The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 4369

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    Everybody’s [August 16, 1952] (Everybody’s Publications Ltd., 4d, 32pp, tabloid, cover by photo) []
    Details supplied by Steve Holland.

    Everybody’s [September 27, 1952] (Everybody’s Publications Ltd., 4d, 36pp, tabloid, cover by photo) []
    Details supplied by Steve Holland.

    Everybody’s [May 28, 1955] (Everybody’s Publications Ltd., 4d, 48pp, tabloid, cover by Critchlow) []
    listing fiction, poetry, and selected articles. Details supplied by Steve Holland.

    Everybody’s Magazine   (about)
    Everybody’s Magazine was initially standard format, became a big slick with the November 1917 issue but reverted to standard size in 1921 and eventually became a pulp in 1927. According to Frank Luther Mott, “more than half the contents of Everybody’s in its first year was purchased directly from the Pearson Publishing Co. of London, and consisted of serials, short stories, articles and poems, with illustrations that had already appeared in the Royal Magazine”.

    After Volume 60, #3 (March 1929), Everybody’s combined with The Ridgway Company’s Romance.

    Index for Volume 1 through Volume 45 was compiled by Virgil Utter; issue-by-issue of fiction, verse, drama, music and lyrics. (Cartoons, articles, humorous fillers and photographs are not included.) Compiler’s note: in all cases, publisher-bound copies of the magazine were used, obtained mostly from the California State Library. In the case of some early volumes, only the Volume Index was bound-in, rather than the Table of Contents pages. However, each item in each magazine was viewed, and in some cases cases read, to determine whether it was fiction of non-fiction. If there was doubt as to the status, it was usually listed as fiction. Index for Volume 46 through Volume 60, #3, was compiled by Victor Berch and Virgil Utter using only Tables of Contents, rather than the magazines. All information in the Tables of Contents is listed, including articles. The Boston Public Library’s complete run of the magazine was used to gather these Tables of Contents. The Library file is in library binding, sometimes losing the name of the cover artist in the edge-trimming process.

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