The FictionMags Index

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    Mysterious Adventures [#10, October 1952] (Story Comics, Inc., 10¢, 36pp) []
    comic book.
    Details supplied by René Beaulieu.

    The Mysterious Traveler Magazine   (about)
    A mixed-genre magazine, tie-in to a popular radio show.

    • Publishers:
      • Grace Publishing Co.; Buffalo, NY: The Mysterious Traveler Magazine.
    • Editors:
      • Robert Arthur - Managing Editor: The Mysterious Traveler Magazine.

    The Mysterious Wu Fang   (about)
    A character pulp. The lead novels are usually SF in nature, but the back up stories almost never are.

    • Publishers:
      • Popular Publications; Chicago: The Mysterious Wu Fang.
    • Editors:

    The Mysterious Wu Fang [v2 #4, April 1936 (unpublished)] (pulp) []
    One story was announced for the unpublished April 1936 issue.
    Details taken from The Pulp Magazine Index by Len Robbins.

    Mystery (1979):   (about)
    Mystery started in 1979 as a limited-distribution title, shifting to a nationally-distributed, slick, quarto-sized, magazine in January 1981. After 9 issues it converted to a digest, closing after a further two issues.


    • Publishers:
      • Mystery Magazine Inc.; Glendale, Los Angeles, CA: Mystery.
    • Editors:

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