The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 8431
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[Galaxy] (items)
- At Home with Lady Godiva, (pi) Spree v1 #12, 1959
- Interview: Phyllis Schatz, (pi) Spree v1 #12, 1959
- Of Jobs and Gina, (pi) Knight July 1963
- Sexy Suzy, (pi) Adam April 1964
- [front cover], (cv) Adam April 1964
- The Law and Wendy Luton, (pi) Adam June 1964
- Sinful Streets of Soho (with Ken Williams), (pi) Pix v1 #5, 1964
- Swan-Girl, (pi) Adam July 1964
- Continental Charmer, (pi) Adam October 1964
- [photography], (pt) Adam October 1964
- The London Strippers, (pi) Adam April 1965
- Dawn of the Red-Headed League, (pi) Knight May 1965
- Miss Warren’s Profession, (pi) Knight January 1966
- Body English, (pi) Pix March 1966
- Liz Manning, (pi) Dude July 1966
- The Americanization of Emily, (pi) Dapper October 1967
- Valentine’s Day, (pi) Dapper October 1967
- Wood Nymph, (pi) Adam January 1968
- Raynam, Raynam, Don’t Go Away, (pi) Adam March 1968
[Galaxy International] (items)
- A Girl Named Eve, (pi) Adventure October 1960
- The Girl from O.R.G.Y., (pi) Dapper September 1965
- [front cover], (cv) Dapper September 1965
- [front cover], (cv) Dapper May 1966
- [front cover], (cv) Dapper June 1966
- Exclusive: Miss World of 1966, (pi) Dapper September 1966
- World’s Wildest Shuttle Flight, (pi) Dapper September 1966
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure April 1967
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure June 1967
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure August 1967
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure October 1967
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure December 1967
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure February 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure April 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure June 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure August 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure October 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure December 1968
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure February 1969
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure April 1969
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure June 1969
- [front cover] (with Frank Bez), (cv) Adventure August 1969
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure October 1969
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure December 1969
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure February 1970
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure April 1970
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure August 1970
- [front cover], (cv) Adventure October 1970
- Gloria, (pi) Dude July 1973
[Getty Images] (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2002
- [front cover], (cv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 2002
- [front cover] (with Currier & Ives), (cv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2007
- [front cover] (with Darius Hinks), (cv) Poe ed. Ellen Datlow, Solaris, 2009
- [front cover], (cv) Gateways ed. Elizabeth Anne Hull, Tor, 2010
- [front cover] (with Bert Hardy), (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 2012
- [front cover] (with Wakomka), (cv) The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2021 ed. Veronica Roth, Mariner Books, 2021
- [front cover] (with Wakomka), (cv) The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2022 ed. Rebecca Roanhorse, Mariner Books, 2022
[Glass Valkyrie Studios] (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasia Divinity Magazine #6, January 2017
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasia Divinity Magazine #8, March 2017
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasia Divinity Magazine #9, April 2017
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasia Divinity Magazine #10, May 2017
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasia Divinity Magazine #11, June 2017
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasia Divinity Magazine #12, July 2017
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasia Divinity Magazine #13, August 2017
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasia Divinity Magazine #14, September 2017
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasia Divinity Magazine #16, November 2017
[Globe Photos] (items)
- [photography], (pt) 10 Story Book August 1938
- And Who Is Czechoslovakia?, (??) 10 Story Book February 1939
- [photography], (pt) 10 Story Book April 1939
- [photography], (pt) 10 Story Book May 1939
- Burglar-Proof!, (pi) 10 Story Book June 1939
- [photography], (pt) 10 Story Book July 1939
- [photography], (pt) 10 Story Book August 1939 [Ref. Ruth Terry]
- Oh for the Life of a Sailor!, (ms) 10 Story Book September 1939
- [photography], (pt) 10 Story Book December 1939
- [front cover], (cv) Cosmopolitan August 1953
- Brussels’ Delight, (pi) Adam October 1956
- Antipasto, (pi) Caper June 1957
- Blanc et Noir, (pi) Caper June 1957
- Brigitte Bardot, (pi) Adventure October 1958
- Stardust in Her Eyes, (pi) Adventure February 1959
- Sunrise Girl: Dawn Richards, (pi) Adventure December 1960
- Coccinelle, (pi) Adam January 1962
- Bundle from Britain: Sally Douglas, (pi) Adventure February 1962
- Club Mayol (with Len Sirman), (pi) Pix v1 #4, 1964
- 38-22-36=Roxanne, (pi) Pix February 1968
- [illustration(s)] (with Antonion Sansone), (il) Penthouse (UK) April 1969
- Ruth, (pi) Dude July 1973
- Sandy, (pi) Dude July 1973
[Graphic House] (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range November 1945
- Behind the Bamboo Curtain, (pi) Good Humor October 1958
- Mountain Girl, (pi) Caper November 1958
- Cigarette Psychology, (pi) Caper May 1959
- Pundit Peeler, (pi) Adam June 1961
- Girl at the Beach: Nona Van Tosh, (pi) Adventure October 1961
- Let’s Broaden Your Education, (pi) Dude January 1965
- Let’s Play Statues, (pi) Dude January 1965
- Star Gazer, (pi) Dude January 1965
- Biloxi Will Never Be the Same, (pi) Dude February 1965
- Dutch Treat, (pi) Dude February 1965
- A Lemon Flavored Lollipop, (pi) Dude February 1965
- Ready for the Time Machine, (pi) Dude March 1965
- The Russian Bared, (pi) Dude March 1965
- Altogether, Boys & Girls, (pi) Dude May 1965
- What Makes Samantha Run, (pi) Dude June 1965
- You Have to Get Used to Nantucket, (pi) Dude June 1965
- Figures Don’t Lie, (pi) Dude August 1965
- Swenson’s the Name, (pi) Dude August 1965
- June Moon, (pi) Pix Summer 1967
- One of the Roving Kind, (pi) Adam June 1967
- Girls of the Crazy Horse, (pi) Knight July 1967
- Kooks Tour, (pi) Dude July 1967
- Linda, (pi) Dude July 1967
- My Name’s Elaine, (pi) Pix Autumn 1967
- Paula: Dapper’s Date of the Month, (pi) Dapper October 1967
- Lazy Susan, (pi) Adam November 1967
- Southern Comfort, (pi) Knight March 1968
- Fugitive, (pi) Pix April 1970
- Chandrika, (pi) Knight December 1970
- Jeanette Biffiger, (pi) Knight January 1971
- Lily of Lambeth, (pi) Knight January 1971
- Dixie Daniels, (pi) Knight February 1971
- Gretchen Martin, (pi) Knight February 1971
- Samantha Bond, (pi) Adam February 1971
- Love Locks, (pi) Knight August 1971
- Niki Soren, (pi) Adam September 1971
- Ingrid, (pi) Adam March 1972
- Hold It!, (pi) Pix May 1972
- [front cover], (cv) Pix May 1972
- Roni Bell, (pi) Adam June 1972, etc.
- Eva Landin, (pi) Adam August 1972
- Shirley Henningson, (pi) Adam August 1972
- Chastity Belts, Ltd., (ar) Pix September 1972
- Jasmin Willard, (pi) Adam October 1972
- The Civil War, (pi) Adam November 1972
- Irene, (pi) Dude July 1973
- Karen, (pi) Dude July 1973
- Jasmin, (pi) Pix October 1973
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