The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 2639
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[]Dayton, Thaddeus S(tevens) (1866-1934) (about) (chron.)
- * Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1912
- * Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1912
- * Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1912
- * Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1912
- * Coddling the “Old Girl”, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1911
- * Flight of the Genius Special, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1916
- * The G.P.A. and His Job, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1910
- * Handling 1200 Trains a Day, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1910
- * Help for Men Who Help Themselves:
* ___ No. 37. Keeping Track of the Freight, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1911
- * High-Priced False Alarms, (ar) The Scrap Book January 1909
- * How Big a Man Is the Boss?, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1916
- * The Inside of the Freight Department, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1910
- * Keeping Track of the Freight, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1911
- * Love Laughs at Lawyers, (ar) The Scrap Book May 1909
- * Maintenance-of-Way Employees, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1912
- * Making Freight in Arid Places, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1911
- * Millions for Railroad Trifles, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1910
- * Minimizing the Dangers of Ocean Travel, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine March 1909
- * The Miracle of the Mails, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1911
- * Order of Railroad Telegraphers, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1912
- * The Order of Railway Conductors, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1912
- * Petticoated Highwaymen, (ar) Adventure August 1912
- * Populating the Seas, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine May 1914
- * Railway Mail Service, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1912
- * The Special, (ss) Harper’s Weekly December 11 1909
- * Spending a Railroad’s Money, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1909
- * Telephoning Over 3,400 Miles, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1915
- * Ties That Bind:
* ___ 1.— The Order of Railway Conductors, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1912
* ___ 2.— Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1912
* ___ 3.— Maintenance-of-Way Employees, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1912
* ___ 4.— Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1912
* ___ 5.— Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1912
* ___ 6.— Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1912
* ___ 7.— Railway Mail Service, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1912
* ___ 8.— Order of Railroad Telegraphers, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1912
- * The Women Pirates of the Spanish Main, (ar) Adventure May 1912
_____, trans.
[]Dazai, Osamu (1909-1948) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Blue Bamboo, (co) Kodansha International, July 1993 ; translated by Ralph F. McCarthy
- * Blue Bamboo, (ss) Blue Bamboo by Osamu Dazai, tr. Ralph F. McCarthy, Kodansha International, 1993; translated from the Japanese by Ralph F. McCarthy.
- * Cherry Leaves and the Whistler, (ss) Blue Bamboo by Osamu Dazai, tr. Ralph F. McCarthy, Kodansha International, 1993; translated from the Japanese by Ralph F. McCarthy.
- * The Chrysanthemum Spirit, (ss) Blue Bamboo by Osamu Dazai, tr. Ralph F. McCarthy, Kodansha International, 1993; translated from the Japanese by Ralph F. McCarthy.
- * Lanterns of Romance, (na) Blue Bamboo by Osamu Dazai, tr. Ralph F. McCarthy, Kodansha International, 1993; translated from the Japanese by Ralph F. McCarthy.
- * The Mermaid and the Samurai, (nv) Blue Bamboo by Osamu Dazai, tr. Ralph F. McCarthy, Kodansha International, 1993; translated from the Japanese by Ralph F. McCarthy.
- * On Love and Beauty, (ss) Blue Bamboo by Osamu Dazai, tr. Ralph F. McCarthy, Kodansha International, 1993; translated from the Japanese by Ralph F. McCarthy.
- * Romanesque, (nv) Blue Bamboo by Osamu Dazai, tr. Ralph F. McCarthy, Kodansha International, 1993; translated from the Japanese by Ralph F. McCarthy.
[]Dazey, Frank Mitchell (fl. 1920s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Gentleman’s Game, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 29 1930
- * A Happiness for Manuela (with Agnes Johnston Dazey), (ss) Woman’s Home Companion December 1956
- * Love Me, Love My Horse, (ss) The American Magazine April 1938
- * “Plus ça Change-”, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 14 1931
- * The Pure Bad Woman, (hu) Photoplay July 1920
- * Sic Transit—, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post March 5 1932
- * Sky Life, (ss) Everybody’s Combined with Romance October 1929
- * That’s Polo, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 19 1930
- * Wild Wings (with Bogart Rogers), (sl) Liberty Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18, Aug 25, Sep 1, Sep 8 1934
[]De Abaitua, Matthew (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Destructives, (ss) Arc April 2014
- * The Escape Hatch, (ss) 2001: An Odyssey in Words ed. Tom Hunter & Ian Whates, NewCon Press, 2018
- * Falling Interest Rates, (ar) The Idler #29, Winter 2001/2002
- * If Then, (ex) Angry Robot, 2015
- * The Stock Exchange, (nv) Retro Retro ed. Amy Prior, Serpent's Tail, 2000
- * The University of the Sun, (ss) New Scientist December 17 2016/January 6 2017
_____, [ref.]
[]Deacon, Ronald T(homas) (1922-1997) (chron.)
- * Bank Bandit Left Name and Address for Police to Find, (ar) Parade #1373, April 2 1966
- * Beasts That Looked Like Men, (ts) John Creasey Mystery Magazine November 1964
- * Beavers Saved a Nuclear ‘Leak’, (ar) Parade #1504, October 12 1968
- * The Butterfly War, (ar) Mayfair v3 #4, 1968
- * The Deadly City (with Peter Baillie), (nv) The British Science Fiction Magazine v1 #7, 1954
- * Empress of the Sahara, (ts) John Creasey Mystery Magazine August 1964
- * Escape to Paradise, (ss) International Storyteller Omnibus #3, 1964
- * Fire Walking Is Not Faked, (ar) Holiday Clubman #60, Winter 1955/1956
- * The Fishers (with Peter Baillie), (ss) The British Science Fiction Magazine v1 #11, 1955
- * He Killed His Executioner, (ts) John Creasey Mystery Magazine June 1964
- * In Defence of Shaver, (ar) Operation Fantast September 1949
- * The Indestructible Irishman, (ts) John Creasey Mystery Magazine September 1964
- * Master Forger of ‘Old Masters’, (ts) John Creasey Mystery Magazine April 1965
- * Nova (with Peter Baillie), (ss) British Space Fiction Magazine v2 #2, 1955
- * Salami Manufacturer Made Gold Coins, (ms) John Creasey Mystery Magazine April 1965
- * Sex Bomb Spendthrift, (ts) John Creasey Mystery Magazine July 1964
- * The Shaver Mystery, (ar) Operation Fantast July 1949
- * Smuggling—by Ambulance and Fire Engines, (ms) John Creasey Mystery Magazine April 1965
- * A Stroll on the Beach, (vi) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #17, December 1965
- * Time, Please! (with Peter Baillie), (ss) British Space Fiction Magazine v2 #7, 1955
- * Unique Escape, (ms) John Creasey Mystery Magazine April 1965
- * Virgin Beauties Became Brides of Death, (ar) Parade #1373, April 2 1966
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