The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 2437
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Cummings, Ray(mond King) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Shadow Gold, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories October 1936
- * The Shadowgraph Test, (ss) Clues Detective Stories March 1939
- * Shadow of a Killer [Washington Blythe (Uncle Tubby)], (ss) Detective Tales August 1936
- * The Shadow People, (nv) Astonishing Stories March 1942
- * Shadow World, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1939
- * The Shadowy Thing, (ss) Private Detective Stories November 1945
- * Ship of Doom (with William T. Thurmond), (nv) Wonder Stories Quarterly Fall 1931, as "The Derelict of Space"
- * Ship of Terror, (ss) Thrilling Mystery March 1939
- * Shoes for a Corpse [Washington Blythe (Uncle Tubby)], (ss) Detective Tales January 1937
- * A Shot in the Dark [Dr. Feather], (ss) Popular Detective September 1936
- * Silence Is Golden, (ss) Popular Detective November 1947
- * The Silver Coffin [T. McGuirk], (ss) New Detective Magazine December 1951
- * The Silver Lining, (ss)
- * The Silver Veil, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine May 1921
- * The Simple Life, (ss) Startling Stories May 1948
- * Siwash Greed, (ss) Thrilling Adventures June 1938
- * Six-Day Bike Race, (nv) Thrilling Sports November 1936
- * The Smoke Lure, (ss) Clues Detective Stories July 1939
- * The Snow Girl, (n.) Argosy Nov 2, Nov 9, Nov 16, Nov 23 1929
- * The Snow Girl, (n.) Popular Publications, November 2024
- * The Soul of Henry Jones, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly August 21 1920
- * Soul of the Death Machine, (ss) Horror Stories August/September 1939
- * Souvenir of Doom, (ss) Thrilling Mystery July 1941
- * Space-Flight of Terror, (nv) Science Fiction January 1941
- * Space-Liner X-87, (nv) Planet Stories Summer 1940
- * The Space-Time-Size Machine [Tubby], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories October 1937
- * Space-Wolf, (ss) Planet Stories Summer 1941
- * Special Talent, (ss) G-Men Detective September 1947
- * The Spirit Photograph, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly February 12 1921
- * Stamp of Doom, (ss) Crack Detective Stories March 1946
- * Star Arrow, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories February 1943
- * The Star-Master, (nv) Planet Stories Summer 1942
- * The Stolen Strad, (vi) Liberty June 17 1933
- * The Story of the Cover, (ms) Thrilling Wonder Stories June 1939
- * The Stranger, (ss) G-Men Detective Fall 1949
- * A Streak of Crimson, (ss) The Phantom Detective Fall 1949
- * Strings of the Strad [Dr. Feather], (ss) Hollywood Detective March 1945
- * Studio Crime [Crimes of the Year 2000], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 20 1935
- * Submarine Fan Dance, (ar) The Passing Show July 11 1936
- * The Suicide of Richard Manse, (ss) The Phantom Detective Winter 1952
- * Suicide’s Cave, (ss) Droll Stories February 1925
- * The Swimming Corpse (with Gabrielle Cummings), (ss) Detective Tales March 1937, as by Gabriel Wilson
- * The System of T. McGuirk [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask April 1925
- * Tales from the Scientific Club:
* ___ A Bar of Poisoned Licorice [The Scientific Club], (ss) Science and Invention July 1927
* ___ What the Typewriter Told [The Scientific Club], (ss) Science and Invention August 1927
- * Tales from the Scientific Crime Club:
* ___ I. The Man in the Bath [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s June 20 1925
* ___ II. The Murder in the Pool [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s June 13 1925
* ___ III. The Murder of Edith Blake [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s May 30 1925, as "What Thought Did"
* ___ IV. The Disappearance of Mrs. Ober [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s March 21 1925, as "Telling What He Knew"
* ___ V. The Polman Piano [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s May 23 1925, as "Poisoned Harmony"
* ___ VI. The Murder of Maria Vicente [The Scientific Club], (ss) The Sketch August 12 1925
* ___ VII. The Confession of Rosa Vitelli [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s May 9 1925, as "When Rosa Confessed"
* ___ VIII. The One-Eyed Man [The Scientific Club], (ss) The Sketch August 26 1925; revised from “Manufactured Evidence” (Flynns’, July 25 1925).
* ___ IX. Memories of Guilt [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s August 22 1925
* ___ X. The Mind Beyond Control [The Scientific Club], (ss) The Sketch September 9 1925
* ___ XI. The Murder of Harrison Grayley [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s September 12 1925, as "Ashes of Guilt"
* ___ XII. The Curious Case of Adrian Lloyd [The Scientific Club], (ss) The Sketch September 23 1925
- * Tama of the Light Country [Tama], (sl) Argosy Dec 13, Dec 20, Dec 27 1930
- * Tama, Princess of Mercury [Tama], (sl) Argosy Jun 27, Jul 4, Jul 11, Jul 18 1931
- * Tarrano the Conqueror, (n.) Science and Invention Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1925, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May,
Jun, Jul, Aug 1926
- * Tarrano the Conqueror, (n.) A.C. McClurg & Co., 1930
- Altus Press, January 2009
- Black Dog Books, March 2015
- * The Television Alibi [Crimes of the Year 2000], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 20 1935, as "Studio Crime"
- * Telling What He Knew [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s March 21 1925
- * Terror of the Unseen, (nv) Argosy November 4 1933
- * That Missing Face, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine January 1 1923
- * That Well-Groomed Look, (ss) G-Men Detective May 1947
- * The Thief, (ss) Super-Detective March 1946
- * The Thing from Mars, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1938
- * The Thing He Could Not See, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 31 1932
- * The Thing He Stabbed, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly February 16 1935
- * The Thing in His Pocket, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 24 1934
- * The Thing in the Boat, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 2 1933
- * The Thing in the Bottle, (ss) Thrilling Mystery January 1941
- * The Thing in the Marsh, (ss) Exciting Detective Winter 1941
- * The Thing That Wouldn’t Burn, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 1 1934
- * The Thing Without a Name, (ss) Terror Tales July/August 1937
- * This Atom—Earth, (ed) Startling Stories May 1939
- * The Thought-Girl [The Scientific Club], (nv) Live Stories May, Jun 1920
- * The Thought Machine, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 26 1923
- * Thoughts of Guilt [Dr. Feather], (ss) Popular Detective October 1936
- * The Thought-Woman, (ss) Super Science Stories July 1940
- * The Three Eyed Man [Tubby], (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 7 1923
- * Thrilling Mystery Stories, (co) Pulpville Press, 2005
- * The Tick of Terror [Melvin Cone], (ss) Detective Tales July 1938
- * Time for Murder, (ss) Black Book Detective March 1949
- * Time Out for Murder, (ss) The Phantom Detective November 1947
- * Timepiece of Death, (ss) Speed Mystery March 1945
- * The Time Professor [Tubby], (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 8 1921
- * T. McGuirk—Assistant Bank Robber [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask July 1924
- * T. McGuirk—Burglary Adjuster [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask May 1924
- * T. McGuirk Catches a Crook [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask September 1926
- * T. McGuirk—Detective [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask August 1 1923
- * T. McGuirk Enforces the Liquor Law [T. McGuirk], (vi) The Black Mask September 15 1923
- * T. McGuirk Juggles a Diamond [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask June 1925
- * T. McGuirk Juggles the Pawn Tickets [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask July 15 1923
- * T. McGuirk—Klansman [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask June 1 1923
- * T. McGuirk Lends a Helping Hand [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask September 1925
- * T. McGuirk, Movie Actor [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask February 1 1924
- * T. McGuirk Steals a Diamond [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask December 1922
- * T. McGuirk Tries the Luck Charms [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask October 1 1923
- * T. McGuirk Walks Straight and Narrow [T. McGuirk], (ss) The Black Mask January 1923
- * Tommy Duff’s Big Case, (ss) Triple Detective Fall 1950
- * Tomorrow’s Terror, (ss) Terror Tales May/June 1937
- * Too Many Clues [Dr. Feather], (ss) Super-Detective December 1944
- * To the Victor I Belong, (ss) Horror Stories February/March 1938
- * Trailed by Telepathy, (ss) Popular Detective September 1937, as by Ray King
- * Trail to Death, (nv) Super-Detective April 1945
- * Trail to Murder, (nv) Super-Detective January 1947
- * Trail to Tragedy, (nv) Super-Detective November 1946
- * The Trap, (ss) Rapid-Fire Detective Stories November 1932
- * Trapped by Astronomy [Dr. Feather], (ss) Popular Detective March 1938
- * Trapped in Eternity, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1936
- * Trick Stuff, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine January 1947
- * Tricky Guy, (ss) Crack Detective Stories September 1949
- * The Trusting Fool, (nv) Breezy Stories February 1922
- * Tryst with Terror, (ss) Real Mystery Magazine July 1940, as by Ray King
- * Tubby—Atom Smasher [Tubby], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1943
- * Tubby—Master of the Atom [Tubby], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories Fall 1946
- * Tubby—Time Traveler [Tubby], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1942
- * Two Proposals, (ss) Droll Stories March 1923
- * Two Strikes on the Jailbird, (ss) G-Men Detective July 1947
- * An Ultimatum from Mars, (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction August 1939
- * Unexpected Alibi, (ss) Detective Tales September 1937
- * Up and Atom [Tubby], (ss) Startling Stories September 1947
- * The Vanishing Men, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories September 1940
- * The Violin of Carito, (ss) Thrilling Mystery January 1942
- * V Is for Vengeance [T. McGuirk], (ss) New Detective Magazine January 1945
- * Voice of the Violin, (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1950
- * Voyage 13, (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction July 1938
- * The Walking Dog, (ss) Popular Detective August 1938, as by Ray King
- * Wandl, the Invader [Gregg Haljan], (n.) Astounding Stories Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1932
- * The Wanted Men, (ss) Clues October 1927
- * The War-Nymphs of Venus, (nv) Planet Stories Spring 1941
- * Wash Away the Blood, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1951
- * Water Madness, (ss) Horror Stories February/March 1937
- * The Wax Alibi, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 27 1935
- * Weight of the Evidence [Dr. Feather], (ss) Popular Detective December 1936
- * What the Binoculars Saw, (ss) The Phantom Detective Spring 1950
- * What the Typewriter Told [The Scientific Club], (ss) Science and Invention August 1927
- * What Thought Did [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s May 30 1925
- * When Dreams Come True, (ss) The Household Magazine November 1923
- * When Ghouls Come Seeking!, (nv) Horror Stories February 1935
- * When Rosa Confessed [The Scientific Club], (ss) Flynn’s May 9 1925
- * When Terror Beckons (with Gabrielle Cummings), (ss) Uncanny Tales November 1939, as by Gabriel Wilson
- * When the Werewolf Howls, (ss) Horror Stories May 1940, as by Emerson Graves
- * Whistle Stop, (ss) Popular Detective January 1951
- * The White Invaders, (na) Astounding Stories December 1931
- * White—with a Splash of Crimson, (ss) Detective Mystery Novel Magazine Spring 1949
- * A Whorl-Type Pattern, (ss) Speed Detective June 1945
- * The Wind Monster Wants Me (with Gabrielle Cummings), (nv) Sinister Stories February 1940, as by Gabriel Wilson
- * Wings of Horror, (ss) Thrilling Mystery November 1937
- * Wings of Icarus, (na) Startling Stories June 1943
- * Without Error, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Winter 1943
- * The Wolfhound, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 11 1936
- * Woman-Monster, (ss) Horror Stories July 1935
- * The World Beyond, (nv) Amazing Stories July 1942
- * World of Doom, (nv) Thrilling Adventures January 1935
- * The World of Tomorrow, (ar) Marvel Stories; Nov 40, Apr 41.
- * The World of Tomorrow, (cl) Liberty Jul 6, Jul 13, Jul 20, Jul 27, Aug 3, Aug 10, Aug 17, Aug 24, Aug 31, Sep 14,
Sep 28, Nov 2, Nov 23, Dec 14, Dec 21 1935
Apr 1 1939
* ___ Chasing Midnight Round the World, (ar) The Passing Show October 24 1936
* ___ Earthquake in the Air, (ar) The Passing Show September 26 1936
* ___ No Office Wife for You, (ar) The Passing Show September 5 1936
* ___ Nothing Can Be Hidden, (ar) The Passing Show June 20 1936
* ___ See with Both Eyes, (ar) The Passing Show November 28 1936
* ___ Submarine Fan Dance, (ar) The Passing Show July 11 1936
* ___ 1: Grandpa Comes to Life, (ar) The Passing Show October 19 1935
* ___ 3: The Bloodhound Machine, (ar) The Passing Show November 9 1935
* ___ 4: Your Mail by Vacuum, (ar) The Passing Show November 16 1935
* ___ 6: Page Your Wife, (ar) The Passing Show December 7 1935
* ___ 7: Better Health by Radio, (ar) The Passing Show December 14 1935
- * World Upside Down [Tubby], (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1940
- * The Wrath of Kymanchu, (ss) G-Men Detective January 1948
- * The Wrath of Umantah, (ss) New Detective Magazine January 1948
- * Wreck of the Sub-Sea Freighter [Crimes of the Year 2000], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly September 14 1935
- * Wrong Evidence, (ss) The Phantom Detective September 1948
- * X1-2-200, (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction September 1938
- * X, the Murderer [The Scientific Club], (ss) Popular Detective December 1938, as by Ray King
- * X—The Unknown, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure & Mystery Story Magazine March 1928
- * Yesterday’s Murder, (ss) Detective Tales September 1938
- * You Can’t Burlesque Murder, (ss) Detective and Murder Mysteries November 1939
- * You Can’t Steal Luck (with Gabrielle Cummings), (ss) Detective Tales January 1938, as by Gabriel Wilson
- * “You Do Solemnly Swear…”, (ss) Speed Detective December 1946
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