The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 2087
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Cohen, Octavus Roy (chron.) (continued)
- * The Light of Understanding, (ss) Breezy Stories May 1918
- * The Light Shines Through, (n.) The Elks Magazine May 1928
- * The Light Shines Through, (ss) Collier’s May 29 1926
- * The Light Shines Through, (n.) The Elks Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1928
- * The Lion and the Uniform [Midnight Pictures Co.], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 31 1925
- * A Little Child [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 18 1924
- * Little Helpmate, (ss) The American Magazine October 1950
- * Live Oak, (ss) Collier’s November 7 1925
- * The Loan Wolf [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 1 1930
- * Lone Hand, (ss) Liberty April 20 1935
- * Long Lane, (ss) The Delineator February 1918
- * The Long Straw, (ss) Romance January 1915
- * Lost and Found, (ss) Collier’s January 29 1927
- * A Lot for a Life, (ss) Every Week January 1 1917
- * Love and Defection, (ss) Photoplay October 1926
- * Love and Let Love, (ss) Photoplay September 1923
- * Love Can Be Horrible, (ss) Star Weekly December 1 1951
- * Love Has No Alibi, (sl) Collier’s Mar 17, Mar 24, Mar 31, Apr 7 1945
- * Love in Storage, (ss) Redbook Magazine October 1934
- * Love Law, (ss) Breezy Stories December 1915
- * Love Must Be Streamlined, (ss) This Week February 18 1940
- * Low but Sure [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 6 1926
- * Luck Bag, (vi) Collier’s September 5 1931
- * Lynch Law, (ss) New Mystery Adventures April 1935
- * Magnificent Liar [Jim Hanvey], (ss) Scrambled Yeggs by Octavus Roy Cohen, Appleton, 1934, as "[untitled]"
- * Making a Man-o’-War’s Man (with Eric Levison), (ss) All-Story Weekly September 7 1918
- * The Malady Lingers On [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 12 1938
- * The Man Behind the Gun, (ss) All Around Magazine January 1917
- * The Man Behind the Wheel, (ss) Saucy Stories January 1917
- * Man-Eater, (vi) Collier’s September 1 1928
- * The Man of Ice (with Manning Joseph Rubin), (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1915
- * The Mantle of Silence, (ss) Argosy and Railroad Man’s Magazine February 8 1919
- * The Man Who Couldn’t Slide, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1914
- * Marco Himself, (ss) Cosmopolitan September 1929
- * Marcy, Monsieur! [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 8 1926
- * Mardi Gratis [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 24 1932
- * The Mark of Cain, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 13 1918
- * Marriage, Limited, (ss) The Shrine Magazine Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1928
- * Mary and the Misanthrope, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1916
- * Masquerade, (ss) McCall’s Magazine March 1931
- * Masquerade in Miami, (sl) Collier’s Jan 10, Jan 17, Jan 24, Jan 31, Feb 7, Feb 14, Feb 21, Feb 28, Mar 7, Mar 14,
Mar 21 1942
- * Master of the Gray House, (ss) Southern Woman’s Magazine February 1918
- * The Master Spy, (ss) Short Stories with Keith’s House Plans December 1914
- * Mate in America [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 8 1927
- * The Matrimaniac (with J. U. Giesy), (sl) All-Story Weekly Dec 16, Dec 23, Dec 30 1916
- * The Matrimonial Motor, (ss) Romance September 1914
- * A Matter of Morale, (ss) This Week December 6 1942
- * A Matter of Morals (with Eric Levison), (ss) All-Story Weekly June 16 1917
- * Measure for Pleasure, (ss) The Elks Magazine August 1923
- * Meddle Play [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 13 1928
- * The Melancholy Dame [Florian Slappey], (ss) Hearst’s International November 1922
- * Melody in 4-F, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 30 1944
- * Memory Cruise, (nv) Redbook Magazine March 1936
- * Midnight [David Carroll], (sl) Munsey’s Magazine Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1921
- * Midnight Picture Corporation:
* ___ 1. Ben Hurry, (ss) Photoplay August 1926
* ___ 2. The Gotten Goat, (ss) Photoplay September 1926
* ___ 3. Love and Defection, (ss) Photoplay October 1926
* ___ 4. On Account of Monte Cristo, (ss) Photoplay November 1926
* ___ 5. Arabian Nights, (ss) Photoplay December 1926
* ___ 6. The Roman Knows, (ss) Photoplay April 1927
* ___ 7. Safe and Seine, (ss) Photoplay May 1927
* ___ 8. French Leave [Florian Slappey], (ss) Photoplay June 1927
- * A Midsummer Knight’s Dream, (ss) Hearst’s International September 1921
- * The Midway Murder, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine May 1954
- * Mighty Good Pals, (ss) The Red Book Magazine September 1915
- * Mind Over Matter, (ss) All-Story Weekly June 8 1918
- * Mind Over Muscle, (ss) Esquire April 1950
- * Miss Directed [Midnight Pictures Co.], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 11 1925
- * The Missing Clink, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 19 1918
- * Mister Vampire, (ss) The Green Book Magazine February 1918
- * Mistuh Macbeth [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 17 1920
- * The Mixed Quartette, (ss) The Black Cat February 1917
- * Money for Sooth [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 24 1928
- * Moon Mad, (pm) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine January 1918
- * More Beautiful Than Murder [Lt. Marty Walsh], (sl) Collier’s Jul 10, Jul 17, Jul 24, Jul 31, Aug 7 1948
- * More Than This Life, (ss) Collier’s September 13 1941
- * The Morning After [Chapters I-XII], (n.) The Argosy May 4 1918
- * Mother’s Day, (ss) Good Housekeeping May 1926
- * The Movie Maid and the Martinet, (ss) Every Week November 15 1915
- * Mrs. F.B.I., (ss) Cosmopolitan September 1945
- * The Muchright Man, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 7 1934
- * Mum’s the Word, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine December 15 1918
- * Municipal Love Affair, (??) Collier’s May 29 1943
- * Music Hath Charms [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 26 1921
- * The Mutual Wife, (ss) The Green Book Magazine May 1918
- * My Love Wears Black [Lt. Marty Walsh], (sl) Collier’s Oct 25, Nov 1, Nov 8, Nov 15 1947
- * The Mystery of the Missing Wash [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 22 1938
- * The National Bird (with Eric Levison), (ss) All-Story Weekly January 17 1920
- * Neapolitan Scream [Midnight Pictures Co.], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 14 1926
- * Nearly Beloved, (ss) Liberty July 6 1935
- * The Negative Quantity, (ss) 10 Story Book August 1915
- * Nemesis, (ss) Saucy Stories December 1916
- * The Net, (ss) Snappy Stories August 1914
- * Net Profits [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 23 1932
- * Nevermore, (vi) Collier’s August 29 1931
- * Never Too Late, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine November 1951
- * The New Dawn (with J. U. Giesy), (na) The Blue Book Magazine February 1919
- * The New Deal, (ss) Collier’s October 13 1928
- * Newspaper Reporting, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine November 15 1912
- * A Night and a Lady, (ss) Redbook Magazine March 1934
- * The Night-Blooming Serious, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 24 1920
- * Night Howls [Midnight Pictures Co.], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 9 1932
- * 99% Pure, (ss) Telling Tales August 1922
- * Noblesse Obliged [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 3 1920
- * Nocturne in Blue, (ss) Collier’s October 28 1939
- * No Passage, (ss) Collier’s December 11 1926
- * Nothing but the Truth (with J. U. Giesy), (n.) Munsey’s Magazine January 1916
- * Not on the Menu!, (ss) The American Magazine November 1931
- * Not Wisely but Too Well [Lawyer Chew], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 22 1919
- * Number Nine, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 16 1918
- * Nuts and Reasons, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 24 1930
- * The Occult Bug, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1915
- * Off the Griddle, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine December 1 1918
- * Oft in the Silly Night, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 12 1921
- * Oil and Miss Watters, (ss) Illustrated Sunday Magazine July 8 1917
- * On Account of Monte Cristo, (ss) Photoplay November 1926
- * Once Upon a Crime, (nv) The Elks Magazine 1951
- * The One-and-One and—, (ss) Adventure October 1914
- * One Assist, One Error, (ss) This Week August 1 1937
- * One Crook Too Many, (ss) The Argosy May 18 1918
- * One Damsel in Distress, (nv) All-Story Weekly April 28 1917
- * One Half Dozen Raw, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 14 1922
- * One Minute After Murder, (ss) Michael Shayne Mystery Magazine October 1956
- * One Queen and a Pair of Kings, (ss) People’s September 1916
- * On the Rebound, (ss) Young’s Magazine March 1914
- * On with the Lance [Lawyer Chew], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 2 1925
- * The Other Man, (ss) Snappy Stories October 1914
- * The Other Woman, (ss) Snappy Stories July 1915
- * The Outer Gate, (sl) The Elks Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1926, Jan, Feb 1927
- * Over My Dead Buddy, (ss) Mystery Digest November 1958
- * Painless Extraction, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 22 1919
- * A Pair of Sir Galahads (with J. U. Giesy), (sl) Railroad Man’s Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov 2, Nov 9, Nov 1918
- * Pair of Socks, (ss) Collier’s March 12 1927
- * The Paper Chase, (ss) The Woman’s Magazine (US) April 1919
- * The Parasite, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine December 1916
- * Partners, (ss) Collier’s May 5 1917
- * The Party Began…with Murder, (ss) This Week October 5 1952
- * The Party of the Worst Part [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 15 1930
- * A Patch of Sunlight, (ss) McCall’s Magazine January 1931
- * The Path of the Hurricane, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine August 1921
- * The Pawn, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st January 1918
- * The Pay-Off, (ss) Collier’s April 14 1923
- * Peach Blossom and the Perfect Forty-Two, (ss) All-Story Weekly August 17 1918
- * The Pearl Necklace, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine November 1916
- * Pearls of Price, (ss) Collier’s December 4 1926
- * The Pep Destroyer, (ss) All Around Magazine September 1916
- * Perfect Alibi, (ss) The American Legion Magazine 1954
- * The Perfect Victory, (ss) People’s October 1916
- * The Permanent Waive [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 10 1929
- * Personal Appearance [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 3 1936
- * Personal Contract, (??) Collier’s July 10 1937
- * Personality, Etc, (ss) Every Week October 11 1915
- * The Pest, (ss) All Around Magazine February 1916
- * Peter Prime, Patriot:
* ___ No XIV.—Below the Equator (with Eric Levison), (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine March 25 1918
- * Photoplay Faults, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) March 1916
- * Picture Framed, (ss) The Elks Magazine January 1930
- * Pink Bait [Jim Hanvey], (nv) Collier’s July 7 1923
- * Plain Black on White, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 13 1923
- * Plumes and Sable, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 10 1925
- * A Plunge Into Bohemia, (vi) Snappy Stories 2nd October 1915
- * Plus, (ss) Snappy Stories May 1915
- * Pool and Ginuwine [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 4 1919
- * The Poor Working-Girl, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd November 1916
- * Poppy Passes [Lawyer Chew], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 15 1919
- * The Porter Missing Men [Epic Peters], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 20 1927
- * A Pound of Cure, (ss) The Red Book Magazine October 1923
- * Presto Change! [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 18 1922
- * The Prettiest Girl in the City, (ss) Railroad Man’s Magazine December 21 1918
- * The Price, (ss) 10 Story Book April 1915
- * The Professional Affinity, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1917
- * The Professional Jinx, (ss) All-Story Weekly June 24 1916
- * Profit Without Honor [Florian Slappey], (ss) Argosy April 1945
- * Prologue, (ss) The Designer and The Woman’s Magazine May 1925
- * Pronounced Hi-Li, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 13 1932
- * Pro Patria (with Eric Levison), (nv) Everybody’s Magazine July 1917
- * Protect at All Times, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 5 1923
- * The Pull by the Horns, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 7 1927
- * The Queen’s Mandate, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1914
- * Queer House, (ss) Pictorial Review November 1918
- * The Question Mark, (ss) Collier’s February 23 1924
- * A Question of Gameness, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine August 25 1917
- * Quick Curtain, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1918
- * The Quicker the Dead [Lawyer Chew], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 31 1919
- * The Rack, (ss) Snappy Stories June 1915
- * Radio Car 67, (ss) This Week March 31 1935
- * The Rainy Day, (ss) Illustrated Sunday Magazine July 11 1915
- * A Raise of Salary, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine October 25 1917
- * The Rat, (ss) Short Stories with Keith’s House Plans November 1914
- * Reaction, (ss) Telling Tales September 1921
- * The Reckless Age (with J. U. Giesy), (sl) All-Story Weekly Aug 26, Sep 2, Sep 9, Sep 16 1916
- * The Red Shock, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine November 1919
- * Red Tape, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1915
- * Regeneration, (ss) Snappy Stories January 1915
- * “Register Love!”, (ss) The Green Book Magazine August 1915
- * Report from the Dean, (ss) Bluebook March 1954
- * Requital, (vi) Collier’s July 28 1928
- * Rhymes and Reasons, (ss) This Week July 21 1935
- * Ride ’Em and Weep [Epic Peters], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 23 1924
- * Right Cross, (ss) Collier’s August 20 1927
- * Right Man, (ss) This Week June 26 1938
- * Ringing the Changes, (ss) The Passing Show December 1 1934
- * The Road of Doubt, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st December 1915
- * The Road to the Front, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1918
- * Rodeo, (ss) Collier’s February 5 1927
- * Roller Coaster, (vi) Collier’s December 25 1926
- * Rolling Bones [Florian Slappey], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 6 1932
- * Romance in Crimson, (sl) Collier’s Feb 3, Feb 10, Feb 17, Feb 24, Mar 2, Mar 9, Mar 16, Mar 23, Mar 30, Apr 6 1940
- * Romance in the First Degree, (sl) Collier’s Dec 11, Dec 18, Dec 25 1943, Jan 1 1944
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