- * The Marshal from Wister, (ss) Real Western Stories June 1950
- * The Master of Money, (ss) Argosy February 28 1931
- * Masters of the White Frontier, (ar) West August 19 1931
- * The Maverick Makers, (na) Western Action August 1951
- * A Meal for a Rodent, (ss) Exciting Western October 1945
- * The Men Who Make the Argosy, (cl) Argosy September 6 1930
- * Middle-Minded, (ms) Fifteen Western Tales November 1953
- * The Milking Shorthorn, (ss) The Rio Kid Western December 1942
- * Missing Mail, (ss) The Lone Eagle August 1939
- * Missing Women, (ar) Star Novels Magazine #15, October 1934
- * Mission No. 50, (ss) Sky Fighters Spring 1946, as by Bruce McAlester
- * Mr. Meriwether’s Badge, (ss) Black Book Detective Spring 1946
- * Mr. Witherspoon Breaks a Law, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Novel Magazine November 1945
- * Monkey Business, (ss)
- * More on Aerial Armament, (ar) The Lone Eagle April 1940, as by Bruce McAlester
- * Morzillo, The Black One, (ar) Triple Western February 1953
- * Mountain Blood Runs Hot!, (nv) 10 Story Western Magazine April 1951
- * Mountain Lions Are Expensive, (nv) Triple Western December 1952
- * Mountain Men Die Hard, (ss) Triple Western October 1950
- * Mrs. Moncrief’s Flats, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Novel Magazine Fall 1945
- * El Muchacho, (ss) West January 1942
- * Muddy Waters, (ss) Masked Rider Western June 1947
- * Murderer’s Flight, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st November 1931
- * Murder Hotel, (nv) Thrilling Detective November 1932
- * Murder in Oils, (vi) Popular Detective July 1936
- * The Murder Ship, (ss) Argosy January 3 1931
- * The Murder Trail, (ss) Thrilling Detective August 1933
- * Murder Without Crime, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine December 1944
- * My Kingdom for a Horse!, (ms)
- * My Life Belongs to Lust, (ss) Mystery Tales March 1940
- * The Name Is Pearson, (ss) Argosy December 27 1930
- * A Neighbor’s Guns, (ss) Popular Western November 1937
- * Never Give a Snake the First Bite, (ss) Blue Ribbon Western July 1947
- * Never Turn Your Back!, (ss) Max Brand’s Western Magazine July 1952
- * New Beef Herds, (ar) Western Adventures October 1940
- * New Blood, (ss) Texas Rangers May 1946
- * New Deputy, (ss) Thrilling Western July 1939
- * New Graves for Hush Creek, (na) Famous Western December 1951
- * The New Stetson, (ss) West November 1942
- * No Law but the Gun, (ss) Spicy Western Stories March 1941
- * No Lease on Life, (ss) G-Men Detective January 1948
- * The Nose Knows, (ar) Big-Book Western Magazine July 1953
- * Not all Big Ranges Are in Texas, (ar) Thrilling Western May 1952
- * Notes on Trail Songs, (ms) Ranch Romances 1st April 1953
- * Of Mustangs and Men, (ar) Popular Western May 1953
- * Old Flop Ear, (ss) Texas Rangers April 1943
- * Old Warhorse, (ar) Giant Western August 1953
- * Omar the Harness-Maker, (ss) Masked Rider Western March 1946
- * One Hard Hombre, (ss) Masked Rider Western January 1942
- * One Mile to Tokyo!, (nv) American Sky Devils January 1943
- * One on the Horse!, (hu) Max Brand’s Western Magazine March 1953
- * On the Jericho Road, (ss) West March 1950
- * Open Range, (ar) West November 11 1931
- * Outcast of Valley View, (ss) Range Riders Western July 1948
- * Outlaw Love, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories September 1936
- * Outlaw’s Comeback, (nv) Thrilling Ranch Stories May 1935
- * Pack Rats, (ss) Spicy Western Stories November 1937
- * The Pack Saddle, (cl) 5 Western Novels Magazine Dec 1951, Jun, Oct, Dec 1952, Feb 1953
- * Paid with Lead, (ss) Texas Rangers February 1941
- * The Parasite, (ss) Thrilling Detective April 1939
- * Parasites Lost, (ss) Famous Detective Stories May 1951
- * Parole Risk, (ss) Range Riders Western Winter 1944
- * The Passing of a Handy Blind, (ar) Texas Rangers August 1952
- * Payoff at Sunset, (ss) Exciting Western July 1947
- * Petticoat Outlaws, (ts) Ranch Romances 1st April 1951
- * The Phantom of the Desert, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 3rd July 1931
- * The Phantom Yank Ace, (nv) American Sky Devils September 1942
- * The Pie-Eyed Piper, (ss) West January 1946
- * Powdersmoke Spawned, Mad-Dog Mean, (ss) Western Short Stories February 1949
- * Practical Pioneer, (ms) Fifteen Western Tales January 1953
- * The Pride and the Fall, (nv) Rodeo Romances October 1949
- * The Pride and the Gun, (nv) Popular Western June 1949
- * The Pride of the Concho Ghost, (ss) Masked Rider Western July 1941
- * Quail’s Way, (ss) The Phantom Detective March 1943
- * The Quarter Horse, (ar) Giant Western December 1951
- * The Quick and the Dead, (nv) Exciting Western January 1949
- * The Quills of Tebo Sterling, (ss) Exciting Western August 1946
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