The FictionMags Index
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Burks, Arthur J(osephus) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Rough-Locks Off, (ss) Golden West Romances December 1949
- * Rubber Pins, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine September 10 1933
- * Runaway Kill, (ss) The Masked Detective Summer 1942
- * Sackcloth and Ashes [Sark Clayton], (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1935
- * Salute for Sunny, (ss) Sky Fighters September 1937
- * Satan of Suchow, (ss) Top-Notch March 1936
- * Satan’s Honeymoon, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1936
- * Satan’s Lash, (nv) Horror Stories September 1935
- * Sauce for the Goose, (ss) Doc Savage November 1939
- * The Saurians of Enriquillo, (??) Wild Game Stories December 1926
- * The Scourge, (nv) George Bruce’s Squadron August 1933
- * Scourge of San Domingo, (nv) Flying Aces February 1931
- * Scroll of Armageddon, (nv) Science Fiction Digest Oct, Nov 1933
- * The Secret of Dr. Haemo, (ss) Horror Stories December 1940
- * Shadows on the Wall, (nv) Popular Detective April 1943
- * Shallajai, (nv) Weird Tales July 1950
- * Shanghai Alleys, (ss) Action Stories October 1928
- * Should Population Be Controlled? No, (ar) Marvel Science Fiction November 1951
- * Shrimp McGinnis from the Cactus Buttes, (ss) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories June/July 1926
- * Shuffle-shoes, (nv) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch October 1932
- * Sight Unseeing, (ss) Strange Detective Stories January 1934
- * Silver Bullets, (ss) All-Fiction February 1931
- * Six Doors to Horror, (nv) Terror Tales March 1935
- * Sky Command, (na) Flying Stories April 1930
- * Sky Crusaders, (sl) Wings Dec 1929, Jan, Feb, Mar 1930
- * Sky Racketeer, (nv) Top-Notch November 1933
- * Sky Soldier, (nv) Flying Stories May 1930
- * Sky-Trail Vikings, (na) Flight January 1930
- * Sky-Wise, (na) Aces March 1929
- * Slack Wires [Harlan Dyce], (nv) Clues Detective Stories February 1937
- * Slaves of the Blood-Wolves, (nv) Terror Tales December 1935
- * Slugger’s Paradise, (nv) Super Sports July 1949
- * A Snare for Tomorrow, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories November 1940
- * Snoops, (ss) Detective Tales December 1935
- * Snoring Waters Swim, (ss) Thrilling Sports Winter 1950
- * Socker!, (ss) Fight Stories Winter 1938/1939
- * Something Queer About Murder, (ss) The Shadow September 15 1939
- * Something Toothsome, (ss) Weird Tales March 1926
- * Son of Mars, (ss) The Lone Eagle March 1935
- * Sons of Suicide, (na) Popular Detective March 1938
- * The Sorrowful Sisterhood, (ss) Weird Tales May 1925
- * Spar Mate, (ss) Ace-High Magazine June 1934
- * Spawn of Satan’s Scourge, (nv) Mystery Tales May 1939
- * Speed!, (ss) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories November 1926
- * Speed-Mad, (nv) Flyers September 1929
- * Speed Trap, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine October 1940
- * Speed Wings, (ss) The Lone Eagle April 1936
- * Spell of the Devil Dolls, (ss) Double-Action Detective September 1939
- * Spheres of Cathay [Dorus Noel], (ss) All Detective Magazine January 1934
- * Spotlight Ace, (na) Sky Fighters July 1940
- * The Spy Who Died, (nv) Sky Birds June 1932
- * Squealer’s Pay, (ss) Gang World June 1932
- * Standing Room Only, (ss) Crime Busters February 1939
- * The Standout, (ss) The Phantom Detective June 1936
- * The Starling, (ss) Air Stories February 1930
- * Steel-Fisted, (ss) Gang World July 1932
- * Steel Vests and Brass Hands, (ss) G-Men December 1935
- * Still Waters [Professor Leodas Lahme], (ss) Crime Busters June 1938
- * Storm King’s Wings, (nv) Air Stories February 1929
- * Strange Tales from Santo Domingo:
* ___ Faces, (ss) Weird Tales April 1927
* ___ No. 1. A Broken Lamp-Chimney, (ss) Weird Tales February 1925
* ___ No. 2. Desert of the Dead, (ss) Weird Tales March 1925
* ___ No. 3. Daylight Shadows, (ss) Weird Tales April 1925
* ___ No. 4. The Sorrowful Sisterhood, (ss) Weird Tales May 1925
* ___ No. 5. The Phantom Chibo, (ss) Weird Tales June 1925
- * The Stunt Man, (ss) The Lone Eagle February 1935
- * The Stuntster, (ss) Sky Fighters January 1936
- * Subterfuge [Carla Stengl], (ss) The Phantom Detective June 1934
- * Survival, (ss) Thrilling Detective July 1937; not the same as the story of the same name in the August 1938 issue of Marvel Science Stories.
- * Survival [David Haslup], (nv) Marvel Science Stories August 1938; not the same as the story of the same name in the July 1937 issue of Thrilling Detective.
- * The Swagger-Stick Baron [Baron Laube], (nv) Air Trails February 1930
- * The Sword of Dessalines, (ss) Wide World—Adventure Trails June 1929
- * Swords of Samar, (nv) Soldier Stories September 1929
- * Swords of Samurai, (nv) All-Fiction January 1931
- * Take Me, and Die, (nv) Uncanny Tales April/May 1939
- * Taking Santiago, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st March 1929
- * Tangled Skeins, (ss) Clues Detective Stories October 1939
- * Tentacles of Caapi, (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1949
- * Terror in the Dark, (ss) Horror Stories February 1935
- * Terror Tarmac, (ss) The Lone Eagle November 1933
- * These Debts Are Yours, (nv) Weird Tales November 1949
- * They Call Me Killer, (nv) Terror Tales June 1936
- * They Never Come Back, (ss) The Lone Eagle December 1934
- * Thieves of Time, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories April 1948
- * Think About Murder, (ss) Popular Detective November 1950
- * Thistle Fen, (ss) Thrilling Mystery September 1940
- * Those Funny Marines, (ss) Thrilling Adventures September 1933
- * Those Terrible Towheads, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine August 25 1932
- * Threatening Fangs, (ss) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories October/November 1925
- * Three Coffins, (nv) Weird Tales May 1928
- * Through Death’s Thin Veil, (nv) Terror Tales September 1935
- * Thunderhead, (ss) Sky Fighters September 1934
- * Thus Spake the Prophetess, (ss) Weird Tales November 1924, as by Estil Critchie
- * Tiger Heart, (ss) Fight Stories March 1929
- * Tiger Pit, (ss) Thrilling Mystery November 1938
- * Tigers’ Toll, (nv) Wings Fall 1942
- * Time Flies Backward, (ss) Sky Fighters September 1940
- * Tinkling Bells [Dorus Noel], (ss) All Detective Magazine June 1934
- * To-Night I Sleep with Terror, (nv) Mystery Tales September 1939
- * Too Many Murders, (nv) Thrilling Detective December 1937
- * Too Old to Be a Hero!, (ss) Detective Tales April 1936
- * Too Tough to Fly, (nv) War Birds #62, May 1933
- * Trail of the Wooden Dolls, (ss) Top-Notch June 1933
- * The Trapper, (nv) Astounding Science-Fiction September 1938
- * Trembling Hero, (ss) Detective Tales March 1936
- * Tricks of the Trade:
* ___ Quantity Production, (ar) Writer’s Digest June 1937
- * Trin, (nv) Marvel Science Stories November 1950
- * Trouble Shooters, (ss) Action Stories July 1928
- * Turn out the Lights [Eddie Kelly], (nv) Clues Detective Stories June 1936
- * Twisty, (vi) All-Fiction March 1931
- * Unlucky Money, (ss) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories March 1925
- * The Unofficial Observer, (ss) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories June/July 1927
- * The Unsung Dead, (nv) War Aces #4, July 1930
- * Vale of the Corbies, (ss) Weird Tales November 1925
- * The Valley of Stone Spruces, (nv) Far East Adventure Stories March 1931
- * The Vanishers, (nv) Super Science Stories May 1950
- * Vanishing Ships, (na) Air Stories July 1929
- * Vengeance Below, (ss) Thrilling Adventures November 1942
- * The Vengeance of Dorn, (nv) Popular Detective January 1937
- * The Vengeance of Marquard [Captain Joseph Marquard], (nv) Eagles of the Air December 1929
- * Vickers Lead, (ss) Air Action December 1938
- * The Voice of War, (ss) The Lone Eagle December 1933
- * Voodoo, (ss) Weird Tales December 1924, as by Estil Critchie
- * Voodooed Clouds, (ss) George Bruce’s Contact January 1934
- * The Weight Maker, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine April 25 1932
- * Weird Wings, (ss) The Lone Eagle April 1934
- * The Well of Suicides, (ss) Horror Stories July 1935, as by Spencer Whitney
- * West Point of Tomorrow, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories September 1940
- * What Price Courage, (na) Sky Fighters November 1933
- * When a Corpse Commands, (nv) Terror Tales August 1935
- * When the Graves Were Opened, (nv) Weird Tales December 1925
- * When the Stukas Came, (ss) Sky Fighters July 1941
- * Where Blood Quickens, (ss) Stirring Adventures July 1941
- * Where the Dead Dance Always!, (nv) Horror Stories March 1935
- * While Chapei Burned, (ss) Thrilling Adventures June 1933
- * While Chinatown Slept [Harlan Dyce], (nv) Detective Yarns June 1938
- * Whirling Guns, (ss) Flyers October 1929
- * Whisper Shadow, (ss) Thrilling Mystery March 1941
- * White Catastrophe, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories June 1949
- * The White Goddess of Kmer, (ss) Action Stories October 1942
- * White Heat, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine December 1942
- * The White Rabbit, (ss) George Bruce’s Contact September 1933
- * The White Seal, (ss) Thrilling Mystery January 1941
- * The White Wasp [Dorus Noel], (ss) All Detective Magazine May 1933
- * The Wicked Flee, (ss) Famous Detective Stories August 1953
- * Winged Bayonets, (nv) George Bruce’s Squadron June 1934
- * The Winged Cavalier, (ss) Wings November 1928
- * The Winged Cavalier Repeats, (ss) Wings December 1928
- * Winged Defiance, (ss) Wings October 1929
- * The Winged Knife, (ss) Great Detective September 1934
- * The Wingless One, (ss) Air Stories March 1928
- * Wings Against the Moon, (na) Sky Fighters December 1933
- * Wings Along the Jamachum, (ss) Sky Fighters Summer 1948
- * Wings of Amazonas, (nv) Sky Fighters Spring 1949
- * Wings of Caribbee, (nv) Flying Stories June 1930
- * Wings of Chaos, (nv) Flyers March 1930
- * Wings of China, (nv) Air Stories November 1928; not the same as the story of the same name in the October 1930 issue of Air Trails.
- * Wings of China [Baron Laube], (nv) Air Trails October 1930; not the same as the story of the same name in the November 1928 issue of Air Stories.
- * Wings of Disaster, (na) Wings July 1929
- * Wings of Ebony, (na) Flyers November 1929
- * Wings of Flame, (ss) Thrilling Adventures May 1935
- * Wings of Gallantry, (ss) Wings January 1929
- * Wings of Hatred, (nv) Flying Stories February 1930
- * Wings of Judgment, (ss) Wings June 1929
- * Wings of Revolt, (sl) Air Stories Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1929
- * The Wisperer [Kid Friel], (nv) Gangster Stories August 1930
- * With Lead and Steel, (nv) Thrilling Adventures January 1934
- * The Wizard of Bird-in-Hand, (nv) Weird Tales March 1949
- * Woman with a Winchester, (ss) Western Short Stories April 1953
- * The Women Loved by Death, (nv) Horror Stories February/March 1936
- * Women of Stone, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine June 1935
- * Wooden Soldiers, (ss) Sky Fighters May 1936
- * Wren’s Nest, (ss) The Phantom Detective September 1942
- * The Wrong Animal, (ss) Western Short Stories March 1952
- * X of Mizar, (nv) Spaceway June 1954
- * Ye Impys of Helle, (ss)
- * Yellow and Handsome, (nv) Popular Sports Magazine June 1937
- * Yellow-Belly!, (ss) Fight Stories Spring 1939
- * The Yellow Girdle, (nv) Adam December 1953
- * Yellow Guns, (nv) Soldier Stories July 1929
- * The Yellow Hand, (sl) Thrilling Detective May, Jun, Jul 1932
- * Yellow Jacket, (na) War Birds #39, February 1931
- * Yellow Pawns, (ss) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories August/September 1926
- * Yellow Shadows, (nv) Action Stories May 1928
- * The Yellow Terror, (ss) Spy Stories July 1929
- * Yesterday’s Doors, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories October 1948
- * [letter], (lt) Weird Tales Jan, Apr, Nov 1925
- * [letter], (lt) Astounding Stories Jan, Aug 1938
- * [letter], (lt) OAK Leaves #12, 1979
- * [letter from New York, NY], (lt) Astounding Stories Jun 1931, Mar 1939
_____, [?]
_____, [ref.]
- * Arthur J. Burks by John C. Pelan, (ar) Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle ed. John Pelan & Jerad Walters, Centipede Press, 2009
- * Arthur J. Burks, (bg) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1936, uncredited.
- * Arthur J. Burks: A Pulp Perspective by Gerald W. Page, (ar) Echoes #51, October 1990
- * Arthur J. Burks Interview by Julius Schwartz & Mortimer Weisinger, (iv) Science Fiction Digest May 1933
- * Mostly in Shadow: Lesser Known Writers of Weird Fiction, Part One by Michael Barrett, (ar) Dark Horizons #59, Spring 2011; the first part is revised from “Mostly in Shadow: The Work of Mary Elizabeth Counselman” (The New York Review of Science Fiction April 2009).
- * The Secret Life and Second Career of Arthur J. Burks by Will Murray, (ar) Blood ’n’ Thunder #24, Summer 2009
- * Tales of ’29 by John Locke, (ar) Windy City Pulp Stories #21, 2022
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