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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 3807

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    Dime Novel Round-Up [Vol. 9, No. 106, June 1941] (10pp) []
    Details supplied by Brian Earl Brown.
    • 1 · The Abandoned Farm House · “Noname” · ar; on finding old dime novels.
    • 4 · Newsy News · [uncredited] · ms
    • 7 · Members of the Happy Hours Brotherhood During 1941 · [uncredited] · ms

    Dime Novel Round-Up [Vol. 10, No. 109, September 1941] (8pp) []
    Details supplied by Brian Earl Brown.
    • 1 · “Old Boys” Magazines and Journals—The Beeton Publications · Frank Jay · ms (r); newspaper clipping.
    • 3 · Hero to Two Generations of Boys · [uncredited] · ar
    • 5 · Remember When · H. L. (Buck) Wilson · pm

    Dime Novel Round-Up [Vol. 10, No. 110, October 1941] (8pp) []
    Details supplied by Brian Earl Brown.
    • 1 · A Weaver of Romances · Ethel Clark Lewis · bg; biography of Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller.

    Dime Novel Round-Up [Volume 10, #113, February 1942] (10pp) []
    Details supplied by Brian Earl Brown.
    • 1 · Popular Songs of the Dime Novel Times · George H. Cordier · ar
    • 8 · Members of the Happy Hours Brotherhood During 1941 · [uncredited] · ms

    Dime Novel Round-Up [Volume 10, #118, July 1942] (10pp) []
    Details supplied by Brian Earl Brown.
    • 1 · Collection of Horror and Thrills · L. Morgan · ar
    • 2 · The Reason Why · U. G. Figley · ar; about the Harkaway stories.
    • 3 · Nick Carter and the Shadow Woman · Ralph Smith · ar
    • 6 · Uncle Seth on the Modern Novel · Sam Walter Foss · pm (r)
    • 7 · A Recommissioned Argosy · Charles Jonas · ms; announcement of Argosy’s change to a features magazine.

    Dime Novel Round-Up [Volume 10, #120, September 1942] (10pp) []
    Details supplied by Brian Earl Brown.
    • 1 · English Boys Magazines · G. H. C. · ar

    Dime Novel Round-Up [Volume 10, #123, December 1942] (8pp) []
    Details supplied by Brian Earl Brown.
    • 1 · The Ryerson Collection · J. C. · ar
    • 2 · The Buffalo Bill Stories Published by Beadle · [uncredited] · ms (r); newspaper clipping.
    • 5 · Merriwell’s Out of Date · Charles Fisher · vi
    • 6 · Beadle Reprints in Ivers’ and Westbrook’s Deadwood Dick and Frontier Libraries · Albert Johannsen · bi

    Dime Novel Round-Up [Volume 11, #125, February 1943] (8pp) []
    Details supplied by Brian Earl Brown.
    • 1 · “Dime” Novels Exhibited in the Express Window · [uncredited] · ms (r); newspaper clipping.
    • 2 · The Last Man of Keno Bar · Rev. Roland D. Sawyer · ar
    • 5 · A Complete List of the Members of the Happy Hours Brotherhood During 1942 · [uncredited] · ms

    Dime Novel Round-Up [Volume 11, #130, July 1943] (8pp) []
    Details supplied by Brian Earl Brown.
    • 1 · An Open Letter on the Writers of Golden Hours · Willis Hurd · ar

    Dime Novel Round-Up [Volume 11, #132, September 1943] (8pp) []
    Details supplied by Brian Earl Brown.
    • 1 · The Circus Is Coming to Town · [uncredited] · ms (r); a flyer for Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey circus.
    • 2 · Western Pioneer Days · J. H. Ambruster · ar
    • 3 · Magic California · Frisco Bert · ar

    Dime Novel Round-Up [Volume 11, #134, November 1943] (8pp) []
    Given as Vol. 12 on the first page.
    • 1 · A Famous Old English Boys Journal · Henry Steele · ar
    • 3 · A Complete List of All Members of the Happy Hours Brotherhood During 1943 · [uncredited] · ms

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