The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 2808
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[]DiFrancesco, Robert (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * All’s Fair, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #27, July 2002
- * And Now a Word from Our Sponsor, (ss) Alien Worlds #1, April 2000
- * By Prescription Only, (vi) Startling Science Stories #30, January 2000
- * Charade of Death, (nv) Detective Mystery Stories #28, September 2002
- * Come Into My Parlor, (ss) Alien Worlds #23, February 2002
- * Death Casts No Shadow, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #37, June 2003
- * Help Wanted, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #16, September 2000
- * Lesson Learned, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #62, July 2000
- * A Mistake in Indemtity, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #17, November 2000
- * One for the Road, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #25, April 2002
- * Only a Matter of Time, (ss) Startling Science Stories #31, February 2000
- * Par for the Course, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #24, November 2001
- * The Real Story of the Invasion of Planet Earth, (ss) Alien Worlds #26, May 2002
- * Satisfaction Guaranteed, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #35, April 2003
- * Storm Warning, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #15, July 2000
- * There’s Somebody on the Line, (ss) Startling Science Stories #32, March 2000
- * Til Death Do Us Part, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #13, March 2000
[]Digby, Bassett (1888-?) (chron.)
- * In the Maritime Alps, (ar) The Wide World Magazine July 1938
- * The Man Who Kicked the Lion, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #25, July 1924
- * Our Pets Hotel, (ss) The Passing Show Summer 1930
- * Picnics Made Easy, (ar) The Passing Show August 8 1925
- * Salvage, (ss) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine October 1924
- * Taking Witches Seriously, (ar) T.P.’s and Cassell’s Weekly December 5 1925
- * Things Happen in Trains!, (ar) The Wide World Magazine November 1938
- * The Two Snakes, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #28, October 1924
- * Winter Sports for the New Poor, (vi) Pan January 1921
- * With Net and Tube in Distant Lands. Some Reminiscences of a Naturalist, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 1922
[]Digby, Everard (1852-1915) (chron.)
- * A Bunch of Flowers, (pm) Centennial Magazine December 1889
- * Courage My Heart, (pm) Centennial Magazine November 1888
- * Her Hand in Mine, (pm) Centennial Magazine September 1889
- * My First Rondeau, (pm) Centennial Magazine March 1889
- * Politicians Who Motor, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine August 1905
- * The Rispetto, (pm) Centennial Magazine December 1888
- * Royal Automobilists, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine August 1906
- * Society Chauffeuses, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine January 1906
- * Sun and Shade: Parasols of the Moment, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine July 1905
- * Women’s Motor Clothing, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine March 1905
[]Diggs, Jimmy (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
_____, [ref.]
- * Concerning Flight by John Sayers, (ss) Star Trek: Voyager Magazine #17, June 1998
- * Doctor Bashir, I Presume by John Sayers, (sa) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Magazine #20, 1997; adapted from the teleplay by Ronald D. Moore, story by Jimmy Diggs.
- * Elogium by John Sayers, (ss) Star Trek: Voyager Magazine #5, February 1996
- * The Omega Directive by John Sayers, (ss) Star Trek: Voyager Magazine #19, November 1998
- * Rise by John Sayers, (ss) Star Trek: Voyager Magazine #13, September 1997
[]Di Giovanni, John Anthony (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The Trouble with Peace by Joe Abercrombie, Subterranean Press, 2022
- * [front cover], (cv) The Great Change (and Other Lies) by Joe Abercrombie, Subterranean Press, 2023
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Nov 6 2019, Jan 15, Aug 26 2020, Feb 3 2021, Sep 4 2024
[]di Giovanni, Norman Thomas (1933-2017) (books) (chron.)
_____, trans.
- * Afterword by Jorge Luís Borges, (aw)
- * The Aleph by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The Aleph and Other Stories by Jorge Luís Borges, Dutton, 1970; translated from the Spanish (“El Aleph”, Sur, September 1945).
- * The Approach to Al-Mu’tasim by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The Aleph and Other Stories by Jorge Luís Borges, Dutton, 1970; translated from the Spanish (“El acercamiento a Almotásim”, Historia de la eternidad, Viau y Zona, 1936).
- * Author’s Note by Jorge Luís Borges, (pr) The Book of Sand by Jorge Luís Borges, tr. Norman Thomas di Giovanni, E.P. Dutton, 1977
- * An Autobiographical Essay by Jorge Luís Borges, (bg) The New Yorker September 19 1970
- * Autobiographical Notes by Jorge Luís Borges, (bg) The New Yorker September 19 1970
- * Avelino Arredondo by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker July 11 1977
- * The Book of Sand by Jorge Luís Borges, (E.P. Dutton, 1977, co)
- * The Book of Sand by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker October 25 1976
- * Borges and Myself by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Buenos Aires Herald September 6 1970; translated from the Spanish (“Borges y yo”, La Biblioteca, January/March 1957).
- * The Bribe by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The Antioch Review
- * The Captive by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Buenos Aires Herald August 9 1970; translated from the Spanish (“El cautivo”, La Biblioteca, January/March 1957).
- * Carpe Diem by Isidoro Blaisten (with Susan Ashe), (ss) Winter’s Tales, New Series: 7 ed. Robin Baird-Smith, Constable, 1991
- * The Challenge by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker May 23 1970; translated from the Spanish (“El desafío”, La Nación, December 28, 1952).
- * The Chamber of Statues, (ss) The New Yorker January 1 1972; translated from the Spanish (“La Cámera de las Estatuas”, Crítica, December 2, 1933), itself adapted from The Thousand and One Nights Nos. 271 & 272.; adapted by Jorge Luís Borges
- * The Circular Ruins by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Buenos Aires Herald July 26 1970; translated from the Spanish (“Las ruinas circulares”, Sur, December 1940).
- * The Congress by Jorge Luís Borges, (nv) The New Yorker November 6 1971
- * The Dead Man by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Buenos Aires Herald July 12 1970; translated from the Spanish (“El muerto”, Sur, November 1946).
- * Death and the Compass by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The Aleph and Other Stories by Jorge Luís Borges, Dutton, 1970; translated from the Spanish (“La Muerte y la Brújula”, Sur, May 1942).
- Best Detective Stories of the Year—1971 ed. Allen J. Hubin, Dutton, 1971
- Detective Fiction: Crime and Compromise ed. Dick Allen & David Chacko, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974
- Open at Your Own Risk ed. Joan Kahn, Houghton Mifflin, 1975
- Worlds of Fiction ed. Roberta Rubenstein & Charles R. Larson, MacMillan College Division, 1993
- The Oxford Book of Detective Stories ed. Patricia Craig, Oxford University Press, 2000
- * The Disinterested Killer Bill Harrigan by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Intellectual Digest; translated from the Spanish (“El asesino desinteresado Bill Harrigan”, Historia universal de la infamia, Editorial Tor, 1935).
- * The Disk by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker
- * The Eastern Dragon by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The Book of Imaginary Beings by Jorge Luis Borges & Margarita Guerrero, Jonathan Cape, 1969
- * Eclipse by Augusto Monterroso (with Susan Ashe), (vi) Winter’s Tales, New Series: 4 ed. Robin Baird-Smith, Constable, 1988
- * The End of the Duel by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker March 13 1971
- * False Limits by Vlady Kociancich, (ss) Mundus Artium v3 #3,
- * The Gospel According to Mark by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker October 23 1971; translated from the Spanish (“El evangelio según Marcos”, La Nación, August 1970).
- * Ibn Hakkan Al-Bokhari—Dead in His Labyrinth by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker April 25 1970; translated from the Spanish (“Abenjacán el Bojarí, muerto en su laberinto”, Sur, August 1951).
- * The Immortals by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker February 14 1970; translated from the Spanish (“El inmortal”, El Aleph, Editorial Losada, 1949).
- * The Intruder by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Buenos Aires Herald May 31 1970; translated from the Spanish (“La intrusa”, El Aleph (3rd edition), 1966).
- * The Life of Tadeo Isidoro Cruz (1829-1874) by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Buenos Aires Herald June 28 1970; translated from the Spanish (“Biografía de Tadeo Isidoro Cruz (1829-1874)”, Sur, December 1944).
- * The Maker by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Buenos Aires Herald September 6 1970; translated from the Spanish (“El hacedor”, La Biblioteca, 1958).
- * The Man on the Threshold by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker April 4 1970; translated from the Spanish (“El hombre en el umbral”, La Nación, April 20, 1952).
- * The Meeting by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker August 8 1970; translated from the Spanish (“El encuentro”, La Prensa, October 5, 1969).
- * The Mirror and the Mask by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker June 6 1977
- * The Mirror of Ink by Richard F. Burton, (ss) The New Yorker January 1 1972; translated from the Spanish (“El espejo de tinta”, anonymously, Crítica, September 30, 1933), itself adapted from The Lake Regions of Central Africa (1860).; adapted by Jorge Luís Borges
- * National Sovereignty by Rodrigo Fresán, (ss) The Picador Book of Latin American Stories ed. Carlos Fuentes & Julio Ortega, Vintage Books, 1998; translated from the Spanish.
- * The Night of the Gifts by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker August 15 1977
- * The Other by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Playboy May 1977
- * The Other Death by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker November 2 1968; translated from the Spanish (“La otra muerte”, El Aleph, Editorial Losada, 1949).
- * Pedro Salvadores by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New York Review of Books August 21 1969; translated from the Spanish (“Pedro Salvadores”).
- * Rosendo’s Tale by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Mundus Artium v3 #3, 1970; translated from the Spanish (“Historia de Rosendo Juárez”, La Nación, November 9, 1969).
- * The Sect of the Thirty by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New York Times
- * Short Story Contest by Marcos Aguinis (with Susan Ashe), (ss) Winter’s Tales, New Series: 4 ed. Robin Baird-Smith, Constable, 1988
- * Streetcorner Man by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Mundus Artium v3 #3, 1970; translated from the Spanish (“Hombres de las orillas” as by F. Bustos, Crítica, September 16, 1933).
- * Tale of the Two Dreamers, (vi) The New Yorker January 1 1972; translated from the Spanish (“2 Que Soñaron”, anonymously, Crítica, June 23, 1934), itself adapted from The Thousand and One Nights No. 351.; adapted by Jorge Luís Borges
- * A Theologian in Death by Emanuel Swedenborg, (ss) The New Yorker January 1 1972; translated from the Spanish (“Un Teólogo”, Crítica, June 23, 1934), itself adapted from Arcana Coelestia (1749-1756).; adapted by Jorge Luís Borges
- * There Are More Things by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly July 1975
- * Tom Castro, the Implausible Impostor by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Harper’s Magazine October 1971; translated from the Spanish (“El Impostor Inverosímil Tom Castro”, Crítica, September 30, 1933).
- * The Two Kings and Their Two Labyrinths by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Buenos Aires Herald August 9 1970; translated from the Spanish (“Una Leyenda Arabiga (Historia de los dos Reyes y los dos Laberintos, como Nota de Burton)”, El Aleph, Editorial Losada, 1949).
- * Ulrike by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New York Times
- * Undr by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker August 1 1977
- * The Unworthy Friend by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Harper’s Magazine January 1971
- * Utopia of a Tired Man by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) The New Yorker
- * The Widow Ching, Lady Pirate by Jorge Luís Borges, (ss) Esquire August 1972; translated from the Spanish (“La Viuda Ching, pirata”, Crítica, August 26, 1933).
- * The Wizard Postponed by Juan Manuel, (ss) The New Yorker January 1 1972; translated from the Spanish (“El Brujo Postergado”, anonymously, Crítica, September 2, 1933), itself adapted from Libro de los enxiemplos del Conde Lucanor et de Patronio (1335).; adapted by Jorge Luís Borges
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