The FictionMags Index
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York, Pat(ricia) (1947-2005) (items)
- Truckin’, (ss) Tomorrow April 1995
- Cool Zone, (ss) Full Spectrum 5 ed. Jennifer Hershey, Tom Dupree & Janna Silverstein, Bantam Spectra, 1995
- A Faerie’s Tale, (pm) Realms of Fantasy August 1996
- The Toxic Baby, (ss) New Altars ed. Dawn Albright & Sandra J. Hutchinson, Angelus Press, 1997
- The Great Leaving, (ss) Odyssey #2, 1998
- Lustman, (ss) Realms of Fantasy February 1998
- You Wandered Off Like a Foolish Child to Break Your Heart and Mine, (ss) Silver Birch, Blood Moon ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Avon, 1999
- On “You Wandered Off Like a Foolish Child to Break Your Heart and Mine”, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #150, Summer 2001
- Moonfuture Incorporated, (ss) Explorer ed. Julie E. Czerneda, Trifolium Books, 2002
- Home on the Range, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2003
- The Fish’s Story, (ss) Swan Sister ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Simon & Schuster, 2003
York, Rebecca; pseudonym of Ruth Glick & Eileen Buckholtz (fl. 1980s-2010s) (items)
- Bayou Moon, (ex) 1992
- Burning Moon, (na) Cravings, Jove, 2004
- Night Ecstasy, (ss) Immortal Bad Boys, Kensington/Brava, 2004
- Shattered Dreams, (na) What Dreams May Come, Berkley Sensation, 2005
- Hero’s Welcome, (nv) The Journey Home ed. Mary Kirk, ImaJinn Books, 2005
- Second Chance, (na) Midnight Magic, Tor, 2006
- Bond of Silver, (na) Unleashed, Berkley Sensation, 2006
- Huntress Moon, (na) Elemental Magic, Berkley, 2007
- Afternoon in Paradise, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Hot Romance ed. Sonia Florens, Robinson, 2011
Yorke, C. B. (fl. 1920s-1930s) (items)
- Moll Madness, (ss) The Underworld Magazine April 1929
- Queen of the Mob, (nv) Gangster Stories January 1930
- When Moll Meets Moll, (nv) Gangster Stories February 1930
- Drag, (nv) Gangster Stories March 1930
- Arms and the Moll [Queen Sue], (nv) Gangster Stories August 1930
- Pineapple Salad, (ss) Racketeer Stories October 1930
- Mother of Guns [Queen Sue], (nv) Gangster Stories January 1931
- The Suicide Murders, (ss) The Underworld Magazine February 1931
- Hunted [Queen Sue], (nv) Gangster Stories March 1931
- Mob Murder, (nv) Gangland Stories March 1931
- Called, (ss) Speakeasy Stories April/May 1931
- Gun Gold, (na) Gangster Stories April 1931
- Hot Numbers, (na) Gangster Stories May 1931
- Moll of the Night, (nv) Gangland Stories May/June 1931
- The Booze Booster, (nv) Gangster Stories June 1931
- Bulls Prefer Blondes, (nv) Speakeasy Stories June/July 1931
- The Return of Queen Sue [Queen Sue], (nv) Gangster Stories July 1931
- Thin Ice [Velma Dare], (nv) Gangland Stories July/August 1931
- Wrapped in Silk, (ss) Murder Stories July/August 1931
- Blood Money, (nv) Gangster Stories August 1931
- Blind Mice [Wanda Gaul], (nv) Gangster Stories September 1931
- In at the Kill, (nv) Gangland Stories September/October 1931
- Snowbound [Queen Sue], (nv) Gangster Stories October 1931
- Sucker Bait, (nv) Speakeasy Stories October/November 1931
- Black Ice, (na) Gangster Stories November 1931
- Snook, the College Killer, (ar) Courtroom Stories November 1931
- The Love Nest Murder, (n.) Front Page Stories December 1931/January 1932
- Saps Don’t Live! [Wanda Gaul], (nv) Gangster Stories December 1931
- Borrowed Time [Queen Sue], (nv) Gangster Stories January 1932
- Devil’s Decoy, (ss) Gangland Stories January/February 1932
- Murder for a Thrill, (ss) Courtroom Stories January 1932
- Business at Midnight, (nv) Gangster Stories February 1932
- Iron City, (na) Front Page Stories February/March 1932
- Perjured Justice, (ss) Courtroom Stories February 1932
- One Second of Sex, (nv) Gangster Stories March 1932
- Bullet Breed, (ss) Gangster Stories April 1932
- Throb Sister, (ss) Front Page Stories April/May 1932
- Mile-a-Minute Racket [Queen Sue], (ss) Gangster Stories May 1932
- Echo of Death [Velma Dare], (ss) Racketeer and Gangland Stories June 1932
- Wanted! [Velma Dare], (ss) Racketeer and Gangland Stories July 1932
- Feud Fever, (ss) Two Gun Stories September 1932
- Kidnapped, (ss) The Underworld Magazine October 1932
- Purely Personal [B. B. Brandt], (nv) Gangster Stories July 1932
- Not So Simple, (ss) The Phantom Detective December 1933
- Smart Baby, (ss) Clues July 1934
- Curtains for Killers, (ss) The Feds November 1936
- Death at Dawn, (ss) Mystery Adventures Magazine March 1937
Yorke, Curtis; pseudonym of Susan Richmond Lee (1854-1930) (items)
- In Some Other World, (ss) London Society April 1888
- Carhilton’s Choice, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1889
- Almost!, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1891
- An Adequate Reason, (ss) Romance September 1893
- A Romance on a Roof, (ss) The Story-teller February 1908
- Concerning Catterby, (ss) The Story-teller August 1908
- The Coming and Going of Peter, (ss) The Story-teller November 1908
- Black Ingratitude, (ss) Penny Pictorial #510, March 6 1909
- How Brownie Went Home, (ss) The Queen May 4 1912
- Enchanted!, (ss) The Story-teller June 1912
- Regarding Rebecca, (ss) The Story-teller November 1916
Yorke, Margaret; pseudonym of Margaret Beda Larminie Nicholson (1924-2012) (items)
- The Liberator, (ss) Winter’s Crimes 9 ed. George Hardinge, Macmillan UK, 1977
- Always Rather a Prig, (ss) John Creasey’s Crime Collection 1978 ed. Herbert Harris, Gollancz, 1978
- Oxford vs. Cambridge: The Dark Blues Have the Most, (ar) Murder Ink: The Mystery Reader’s Companion ed. Dilys Winn, Workman Publishing, 1977
- St. Mary Mead and Other Troubled Villages, (ar) Murder Ink: The Mystery Reader’s Companion ed. Dilys Winn, Workman Publishing, 1977
- Such a Gentleman, (ss) The Mystery Guild Anthology ed. John Waite, Constable, 1980
- A Time for Indulgence, (ss) Winter’s Crimes 13 ed. George Hardinge, Macmillan UK, 1981
- Fair and Square, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1982
- The Wrath of Zeus, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1984
- Anniversary, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1986
- Gifts from the Bridegroom, (ss) Winter’s Crimes 18 ed. Hilary Hale, Macmillan UK, 1986
- The Mouse Will Play, (ss) The (London) Evening News September 21 1987
- The Breasts of Aphrodite, (ss) New Crimes ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 1989
- The Luck of the Draw, (ss) Winter’s Crimes 21 ed. Hilary Hale, Macmillan UK, 1989
- Midnight Hag by Joan Fleming, (ar) Mystery Writers Annual #44, 1990 [Ref. Joan Fleming]
- Means to Murder, (ss) A Classic English Crime ed. Tim Heald, Pavilion, 1990
- Widow’s Might, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1991
- A Small Excitement, (ss) Winter’s Crimes 23 ed. Maria Rejt, Macmillan UK, 1991
- Some of My Characters Who Haunt Me, (ar) The Fine Art of Murder ed. Ed Gorman, Martin H. Greenberg, Larry Segriff & Jon L. Breen, Carroll & Graf, 1993
- The Last Resort, (ss) 2nd Culprit ed. Liza Cody & Michael Z. Lewin, Chatto & Windus, 1993
- A Little Dose of Friendship, (ss) Midwinter Mysteries 4 ed. Hilary Hale, Little, Brown UK, 1994
- Marbles, (ss) No Alibi ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Ringpull Press, 1995
- Mugs, (ss) A Classic Christmas Crime ed. Tim Heald, Pavilion, 1995
- Rum Business [Patrick Grant], (nv) Whydunit? ed. Martin Edwards, Severn House, 1997
- Highland Mist, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1998
- The Error of His Ways, (ss) Malice Domestic 7 ed. Beth Foxwell, Avon, 1998
- The Woman from Marlow, (ss) The Detection Collection ed. Simon Brett, St. Martin's Minotaur, 2006
- The Reckoning, (ss) Woman
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