The FictionMags Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 79
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[]Clandon, Edward
- Carlton Dawe:
- The Stolen Emperor, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1898
- The Society of Ten Thousand Hopes, (ss) The Windsor Magazine June 1899
- The High Priest of Chung-King, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1899
- The Emperor’s Watch-Dog, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1899
- The Power Behind the Throne, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine February 1900
- The Illustrious Weasel, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine March 1900
- The Silken Cord, (ss) The Smart Set May 1900
- The Coffin-Maker of Hangchow, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1900
- The Emperor’s Opium, (ss) The Woman at Home October 1900
- The Great Lonely One, (ss) The Lady’s Realm October 1900
- The Degradation of Kwang, (ss) Short Stories November 1900
- The Favourite of Her Excellence, (ss) The Woman at Home November 1900
[]Clanton, Wild Bill
- Robert E. Howard:
- She Devil, (nv) Spicy-Adventure Stories April 1936, as by Sam Walser
- Desert Blood, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories June 1936, as by Sam Walser
- The Dragon of Kao Tsu, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories September 1936, as by Sam Walser
- The Purple Heart of Erlik, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories November 1936, as by Sam Walser
- Murderer’s Grog, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories January 1937, as by Sam Walser
- Ship in Mutiny, (nv) Bran Mak Morn: A Play, and Others, Cromlech, 1983
- The Girl on the Hell Ship (draft), (uw) Spicy Adventures, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2011
- The Purple Heart of Erlik (synopsis), (uw) Spicy Adventures, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2011
- Ship in Mutiny (draft), (uw) Spicy Adventures, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2011
- untitled synopsis (Ship in Mutiny), (uw) Spicy Adventures, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2011
- Desert Blood (earliest known draft), (uw) Spicy Adventures (var. 1), The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2024
- The Dragon of Kao Tsu (earliest known draft), (uw) Spicy Adventures (var. 1), The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2024
- The Girl on the Hell Ship (earliest known draft), (uw) Spicy Adventures (var. 1), The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2024
- Murderer’s Grog (earliest known draft), (uw) Spicy Adventures (var. 1), The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2024
- Ship in Mutiny (earliest known draft), (uw) Spicy Adventures (var. 1), The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2024
[]Clark, Dan
- Norman A. Daniels:
- The Phantom Hand, (ss) Gold Seal Detective December 1935, as by David M. Norman
- The Death Parole, (ss) Gold Seal Detective January 1936, as by David M. Norman
- Bring Him Back Alive!, (ss) Gold Seal Detective February 1936, as by David M. Norman
- Death-House Legacy, (ss) Gold Seal Detective March 1936, as by David M. Norman
- Murder in the Tombs, (ss) Gold Seal Detective April 1936, as by David M. Norman
- Detour to the Chair, (ss) Ace Detective Magazine August 1936
[]Clarke, Henry
- W. Russell:
- Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. I, (co) John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. II, (co) John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- Antony Warren, Esq., (nv) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. II by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- Augustus Temple, Alias James Ryder, (nv) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. I by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- Ben Bolt, (ss) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. II by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- Coiners and Forgers, (nv) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. I by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- A Detective in the Bud, (nv) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. I by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- James Hargrave, the Barrister, (nv) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. I by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- Lost Upon Dartmoor, (nv) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. II by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- Mr. Charles Frodsham, (na) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. II by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- The Murder of Antony Louvel, 1794, (nv) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. I by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- Murder Under the Microscope, (nv) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. II by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- My First Trip Across the Atlantic, (nv) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. I by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- No. 12, Lowndes Square, (nv) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. I by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- One Night in a Gaming-House, (nv) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. II by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- Richard Watson, (nv) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. II by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- Sir William and Lady Devereux, (na) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. I by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- Too Clever by Half, (nv) Autobiography of an English Detective Vol. II by "Waters", John Maxwell and Company, 1863, as by “Waters”
- The Highwayman, (nv) Autobiography of a London Detective by "Waters", Dick & Fitzgerald, 1864, as by “Waters”
[]Clarke, Robert (The Crimson Mask)
- Norman A. Daniels:
- Enter the Crimson Mask, (na) Detective Novels Magazine August 1940, as by Frank Johnson
- The Crimson Mask’s Murder Trail, (na) Detective Novels Magazine October 1940, as by Frank Johnson
- The Crimson Mask’s Death Gamble, (na) Detective Novels Magazine December 1940, as by Frank Johnson
- Sign of the Crimson Mask, (na) Detective Novels Magazine February 1941, as by Frank Johnson
- The Crimson Mask’s Scorpion Trail, (na) Detective Novels Magazine April 1941, as by Frank Johnson
- The Crimson Mask and the Vanishing Men, (na) Detective Novels Magazine June 1941, as by Frank Johnson
- The Crimson Mask’s Ghost Trail, (na) Detective Novels Magazine August 1941, as by Frank Johnson
- The Diamond Death Trail, (na) Detective Novels Magazine December 1941, as by Frank Johnson
- The Money Trail, (na) Detective Novels Magazine April 1942, as by Frank Johnson
- The Murders of the Black Rose, (na) Detective Novels Magazine August 1942, as by Frank Johnson
- Four Men of Murder, (na) Detective Novels Magazine December 1942, as by Frank Johnson
- The Dangerous Gamble, (na) Detective Novels Magazine April 1943, as by Frank Johnson
- Three Men of Evil, (na) Detective Novels Magazine August 1943, as by Frank Johnson
- Traffic in Murder, (na) Detective Novels Magazine April 1944, as by Frank Johnson
- The Crimson Mask Archives, Volume 1, (co) Thrilling, December 2017, as by Frank Johnson
- The Crimson Mask Archives, Volume 2, (co) Thrilling, December 2017
- Frank Johnson:
[]Clark, Red
- Gordon Young:
- La Rue of the 88, (sl) Adventure December 30 1925, etc.
- Red Clark of Tulluco, (sl) Short Stories December 10 1930, etc.
- The Fightin’ Fool, (nv) West February 4 1931, etc.
- Fighting Blood, (sl) Short Stories December 10 1931, etc.
- Red of the Arrowhead, (sl) Adventure December 1 1934, etc.
- Red Clark of the Arrow Head, (sl) Grit Story Section #2125, October 13 1935
- Red Clark on the Border, (sl) Short Stories April 10 1937, etc.
- The Redhead from Tulluco, (sl) Adventure December 1937, etc.
- Red Clark, Two Gun Man, (sl) Short Stories February 10 1939, etc.
- Red Clark for Luck, (sl) Short Stories February 10 1940, etc.
- Red Clark Takes Charge, (sl) Short Stories April 10 1941, etc.
- Red Clark at the Showdown, (sl) Short Stories December 10 1944, etc.
- Red Clark in Paradise, (sl) Short Stories October 10 1945, etc.
- Red Clark’s Short Cut, (sl) Short Stories October 10 1946, etc.
[]Clavering, Captain
- Walter Archer Frost:
- Mrs. Ralston’s Pearls, (ss) Flynn’s April 17 1926
- The Ruby Buckle, (ss) Flynn’s April 24 1926
- The Delancy Diamonds, (ss) Flynn’s May 1 1926
- The McAllister Carbuncle, (ss) Flynn’s May 8 1926
- The Laidlaw Pendant, (ss) Flynn’s May 15 1926
- The Alton Ruby, (ss) Flynn’s May 22 1926
- The Morton Diamond, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly May 29 1926
- The Carrington Sapphires, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly June 5 1926
- The Ashford Necklace, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly June 12 1926
- Mrs. Amory’s Diamond, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly June 19 1926
- The Markheim Ruby, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 14 1928
- The Farnsworth Sapphires, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 21 1928
- The Mogul’s Pearl, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 28 1928
- The Bradford Bracelet, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 11 1928
[]Clavering School
- Charles Hamilton:
- Tom Merry’s Schooldays, (na) The Gem Library #3, March 30 1907, as by Martin Clifford [Tom Merry]
- Troublesome Tom, (na) The Gem Library #5, April 13 1907, as by Martin Clifford [Tom Merry]
- Our Captain, (na) The Gem Library #7, April 27 1907, as by Martin Clifford [Tom Merry]
- Tom Merry on the Warpath, (na) The Gem Library #9, May 11 1907, as by Martin Clifford [Tom Merry]
[]Clawback, The
- A. M. Dellamonica:
- Freezing Rain, a Chance of Falling, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2018, as by L. X. Beckett
- The Immolation of Kev Magee, (nv) Clarkesworld #167, August 2020, as by L. X. Beckett
- Cat Ladies, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2021, as by L. X. Beckett
- The HazMat Sisters, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction July/August 2021, as by L. X. Beckett
[]Clay, Colonel
- Grant Allen:
- The Episode of the Mexican Seer, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1896
- The Episode of the Diamond Links, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1896
- The Episode of the Old Master, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1896
- The Episode of the Tyrolean Castle, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1896
- The Episode of the Drawn Game, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1896
- The Episode of the German Professor, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1896
- The Episode of the Arrest of the Colonel, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1896
- The Episode of the Seldon Gold-Mine, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1897
- The Episode of the Japanned Dispatch-Box, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1897
- The Episode of the Game of Poker, (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1897
- The Episode of the Bertillon Method, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1897
- The Episode of the Old Bailey, (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1897
[]Clean-Sport Crusaders
- Walter Shute:
- The Stolen Belt!, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1092, May 13 1922, as by Walter Edwards
- The Tourist Trophy Mystery, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1098, June 24 1922, as by Walter Edwards
- The Whip Hand!, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1100, July 8 1922, as by Walter Edwards
- The Champion’s Substitute!, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1102, July 22 1922, as by Walter Edwards
- At the Duke’s Mercy!, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1103, July 29 1922, as by Walter Edwards
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