The FictionMags Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 11
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Allard, Kent (The Shadow)
- By Title: (continued)
- Racket Town, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow December 15 1937
- The Radium Murders, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow September 15 1937
- Realm of Doom, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow February 1 1939 [Thumb Gaudrey; The Hand]
- The Red Blot, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine June 1 1933
- The Red Menace, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow, a Detective Monthly November 1931
- Reign of Terror, by Maxwell Grant (n.) Shadow Mystery June/July 1948
- The Ribbon Clues, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine October 1 1935
- River of Death, by Maxwell Grant (by Theodore A. Tinsley) (n.) The Shadow March 1 1939
- Road of Crime, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine October 1 1933
- The Robot Master, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow May 1943
- The Romanoff Jewels, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 1 1932
- Room 1313, by Maxwell Grant (by Bruce Elliott) (n.) Shadow Mystery April/May 1947
- Room of Doom, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow April 1 1942
- The Salamanders, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 1 1936
- The Scent of Death, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow June 1 1940
- The Sealed Box, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow December 1 1937
- Serpents of Siva, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow April 15 1938
- The Seven Deadly Arts, by Maxwell Grant (by Bruce Elliott) (n.) The Shadow October 1946
- The Seven Drops of Blood, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 1 1936
- Shadowed Millions, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine January 1 1933
- The Shadow Laughs, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow, a Detective Monthly October 1931
- The Shadow Meets the Mask, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow August 15 1941
- The Shadow Meets the Mask, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow October 1944
- Shadow Over Alcatraz, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow December 1 1938
- The Shadow’s Justice, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 15 1933
- The Shadow’s Rival, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine June 15 1937
- The Shadow’s Shadow, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine February 1 1933
- The Shadow, the Hawk and the Skull, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow December 15 1940
- The Shadow Unmasks, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine August 1 1937
- Ships of Doom, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow November 1 1939
- Shiwan Khan Returns, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow December 1 1939 [Shiwan Khan (The Golden Master)]
- The Silent Death, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 1 1933
- The Silent Seven, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Detective Monthly February 1932
- The Silver Scourge, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine July 15 1933
- Silver Skull, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow January 1 1939
- Six Men of Evil, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine February 15 1933
- The Sledge-Hammer Crimes, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine August 1 1936
- Smugglers of Death, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow June 1 1939
- Spoils of the Shadow, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine September 1 1934
- The Spy Ring, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow April 1 1940
- The Star of Delhi, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow July 1 1941
- The Stars Promise Death, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow December 1945
- The Strange Disappearance of Joe Cardona, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine November 15 1936
- Svengali Kill, by Maxwell Grant (by Bruce Elliott) (n.) Shadow Mystery August/September 1947
- Syndicate of Death, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow February 1944
- Syndicate of Sin, by Maxwell Grant (by Theodore A. Tinsley) (n.) The Shadow September 15 1942
- The Taiwan Joss, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow September 1945
- Tear-Drops of Buddha, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow May 1945
- Teeth of the Dragon, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow November 15 1937
- The Television Murders, by Maxwell Grant (by Bruce Elliott) (n.) Shadow Mystery February/March 1948
- Temple of Crime, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow November 15 1941
- Ten Glass Eyes, by Maxwell Grant (by Bruce Elliott) (n.) Shadow Mystery December 1947/January 1948
- Terror Island, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine August 15 1936
- The Third Shadow, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine March 15 1936
- The Third Skull, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine May 15 1935
- The Three Brothers, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow May 15 1939
- Three Stamps of Death, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow June 1945
- The Thunder King, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow June 15 1941
- The Time Master, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow April 1 1941
- The Toll of Death, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow March 1944
- Tower of Death, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine May 1 1934
- Town of Hate, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow July 1944
- Trail of Vengeance, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow November 1 1942
- Treasures of Death, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 15 1933
- Treasure Trail, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine May 15 1937
- The Triple Trail, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 15 1935
- Twins of Crime, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow June 1 1942
- The Unseen Killer, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 1 1934
- The Vampire Murders, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow September 1 1942
- Vanished Treasure, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow October 15 1938
- The Veiled Prophet, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow March 15 1940
- Vengeance Bay, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow March 1 1942
- Vengeance Is Mine, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine January 1 1937
- The Vindicator, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow March 15 1939
- The Voice, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow November 1 1938
- Voice of Death, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow February 15 1940
- Voodoo Death, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow June 1944
- The Voodoo Master, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine March 1 1936 [Rodil Mocquino (The Voodoo Master)]
- Voodoo Trail, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow June 1 1938 [Rodil Mocquino (The Voodoo Master)]
- Washington Crime, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine April 1 1937
- The Wasp, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow October 1 1940 [The Wasp]
- The Wasp Returns, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow February 1 1941 [The Wasp]
- The Wealth Seeker, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine January 15 1934
- The Weird Adventures of the Shadow, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (co) Grosset & Dunlap, 1966
- The Whispering Eyes, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Summer 1949
- The White Column, by Maxwell Grant (by Theodore A. Tinsley) (n.) The Shadow March 15 1941
- The White Skulls, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow November 1945
- Wizard of Crime, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow August 15 1939
- Wizard of Crime, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow February 15 1943
- Xitli, God of Fire, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow December 1 1940
- The Yellow Band, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow August 15 1937
- The Yellow Door, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine July 1 1936
- Young Men of Death, by Maxwell Grant (by Theodore A. Tinsley) (n.) The Shadow April 1943
- Zemba, by Maxwell Grant (by Walter B. Gibson) (n.) The Shadow Magazine December 1 1935
[]All-Around Austin
- Frank Richardson Pierce:
- “All-Around Austin’s Hero” Horse, (ss) Western Story Magazine July 28 1923 [Frying Pan]
- Broke with a Broom, (ss) Western Story Magazine December 29 1923 [Frying Pan]
- “All-Around” Austin Rides a Moose, (ss) Western Story Magazine February 2 1924 [Frying Pan]
- “All-Around” Austin Feeds the Gas, (ss) Western Story Magazine March 8 1924 [Frying Pan]
- “All-Around” Austin, Irresponsible Citizen, (ss) Western Story Magazine April 5 1924 [Frying Pan]
- Above Frying Pan, (ss) Western Story Magazine June 21 1924 [Frying Pan]
- All-Around Austin Referees, (ss) Western Story Magazine April 11 1925 [Frying Pan]
- All-Around Austin Buys a Dog, (ss) Western Story Magazine June 20 1925 [Frying Pan]
- All-Around Austin Inherits a Canteen, (ss) Western Story Magazine November 28 1925 [Frying Pan]
- The Last of the Austins, (ss) Western Story Magazine January 16 1926 [Frying Pan]
[]Allen, Brad
- Thomson Burtis:
- The Flying Detective, (ss) Triple-X Magazine #70, March 1930
- The Border Sky-Jacker, (nv) Triple-X Magazine #71, April 1930
- Bloodhounds of the Blue, (nv) Triple-X Magazine #72, May 1930
- The Air Wolf, (nv) Triple-X Magazine #73, June 1930
- Desert Wings, (nv) Triple-X Western #79, December 1930
[]Allen, Jim-Twin (The White Wolf)
- Frederick C. Davis:
- Ranger King, (nv) The Popular Complete Stories May 15 1932, as by Hal Dunning
- Absentee Justice, (ss) The Popular Complete Stories June 1 1932, as by Hal Dunning
- Hangman’s Hickory, (na) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories July 1 1932, as by Hal Dunning
- No Rangers Wanted, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories July 15 1932, as by Hal Dunning
- Wolves Can Climb, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories August 1 1932, as by Hal Dunning
- Once an Outlaw, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories August 15 1932, as by Hal Dunning
- Coyotes Beware, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories September 1 1932, as by Hal Dunning
- Quicksand, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories September 15 1932, as by Hal Dunning
- “Women Is Sure Peculiar”, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories October 1 1932, as by Hal Dunning
- Gents Use Guns, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories October 15 1932, as by Hal Dunning
- Battle Cry, (na) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories November 1 1932, as by Hal Dunning
- Left-Handed Law, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories November 15 1932, as by Hal Dunning
- Outlaw Island, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories December 1 1932, as by Hal Dunning
- The Christmas of a Wolf, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories December 15 1932, as by Hal Dunning
- Hell’s Acres, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories January 1 1933, as by Hal Dunning
- Two-Spots Can’t Win, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories January 15 1933, as by Hal Dunning
- Found Gold, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories February 1 1933, as by Hal Dunning
- Pardner’s Honor, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories February 15 1933, as by Hal Dunning
- Destroying Angel, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories March 1 1933, as by Hal Dunning
- There’s Always Wolves, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories March 15 1933, as by Hal Dunning
- For a Friend, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories April 1 1933, as by Hal Dunning
- Guns Talk Last, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories April 15 1933, as by Hal Dunning
- Hostage Trail, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories May 15 1933, as by Hal Dunning
- High-Water Cache, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories February 15 1934, as by Hal Dunning
- Colts Alter Cases, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories April 30 1934, as by Hal Dunning
- Golden Pelts, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories July 1 1934, as by Hal Dunning
- Wolf’s Clothing, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories July 22 1934, as by Hal Dunning
- Hard to Hit, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories September 24 1934, as by Hal Dunning
- Hal Dunning:
- The White Wolf, (ss) Complete Stories February 1927
- Jim Allen Rides to Town, (ss) Complete Stories March 1927
- Nemesis of the Range, (nv) Complete Stories April 1927
- The Outlaw Sheriff, (nv) Complete Stories May 1927
- The Killer and the Kid, (ss) Complete Stories July 1927
- Wolf’s Law, (ss) Complete Stories September 1927
- The Call of the Pack, (nv) Complete Stories October 1927
- Jim-Twin Allen Drops In, (ss) Complete Stories November 1927
- Jim-Twin Allen Comes to Town, (na) Complete Stories December 1927
- The Wolf Rides Again, (nv) Complete Stories February 1928
- The House of Sinister Men, (ss) Complete Stories March 1928
- When a Wolf Howls, (nv) Complete Stories April 1928
- Outlaws’ Law, (ss) Complete Stories May 1928
- Son of a Fightin’ Fool, (ss) Complete Stories June 1928
- Buzzards’ Meat, (nv) Complete Stories July 1928
- Judgment of the Desert, (ss) Complete Stories August 1928
- Nothin’ But a Rope, (ss) Complete Stories September 1928
- The Wolf That Makes His Kill, (nv) Complete Stories 2nd October 1928
- No Trespass, (nv) Complete Stories 2nd December 1928
- Jim Allen, Gentleman, (nv) Complete Stories 2nd January 1929
- For the Last Time, (ss) Complete Stories 1st February 1929
- The Tiger of the Border, (nv) Complete Stories 2nd March 1929
- The Blood Trail, (na) Complete Stories 2nd May 1929
- The Ranger and the Rose, (ss) Complete Stories 2nd June 1929
- Bread on the Waters, (ss) Complete Stories 2nd July 1929
- An Even Chance, (ss) Complete Stories 1st August 1929
- The Ghost of the Wolf, (na) Complete Stories 1st September 1929
- Not Worth Killin’, (nv) Complete Stories 1st October 1929
- “Regular an’ Lawful”, (ss) Complete Stories 2nd October 1929
- Just a Man, (ss) Complete Stories 1st November 1929
- The Lion and the Mouse, (nv) Complete Stories 2nd November 1929
- Two of a Kind, (ss) Complete Stories 1st December 1929
- A Case of Psychology, (ss) Complete Stories 2nd December 1929
- In His Own Web, (na) Complete Stories 1st January 1930
- The Word of the Wolf, (ss) Complete Stories 2nd January 1930
- A Man’s Country, (ss) Complete Stories 1st February 1930
- Wolf Poison, (nv) Complete Stories 2nd February 1930
- Horseshoes for Luck?, (ss) Complete Stories 1st March 1930
- The Wolf Pays a Debt, (nv) Complete Stories 2nd March 1930
- The Left-Handed Shooter, (ss) Complete Stories 1st April 1930
- The Last Gamble, (nv) Complete Stories 2nd April 1930
- A Pat Hand, (nv) Complete Stories 1st May 1930
- The Long Trail, (ss) Complete Stories 2nd May 1930
- The Wolf Goes North, (na) Complete Stories 1st June 1930
- As a Man Sows, (ss) Complete Stories 2nd June 1930
- Runt Justice, (nv) Complete Stories 1st July 1930
- Lower Than a Snake, (ss) Complete Stories 2nd July 1930
- Counterfeit Hero, (ss) Complete Stories 1st August 1930
- Two Innocents in Hurricane Gap, (ss) Complete Stories 2nd August 1930
- Not Guilty, (ss) Complete Stories 1st September 1930
- A Real Horse, (nv) Complete Stories 1st October 1930
- Boomerang, (na) Complete Stories 1st November 1930
- Of Their Own Will, (nv) Complete Stories 2nd November 1930
- The Miracle, (nv) Complete Stories 1st December 1930
- In Their Own Coin, (ss) Complete Stories 1st January 1931
- The Outlaw Legion, (na) Complete Stories 2nd January 1931
- Charge of the Ancients, (nv) Complete Stories 2nd February 1931
- With His Own Weapons, (nv) Complete Stories 2nd March 1931
- Outlaws Ain’t So Bad, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories 1st May 1931
- Devil’s Brew, (na) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories 2nd May 1931
- Plum Legal, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories 2nd June 1931
- The Perfect Alibi, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories July 1 1931
- You Got to Be Hard, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories July 15 1931
- It’ll Be Justice, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories August 1 1931
- The Cheater Pays, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories September 1 1931
- Tiny Tim Wins His Spurs, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories September 15 1931
- Magnificent Fools, (nv) The Popular Complete Stories October 15 1931
- Tinhorn, (nv) The Popular Complete Stories November 15 1931
- Accordin’ To the Book, (nv) The Popular Complete Stories May 1 1932
- Paul S. Powers:
- Walker A. Tompkins:
- Fangs of the White Wolf, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly November 19 1938, as by Hal Dunning
- The White Wolf Leads a Pack, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 17 1938, as by Hal Dunning
- Deputy Sheriff White Wolf, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly January 14 1939, as by Hal Dunning
- White Wolf’s Outlaw Pack, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 4 1939, as by Hal Dunning
- White Wolf Reaches Cactus Country, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 1 1939, as by Hal Dunning
- A Trap for White Wolf, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 2 1939, as by Hal Dunning
- White Wolf at Ghost Mine, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly November 4 1939, as by Hal Dunning
- White Wolf’s Six-Gun New Year, (na) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 30 1939, as by Hal Dunning
- The White Wolf’s Snake-Fang Clue, (na) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 30 1940, as by Hal Dunning
- Twin of the White Wolf, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 25 1940, as by Hal Dunning
- White Wolf Talks Turkey, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly November 30 1940, as by Hal Dunning
- Gun-Mad Masquerade, (sl) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 15 1941, etc., as by Hal Dunning & Walker A. Tompkins [Tommy Rockford]
- White Wolf’s Outlaw Loot, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly June 28 1941, as by Hal Dunning
- White Wolf’s Law, (na) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 21 1942, as by Hal Dunning
- Renegade Reward, (na) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 2 1942, as by Hal Dunning
- Wolf Tracks West, (na) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 1 1942, as by Hal Dunning
- Bonanza Bullion, (na) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 12 1942, as by Hal Dunning
- Hot-Lead Homecoming, (na) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 31 1942, as by Hal Dunning
- Substitute Sheriff, (na) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 26 1942, as by Hal Dunning
- Blizzard Buscadero, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West March 13 1943, as by Hal Dunning
- Trigger Twins, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West June 19 1943, as by Hal Dunning
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